A lawsuit registered in Bangalore City Civil Court on 12/6/2020 (June 12, 2020), with USPTO and Hulsey PC as defendants.
USPTO has deliberately issued a fabricated ISR – International Search Report (on Aug 5, 2015), which cites fabricated prior art of Cobb, Price, Saenger and Hale, with a fabricated past date (of Nov 4, 2014) on the report, which further had a two-month deadline (Jan 4, 2015) to respond to make Article 19 amendments, the due date of which was expired long ago. This deliberate fraud was to block my global IP rights to my Invention of Vehicle Color Change Technology from 61 Non-USA Countries where I have entered National Stage by using my PCT global application. The same USPTO issued a patent grant for the USA national territory, rightfully so (on Dec 16, 2014) as there was no prior art even remotely close to my Invention of Vehicle Color Change Technology. This was thoroughly corroborated by the IP lawyer (Hulsey PC) search and their conclusive Search results issued in Feb 2014. The fabricated prior art are all local USA applications and they never existed before Aug 5, 2015.
The deliberate fraud was committed by USPTO as I abandoned the Green Card (by staying outside USA beyond a 180-day period) and declared that I would remain an Indian citizen. They would not have committed the fraud if I were to take US citizenship. They committed this global fraud when they realized the wealth from the PCT countries (61 non-USA countries in this case) would come to me (an Indian citizen) and to India. They wanted to block this and thus committed this global fraud.
USPTO and Hulsey PC fraud has been caught red handed in a documented way which is visible to the entire World. They have committed a ‘Breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty’ that has been signed by over 150 countries in the World. They are answerable to me, India, all its citizens, and 60 other Non-USA countries for their fraud. Further, they are answerable to WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization, which governs the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and to all 150 or more countries that have signed the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
The lawsuit was filed on 12/6/2020 with an 18-page plaint, 22 documents as attachments and cover legal papers, all of which total to 294 pages along with the Index Sheet. The entire lawsuit could be accessed at the following attached links. All 294 pages (as presented to the Hon’ble Court) have been digitized and are accessible at these links.
I request people all over the World, WIPO, all the countries that have signed Patent Cooperation Treaty to access these documents and learn the entire lawsuit and see the globally visible fraud of USPTO for themselves.
Srinivas Devathi, Inventor to Vehicle Color Change Technology
Plaintiff in the lawsuit OS 2613 of 2020.
Links to the case as filed and all the documents submitted to the Hon’ble Court.
Index Sheet
Plaint – Pages 1 to 18
Legal lawsuit cover documents – Pages 19 to 23
Attached documents (22 in all) from pages 24 to 293.
A remark on page 29 is in these scanned attachments and is not present in the Court filed page 29. That is the only difference. Otherwise all these documents are exactly as the suit has been filed with the Hon’ble Court.
End of links. The above links cover all pages and documents as filed with Hon’ble Court.
The following final orders were issued by the court for OS 2613 of 2020.
An Appeal was filed at High Court of Karnataka against the impugned orders. MFA 3315 of 2020.
The legal facts / legal arguments sharing the jurisdiction and maintainability of the suit was provided to the High Court. I presented the legal arguments to CJK (Chief Justice of Karnataka) in the 10 minutes allowed for me to argue, given the busy schedule. I presented the arguments given in the attached file.
While CJK acknowledged some of the documents presented, and recorded the PCT international application details, he did not deliver final orders for district court to initiate proceedings in OS 2613 of 2020 according to law. Attached here are the final orders given by High Court of Karnataka, Chief Justice of Karnataka for the appeal.
Now this lawsuit impugned orders will be appealed with Supreme Court of India. I am looking forward to presenting the facts to Chief Justice of India, to get the right orders issued to the Bangalore city civil court.
Supreme Court appeal work is in progress.
While waiting on appeal at the higher courts, I filed another suit adding / providing legal arguments about jurisdiction and cause of action, at the Bangalore city civil court. This was given a case number OS 532 of 2021. The documents of this suit OS 532 of 2021 are attached here.
Documents attached, pages 49 to 456.
Additional documents submitted in Feb 2021.
The following final orders were issued by the court for OS 532 of 2021.
Video created by Srinivas Devathi pin pointing the exact reason behind why USA committed this global fraud. Blocking wealth from an Indian citizen and India.
A visual illustration of USPTO fraud and breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty.

The expected resolution of USPTO fraud and conclusion of the distribution of IP rights to 62 countries.

