FINAL Status of the Lawsuit – Dismissed on 13-10-2022.
Given that it has been over 18 months since the suit has been filed on 9-4-2021, and defendant 6 – ICJ – International Court of Justice is not maintainable, the court has dismissed the suit. Section 86 is cited against Defendant 6. The court orders uploaded to the Bangalore city civil court website are attached here. I am waiting for the certified true copies of the orders.
Suit Details.
Given the conservative valuation of my Invention of ‘Systems and methods for altering the color, appearance, or feel of a vehicle surface’ patent US 8,910,998 worldwide (62 countries) IP rights sale price set at 93 Trillion Earthlings / $; the people listed in webpage ‘Public Enemies of Srinivas Devathi and 191 world countries’, have used many ‘Negative tactics’ to block the wealth from coming to me, block the wealth from coming into India and thus block the prosperity of Hindus living in India, economic growth of India, progress & development of India. All these negative tactics must be neutralized.
A suit to ‘Neutralize all negative tactics adopted by Public enemies listed in the webpage mentioned above’ has been filed in the court where the jurisdiction resides; in Bangalore; due to my Indian citizenship and permanent residential address in Bangalore, India.
The current ongoing active suit to ‘neutralize negative tactics’ is attached here:
Documents submitted to the court on 3-7-2021.
The following document was submitted along with memorandum for production of additional documents to the court on 17-1-2022.
Activity on 29-8-2022. Documents 7A and 16 were submitted to the Honorable court. Details about the suit were shared with the Honorable court.
Activity on 16-9-2022. Document 16A was submitted to the Honorable court, which is attached here. Details about the suit were shared with the Honorable court.
Status of the Lawsuit.
It must be understood that this is a defensive lawsuit and when I confirm that all negative tactics are removed, all roadblocks are removed for me and my patents, their related wealth; this lawsuit will come to conclusion and would suffice its purpose.
Given the question on maintainability of defendant 6 in the suit, ICJ, OS 40 of 2022 has been filed with all the necessary legal verification and validation steps built into its prayer points. This suit, as a parent suit to OS 40 of 2022 shall conclude, come to its culmination, end when the suits OS 40 of 2022 and OS 2487 of 2021 come to their conclusion according to law.
Case given serial number OS 2486 / 2021. Court hall CCH-10.
Next court hearing date: 13-10-2022
ICJ operates under statute 34 as established with UNSC. UNSC has five permanent members China, Russia, France, USA, and UK. All UN expenses have been paid in USD ($), thus USA controlling all activities of UN.
Myself and the Honorable court do not have any means of legally verifying and validating that defendants 1-5, defendants 7-9, usa, uk, or their paid (bribed) allies have attempted negative tactics against me at any of the UN organs or at any of the PCT contracting states. I am reviewing this with MEA – Legal and Treaties team who can alone legally verify and validate these facts for me and the Honorable court, or provide a legal means to summon UN, UNSC, or UN Secretary General into the court. The case has been posted for a long date.
Among the alternatives, exercising the authority of Indian Ministry of External Affairs, MEA, Legal and Treaties division, along with other divisions as necessary seems to be the most legally viable option. Thus, suit OS 40 of 2022 has been filed in the same court CCH-10, with prayer points to address all the legal verifications required by me and the Honorable court.
FINAL Status of the Lawsuit – Dismissed on 13-10-2022.
Given that it has been over 18 months since the suit has been filed and defendant 6 is not maintainable, the court has dismissed the suit. Section 86 is cited against Defendant 6.
Detailed Status. Steps involved.
Need to get MEA – Legal and Treaties team, legal verification and validation that no negative tactics have been used against me at any organs of United Nation (United Nations Security Council, United Nations General Assembly, United Nations Economic and Social Council, International Court of Justice, United Nations Trusteeship Council, or United Nations Secretariat), or with their 193 member countries, or at WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization, or even in Indian courts such as Supreme Court of India, all the High courts in India, or Bangalore city civil court itself.
Need to get an investigation report to address prayer points 12 to 15. These two points shall ensure the withdrawal of this negative tactics lawsuit.
