In this page, I bring my direction on some of the globally relevant subjects that the world countries are already discussing, or will be discussing in the near future.

Author: Srinivas S. Devathi, Bangalore – 560079, INDIA
Copyright from Indian copyright office, with registration number L-123137/2023, received on 2-6-2023.
- Enable termination of rouge old world order.
- Enable the taking live and establishment of NEW WORLD ORDER.
Problem Definition:
The inequal world, with economic inequality, business inequality, trade inequality, dripping with racism, hatred, and jealousy, along with forced slavery in different forms imposed by rouge old world order usa, uk, and puppet un, on 191 world countries.
The perspectives, POV – point of views, authored to clearly explain and define the wrongdoings, negative ideologies, sabotaging ideas, destroying agendas, imposing all forms of slavery, forcing human trafficking for labor slavery, and sex slavery, along with devious diabolical objectives of killing people from across the world to harvest their organs and hearts to get a second life, of the old world order.
The perspectives, POV – point of views, authored to clearly explain and define the NEW WORLD ORDER which will deliver real freedom, true independence, to all the world countries, all the world citizens, brings about economic equality, business equality, trade equality, ends all forms of slavery, defines international law, medical law, and COUNCILS which genuinely work for the established ideologies.
These perspectives, will enable the transition from old world order into the NEW WORLD ORDER, thus liberating the world countries and world citizens from the strangle hold slavery of old world order.
Copyright cross reference:
This Copyright ‘RIGHT PERSPECTIVES FOR THE WORLD’ cross references and links to my earlier authored work, with copyright issues of, PROJECT EARTHLING©, a macro-economic reform which is registered with a registration number L81033/2019 by Indian Copyright Office dated 22/02/2019, and UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL GOVERNANCE MODEL 2020©, a macro-governance reform which is registered with a registration number L-91243/2020 by Indian Copyright Office dated 14/05/2020.
Reference webpages and websites:
The RIGHT PERSPECTIVES FOR THE WORLD, use the following ‘Original Suit’ OS references. OS 2486 of 2021. Information about this OS, suit as filed and the court orders are accessible at my website webpage: OS 40 of 2022. Information about this OS, suit as filed and the court orders are accessible at my website webpage: OS 2487 of 2021. Information about this OS, suit as filed and the court orders are accessible at my website webpage: Other reference websites include,, and
In the recent months here are some discussions and perspectives I have shared with the worldwide media houses:
INDEX for the ‘ Right perspectives for the world’.
The ‘Right perspectives for the world’ published here are most relevant and are significant to all the 191 world countries and 9 billion citizens of the world. I request everyone to read all the perspectives, since no one perspective is less important. For selective reading of perspectives and quick reference, I present the following INDEX with various segments, across which the 79 POV’S are segregated.

POV 1:
Segment: Fire Scam
The approach that must be taken by world countries to take the ‘battle between oil and electric-renewable forward’. Here is my view, and direction on the subject.
How should the 193 world countries approach this oil against electric battle?
I recommend that the the question ‘Should there be more investments made in creating and identifying new renewable energy sources?’ be brought to the decisive voting in a NO or YES decisive voting options given to all 193 countries when my macro-governance reform of United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c) goes live in the GI-50 and G-193 model. This reform is expected to go live very soon, after my authored macroeconomic reform Project Earthling(c) goes live.
Such a voting option must be presented to all 193 countries with say a gap of 10 years between polls if the previous poll outcome resulted in a majority ‘NO’. The poll on the subject must be considered ended when a majority vote of ‘Yes’ is reached by all 193 countries, when GI-50 will formally write to all the countries that have facilities, infrastructure, talent, skill, ability, and/or are ready to make such investments to work in this area. This constitutes a ‘Formal request’ from the 193 world countries.
How to prepare for such a ‘Decisive voting’?
All 193 countries must work on the details of the following case study:
What is the near term, mid term, and long term economic impact, and quantified financial impact, jobs impact, and GDP impact to my country IF all cars, automobiles, or vehicles, that are driven in my country are 100 out of 100 electric vehicles?
This case study will help your determine when you are ready to vote YES for the decisive question posed to you.
I encourage all 193 countries to also attempt to additionally work on the case study:
What is the near term, mid term, and long term global economic impact, and quantified financial impact, jobs impact, and GDP impact to the world IF all cars, automobiles, or vehicles, that are driven in the world are 100 out of 100 electric vehicles?
Two categories of countries that have significant economic impact with electric vehicles taking over the market.
Automotive manufacturing countries – There are an estimated 40 to 45 countries in the world that manufacture over 99% of vehicles / automobiles manufactured in the world. These countries with global brand OEM’S source the estimated 2,500 to 3,000 components that they assemble into vehicles that run on the current day combustion engines. This supply chain network yearly production output and the yearly OEM production output drives their countries economy and GDP numbers. They will want to slow the transition of market share into electric vehicles.
OPEC countries – While there are 14 member countries in OPEC, there are an estimated 30 to 40 countries in the world that have significant oil reserves and export oil to other countries of the world. The oil trade and sale of these countries drives their countries economy and GDP numbers. They will want to slow the transition of market share into electric vehicles.
These two categories of countries and other countries which are also integrated into the supply chain of oil trade, oil by-products, and integrated into the supply chain of OEM / vehicle manufacturing also have indirect economic and GDP impact.
In summary working on the given case studies will prepare the country for the decisive voting at the G-193 assembly in my authored macro-governance reform model.
Estimated statistical variance that must be expected by countries:
While most of the countries in the world might have negative variance of their GDP by say an estimated 5% to 10%, the countries in the above mentioned two categories will have negative variance of their GDP anywhere in the range of 20% to 50%.
The world economy will also take a negative variance by world GDP correcting by a estimated 30% to 40%. The counter boost to economy will come from the various different renewable sources that may drive these vehicles, main one in focus being battery operated vehicles that are electrically charged.
Example country:
An example I can give is usa that has significant automotive manufacturing within their country. Given their oil reserves, and oil import bill since they are one of the largest consumers of oil in the world, if usa manufactured vehicles in a financial year are all 100% electric, say Tesla, usa GDP will shrink by an estimated 50%. This means 50% of their GDP will be knocked off if they go 100% electric vehicles. So, the world must expect that they would vote a decisive NO in the very first poll conducted on this subject.
The answer will be a decisive NO by Uk, Saudi, and Uae in the very first poll, taking these countries as few other examples.
POV 2:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), Sub-segment: Judicial Council
The REAL justice for 192 world countries shall become available when my authored macro-governance reform ‘United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)’ is taken live.
ICJ to be replaced by a new ‘Judicial Council’.
Todays ICJ would be replaced in the reformed governance structure in which a ‘Judicial council’ will be formed which will be lead by 193 judges, one from each country; with the divisions leadership set on a rotation model. Where the country cannot nominate their own country judge to the council, they might call upon their GI-50 local ally to nominate a judge from their country on their behalf. The council will take in lawsuits that are country VS country, and also allow select other lawsuits that are not necessarily country VS country. I shall define the full span, judicial ability, and control of this organization when I get to that stage of detailed organization structure definition. This council will be able to take in all the ‘Import bill fraud committed by usa lawsuits by intentionally manipulating and strengthening their currency against all the world currencies over the last 240 years’. They will be 192 suits. The council will also have the capacity to handle a few thousand lawsuits. The council will see volume of lawsuits in the next couple decades, however in the long term given the international law enforced by the new governance model across the world, the volume of lawsuits are expected to taper off and reduce significantly. The council staff numbers might be adjusted, however under all circumstances the council will have 193 sitting judges, one from each country as explained above ready to deliver justice.
In the next two decades, usa must expect lawsuits against them from the other 192 countries of the world. The first of which is the ‘Import bill fraud lawsuit’ as mentioned above. Some examples of the other lawsuits the 192 non-usa countries might consider filing against usa are:
– Crimes against humanity lawsuits. For war crimes, or death inflicted. The liability claims will be made in Earthlings.
– Privacy invasion lawsuits. For breach of private space, or personal life. This might further result in manipulation of the persons life. Claims for damages or liability will be made in Earthlings.
– For many ways usa has targeted their country, racially, using divide and destroy strategy, supplying arms to kill each other by created internal conflicts, carrot dangling to create internal conflicts to kill each other, illegal trade forced on the country, or imposed slavery on the country. Claims will be made in Earthlings.
– Human rights violation, forced medical malpractice, using humans for organ harvesting, or illegal clinical trials. Claims will be made in Earthlings.
The 192 non-usa countries might consider claims spanning the last 240 years which represent the usd-$ monopoly years. However, substantiating their claims with full evidence and proof to the Judicial council might make these countries concentrate on last 100 to 150 years depending on the availability of documented evidence and data.
I request the 192 non-usa countries to consider the following facts:
The countries could approach the Judicial council in this new world order, seeking justice and/or monetary compensation. The lawsuit could have a non-monetary relief claim and / or a monetary claim which could be liability claim or damages claim in Earthlings currency. The lawsuits will be presided by judges from neutral countries.
You must also clearly understand the fact that the current day ICJ controlled by usa and indirectly paid by usa, can never deliver real justice to 192 non-usa countries. History itself is a fact set that confirms this. Hence ICJ must be replaced by my proposed Judicial council in new world order.
I have numerous case studies wherein countries across the world would like to exercise a REAL legal option against usa. Judicial council will provide this option to the world countries.
All monetary liability or damage claim payments will be given in Earthlings currency which will be your national treasury currency.
You can read about the macro-governance reform at my website webpage:
POV 3:
Segment: Project Earthling(c)
You are familiar with the 62 sale agreements, one each with the 62 countries where I have enforceable intellectual property rights to my invention patent US 8,910,998 according to law and Patent Cooperation Treaty.
These 62 countries could be segregated into two categories by their current economic situation / status. Most of these countries fall into the developing countries, emerging economies, economically backward countries, or poor countries. Very few of these countries are developed countries.
Economic growth of the countries off the 62 countries that fall into developing countries, emerging economies, economically backward countries, or poor countries:
These countries over the years, and decades to come will see increase in their economic activity, will see progress, development, and GDP growth. The economic growth translates to inflation of consumables sale price, given the increase in consumer purchasing power. This results in depreciation of their local domestic currency against EARTHLINGS, all of which will result in a much larger pool of wealth created out of adopting my invention within their country. This will be triggered by embracing my invention, its related economic activity in their countries, and further by embracing economic reforms I drive in India.
Economic corrections of the countries that fall into developed countries category:
These countries are only a few out of the 62 countries. These countries will see economic correction, with no significant change to their GDP numbers. These countries will observe deflation of their consumable sale prices, due to deflated purchasing power. This results in their currency holding its value or further strengthening against EARTHLINGS. The appreciation of the wealth pool over the years by adopting my invention will be a low gradient curve. This economic correction is much required. This will be triggered by embracing my invention and the taking my authored macro-reforms live.
The Economic factors explained above must be taken into consideration by the ‘Competent authorities’ while computing the final sale price to my invention independently. The gradient curve of the wealth created in each country will be different depending on multiple factors spanning decades. Further the gradient curve projection of one country by one competent authority might be different from what another competent authority might project. Given the higher number of developing countries, the estimations could span the ranges given in the table. I look forward to inputs from competent authorities.
The impact of my invention patent US 8,910,998, its adoption by the other 131 countries, when combined with the effects of my authored macro-reforms going live will result in economic corrections that have been long due and will result in a stable world for decades and centuries to come.
Access my authored macro-reforms at the following links. The macro-economic reform could be accessed at The macro-governance reform could be accessed at
While we prepare for the ‘MOST TRANSFORMATIVE YEARS ON PLANET EARTH’, there is one thing 192 world countries must be cautious about:
USA might use suitcases filled with usd, an old outdated tactic now, to counter the inevitable. I request the 192 world countries to have full trust in LAW, local law, and international law. Patent Cooperation Treaty, which is signed by 153 world countries is a legal agreement, a legal document which binds 153 countries together, and is also a legal document that is enforceable in the courts of all 153 countries. Such a legal binding of 153 countries almost constitutes international law. Enforceable law and Judiciary will finally prevail. Do not succumb to any old tactics used by usa.
Secondly, any decisive voting or poll conducted by international summits such as WIPO summit, on any subject must be considered final, and will have a decisive outcome on any subject or macro-reform that has global implication, and is put up for such a poll. In the old world order usa fancied their authority to lobby or manipulate the outcome of decisive polls. Today, all the 192 countries are independent, stand on their own feet, and will choose their own independent thinking and evaluation in any decisive poll they are asked to participate in.
The decentralization of the world, and independent stance of all 193 countries, with their own independent thinking, evaluation of any macro-reform, or subject with global relevance, will result in unbiased independent voting result. The old world order usa tactics will not work.