Visit the webpage https://srinivasdevathi.com/details-of-36-sale-agreements-for-liability-claim-of-93-trillion/ for the full break down and details of the 36 sale agreements / 36 sale deals that will be the final resolution of USPTO fraud and breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty that has been signed by 153 countries. The webpage is in the dropdown list of CJI tab in the menu options at the top of the page.
Procedural fraud of USA and USPTO given in the form of visual diagrams

The execution & completion of the following 36 deals are the correct & expected outcome of the global lawsuit OS 4961 of 2018, linking 62 world countries. In conjunction with Project Earthling©, the following 36 deals will conclude the global IP rights entanglement lawsuit. The 36 upcoming largest deals in the World are given here. These sale prices by territory have been arrived by using 2018 nominal GDP numbers of some of the countries. We may adjust the sale prices of the territories by factoring in 2019 actual nominal GDP numbers, once they are officially available with United Nations. The number of deals went up from 35 to 36, post Brexit conclusion on Jan 31, 2020.
For India territory, the Srinivas-Narendra deal will be renamed as Srinivas-Third Millennium deal. The understanding between me and Indian government is as per my LIVING WILL. I have pledged a total of 45% of the entire wealth to Indian central and state governments. Mr. Narendra Modi has in principle approved this understanding and arrangement.
After the Srinivas-Third Millennium deal is executed, I will give IP Licenses to Indian automobile manufacturers to exploit, use and launch the inventive technology. Simultaneously, I will promote technology introduction in other sectors and necessary downstream businesses to thrive for next 100 years in India. It must be understood that, since I would have cashed out as Inventor with 2.25 Trillion Earthlings, I will look to build and roll out all downstream businesses as new companies and allow them to branch away to become independent new companies. I shall stay focused on Goal Year 2050 for India and its related work.

Visit the webpage https://srinivasdevathi.com/details-of-36-sale-agreements-for-liability-claim-of-93-trillion/ for the full break down and details of the 36 sale agreements / 36 sale deals that will be the final resolution of USPTO fraud and breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty that has been signed by 153 countries. The webpage is in the dropdown list of CJI tab in the menu options at the top of the page.
Projected timeline for the execution of 36 sale agreements, to be tracked and followed by the entire world
Projection of timeline to conclude the execution of 36 sale agreements for the full value of 93 Trillion Earthlings. I am working towards achieving this timeline. However, I am bound by the procedures of Indian judiciary, introduction of Project Earthling© at UNGA, coordinating the schedules of 62 country and EC leaders and designated signatories, media publications, broadcast, and discussion of the subjects. I plan on coordinating and working with all these stakeholders to achieve the following timeline. I am optimistic that the world (all 193 countries) will go along with me in this objective of delivering ‘Real independence and freedom to all countries’, and for the combined good and brighter future of all of humanity.

The 35 tri-party sale agreements will be executed in a way to bring approximately 20% of the value in first year of the sale agreement (year 2022), with the balance (approximate 80% of the value) distributed to come in as payments payable to me in the next 13 years (years 2023 to 2035). The last payment would come in year 2035, a year after the expiry of my patent US 8,910,998 issued on 16-12-2014.
Tentatively planned launch of the first Earthling Foundation (public) trust initiative, which will be broadcasted and followed worldwide: June or July of year 2023.
A strategy document as outlined for a UNITED INDIA. This unites Indian Government, Its Ministry of External Affairs, Indian UN Team, 1.32 Billion Indian citizens, 29 State Governments, Union Territories and Patriotic Indian media houses to build India’s treasury of 93 Trillion in Earthlings, by building consensus across 192 countries, on the proposed solution and transformative ecosystem as recommended by Inventor & Author Srinivas S. Devathi.
Citizenship and patent application filing addresses:
Srinivas S. Devathi has always been an INDIAN citizen and will remain that way all his life.
He needed a local address to file the priority patent application with USPTO. Using a ‘Virtual office’ service provider, in this case Regus, he rented a ‘Virtual office’ which receive all correspondence mail, telephone calls on the renters behalf, depending on the plan you choose with them. I rented a Virtual office with Regus – 111, Congress Ave, Suite 400, Austin, Texas – 78701, USA. I rented their services from January of 2014 until February of 2020. The priority patent application for USA territory 14/227,859, the PCT International application PCT/US2014/046619, and the USPTO continuation application 14/535,867 were filed using this rented ‘Virtual office’ address, as my correspondence address with the PTO. On these applications the correspondence address will be changed to my permanent residential address as required.
He has used his permanent Indian residential address for filing the three PCT applications for other sectors filed on 24-2-2016.
It must be understood by people all over the World that the citizenship of the inventor is what matters in global IP rights and whether or not the country of his citizenship signed ‘Patent Cooperation Treaty’.
In this context, India has signed the Patent Cooperation Treaty and I am an Indian citizen. Thus, all the IP rights and its related proceeds from the inventors global IP rights will come to the Inventor and into the country of his citizenship. So, I would receive all 93 Trillion Earthlings / $ as the liability claim payment from USA defendants and will bring the wealth in to India.
Status of over 150 PCT contracting states applications, by virtue of PCT application PCT/US2014/046619.

Status of 18 applications covering a total of 62 countries.