Legal changes as compared to earlier suits.
As compared to OS 6297 of 2021, in this suit OPEC was removed as a defendant. OPEC director general however has been informed about the fire scam via e-mail communication. Harvard university will be allowed as a defendant by the court. Maintainability of ICJ as a defendant will be argued on the next hearing date.
ICJ and their written statement is vital for neutralizing USA negative tactics. Without ICJ statement, there is no way for me, the Bangalore city civil court, and the presiding judge to affirmatively conclude that USA, their corporations or allies have not attempted negative tactics to frame me negatively at any of the 62 countries where I have IP rights, or at any of the six organs of UN, which are United Nations General Assembly, United Nations economic and social council, United Nations secretariat, United Nations security council, United Nations Trusteeship council, and ICJ itself. Their written statement to Bangalore city civil court will be a huge relief for me, India, and Hindus living in India that no foul play has been done by USA or their allies in other countries or at UN.
An earlier ‘neutralize negative tactics suit’ was given a case number OS 6297 of 2021. Attached here is the entire suit as filed. Rotate the pages 90 degrees if required.
The court allowed the maintainability of all USA corporations, however cited maintainability questions about D6-8, OPEC, ICJ, and Harvard University. I presented the court with the following response (attached documents) on maintainability of D6-8. All the additional documents and legal arguments were presented to the court on 26-2-2021. OPEC was brought in to neutralize the Fire scam and inform them about my invention and its effects on OPEC. ICJ and their written statement is vital for neutralizing USA negative tactics. Without ICJ statement, there is no way for me, the Bangalore city civil court, and the presiding judge to affirmatively conclude that USA, their corporations or allies have not attempted negative tactics to frame me negatively at any of the 62 countries where I have IP rights, or at any of the six organs of UN, which are United Nations General Assembly, United Nations economic and social council, United Nations secretariat, United Nations security council, United Nations Trusteeship council, and ICJ itself. Their written statement to Bangalore city civil court will be a huge relief for me, India, and Hindus living in India that no foul play has been done by USA or their allies in other countries or at UN. Harvard has attempted to destroy India with wrong advise, wrong economic models, bribing India with unheard of numbers in the history, and derailing Indian universities. Hence they were brought into the suit.
The following final orders were passed by the court not allowing the suit.
Some schematic content presented to the court.

Everything stated in this suit is true and it will help me eliminate all the roadblocks that the defendants in the suit have laid out over the last 13 years, many of which have been created and set in forums and organizations which are inaccessible to me and outside of my knowledge. The defendants have created their own microcosm of world to steal the invention and its related wealth. All of these would be neutralized and eliminated by the Hon’ble Courts orders to this lawsuit.
Since International Court of Justice is inaccessible to individual inventors and citizens, I have communicated to them through the Bangalore city civil court and have requested that they take necessary action at their end, to neutralize all negative tactics used by defendants at United Nations level, which is inaccessible to me. Hence ICJ is defendant 7 in the suit.
A visual flowchart of sale price estimates, and the questions to be answered by all 193 countries is given in this file
The correct, right option available to the 193 world countries is given in this file
The worldwide fraud attempted by USA and UK, which is unacceptable to the 193 world countries. The wrong option is given in this file
Foundational legal principle followed across the world, which is a hurdle to my public enemies
USA-UK and their allies who have attempted to use negative tactics against me must understand one thing very clearly.
Most of the judicial organs, courts across the world allow ‘Party-in-person’ representation since the fundamental law / principle they adopt is ‘people are presumed mentally fit and normal (sane) unless proven otherwise in the court in the presence of the subject and the Honorable judges’. The onus to prove such a thing is on people who are attempting to do so against any person.
This is precisely the reason as to why USA-UK or any of their allies have not shown up or confronted me in any court till date. They know that their fraud will be exposed in front of the Honorable court and judges. Further, I also state that I have always been a person of sound mental health and in that a very high achiever, with success stories to script all across my life. My inventions and globally transformative subjects speak for themselves.