USA might attempt to incite agitations, use divisive tactics, all by usd bribes. All will fail, and in the end Judiciary, law, and independent voting of 193 countries will result in the world moving in the correct / right direction.
POV 4:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
No American citizen, corporation, or politician can attempt to create a fraudulent alliance with any of their Indian counterparts, given my Indian citizenship, to cheat the other 151 PCT contracting states.
Before you read about the negative tactic, try to answer the following questions.
Should India breach Patent Cooperation Treaty?
Should India cheat 151 world countries that are PCT contracting states, by committing a worldwide fraud?
Should India cheat 60 non-USA countries where I have enforceable IP rights to my invention patent US 8,910,998 recognized worldwide by PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619?
Should India commit worldwide fraud and cheat 191 world countries?
Should India go into a fraudulent alliance with a rouge nation USA, and cheat the rest of the PCT contracting countries and rest of the world countries?
MY ANSWER TO ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS IS NO. If your answer is also NO, you will capture this negative tactic with full clarity.
USA corporations, combined USA, the bribed fraudulent anti-India terrorists NRI-ABCD of USA and where applicable any alliances with UK for additional lobbying into the fraud; they have attempted to form various alliances with some people in India; in an attempt to ‘construct a fraudulent alliance between usa-India’ by promising some insignificant share of the wealth to India, and eating or taking the rest of the wealth for themselves / their own country. Basically use the historic domination and money power out of USD monopoly on India and force them into submission into a forced alliance to commit worldwide fraud or breach of PCT; that has been signed by 153 countries. I am confident that India has come to its senses and never took up such offers or joined such an alliance. This would constitute to:
– Cheating 151 other countries that are part of the same Treaty.
– Destroying India and its image on world stage.
– Fraudulent alliance with a rouge nation, and committing ‘Breach of PCT the Treaty’.
– Committing and being part of international fraud or conspiracy.
– Breaking the trust of world countries, and committing fraud against the world. Fraud against 191 world countries.
– Go against WIPO, an organization that has all 193 country members.
– Destroy and break everything India has ever stood by. Destroy what Indian freedom fighters have ever stood by.
SUMMARY – India must never go into any kind of fraudulent alliance with USA which plain simply amounts to committing worldwide fraud, international conspiracy, breach of patent cooperation treaty signed by 153 countries, and cheating the rest of the world countries.
They attempted to cut fraudulent deals which are below 22.5 Trillion Earthlings / $, which is below the value of Srinivas – Hirshfeld agreement; and somehow get India to succumb under pressure and take a smaller offer for India. This is shorting a deal negative strategy. This is also called as shunting a deal. In such a global worldwide conspiracy attempt, they have attempted to give various bribe offers, rolled out in suitcases filled with USD-$ into India.
India must understand, that such accepted illegal USD-$ bribes will never be exchanged for accounted money anywhere in the world, and cannot become legal INR – Indian rupee currency. If India wants such wealth (numbers listed below) in Indian currency – INR, we can print the Indian currency ourselves. WE NEED NOT ATTEMPT TO TAKE BRIBE OR ATTEMPT TO SELL ANYTHING. ESPECIALLY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY THAT BELONGS TO ME. The shorting deals offered by USA below 22.5 Trillion in an attempt to stop me from executing the 62 sale agreements with 62 world countries, include:
– 500 Billion $ offer for a fake fire scam in currency or in the form of ‘Gold reserve’; while stealing at least 93 Trillion or more from me and India.
– 2 Trillion $, 5 Trillion $, 7 Trillion $, 10 Trillion $, 17 Trillion $, 18 Trillion $, 19 Trillion $, 21 Trillion $ offers; to steal at least 93 Trillion or more from me and India, or to distract me and India from the main invention of patent US 8910998.
I WILL STRAIGHT AWAY EXECUTE THE SRINIVAS-HIRSHFELD agreement as the first agreement in court, followed by 61 other agreements. This is the ideal course of action for me, and India who will get 45% of the full wealth given my executed Living Will.
POV 5:
Segment: Patent-Intellectual Property
The current day Patenting system is fairly matured as established by Patent Cooperation Treaty, and administered by World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO. In that a ‘PATENT’ is granted only upon the three criterion being met which include ‘Novelty’, ‘Inventive step’, and ‘Industrial applicability’; when compared to all the prior art that exists which includes all prior worldwide publications and patents. So, an ‘Invention’, a ‘PATENT’, must be understood, that it is granted after a ‘WORLDWIDE PRIOR ART SEARCH is done, which includes all prior publications and patents’.
The PCT application processing procedure, an International application filed under Patent Cooperation Treaty provisions, is very well defined and is available at website. Article 33 of Patent Cooperation Treaty states the following, about the three questions to grant a PATENT:
(2) For the purposes of the international preliminary examination, a claimed invention shall be considered novel if it is not anticipated by the prior art as defined in the Regulations.
(3) For the purposes of the international preliminary examination, a claimed invention shall be considered to involve an inventive step if, having regard to the prior art as defined in the Regulations, it is not, at the prescribed relevant date, obvious to a person skilled in the art.
(4) For the purposes of the international preliminary examination, a claimed invention shall be considered industrially applicable if, according to its nature, it can be made or used (in the technological sense) in any kind of industry. “Industry” shall be understood in its broadest sense, as in the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
According to this established criterion, patents are granted by PTO’S only when it is established that the invention described in the application checks out a ‘YES’ on Novelty, Inventive Step, and Industrial Applicability. Further, the current day ‘Prior art’ searches are done by using very powerful, and strong combination ‘keyword’ searches by both the IP law practitioners and the PTO’S themselves by which it is nearly impossible to miss any direct prior art. For example, my patent was cleared by my IP lawyer chosen at the time, and granted by the PTO after searching on combination of words like vehicle, car, color, and change.
My Patent US 8,910,998, and its Industry adoption:
Many patents are granted by PTO’S across the world, which probably run into 1000’S of patents. However, many of them while being checked YES on ‘Industrial applicability’ were never adopted by the industry it was intended for. Inventors depending on the problem they have solved, and the size of the industry their invention applies to, and further upon the strength of their invention claims which is directly proportional to gaining royalty and creating wealth, have made moderate amount of wealth running into hundreds of 1000’S, or millions, in rare cases billions of wealth.
While Industrial applicability is a criterion checked even before a Patent grant, whether or not the Industry adopts the invention is purely a subject or ‘Financial’ benefits, which the invention drives to the industry. Financial benefits include profitability and cost savings, by adopting the invention within the industry.
There are numerous citations, granted patents that were never adopted by the industry. These include most of the prior art citations in my granted Patent US 8,910,998 in pages 1 and 2 of the Patent document. Most of these prior art are in ‘References cited’ column in pages 1 and 2 of my patent.
What constitutes the bulk of ‘Prior art’ as it relates to ‘Repeatable vehicle color change technology’, my invention and patent US 8,910,998:
The answer is NO prior art existed for ‘Repeatable vehicle color change technology’. What existed was the work done in that field with that purpose intended which primarily constituted laminates, adhesive stickers of different colors which were to be stuck on the vehicle exterior panels, individually thus delivering a color change of the vehicle. This is ‘Not a repeatable color changing feature provided with one time system installation on the vehicle panels’. The colored laminates and adhesive sticker patents were marked as ‘Industry applicable’, they were not embraced and adopted by the automotive industry. Why?
The answer is that the solution provided / design did not integrate with the automotive industry manufacturing processes, and at the same time, it did not cater to the consumer requirement of immediate and quick color change of the vehicle. Thus the industry never embraced these prior art citations.
If we get into the technical elements, the following questions arise, which made these prior art attempts difficult to implement:
– Who were to manufacture these laminate or adhesive stickers? Private service provider companies, or the OEM’S themselves?
– If it is a private service provider company, what automotive brands and models are they delivering the laminates / adhesive stickers for? And for those branded car models, are the consumers satisfied with the quality of what they get after the said color change?
– The vehicle brand / model / variants are all of different designs and dimensions. Can a private service provider deliver laminates / adhesive stickers for each individual brand / model / variant?
– What is the turn around time to manufacture these laminates / adhesive stickers to be manufactured in the color of consumers choice, and get them delivered to the consumers home or local service provider?
– Most of the people have experience of buying mobile phones, the touchscreens of which are these days protected by anti-scratch protective laminate. When these are attached to the mobile touch screen, they end up with air bubbles and are rarely defect free in the service provided. Think of doing this for cars / vehicles by attaching such laminates / adhesive stickers to all the exterior panels? How many unplanned, unwanted air pockets and how many wrinkles, rips, and tears must be expected by the car owner when he receives the vehicle after service? Work out the man-days of effort involved in doing this.
– If you do not disassemble and assemble the vehicle panels, factor in the rips, and cuts at the edges of the laminates / adhesive stickers stuck to the vehicle.
– Most importantly, the consumer needs to plan this like a project. Order the laminates / adhesive stickers, factor in their delivery time to local service provider or his home, and then leave the car at the service provider for a minimum of two days to get the sloppy work done on the car and receive a bad product in the end, after paying the money for buying the laminates / adhesive stickers, and further paying for the services of getting them stuck on the vehicle exterior panels. The original car bought from the OEM, its finish is lost and you end up with a poor color change job done on your car.
The above factors, and technical steps clearly indicate so many challenges and questions unanswered because of which the technology never was adopted by the industry. Cars are expensive products and consumers pay a price for it, and any product, solution you give the industry must be of highest quality.
All these challenges eliminated in my invention patent US 8,910,998, enabling INDUSTRY ADOPTION.
All the above challenges are non-existent in my invention patent US 8,910,998, because there is no laminate to stick, or adhesive sticker to be pasted to the vehicle exterior surfaces. A two-layer polymer system, or a polymer-resin system with properties of at least partial flexibility, at least partial streatchability, at least partial elasticity, at least partial rubberiness will be directly attached to all the vehicle exterior panels by the automotive manufacturer / OEM themselves and the car will come in a single piece with the fluid tight space provided by the two-layer system allowing repeatable color changes in under 5-10 minutes.
The financial benefits to the automotive OEM include a straight cut in the capital cost investment of say 25% given the reduced land required when the ‘paint shop’ is eliminated, and the 1000’S of liters of chemicals, anti-corrosion / protective fluids, primer, and paint fluid. For high-end car manufacturing plants the capital cost reduction is higher going up to 33%. With the paint shop eliminated, and painting material procurement operational costs eliminated, the production cost is reduced by 10%, and given the most exciting ‘Repeatable color change feature being provided to the consumer’ the sale price could be marked up easily by say 30%, thus finally delivering spike in profitability of at least 40% or more to the OEM’S. The industry that is highly production cost sensitive, profitability sensitive, will welcome this invention and embrace it purely for the financial value driven by the invention.
So, while all the prior art was not adopted by the industry, my invention patent US 8,910,998 will be adopted by the automotive industry for the above mentioned technical, engineering, ease of color change reasons, multiplicity of color change reasons, personalization reasons, and the financial reasons.
The human safety factor by the elimination of the ‘hazardous environment’ in the paint shop into which the workers have to go in with fully protective gear, will also be welcomed by OEM’S from across the world. The hazardous environment is eliminated when the paint shop is eliminated.
The automotive dealers will have their inventory management fully simplified and will be able to deliver the car in the choice of color chosen by the consumer within 5-10 minutes before the delivery. As a consumer, your personalization choices and creative options are near infinite.
Here is a rundown of the benefits to all the stake holders involved with this industry:
OEM benefits:
- OEM could potentially decommission the ‘Paint shop’ in their automobile plant within a few years. With a robust transition plan, the decommissioning of ‘Paint shop’ is not just possible at one plant, but all the manufacturing plants. Significant ‘capital investment and cost reduction’ would be realized.
- The quarterly / annual ‘Operational costs’ related to conventional painting could be fully eliminated. Reduced capital investment and reduced operational costs, would mean reduced ‘Financing costs’.
- Hazardous environment (in the form of paint shop) is eliminated for OEM manufacturing plant employees.
- OEM’s could manufacture, maintain inventory and transport vehicles only by model / variant and not by color.
- OEM’s would realize inventory management cost and transportation cost savings.
- Most importantly, they can now deliver the car to consumer in the color of consumers choice without any delays or special orders.
- Per unit paint costs are reduced by at least 5%.
- Overall painting costs are reduced by 5-10%.
- A ‘Cool car’ could easily be priced 25-40% higher for the ‘Repeatable color change feature’ delivered to consumers. This could be a new variant in existing vehicle models or a brand-new model by itself.
- Finally, the most important of them all, OEM’s will realize increased sales and profits.
- The auto parts / spares business would have additional stream of income in the form of vest, two-layer polymer system, manufacturing / replacement sales. Not just for current year vehicle models, but also for all the OEM past vehicle / car models. These vests, two-layer polymer systems would be directly sold to ‘Regular car to Cool car’ conversion businesses, via an e-sales channel.
- The benefits listed above for OEM’s shall continue for many decades to come.
Consumer benefits:
- Can get a car in the color / shade of their choice, out of 1800 plus color / shade options available in the market today.
- No wait time, to get the car of their choice in the color / shade of their choice.
- Need not stay with the same color. Can change the color of the car for an affordable price repeatedly as and when they want.
- Can also opt for their current car (conventionally painted car) to be converted to a ‘Cool car’ for a reasonable price, as compared to replacing the car.
Dealer benefits:
- Reduced inventory management costs, as inventory management is by car model / variant and not by color.
- Lower dealership set-up costs, due to lesser parking space requirement.
- Increased profitability.
- Can deliver the car immediately in the color / shade choice of consumer.
There are other supplier side benefits and plenty of ‘New business opportunities’ for MSME segment. This results in business growth, job growth, and positive impact on economics. The invention patent US 8,910,998 will deliver economic growth opportunities to 62 chosen countries and indirectly to all world countries.
While ‘PATENTS’ are granted, the intended industry adoption alone will create wealth for the industry and thus the inventor in the form of royalty. I want to isolate the difference between all the other patents granted up until now, whether or not the respective industries adopted them or not, against my invention patent US 8,910,998. The benefits to the industry and the related stakeholders are way too many and thus I anticipate all the world automotive OEM brands will roll-out their first cars with the ‘repeatable vehicle color change technology feature enabled’ in near future. Watch out for upcoming motor shows.
You can read more about this invention, technology at my website webpages, and
The tool on which I built this website has been retired thus freezing these webpages for some time now. I must rebuild these pages on a new tool, if I have to add new content or more details. However, the content, technical details in particular are accurate, relevant and up to date.
I request that you listen to the two audio files in webpage, technology related audio file intended for Automotive Industry R&D division and Technology teams, and a second financial details audio file intended for Automotive Industry CEO’s, CTO’s and CFO’s.
INDIA IS AT THE CUSP OF BECOMING THE INVENTIONS HUB OF THE WORLD FOR DECADES TO COME. Given this, the readers whether you are with judiciary, or media houses, or a college student, or working professional, understanding the patenting process, and difference between Industry applicability and Industry adoption, which is the difference between ‘not creating much wealth from your inventive work and creating a lot of wealth from your inventive work’ will help make wise investments, and when you must pursue patent protection as intended by PCT and offered to you by WIPO.
POV 6:
Segment: Patent-Intellectual Property
Is ‘Patent’ a LEGAL document in itself?
Yes, it is. A granted patent by any PTO is a ‘Legal document’ by itself enforceable in the court of law. The legal language in the patent begins with the words ‘What is claimed is:’, with the words, phrases used in the claim text supported by the drawings, text in Field, Background, Summary, and Detailed description of the embodiments sections of the patent document. Legally, infringement suits are said to be fought on the ‘Invention CLAIMS SENTENCES AND SUPPORTING SECTIONS’ as explained. My invention claims in patent US 8,910,998 begin in 13th page of the pdf file, in column 14.
POV 7:
Segment: Patent-Intellectual Property
There are 1000’S of patents granted. How strong is a patent?
Many patents are granted across the world by multiple PTO’S. They are all enforceable in the court of law. However, a PATENT is only as strong as its claims. By that it must be understood that the art of drafting claims is very relevant and is directly connected with the ‘Strength of claims in the patent’. While claims could be drafted in multiple different ways, the claims are strongest when they do not allow the ‘infringer’ any room or a loophole that they could use, exploit, and fight in the court of law that they have not used the technology as claimed, thus not having to pay the royalty to the inventor.
In my patent US 8,910,998; I have documented a total of 23 invention claims, with 3 independent claims and 20 dependent claims. The three independent claims, legally the most valuable text in the patent are divided into one independent SYSTEM claim 1, and two independent METHOD claims 16, and 23. System claim 1 legally makes automotive OEM’S owe royalty to me when they adopt my inventive technology for their vehicles. This infringement is expected to happen at the automotive manufacturing plants across the world. METHOD claims 16 and 23 hold OEM’S, car dealerships, and service providers to fill the first and subsequent colors for the vehicle, providing the color change feature within 5-10 minutes to the consumer. METHOD claims legally make all the future vehicle color change service providers including colorium(R) color change stations, dealerships, and OEM production plants owe me royalty for using my invention.
The three independent claims 1, 16, and 23 in my patent are drafted in a way to cover / protect the breadth of the invention from infringers while taking any and all technological limitations into the dependent claims. The claims in patent US 8,910,998 have been drafted in a way for them to be legally very strong, and such that no automotive OEM or a color change service provide will be able to adopt, embrace, and exploit the inventive technology, without infringing the ‘Patent claims’. The claims ensure that anyone adopting the invention cannot like NOT infringe the claims and thus owe me the royalty.
Is the PATENT US 8,910,998 sale price of 93 Trillion realistic?
NO, the sale price of patent US 8,910,998, its worldwide intellectual property rights, along with 100-years worth downstream businesses it creates across the 62 chosen countries, which are the automotive manufacturing hubs of the world, is 93 Trillion Earthlings / $ by a conservative estimate and NOT by a realistic estimate. For Earthlings visit my website The strength of my patent claims, the way I have documented them, ensures that no one embracing the technology cannot like NOT infringe the claims. Thus, it is THE highest valued invention on planet EARTH.
POV 8:
Segment: Project Earthling(c), Sub-segment: Economics
Legal clarity between National wealth recorded by GEC, Country wealth, and Individual wealth. The clarity that will define the GEC wealth recording, managing, monitoring, and tracking protocol for decades to come.
History of intentional blurring of wealth across countries by monopolized USD-$.
The abuse of the monopoly of USD – $ achieved by USA over the last 245 years has caused multi-fold damage to the world countries, their wealth, their economies, and independence. The intentionally planned, well thought out, well orchestrated, and continuous manipulation of world economy by USA, has allowed them to freely print their domestic currency and force the money in the way of bribes, unaccounted money on the other 192 countries thus depriving them off ‘LEGAL / LEGITIMATE WEALTH’. Further this has allowed them to blur the lines, distinction between wealth of country and individual citizen wealth.
Such blurring of lines allowed them to lobby countries, lobby people to target other people, target other countries all to fulfil their selfish needs and further attempt to impose a ‘never ending, no end in sight slavery’ on 192 world countries and an estimated 9 billion citizens of these countries, for a prolonged period of 245 years. Now, with the introduction of macro-economic reform ‘Project Earthling(c)’, the ‘END OF SLAVERY IS HERE’ and is waiting only for a decisive poll to be conducted on the subject. The reform will terminate all the slavery, abuse of 192 world countries that has gone on for such a long time.
In this article I want to drive home the ‘LEGAL CLARITY’ and ‘LEGITIMATE DISTINCTION’ between National wealth recorded by GEC, Country wealth, and Individual / citizen wealth. GEC, Global Earthling Council which will have 193 member country representation will account for, baseline the audited wealth, record it, and further monitor each of the 193 nations wealth, once the macro-economic reform ‘Project Earthling(c)’ is voted in by a majority vote. This will allow 192 non-USA countries to break the shackles of the imposed slavery by USA and record their opening national wealth or treasury balance.
What is Country wealth?
Every country is defined by its geographic territory, thus defining its wealth by way of the land it owns defined by that territory, and the natural resources / reserves the territory holds. While these might constitute some defined or estimated assets of the country, the realized wealth of the country is the cash reserves the country holds in its local currency which primarily constitutes the taxes imposed on the economic activity within that country, earnings of their citizens, and corporations. This is NOT the wealth recognized or recorded against the country by GEC.
What is Individual wealth? Could also be called as citizen wealth.
This constitutes the wealth owned by a person, by himself / herself, or like a shareholder of a legal entity or similar. This is not the wealth owned by the country or government. In most cases across the world, this is wealth owned by an individual citizen after paying the applicable taxes on what constitutes ‘HIS OWN WORK, AND HIS OWN EARNINGS’. Individual wealth is again in the form of cash component or assets owned by the individual. Assets could be property, or instruments of different forms. With my work it has become clear to the world that the HIGHEST valued assets are intellectual property assets that are transformative in nature and have reshaped entire sectors, industries, lines of business, and thus planet earth. The individual wealth is ‘LEGITIMATE’ when all applicable taxes on the wealth are paid and the individual is able to go public with the information. Some citizens are not able to go public with their wealth which constitutes the ‘ILLEGITIMATE’ wealth. When we look at the history of planet earth and look at the list of people who have ‘CREATED vast amount of wealth, e.g. a billion’ by their own work, by their own efforts and built businesses, corporations, cash reserves, the list comprises of very few people. These are people who have built their own wealth ground up from nothing. Then there are individuals who have inherited such wealth and have managed it.
Individual wealth, e.g., greater than one billion Earthlings must also be recorded by GEC, a division within GEC.
Individual wealth recorded by a media house that publishes a Billionaires list seems to have become an accepted indicator of legitimate wealth held by an individual, disclosed to the entire world. This wealth as one would realize is the wealth for which these individuals have paid the local taxes. They publish an annual listing of ‘Rich people, billionaires’. I have suggested the media house to introduce the only Trillionaire, me in an exclusive, given there is no expectation and a possibility of a Trillionaires list emerging. This audited / official record of rich individuals from across the world countries must also be recognized and owned by a division within GEC.
In the decentralized world, patriotism to prevail, and citizenship to align with nationalism. Hidden agendas and support to foreign countries will come to an end.
Combined effort of government and citizens of one country will help them to build their ‘National wealth recorded by GEC’ if their net exports surpass the net imports in a given fiscal year, and that over a sustained, prolonged period of time. Most of the world countries must first work towards achieving a sustainable economy for their country, rather than thinking of increasing their ‘National wealth reserve recorded by GEC’. In the mid to long term the former will possibly allow them to achieve the latter, thus allowing the country’s goals and objectives to merge and align.
National wealth recorded by GEC in Earthlings.
This is the official national wealth recorded in Earthlings currency for each country, which is also recognized and endorsed by all the 192 other world countries. This shall be recorded as cash component and non-cash component for each country. This information is a direct derivative of the ‘International activity, exports or imports’ the country has created by its government, by its citizens, and by its registered international corporations or businesses. The said ‘ITB – International Trade Bank’ or similar will have the international transactions recorded in Earthlings currency. The non-cash component comes from the documented history recognized by all 193 world countries.
Given the rouge authority, and monopoly of currency usd – $ enjoyed by usa for 245 years, they have had a habit of distorting, and fabricating history to their liking and wants. This must also end. GEC, along with reformed governance model will own the world history, e.g., wikipedia data and similar.
GEC will provide economic advise by monitoring the Country wealth; for those countries that have asked for ‘Development packages’ in Earthlings.
GEC in advisory capacity shall additionally monitor the country wealth, for the countries which take ‘development packages’ to emulate the work, guidance from my work in realizing ‘Goal year 29 FE for India’, and drive their own country’s economic growth and progress. This guidance comes with guaranteed results. A development package when given by GEC, along with the advise provided by GEC advisory committee; shall to a preset course correction set for the country, will ensure (guaranteed) results that are measurable, are achieved by the country seeking advise.
Socialism blurs the lines.
While a clear distinction between individual wealth, country wealth, and National wealth declared in Earthlings to GEC will enable the countries to build wealth, drive their economies, this distinction alone will energize the human endeavors, motivate individuals to achieve new heights by way of their work, efforts, which could be directed towards their benefit, that of their country, and their citizens. Riding on ‘social schemes, or policies for short term objectives’ without motivating the individuals, citizens of your country will only continue to blur the lines, thus weakening the economic prospects of your country.
Context of my invention patent US 8,910,998 B1.
With the ‘LEGAL DISTINCTION’ as explained above, all my intellectual property, my patent US 8,910,998 B1, and its intellectual property rights across the 62 countries are ‘My individual wealth’. The taxes I pay on the wealth I bring into India by sale of my invention, to Indian government constitutes the ‘Country wealth’. Along with taxes I have pledged additional wealth to all the state governments, union territories, and Prime ministers India development fund; all of which also constitutes ‘Country wealth’. According to IEC – Indian Economic Council policies, how much wealth we hold in Treasury in Earthlings will become the declared ‘National wealth recorded by GEC’. The wealth off the full wealth, that will be held in Indian Treasury in Earthlings currency will be in accordance with the goals, and objectives of IEC for India, to achieve ‘Goal year 29 FE for India’, and with long term international business and trade aligned with it.
POV 9:
Segment: Patent-Intellectual Property
Statistical information, ratio – proportion for your thought.
According to wikipedia, spanning the last 2500 years, there are around an estimated 3000 inventors in the world. This number varies significantly depending on the criterion applied. The current number of billionaires is under 3000 people. This is a total of under 6000 people across population that inhabited Earth in the last 2500 years. The ratio of these two numbers indicates that people that are genius, that are exceptionally talented, that have gone in unchartered territory, that have created their own billions are very very rare and scarce on planet Earth. People who solve problems must be empowered to lead the world.
POV 10:
Segment: Project Earthling(c)
GEC National Opening Balances in Earthlings, for 193 world countries when Project Earthling(c) goes live. While I present this as the ‘Right perspective’, this will also be the factual real outcome given the history of last 250 years and approval of 193 countries.
GEC Opening Balance for 192 non-USA world countries: The easiest option for the 192 World nations would be to just record the actual (current day) opening balances for their countries with GEC.
GEC Opening Balance for USA: Given the unlimited printing of USD ($) for over 245 years by USA, the 192 World countries will not allow any opening cash balance for USA in Earthlings. So, USA GEC Opening Balance shall be ‘ZERO’ cash component. The Fort Knox gold reserve will be recognized as non cash component by GEC, given that it has been well documented and recognized by all world countries.
POV 11:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
Nano devise technology, used as illegal intrusive technology, also used as privacy invasion technology, popularly known as Nixon technology, to be neutralized by 192 countries. This is for the world countries to save themselves, get themselves off the cage, not be manipulated 24*7, not be subjected to oppression, and further to experience real freedom, and realize true independence.
Evolution history.
According to wikipedia, the camera was invented around 1890. Given the World wars I and II, USA intentionally kept all their technological advances hidden and secretive from the rest of the world countries. The advances to go into miniaturization of camera, and other technologies began much before anyone even understood what a camera is. Knowing about enemy territory without their knowledge, spying on them without them knowing, dates right back into World war I plans and programs of USA. Thus emerges the integration of circuits, miniaturization of electronics, related technology, which later emerged into VLSI. VLSI resulted in the nano technology and its capabilities. By middle of last century technology for spying on anyone, anywhere was fully available with USA which many other countries did not know about. 192 countries must take charge now, to free themselves from the digital, nano cage you are put into.
To support their invasion of 192 countries by nano technology, the technology and its usage was mostly kept secretive. To deter people, governments, countries from doubting that they are being tracked, and spied on, a paid KOL – Key Opinion Leader fabricated medical psycological theory called ‘to doubt’ is a mental disease was used. This was initiated and promoted by none other that usa doctors and pharmaceutical companies. All of this for intruding into private space of regular people, regular citizens, people in power, rich people, government offices, or any target subject. Remember logic and reasoning is above doubt.
While the technology emerged due to the military war time requirement, it went into devious, diabolical applications catering to cheap business, selling private images or videos of regular people by intruding regular homes, to make cheap money. The corporate executives in usa corporations and people in power in usa used this technology for looking into private spaces of people, families across 192 countries, for any random reason which cannot be legally explained. Example could be to look into bedrooms or bathrooms of regular family people and make money out of it, or for their own sexual carnal desires.
While cheap money, nudity could be one application, the usage of this privacy invasive technology could be far more grave on people of 192 countries, spanning stealing of wealth, stealing of property, manipulation of their life events, and simply target people and families for fun or exploitation. This rouge behavior of usa, by using this intrusive technology for all sorts of exploitation of 192 countries, must be questioned, immediately challenged in a judicial forum, e.g., Judicial council of United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), arrested / terminated, and claims of compensation for damages / liability must be made.
Further, each of the 192 countries must work on building their own counter technology, to detect and eliminate such intrusive nano technology, to save their country, their own citizens, their own government, their own military, their own rich, and prevent economic losses induced by such intrusive technology. Thus, I have requested the Honorable court in India to provide orders, guidance to build a ‘Special Technology Unit’ within Indian police force, to counter the intrusive nano technology, thus providing protection for Indian citizens, Hindus living in India, our government institutions, and our economy.
What constitutes NIXON technology?
Any electronic circuitry that is invisible to the naked eye, or if it is of the size to be visible to the naked eye, then seamlessly integrated into the surroundings of your house, all rooms within your house, office, or vehicle; constitutes NIXON technology. If you break this down, it is to see and listen to the target subject chosen by usa. The target subject could be an individual, organization, corporation, government, politicians, or political offices. Any area, building that constitutes ‘Private area’ can be breached by USA by using this technology, and that they have across the world. The devices include:
Devises for seeing at the target subject from adjacent houses, or offices. By the technology they would know the target subjects physical body movements, however can now observe what is happening within their body to various organs. High tech color coded imaging allows them to observe anything they want.
Devises to record, and register anything the target subject is typing on a keyboard of his computer, presuming the computer has not been intruded into. Devises to record and register the movement of his fingers on his hand held devise, presuming the devise has not been hacked to use against the owner. Devises to record and register movement of the pen, or pencil to write anything on paper. By this, your ID’S, passwords, pins, bank account numbers, details are all information captured by the intruders or intrusive neighbor.
Devises for listening to the target subject from adjacent houses, or offices. The lowest decibel level noise, sound could be captured by these devises.
Devises for transmission of specific lines, words at a preset frequency which are heard only by a target subject, by his / her ears only. This is the simulated, transmitted ‘Inner voice’ for a person who does not know that the words / lines are being transmitted.
Why the name:
According to wikipedia, the lowest rated president of usa, has been accused of building and using this technology. Thus the name for the technology. Knowing usa, one should not be surprised that the president and the timing of the scandal was chosen. This indicates, that a well planned, well thought out, well designed, intentional scandal was created in the term of a president chosen for it, in early 1970’S, the watergate scandal, which introduced the Nixon technology to the world. Some one did get a doubt and pursued the doubt to identify what was at the source. Thus the world comes to know about Nixon technology. This technology has been used against all 192 countries to target them, anyway, everyway, to cause damage to the country financially, economically, and with an intent to destroy them. Further usa has used this technology for selfish, psycho, diabolical, sexual carnal, cheap business, or manipulation needs.
All 192 countries in a cage on this planet. All of humanity is in a cage on this planet. Is this what Earth is all about? Caged for exploitation?
This intrusive and invasive technology is nothing other than abuse of humanity, abuse of all human rights, abuse of every law ever made locally in a country or internationally, abuse of privacy for personal gratification or gain, abuse for despicable activities, abuse to manipulate, and destroy lives of people across the 192 countries. This is not just a menace for regular people, I call it as a disease to the society, disease to our planet, and problem waiting to be cured. This intrusive technology has been used to abuse all 192 country governments, their government institutions, their politicians, their rich without their knowledge.
The usage of technology results in manipulation of target subjects life, manipulation of his life events, altering the outcomes of his life events, disruption of his privacy, loss of his privileged information becoming public information, and plain simply to destroy the subjects life just for fun and entertainment.
The abuse of this technology cumulates to loss of dignity, privileged information, private information, and personal information such as his bank account details, wealth information, intellectual property, future plans, company data, investment data, ID’S and passwords, etc.
You extrapolate such abuse for your country, your government, your politicians, thus causing economic losses to your country. Thus, damaging your country’s wealth prospects and economic growth prospects.
You extrapolate such abuse to the rich people in your country. For e.g., billionaires from your country, to steal their upcoming business plan, their business strategy document, new business venture details, new trademark, new patent, or new copyright details.
You extrapolate such abuse to your country military, research centers, nuclear facilities, and space organization for starters; and extend them to every government organization and institution.
You extrapolate such abuse to your country businesses, and corporations. Loss of the corporate growth plan, new line of business plan, new sector expansion plan, or expansion plan by way of more franchises across the country.
This technology undetected has the capability of weakening your country, weakening your government, weakening your king in case of monarchy, weakening your military, your business, your corporations, and target your citizens for any reason, or no reason at all.
Case of a target subject review. For e.g., a neighbor is tracking you as a target subject.
A jobless neighbor, who is psycho and suffering with multiple brain disorders, is watching into your house 24*7, without sparing your bedroom, bathroom, living room, or kitchen; or say your office 24*7. Such a psycho who is also suffering with insomnia, or runs shifts in his house or office to target you, knows your schedule after observing you for few months. They know your entire life, friends, relatives, family events, your routine, where you shop, what you eat, and thus can make alliances with anyone you meet, anyone you interact with, and in a pre-planned, pre-meditated way typically by way of bribe in monopolized usd-$ makes the alliance partner say what he wants you to hear, thus manipulating your life, all your interactions, all your experiences, and all your life events and their outcomes. The abuse of the technology puts you in a cage of manipulated life. usa has not just put people, but all 192 countries in the manipulated cage.
Remedy option for 192 world countries.
Immediate review and evaluation of the macro-reforms I have proposed. Vote them in to take them live. For logical progression, Project earthling(c) must go live, followed by United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c). The new reformed governance in the model of GI-50, Group Influential 50, will ensure all this rouge ideology of usa is brought to its end. The abuse of such intrusive technology by usa will be fully terminated across all 192 non usa countries. Further, I shall be advising the formation of a technology support wing, within the GI-50 division, to eradicate this intrusive technology from 192 countries. The technology support wing allows the access to all the ‘COUNTER TECHNOLOGIES’ that are required to identify and neutralize the NIXON technology. Each of the 192 countries will have their own ‘Counter invasive technology units’ established that shall build capability for protecting themselves. In India, a ‘Special Technology Unit’ has been recommended to be formed that shall counter this invasive technology within India. Other countries could follow similar approach.
Macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c) is accessible at my website webpage:
Macro-governance reform United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c) is accessible at my website webpage:
POV 12:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
A normal proper functioning society is now pretty much dead in usa.
I present this as a perspective, however it is factual information.
Since my invention of patent US 8,910,998 B1 in Q1-2007, Americans, executives in three corporations Capgemini USA LLC, HSBC Bank USA, and Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals USA have surrounded my life using the technology as explained in POV 11.
The perspective linked to this fact which I want to present here is: Given the ‘No work, nothing to do’ lives of Americans, they are suffering with debilitating mental diseases and disorders, wherein a normal proper functioning society is now pretty much dead.
They have a long journey to return to a functioning society. I encourage all the 192 other countries to join hands, and help cure the mental vices and diseases of Americans. This may take several decades with slim incremental gains.
Another perspective linked to this fact: Is that my information / invention details are now in front of all the 193 world countries. By trying to steal my wealth, usa cannot run to a different planet, and run away from the other 192 countries. They must live here and face the upcoming ‘LAWSUITS in JUDICIAL COUNCIL’.
The entire resolution of the subject, distribution of ‘Intellectual property rights’ to 62 world countries in a systematic way, is the only real, and legally apt outcome. This structured distribution of IP rights will happen in the eye of the worldwide media houses.
POV 13:
Segment: Patent-Intellectual Property
The comparison is that of a STAPLE production technology, an integrated manufacturing step that MUST be absorbed by the World Automotive production plants, as opposed to a niche expensive option that will not drive the financial benefits and results to the Automotive industry.
Events and motor shows seem to be back in operation, and I recently saw the BMW iX flow color change video from CES (Consumer Electronics show / auto show). The video was interesting showing the color of car change between white and black / gray. As it is revealed in the video the paint comprises of micro capsules that change color upon the transmission of current / charge to the painted vehicle exterior panels. They call it electronic ink. The video further reveals that micro capsules could be designed to hold more color pigments providing other color options. The cost of the paint is not mentioned.
In year 2015, after my patent was granted, I did spend some time evaluating what might be the competition landscape for my invention. Two technologies came to the fore, one was the expansion of ‘photochromatic’ lens material that changes between white and black depending on sunlight / temperature it is exposed to. What BMW has demonstrated is similar to putting the ‘photochromatic’ technology on steroids and building the specialized paint with micro capsules. The second technology that I detailed was the usage of LED television display panel technology / smartphone touchscreen technology given the price drop from volume sales of these units, on all vehicle panels. It did seem like it would be an overkill for a car exterior, to have full digital display screen technology.
The technology that emerged in months that followed with a smartphone manufacturer attempting to build a paper like / bendable phone technology; or phone having additional sides that have touchscreen technology, corroborated my anticipated second technology listed above. The cost, benefit, unwanted features beyond the scope of solution looking for – color change, prohibitive laws will be significant challenges to this technology. And the recent CES video I watched has brought the first technology that I anticipated into reality. This technology also has the cost, benefit, prohibitive laws, current/charge in vehicle panels, switch operated could mean color change while driving, and such challenges. CES show reveals that both my anticipated competition technologies might operate in isolation or come in an integrated one solution format, while being a very expensive and niche option.
My design in patent US 8,910,998 B1 is the simplest, and most cost effective, that allows OEM’S to decommission the paint shop, realize 30% capital cost savings, reduces the per unit production cost, delivers at least 40% increase in profitability, by having a one time installation of the system on the vehicle being sold. My invention / design is what I call the industry manufacturing staple, that all OEM’S of the world will move into with 100% confidence and in that they will look to transition all their manufacturing plants to use my design and that across the world. The compelling case is made from the financial benefits delivered by the technology, and the design being a one time installation at the time of vehicle manufacturing and roll-out. This installation of two-layer polymer resin system / vest, on the vehicle exterior panels is what I refer to as a staple production manufacturing process step / protocol which every car built in the world will embrace. The step is synonymous with ‘few more components into JIT’, and the OEM achieves all its financial objectives for years / decades to come. And the consumer has the full spectrum of colors (close to 2000 colors) to choose from for their car, as many times as they want, through the life of the car.
I would like to draw the attention of readers to the micro-nano technologies and the processing ability of the automotive industry with these technologies given their R&D divisions; within a quick time, at a rapid pace, there will be giant technology leaps in fabrication technologies using polymer resins to deliver the target properties by the area of the polymer resin being attached to the specific area of the vehicle panel, thus enabling the installations a manufacturing standard. If paints are manufactured with micro-nano capsules, the polymer resin systems could have micro-nano compositions delivering different / adjusted properties to different areas of the system being attached to the vehicle panel. The STAPLE manufacturing step shall be the adoption trump card for my design as opposed to the niche expensive technology that might be consumed by a 10 million $ price tag specially manufactured, custom-made car.
I anticipate that within a short span of time, the next generation of extrusion machines will emerge which will deliver products with varying desired properties across the polymer resin system, ensuring that the mechanical fit with the vehicle panel is secure, and in a way that it would hold its structure even when subjected to forces by the minimal quantity of fluid / color the system is built to hold. This investment in next generation extrusion machines is negligible capital cost investment to be factored in by OEM’S in comparison with the overall financial benefits they would derive from the inventive design.
My invention / design is for volume manufacturing, and mass production, which will drive un-comparable financial benefits to the OEM’S. It is impossible to ignore the one staple production step that drives such results. I request you to read the POV 5 relating to Industry adoption and the related financial benefits.
You can access an audio file where I speak about the financial benefits of my invention design, addressing the automotive industry executives, at the webpage link:
My interaction with BMW:
Like my communications with most of the world OEM’S, I shared my invention details with BMW group in 2016, and offered them an exclusive rights deal. After some email communications, they refer me to a website link where I had to electronically accept certain terms and conditions, which I did not accept. My invention exclusive rights deal proposition with BMW ended in that manner at the time.
Srinivas Devathi, 4-6-2022.
The list of benefits from my inventive design by the stakeholder include:
OEM benefits:
- OEM could potentially decommission the ‘Paint shop’ in their automobile plant within a few years. With a robust transition plan, the decommissioning of ‘Paint shop’ is not just possible at one plant, but all the manufacturing plants. Significant ‘capital investment and cost reduction’ would be realized.
- The quarterly / annual ‘Operational costs’ related to conventional painting could be fully eliminated. Reduced capital investment and reduced operational costs, would mean reduced ‘Financing costs’.
- Hazardous environment (in the form of paint shop) is eliminated for OEM manufacturing plant employees.
- OEM’s could manufacture, maintain inventory and transport vehicles only by model / variant and not by color.
- OEM’s would realize inventory management cost and transportation cost savings.
- Most importantly, they can now deliver the car to consumer in the color of consumers choice without any delays or special orders.
- Per unit paint costs are reduced by at least 5%.
- Overall painting costs are reduced by 5-10%.
- A ‘Cool car’ could easily be priced 25-40% higher for the ‘Repeatable color change feature’ delivered to consumers. This could be a new variant in existing vehicle models or a brand-new model by itself.
- Finally, the most important of them all, OEM’s will realize increased sales and profits.
- The auto parts / spares business would have additional stream of income in the form of vest, two-layer polymer system, manufacturing / replacement sales. Not just for current year vehicle models, but also for all the OEM past vehicle / car models. These vests, two-layer polymer systems would be directly sold to ‘Regular car to Cool car’ conversion businesses, via an e-sales channel.
- The benefits listed above for OEM’s shall continue for many decades to come.
Consumer benefits:
- Can get a car in the color / shade of their choice, out of 1800 plus color / shade options available in the market today.
- No wait time, to get the car of their choice in the color / shade of their choice.
- Need not stay with the same color. Can change the color of the car for an affordable price repeatedly as and when they want.
- Can also opt for their current car (conventionally painted car) to be converted to a ‘Cool car’ for a reasonable price, as compared to replacing the car.
Dealer benefits:
- Reduced inventory management costs, as inventory management is by car model / variant and not by color.
- Lower dealership set-up costs, due to lesser parking space requirement.
- Increased profitability.
- Can deliver the car immediately in the color / shade choice of consumer.
Srinivas Devathi, 4-6-2022.
POV 14:
Segment: Patent-Intellectual Property
I am Mechanical Engineer by education which included Automotive subjects, I am an Automotive Industry outsider, and inventor. This fact has augured well to contain automotive industry competition and soften the race to be the first to embrace the invention patent US 8,910,998 B1. Given the financial benefits, all OEMS could move in, embracing the invention / design around about the same time.
An Industry insider patent would have created a chasm within the automotive sector with raging rivalries and lost competitive market share. Me, the inventor of patent US 8,910,998 B1, being an industry outsider has had a very positive effect on the Automotive industry as the industry can adopt the technology that drives humongous cost savings, financial benefits, and business benefits, by keeping the brand rivalries to minimal.
The OEM brands need not go against each other or have rivalries in introducing ‘color change cars by adopting my invention design’. All OEMS can adopt my invention / design and realize the full financial and business benefits from it. Further, all OEMS can also plan the transition of production plants one at a time in parallel streams / waves, to manufacture ‘color changing cars’, by country, and cover all countries they manufacture in.
I request all the world automotive OEM’S to accept the fact that I am an industry outsider and thus also accept the fact that given the caused liability, I must cash out of my invention by executing 63 agreements in all. This will ensure, the entire world automotive industry, all brands included will adopt my invention seamlessly with minimal brand rivalries or friction while doing so. I would feel good if all world OEM brands roll out color changing cars within a block of three to six months without having to claim who was the first. The largest Automotive industry transformation would be a welcome by the world countries and citizens. The consumers have the full spectrum of colors to choose from for their car.
POV 15:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), Sub-segment: Medical Council
WHO to be replaced by Medical Council, the expenses of which will be paid in Earthlings currency. All the expenses of United Nations Global Governance Model 2020©, the future governance model will be paid in Earthlings currency by GEC.
Unlike WHO, an organization that is paid for in usd, and controlled by UNSC 5 countries which indirectly means fully controlled by usa given the financial lever; the future ‘Health organization’ named as ‘Medical council’ will be paid in a world neutral currency Earthlings.
The Medical council will own all the medical journals and medical literature pertaining to the treatment of all the human organs. Further the council will have 193 members that correspond to 193 world countries. The members will have access to the single version of truth medical journals and medical literature, thus ensuring the medical practices / prescriptions / procedures done to manage any of the human organs are consistent across the 193 world countries, and are proven organ management practices.
This will ensure medical malpractice, illegal trials on India, Indian citizens, and similarly other developing or poor countries is put to an end. Once again, the macro economic reform Project Earthling© and the macro governance reform united nations global governance model 2020© will drive equality across all the world countries.
Medical council will believe that Homo Sapiens must live for 90-100 years, their full life, in a relaxed and healthy way while on the planet. Their objective would be to deliver full life to humans and within that the best quality of life that humans could have to lead a relaxed and balanced life.
Medical councils perspective on ‘Eternal life programs run by usa’.
Medical Council will bring HEALTH balance to the world, and will put an end to ‘Eternal life psycho experiments or projects, which were run by usa, which are nothing but abuse of human rights’.
While doing so, ‘Medical council’ will ask any country that has achieved extension of life beyond 90-100 years for a sizeable population by way of their own ‘Fitness programs / Diet programs’, say 120 years survival across a target test subjects of say 5-10 thousand people, they could present such a program to the world countries. In exchange they could earn Earthlings for their country, if such a programs checks out and actually works. Thus positive approach towards longevity of life will be encouraged and promoted as opposed to any negative tactics or approaches, e.g., organ harvesting.
Organ harvesting, in that ‘Heart harvesting’, a rouge program run by usa.
A fantasy has been pursued and chased by usa for decades now. It is the eternal life pursuit. This pursuit begins by getting a second life. How do you make a 90 – 100 years old person get a second life, such that this person lives for another 60-70 years? And is this process repeatable? These were the questions asked by americans as they had enough wealth, enough to eat, and drink, with nothing else to do. They started a series of covert / classified projects given their monopolized currency usd. They invested in ‘Second life covert program’. This is one of the many rouge programs usa ran across the world countries given the unlimited printing of usd that has gone on for 245 years now.
With the ‘Second life covert program’, the world countries, within that the developing and poor countries in particular became playgrounds for their pharmaceutical companies. Every organ has been targeted and where possible organs have been harvested. In such countries they have proliferated corruption, driven by greed, which is satisfied by a suitcase of usd thrown to get any illegal medical practice / illegal trial done, without the knowledge, permission, or consent of the target subject. Millions have been used and killed across such countries. There is a money trail network they build to get such horrors done on test subjects. Usa had several pharmaceutical companies start in mid 19th century all of which are corporations with surplus funds, with research facilities and most of them have overseas operations for conducting illegal trials. The second life in one approach was planned to be derived from ‘Heart harvesting’ from a younger subject and giving it to an older subject. This is planned murder to get a second life. Will the 192 countries allow such a practice? Secondly will the 192 countries continue to take this illegal pharmaceutical trials, battering, and experiments on your citizens, and their human organs? This must end. It will end when the monopolized usd is terminated. It will be terminated by Project Earthling©.
The future Medical council will be paid in Earthlings and governed in GI-50 / G-193 model. This will ensure all illegal activity conducted by usa across the world, comes to an end, and a brand new world with rules, law, peace, and prosperity will be established. There will be proper medical care practices to take care of all the human organs, accessible to all the countries in the form of a single version of truth, in the form of medical journals and medical literature.
A movie constant gardner touches upon this subject and shows some reality to audience. All heinous, horrific, illegal medical practices will be brought to their end by the Medical Council.
I suggest you take this very seriously, for the health and well being of your country citizens; and to move in that direction, bring the attention of your leaders, government officials to this subject, so that your country is prepared to vote ‘YES’ for the macro reforms when they are brought to their decisive voting.
Earth is scarred with history of targeting humans and their organs because of usa activity across the world countries. First step is to end it. My macro-reforms will do it. Second step is to claim damages / liability caused due to loss of human life from usa. Will this result in 192 lawsuits from 192 countries against usa, at the judicial council? We must wait and see.
You can read some more about the Medical council by doing a search on ‘medical council’ in the website webpage:
Srinivas Devathi, 11-6-2022
POV 16:
Segment: Project Earthling(c)
For each country’s preparation prior to decisive voting of macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c).
Questions to be answered by 192 countries. By their government, leaders, and citizens prior to voting.
How did my country allow the monopoly of usd-$ across the world for 245 years?
How has usa abused my country over the last 245 years by monopoly of usd-$?
How has usa destroyed my country over the last 245 years by monopoly of usd-$?
How much bribe, illegitimate money for illegal transactions, has usa thrown at my country over the last 245 years in the form of suitcases of usd-$?
What is the total value of import bill fraud committed by usa by manipulating usd-$ over the last 245 years against my country?
How many importers from my country have been cheated by usa import bill fraud?
How many illegal activities has usa financed in my country by using suitcases of usd-$?
How many negative strategies against my country have been financed by usa in suitcases of usd-$?
Did usa promote, finance, and built corruption in my country?
Did usa target my country citizens by bribing few people in usd-$ to target citizens with nano technology devices and privacy invasion?
Did usa supply illegal drugs to my country so that the citizens become drug addicts, useless, or kill themselves?
Did usa supply illegal weapons to my country so that the citizens would fight and die? Did they divide my country so that we fight and die?
What other illegal activities has usa sponsored in my country by using unlimited printing of usd-$?
Did usa conduct illegal clinical trials in my country by using unlimited printing of usd-$?
Did usa do privacy invasion in my country, into regular peoples homes, and peep into their bedrooms, bathrooms, living rooms, kitchen, offices, cars, and shoot their videos without the citizens knowledge?
Did usa sponsor ‘organ harvesting’ in my country by bribing some hospitals and building a bribing network?
Did usa use ‘divide and destroy’ strategies against my country and citizens?
Did usa try to impose sex slavery on my country?
Did usa intentionally kept my country and its citizens ignorant, thus ensuring no business skills to deal with them?
Many more questions will be raised by 192 world countries depending on their horrible experiences with usa. Answering these questions will give the full clarity to the country, on all the wrongdoings of usa using the monopolized usd-$. It will become very clear to the country that they have been abused by usa for a long time, and thus conclude that taking the macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c) is the right direction for the future. It will be a neutral currency, and no country can try to do wrong against your country and your citizens.
Launch of Project Earthling(c) will be declared as the REAL INDEPENDENCE DAY to planet earth and its 192 countries, from the rouge regime of usa. The event must be marked by a cultural show presentation from each of the 192 countries. I request each of the 192 countries to put up a cultural show, entertainment show, drama, performance or maybe depiction of how your country suffered, to mark the occasion.
POV 17:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
Usa, and its venom against 192 world countries and their citizens. Venom is to destroy, burn, and kill them all for reasons of RACISM, HATRED, and JEALOUSY.
Given the history of last three centuries, unlimited printing of usd-$ for 245 years, and having no work to do, usa as a country and all its citizens have reached an inhuman state with no human contact, lost humanity, and zombie like lifeless state. Their arrogance has crossed all barriers and they have lost their mind, and given the bribes they can throw in printed usd-$, with the history of rouge leadership, they imagine they can do anything they want, anywhere in the world. Further they have broken every law ever made in the 192 countries, and have rendered the world lawless internationally.
Their numb state of mind, with psychosis, and mental disabilities has reached a point wherein they are now intolerant to:
1) any non-usa person that is smarter than them.
2) any non-usa person that looks attractive than them.
3) any non-usa person who wants to achieve good, great things for their country.
4) any non-usa person who has the competence to achieve big things in life.
When they identify such individuals, given the rouge regime and the history attached, out of pure RACISM, HATRED, and JEALOUSY they would destroy such persons life, and will go on to finance illegal activities until the person, his city, his country are fully destroyed, so that they control the world as in the old world order. The cure to these mental diseases and vises will begin by my macro-reforms Project Earthling(c) and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c). The nature of an adult person is not easy to change, usa and their deep seeded psycho attitude will not cure overnight and will take decades to cure.
All 192 countries need to work in a fully coordinated and synchronized way to make these psycho people work to earn Earthlings and pay their debt and liabilities to the 192 countries as would be judged by Judicial council in the upcoming new reformed governance model.
POV 18:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
What are the options for India to deal with a cash receipt from usa in usd ($) in high values such as 500 Billion, 1 Trillion, 2 Trillion, 3 Trillion, 5 Trillion, or 10 Trillion? Prayer point 1 in OS 2486 of 2021 prays the Honorable court to restrict such cash receipts offered by usa.
This POV is about recognizing the wealth demarcation between legitimate, and illegitimate.
Given that usa wanted to steal my invention patent US 8,910,998 B1 and its worldwide intellectual property rights conservatively valued at 93 Trillion Earthlings / $, they could have attempted to cut deals with India, possibly Indian govt, or one of the Indian state governments, by offering cash proceeds (a clean word for bribe) in exorbitant values such as 500 Billion, 1 Trillion, 2 Trillion, 3 Trillion, 5 Trillion, or 10 Trillion in usd ($). India, Indian govt, or any of its state govts must be wary of accepting such proceeds, as you will never be able to explain such wealth, its legitimacy to any of the world countries.
RBI foreign exchange reserves is not an option for this. If you hold such wealth in usd, you are becoming a state controlled by usa. Effectively becoming a slave country reporting to usa. I do not want India to be a slave country. Further, the rest of the world countries will question how India came up with such foreign exchange reserves when the GDP has not shown any variation, our economic indicators are relatively stagnant, and we still have vast population in BPL – below the poverty line category. So, such high values held in usd ($) currency raises questions on the legitimacy of such wealth and India will not be able to explain how they earned such wealth. The world countries will clearly call it a bribe, illegal, unethical, or a fraudulent deal.
Firstly we must never accept any bribe to lose any portion of my inventions wealth from coming into India. The question is how much bribe should we receive to lose 93 Trillion Earthlings / $. The real answer is ‘why take bribe, when the full wealth is legitimately ours, since it is mine, that of an Indian citizen’, and I intend to bring the full wealth legitimately into India through the legal court proceeding. If anyone thinks, of getting full 93 Trillion in $ as illegal bribe, such wealth will never be legitimate wealth coming into banks and recognized by RBI. Hence, the legal approach of me bringing in the wealth is the only real option for India. And this wealth will be recognized by all the world countries as legitimate money earned by the inventor according to a binding Treaty.
So, if indeed India has received high value numbers such as 500 Billion, 1 Trillion, 2 Trillion, 3 Trillion, 5 Trillion, or 10 Trillion in usd ($), what must they do now to deal with this illegal payment situation which will be defaming this country? Here are the options I propose.
1) Only if the payor of such high value payment is USPTO, a us government organization, then I give provisions in OS 40 of 2022, page 10, clause 22, and 23. If USPTO indeed has paid anyone in India, example Indian government, or one of the state governments high value payment of 500 Billion, 1 Trillion, 2 Trillion, 3 Trillion, 5 Trillion, or 10 Trillion in usd ($), the same could be declared in the Honorable court, as advance proceeds received in anticipation of the upcoming largest liability settlement (at least 93 Trillion Earthlings / $) to be received by Srinivas S. Devathi, me, and pray the Honorable court to offset the payment against the total liability value. The declared value must be placed in the court in the form of a ‘check’ payable to Srinivas S. Devathi, me. The Honorable court will offset the value off my full liability payment, and receive the balance from USPTO, the same organization that made the payment.
2) If the payor is anyone other than USPTO, shred the entire amount of currency since it is in usd ($) currency and illegitimate. It is as if the transaction never occurred. You took the corrective measure.
3) If the payor is anyone other than USPTO, return the full amount back to usa, or whoever the payor within usa is. It is as if the transaction never occurred. You took the corrective measure.
IF USPTO was the payor, and the payment was a legitimate payment, which came through a bank, option 1 must be your action. If the payor is anyone other than USPTO, the payment is illegitimate, and options 2 or 3 must be your action.
This POV is about recognizing the wealth demarcation between legitimate, and illegitimate; demarcation between legal wealth of Indian citizen, and illegal money received by bunch of citizens who decided to sell the country; demarcation between recognized Indian wealth (by rest of the world countries), and illegal money the authenticity of which will be questioned by all the world countries; demarcation between legal wealth held in banks, and illegal money stashed away and hidden from authorities. Make the correct choice from the options I have provided above.
POV 19:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
Lawmakers have work to curb ‘Privacy invasion’.
As detailed in POV 11, the micro and nano technology advances have resulted in many devises to intrude into the privacy of a person or families life. This intrusion could be done at the target subjects home, office, car, or all the places.
For offices / homes that are in upper floors, such tech could be surrounding you on six sides; four sides, the floors below and above to look at you and capture all information about you and shoot privacy invasive videos. For offices / homes that are in ground floor, such tech could be surrounding you on five sides; four sides and the floor above. This is a new challenge for all people, families, businesses, government offices, politicians, and simply said anyone living in a building anywhere in India, or the world. Laws must be made to contain this technology and privacy invasion.
This technology could be abused in ‘Hotel stays’ of people. Without your knowledge, there could be people on five or six sides off your room, and doing privacy invasion into your personal life. Law makers must frame a new ‘Hotel stay law’ to log who comes into the hotel with technology, devises, and stays thus intruding privacy of fellow residents who could be target subjects. A disclosure form must be mandated. And any resident at the hotel could get the five or six sides rooms checked for presence of such technology / devises by giving a complaint to the hotel and local authorities.
If India must realize the vision of becoming a rich, and yet a peaceful country, curbing ‘Privacy invasion’ is of highest priority and must be taken seriously. The law makers must make laws as explained above. The same applies to the other 191 non-usa countries. This will end the eagle eye intrusion permanently.
POV 20:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
How the rouge leader, from the rouge old world order has proliferated illegal transactions for targeting people from across the 192 other countries?
How much did the usa defendants in OS 2486 of 2021, combined usa spend in targeting me over the last 15 years, since Q1-2007?
My Living will in public domain has slowed their investments in targeting me. My Living will brings all of India, and the world countries into my wealth allocation and future initiatives. Thus, usa investments to target me have started to reduce.
Usa has spent an estimated 50 Billion $ to target me across the world (primarily usa and India) over the last 15 years, since I invented patent US 8,910,998 B1 in Q1-2007. In OS 2486 of 2021, I detail all the negative tactics that have been used by usa defendants, combined usa against me.
Close to an estimated 10 Billion $ would have been spent by them in targeting me in usa, in years 2009, 2010, 2013, and 2014. Over 40 Billion $ would have been spent in targeting me in India between years 2010 until now in 2022. With this kind of money spent, you can imagine how tens of 1000’S of people could be hired to target one person, and attempt to frame the one person negatively.
They have bribed a whole lot of people, many organizations, many institutions, many sectors, many industries, and associations, to target me to see if they could steal the full wealth from my invention patent US 8,910,998 B1.
The money was spent in: applying isolation strategy on me, making attempts to frame me negatively, documenting the thresholds or control limits of my body and organs, to deliver targeted experience to me every minute of every day, surround me 24 by 7 by 365, forecast my schedule, forecast and control my life for upcoming weeks, months, years, record my personality, behavior, nature, and responses to different targeted actions, attempt to control me, control my body, control my brain, and control my actions as much as possible. All of this to steal the wealth from my invention from me and that of India.
In order to counter it, I have executed my Living Will and pledged 90% of all the wealth for India, for achieving Goal year 2050 for India. This work will be followed worldwide and it will have cascading effects to all the developing and poor countries of the world. While targeting me as an individual to steal the wealth is one thing, how could they cheat all of India and 61 other countries that are connected to my work directly? My Living will in public domain has slowed their investments in targeting me.
The POV in this is about how the rouge leader, from the rouge old world order has proliferated illegal transactions for targeting the 192 other countries from progressing and building their own wealth. They have gone about cheating the entire world while targeting one person, me. They have rendered the world with NO international law. The old world order must come to an end, and the new world order must take charge. Both my macro reforms will bring the necessary international law across the world. Read the macro-reforms Project Earthling(c) and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c).
POV 21:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
Similar to the rouge program detailed in POV 15, organ / heart harvesting program launched by usa, there are many other rouge programs the jobless, workless, psycho americans / white house have run across the 192 world countries. My estimate would be that the number of questionable rouge programs run by usa across the world would be about hundred or more. Here are other rouge / covert programs ran by usa in many world countries, thus also in India, and used against me.
After my invention in Q1-2007, usa were quick to estimate my inventions valuation, realize that the old world order and their rouge regime was coming to an end.
They used three rouge programs against me after my invention, in a way to target me, and / or frame me negatively.
- See / C Program:
History: In the decades of 1940’S, 1950’S, and 1960’S Indian movies, in that Telugu movies were pulverizing the ratings / rankings of american cinema. World countries were hooked to watching Indian cinema more. Usa evaluation of the situation was ’emoting with eyes’ was observed among Indian actors and thus their cinema were successful, as compared to american. The Indian mythology and fantasy movies were pulverizing american cinema. They fund an illegitimate account with monopolized unlimited printed usd-$ and start a program called See / C program to target Indian people eyes and thus facial expressions. This rouge program was supposed to brand emoting with eyes as a disease or eye issue or health issue, when there is none. They funded this program and targeted many across the world and certainly India given the film ratings that they wanted to kill and destroy.
Given my invention, and that I was Indian citizen, they wanted to choose ways of attacking me, and this was a natural choice. The false KOL documentation for this is done by rouge pharmaceutical companies. I am a natural speaker and when I am explaining content to audience I am fairly composed and as with many people, my forehead expands and contracts while talking and explaining. This has been used as if it is a disease against me, and that I have a See / C disease and my eyes are animated in a way. Such a rouge program and documentation will never be successful, as they now must confront me in the court with these false fabricated allegations. In this effort, to do false documentation, they have attempted to parade many women around me and state that my eyes expand / enlarge when women are around me and contracted / normal otherwise. This is nothing but american trash / garbage program which people and courts all across the world will strike out and call out the negative tactic with the hidden motive of greed, from a distance. It is nonsense to cover up their greed and wrongdoings. - Ass program:
History: After world war II, India got its independence in 1947, and declared itself a Hindu country under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. The rouge British did not want to fully retreat and wanted to somehow attack India and Hinduism. Soon Gandhi is assassinated. They use symbology to attack Hinduism. The symbol of OM, was always popular in India and seen on temple walls and other suitable places. The symbols of cross and moon/stars for christianity, and islam were analyzed and they wanted to get derogatory, bad, negative meaning for the OM symbol to target Hinduism. The 3 was construed as ‘ass’ and the line coming out of the 3 as shit among bad analogies made by them to target India and Hinduism. Not to mention they add the word game ‘Hind-u’. Hind implying rear or ass. Thus symbology and word games are behind targeting Hindus and India with ‘Ass program’. An illegitimate account was created and funded to run a ‘Ass’ program. If you merge these two rouge programs See / C program and Ass program, you get C-hinese program.
Since they were identifying ways of attacking me after Q1-2007 when my invention was done, they chose this Ass program also. The way to tag me to this was by parading women in front of me, in my line of sight and state that I see ass. When they are intentionally made to walk in front of me, how is that any kind of an issue linking to me? And further, in my entire life I do not know, as I cannot see who is walking behind me, or what is going on behind me. So is the case with all human beings, as we have eyes in the front. So, this is one of the difficult programs to run, as a camera must be positioned in a neutral position to shoot and tag a person in the illegitimate ass program. And the moment camera comes into the equation, the stage drama, of a set-up women walking in front of subject being tagged will be very clear to court and all the world countries. To their disappointment, this program has also failed. They did finance this program heavily and had many women parade in front of me. My behavior was normal and did not change, despite the parading, thus fully neutralizing and killing this negative tactic of theirs. They will fail to use this against me in the court as well. - World is short program targeting men from 192 world countries:
History: Given the explosion of corporations in 19th century america, combined with monopoly of usd-$, they built enough wealth for themselves and built their country, cities, roadways, airports, and finished all work within their country by mid 20th century. After world war 1, the work within america was accelerated and much was done. They trigger world war II in a planned effort to neutralize any opposition across the world, and stamp their authority on all the world countries. USSR, the only opposition disintegrated after world war II. The atom bomb drop was supposed to instill fear among world countries. Thus america thought they stamped their authority on all world countries, and further they form ‘United nations’ and use it as a eye wash to control and manipulate the world countries any which way they want, since UN was paid by them in usd-$. The entire world with no opposition, with fear among countries, and full control in their grip by a puppet UN. What more could america want. One would think nothing more. No, the rouge american men wanted to announce to the world that they have bigger penises as compared to the other 192 country men, when it is a lie, as men across the world are same by ratio-proportion of their height to penis size. How do they go about falsely creating this illusion as a fact to men of other countries? They used all technology and advances at their disposal. Pharmaceutical technology to falsely hit men of other countries by ratio-proportion to establish they are short as compared to Americans. Since the technology was there, they fund an account illegitimately and start the ‘world is short’ rouge program.
Since my invention in Q1-2007, since I was going to be the richest man in the world, they wanted to hit me under the belt to hurt my ego, sentiment, or make me emotional since I was being targeted. The technology they have at their disposal is to induce subsize erections and chemically push a release. They have used it few times against me, which I have been able to see right through. I will expose their food poisoning, and drug usage to the entire world. And further I state that I am a secure man. And I have given my penis dimension on my website 6 inches under normal erection. My puberty erection length I can say. These days there are drugs to do all sorts of things with your penis, to increase length, etc., all of it since the pill became a prescription drug in 1998. Once again they have failed in using this rouge program against me, as I can clearly explain and detail the analysis behind their negative tactic to the entire world. It must also be understood that this is not against me or India alone. This tactic has been used by americans across the world countries and their men. I am a secure man, and can prove my penis size to the court in a special court hearing, or even my sexual prowess (given the curiosity of me being the only trillionaire) to the court in a special court hearing. Thus rubbishing and fully terminating this rouge program of america. - The SCAM OF SECOND MILLENIUM. How did usa-uk men create an illusion, thus hurting the manhood and ego of men from across the world?
- Understand this simple medical fact and enlighten yourself with knowledge and truth. usa-uk men designed the world is short program. Given the pharmaceutical company advances they had drugs to make the penis hold blood giving it a certain size. This was available to them by world war II timeframe. They design puppet un. You must now know that un has worked all of the last 75 years only for their order giving master usa and uk, since they are paid in usd-$. They had no interest towards the world countries or world citizens.
- Within few years, the drug that gives the penis a certain dimension (by increasing blood flow and holding it there for a preset time) is integrated into their daily consumption food, which was now processed food / meat / beef / bacon etc. This is simply a sub-size erection holding for certain time through the day or when they want it. They did this to show off and started doing it around the world, indicating that this is their penis in un-erect position by consuming regular food and nothing else, when the drug was hidden in the processed food they intake daily.
- Further, using the same sub-size erection inducing drug, now given through food to men in India or other world countries, they indicate that, look this is his erect penis size, as we have given him erection drug. Both dimensions are same (factoring and keeping the height of the persons comparable), however they are cheating the world by showing this dimension on themselves in an undrugged unerect condition, and that for the target person as a induced drug erection resulting in the short penis. This scam they have continued for decades now. Men, women all across the world have been cheated by this.
- You remove the drug molecules from the processed food, and usa-uk white men penises will come down to one centimeter or one inch given the removal of prolonged drug usage. I very clearly indicate to entire world. Male physiology is one and the same across the world. The height to erect penis lengths across world countries, including all religions, all regions, men of all color is 4 feet – 4 inches, 5 feet – 5 inches, 6 feet – 6 inches, 7 feet – 7 inches, and so on. This is a fact. A scientific fact. Do not believe or fall for the cheating tactics of usa-uk men. They are now psycho beyond redemption.
- usa-uk by creating this illusion in the 20th century, have cheated men across the world, and people of all the 191 world countries. Given this fact, this has got to be the ‘SCAM OF SECOND MILLENIUM’.
All of these rouge programs have been used in combination not only in India, but across the world with the purpose of ‘Tagging young men’ from developing, poor, or any of the 192 countries without their knowledge, have some paid kol / doctors do frivolous paperwork again without the knowledge of the tagged subject, and eventually kill the subject so that some old loser in usa gets a second life from the harvested heart of the tagged subject. So, by motive these three programs join or culminate with the organ harvesting / heart harvesting rouge program run by usa. At the Medical council in new world order, I will introduce and elaborate these programs to all 193 countries, if required.
POV 22:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)
Bringing the right governance to the world, that shall last for centuries to come.
For each country’s preparation prior to decisive voting of macro-governance reform United nations global governance model 2020(c).
Questions to be answered by 192 countries. By their governments, leaders, and citizens.
Questions to be answered in YES / NO options.
Questions about non functioning old world order units / divisions:
Is UNSC with five permanent member countries four of which are controlled by usa, competent to govern the world?
Despite the eye wash of 5 permanent members at UNSC, it is fully controlled by usa, by using the financial lever, and monopoly of usd-$. Do you agree?
The other four non-usa unsc members are sitting lame ducks, taking orders from usa. Do you agree?
All of United Nations, its operations and expenses are paid for in usd-$? Do you agree?
Since paid for in usd-$, United Nations works in the interests of usa only. Do you agree?
All the other organizations under UN work for the interests of usa only. Do you agree?
Five of the six UN organs are headquartered in New York, usa. Given that they are paid in usd-$, full control on UN is exercised by us corporations. power is exercised on them by white house, and americans run these organs anyway they want. Do you agree?
The same control and power is exercised on the sixth organ ICJ which is in Hague, Netherlands. Do you agree?
ICJ operates according to an agreement with UNSC. So ICJ judgements are not according to law, and are for the benefit of usa?
Does my country trust ICJ?
Do my country citizens trust ICJ as a justice delivering international court?
I consider ICJ as a puppet in the hands of usa?
I think all ICJ judgements are biased and are in favor of usa and in rare circumstances the other four countries on unsc?
ICJ behavior is aligned to their employer?
Can ICJ deliver justice to 192 non-usa countries?
Does my country feel confident about filing human rights violation suit, crimes against humanity suit, racism suits, harassment suits, treated like slaves suit, intentionally destroyed economic growth progress and development suit, malicious intent suit, fraud suit, stole our wealth suit, import bill fraud suit by manipulating usd-$ for a prolonged period of 245 years suit, organ harvesting suit, illegal clinical trials suit, privacy invasion by nixon tech suit, economic slavery suit, political slavery suit, drugs-chemical targeting and proliferation suit, sex slavery suit, incorrect guidance suits, divide and destroy suit, supply arms / weapons to fight and die suit, intentionally inflicted war suit, and/or created civil unrest suit AGAINST usa at ICJ?
Do my country citizens feel confident about filing abuse of nano-technology suit – privacy invasion suit, abuse of nixon technology – peeping into private space, home, office, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen suit, abuse of nixon technology – life manipulation suit, abuse of nixon technology – coupled with food poisoning / drugging – personal / professional life manipulation suit, malicious intent suit, fraud suit, stole our wealth suit, caused damages / liability suit, inflicted death suit, and/or divide and destroy suit AGAINST usa at ICJ?
WHO did not really work for the cause of world health, and worked for the interests of usa?
Did WHO just do the work given to them by usa, for their selfish needs?
Is WHO a puppet organization controlled by usa, since they are paid in usd-$ in the old world order?
unicef never supported and financed meaningful education in poor countries?
Unicef is an eye-wash for 192 countries to not take control of their own country’s education?
Unicef is a puppet organization in control of usa, since they are paid in usd-$ in the old world order?
unesco never delivered real economic benefit to any of the world countries?
Unesco is a puppet organization in control of usa, since they are paid in usd-$ in old world order?
All the old world order UN organizations run by rouge usa, by paying in usd-$, are used for their own selfish needs and motives, against the interests of the other 192 world countries. Do you agree?
Is UNDP an eye-wash organization, paid in usd-$?
Has UNDP driven any progress, development, or measurable economic growth to my country?
Pose the above two questions mutatis mutandis for UN-HABITAT, UNEP, UNICEF, UNFPA, and WFP?
Has UNAIDS paid in usd-$ delivered any relief to my country?
UNAIDS was used to conduct trials on your country subjects for the selfish objectives of usa?
Pose similar questions like the above two, mutatis mutandis for UNRWA, UNHRC, UNSSC, UNIDIR, UNU, UNITAR, UN WOMEN, and UNOPS?
Has CTBTO paid in usd-$ been used and abused by usa for their selfish motives, and controlling other world countries?
Pose similar question as above, mutatis mutandis for UNFCC, IAEA, WTO, IOM, ITC, and OPCW?
The autonomous organizations must be allowed to function independently without usa attempting to control them. Do you agree?
Has the world bank that is controlled by usa delivered any measurable results for your country?
If there was any work that world bank has attempted to conduct in your country, were there interests, benefits, future control levers being handed over to usa?
Has IMF delivered any meaningful progress in your country?
All specialized organizations that operate in and have 193 country delegates, and work for objectives that align with the betterment or benefit of all 193 countries, then they must be paid for in a world neutral currency Earthlings. Do you agree?
When all such specialized organizations having real interest in benefiting developing and poor countries are paid for in neutral currency such as Earthlings, then alone their performance measured against goals / objectives will be meaningful. Do you agree?
Pose the above two questions mutatis mutandis for all specialized organizations whose objectives are to better the world and benefit all 193 countries.
Racial, economic status, and religious isolation or bias in the old world order:
Have UNSC and UNGA curbed freedom of speech, and freedom of expression in the old world order, under the control of usa?
Have UNSC and UNGA in the old world order, under the control of usa, branded other religions negatively to softly promote and finance the proliferation of christianity?
Have UNSC and UNGA in the old world order, under the control of usa intentionally kept many African countries illiterate and poor?
Have UNSC and UNGA in the old world order, under the control of usa, branded each country with a steriotyping issue / subject and locked the country, manipulated and controlled the country by financial lever, for decades distracting these countries from attempting to progress, develop, and achieve economic success for themselves?
Have UNSC and UNGA in the old world order, under the control of usa, used some countries in developing and poor categories for conducting illegal clinical trials?
Have UNSC and UNGA in the old world order, under the control of usa, forced a monolithic usa culture onto the rest of the world countries? Thus curbing cultural diversity and cultural freedom of the world countries?
Questions about the benefits from new world order – GI-50 and G-193:
When united nations is paid in a world neutral currency Earthlings, there will be no tangential interests, or financially lobbied interests in the work of united nations. Do you agree?
When 50 world countries are sitting as permanent members in the united nations governing council, spanning every race, religion, ethnic group, geography across earth, while being paid for in world neutral currency Earthlings, it is a perfect governance council that will care for all the world countries. Do you agree?
My country feels fully safe and secure when governed in the Group Influential 50 governing council model, wherein the model operational expenses are paid in Earthlings currency?
Further, given that all decisive voting subjects will be brought for voting of all 193 countries, my country feels rightly governed, with the empowered voice and decisioning ability at the world stage, on all world subjects?
World governing council when not paid for in a local domestic currency of any one country, will live up to its set goals and objectives?
I and my country feel great because GEC will pay for governing council expenses, in Earthlings?
In the Group Influential-50 governing model, all world countries will be cared for?
Lasting peace across the world is an achievable goal / objective when GI-50 governing model is taken live. Do you agree?
GEC, Global Earthling Council also the Economic council of the world will provide economic guidance to countries asking for it, delivering measurable economic growth?
Being a developing, or poor country, my country feels great that GEC will give ‘development package’ to enable progress and development of my country?
I am confident GEC will deliver economic growth to my country resulting in prosperity to my country?
Judicial Council to replace ICJ, in new world order:
I and my country feel that international law and respect for all countries shall prevail in the world, because of the Judicial council formation?
I and my country feel good that the judges at Judicial council, all the judicial council expenses will be paid by GEC in Earthlings currency?
I and my country are confident that true justice will prevail and will be delivered by Judicial council since neutral country bench of judges preside on the cases / suits?
Does my country feel confident about filing human rights violation suit, crimes against humanity suit, racism suits, harassment suits, treated like slaves suit, intentionally destroyed economic growth progress and development suit, malicious intent suit, fraud suit, stole our wealth suit, import bill fraud suit by manipulating usd-$ for a prolonged period of 245 years suit, organ harvesting suit, illegal clinical trials suit, privacy invasion by nixon tech suit, economic slavery suit, political slavery suit, drugs-chemical targeting and proliferation suit, sex slavery suit, incorrect guidance suit, divide and destroy suit, supply arms / weapons to fight and die suit, intentionally inflicted war suit, and/or created civil unrest suit AGAINST usa at the Judicial council in the new world order?
Do my country citizens feel confident about filing abuse of nano-technology suit – privacy invasion suit, abuse of nixon technology – peeping into private space, home, office, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen suit, abuse of nixon technology – life manipulation suit, abuse of nixon technology – coupled with food poisoning / drugging – personal / professional life manipulation suit, malicious intent suit, fraud suit, stole our wealth suit, caused damages / liability suit, inflicted death suit, and/or divide and destroy suit AGAINST usa at the Judicial council in the new world order?
Medical Council to replace WHO, in new world order:
I and my country are elated at the news of formation of medical council?
I and my country feel safe since the medical council, its operations and expenses will be paid by GEC in Earthlings currency?
In 100 books of an estimated 500 pages each, the single version of truth for all the human organs management, treatment methods, procedures, surgeries, that constitutes medical journals and literature could be captured, documented, and digitized by the medical council for access of all 193 world countries? Do you agree?
Medical council will truly curb medical malpractice and illegal trials across the world and hence in my country?
Medical council will ensure good health management practice across the world and hence in my country?
Will the new world order deliver freedom of speech to all 193 world countries?
Will the new world order deliver freedom of expression to all the 193 world countries?
Will the new world order deliver cultural freedom and encourage cultural diversity across all the 193 world countries?
Will the new world order ensure the ‘Security’ of all 193 world countries?
Will the new world order provide guidance for economic growth and wealth creation to all the countries looking for those end goals?
Will the new world order ensure law and order, and justice are delivered to all 193 countries?
Will the new world order ensure ‘International law’ definition and its enforcement across the world?
Will the new world order ensure dispute resolution among countries for lasting peace in the neighborhood?
Will the new world order deliver progress and development to all the countries looking for these objectives?
Questions to be answered in write-up with details. This will form content and true stories for authors and content directors for decades to come:
My country was steriotyped by usa in the old world order in this way? Explain.
My country was targeted by usa in the old world order in this way? Explain.
My country was isolated and targeted by usa in the old world order in this way? Explain.
My country over the last 250 years has been abused by usa in the old world order in this way? Explain.
My country never got any progress and development funds from usa in the old world order? Explain number of requests and attempts that were denied.
My country never got any economic guidance from usa in the old world order? Explain.
My country was branded black, and due to racism, hatred, and jealousy was given no opportunity or voice in old world order by usa? Explain.
My country was branded islamic and usa supplied arms, weapons to start war and fight? Explain.
My country was invaded by usa, attacked by usa, destroyed by usa in the following way. Explain.
My country was forced to accept illegal clinical trials by usa in the old world order to make some money in bribes. Explain.
My country was rendered a corrupt country by negative strategies employed by usa in the old world order. Explain.
My country was always controlled and manipulated by usa in old world order by financial lever or other. Explain.
My country has been forced into war by usa in the old world order. Explain.
My country has been turned into a conflict zone and exploited by usa in the old world order. Explain.
My country has been forced into sex trade and sex slavery by usa in the old world order, to make some illegitimate money. Explain.
My country has been forced into drugs trade and supply by usa in the old world order, to make some illegitimate money. Explain.
Each country must ask more questions and answer them depending on the history of their country, and interactions with usa / uk, for the last 300 years.
WHEN 192 COUNTRIES ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS, it will deliver content and true stories for authors and content directors for decades to come.
POV 23:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
American caucasean white women in the old world order wanted to destroy women from the other 192 world countries, including India, in their imaginary competition to become my queen. All investments, attempts, plots, schemes were done with singular motive of inheriting my wealth after me, as the queen.
The term ‘gold digger’ originated in usa. Women there were the first to wait for their rich husbands death to inherit his money and party in sunsets. This is a documented fact, and when Trillions of wealth is involved you could imagine the psycho restlessness of mental ‘gold diggers’ in usa. My answer to american women is to come out of your delusional imaginary competition and stay away from me.
Coming to the direct motive of greed and their plan in clear straight forward steps:
- Somehow, anyhow entice the rich man. In this case me. The motive behind issuing me the Green card after my invention.
- Force, finance, and run rouge programs to force me out of India into usa.
- Forcefully by creating situations, using drugs, force themselves onto me, and get married.
- After marriage within few months due to inexplicable medical reasons I would be dead. The ‘gold digger’ inherits all my wealth.
The above was the plot of caucasian / white american women living in New Jersey, and other parts of america. I have terminated their fraudulent plot.
I established my Living will and pledged 90% of all wealth to achieve Goal year 2050 for India. I do not want anyone to have any doubt about this. I will achieve ‘Goal year 2050 for India’. I will live in India all my life. Further, in my life I have always liked model like Indian young women in the age bracket of 20-25. I have never liked or considered american caucasean white
women, ever.
This write up is a fact set more than a POV. The POV to understand here is at 93 Trillion wealth, only Hindu young women will ever come to me, and if a queen were to be chosen, it shall be a Indian Hindu young women, born and raised in India and living in India. Greed of american women, caucasean or otherwise, is exposed and is there for people all over the world to see. This POV will be clearly understood by all 192 world countries.
POV 24:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
The stunted psycho brains and incompetence of baldwin psychos.
With the camera invention around 1890, and its miniaturization, and usa having finished all the work in their country before the second world war, the country is suffering with incurable mental disease called Baldwin psychosis. This is the term I have used for people who have nothing else to do in their life except for peeping into the bedrooms and bathrooms of other people, other families. Doing privacy invasion and watching live nudity. This has terminated usa and the debilitating disease has rendered americans incompetent, as losers, and a liability for their country. Anyone hooked to this disease will be unproductive and useless. I request 192 world countries to join hands, contain and eradicate this disease from planet earth.
Here are some facts about Baldwin psychos:
- Baldwin psychos will never be able to achieve anything meaningful in their lives.
- Youngsters in schools / colleges with this disease / habit will never excel academically or become successful.
- People who are in jobs/working suffering with this disease will have stunted / stopped careers and lives.
- All other fields including politicians, police, other officials, corporate executives who get hooked to this habit / disease, will become useless, with no
productivity, output, work results to show. Stunted brains and useless they are, to themselves, their families, their countries, society, and humanity.
A disease that must be eradicated and kept away from humanity. usa will be cured by the other 192 world countries.
POV 25:
Segment: Patent-Intellectual Property
Deformation of the exterior layer is eliminated by choosing a higher density fluid / color. Competent authorities of India doing the sale price valuation must consider this fact.
Indian competent authorities doing valuation of the sale price of my patent US 8,910,998 must consider the following factors:
The invention is a slam dunk and will be embraced by all OEM’S of the world and at all the production plants across the world countries. A very early stage concept illustration video must not be considered limiting in any way. The deformation of the exterior layer, and the usage of one liter of liquid color in the early stage demonstration video, must not be considered as a problem / challenge for you to go conservative or choose lower sale price estimation numbers. Review the following facts and factor them into your estimation activity:
- I refer you to my patent document page 8, column 4, line 57. Read the text all the way until page 9, column 5, line 11. This text is about the various fluids, materials that could be flown into the fluid tight space to alter the color of the vehicle surface. You will read that I have listed a broad range of substances without limiting the design to only liquid e.g., water color. I refer you to the listed materials suspensions, slurries, emulsions containing solid material, flowable solids, oils, resin, and waxes.
- I bring your attention to the above inclusion in the patent text to state that in one embodiment, semi-solid, waxy substance, e.g., colors sold in the paste form in tubes (available in the market today and purchased by painters) could be flown into the fluid tight space. When such material is chosen to fill the fluid tight space, there will be no deformation of the exterior layer. The intended objective is fully achieved by the design. Further, I refer you to my patent text page 8, column 3, lines 3 to 9. In one embodiment, given the fluid tight space thickness ranging between one micron to 5 millimeters, when the colors in higher density are flown in, there will be absolutely no deformation of the exterior layer.
The objective of documenting this POV and sending this communication is to ensure you do not undervalue the patent depending on an early stage demonstration video on one of my websites. The design is implementable in the present and will be chosen by all world OEM’S as a production standard.
Factor these legal points included in the patent document while performing your sale price valuation / estimation activity.
POV 26:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
World events, in that national events, international events, actions taken, and orders given by usa, all of which have been done since Q1-2007, after my patented invention of US 8,910,998.
This is history repeating of sorts. This time it is usa playing the role of East India company, to come into India in the name of business and to make us slaves.
In the attempt of stealing great wealth, in this case Trillions of Earthlings / $ linked to my invention patent US 8,910,998, usa has gone to the extent of moving mountains, creating tsunamis, exercise all their authority, power IN THE OLD WORLD ORDER, use as much printed currency of usd-$ as possible; to manipulate, change, alter, engineer events all across the world. Within that, they have done much manipulation in their country usa and attempted to manipulate India significantly.
My invention in Q1-2007 was the trigger and the core reason for all the events listed here, to occur.
Usa events
- Barack Hussain Obama becomes the first African american President of usa, and goes to White House. Further finishes two terms. This has occurred for the first time in the american history of 245 years. A man considered of african origin with a muslim middle name living in white house for eight years. No one could ever fathom this. It happened because of my invention. The unknown Obama until then, suddenly storms into democratic primaries in Q2 of 2007. Takes office in Jan 2009. This was to announce that usa is with oil, while they are about to engage in a fake fire scam. This was also to connect with muslim and african countries, while attempting to fake a statement to the world that they are not racist, and are not going to attack me out of racism, hatred, and jealousy; given that I am an Indian citizen, copper middle skin tone, and Hindu by religion.
- First cash drop to Tesla was made in year 2008. Financing the fire scam.
- Elon Musk made the richest man in the world in quick time. Continue to finance and support the fire scam.
- Dinner invite to Manmohan Singh by President Bush, after my invention.
- 2008 credit crisis was induced with the collapse of Lehmann brothers. Housing market correction happened, further causing the largest bail-out of american banks ever recorded in the history.
- Hollywood made several movies to target me, and my invention.
- Ferrari listing on Nasdaq.
- Usa spent Billions of usd-$ in targeting me since after my invention in Q1-2007.
- Usa spent Billions in attempting to frame me negatively in an attempt to steal the wealth from my invention.
Worldwide events
- Brexit was initiated and concluded because of my invention. This was to eventually try to force me to usa or uk, where I would be assassinated.
- Obama visit to Saudi Arabia soon after he took office. Strengthening alliance with oil rich monarch, building an alliance between christianity and islam, and detailed the full plot of ‘fake fire scam’ which was going to be used to attack me, Hinduism religion, and India, to steal the wealth off my invention. This was uniting two other religions against Hinduism. Usa pledging solidarity with oil, while throwing me into fire scam. I have defused it and have asked for it to be subjected for voting of 193 world countries.
- Obama visit to India for attending Indian Republic day event. Start manipulating India to target me, to destroy India and its future.
- Syria bombing causing mass migration of muslim people into european countries. Brexit and this go hand in hand. So that I would not choose a European country as an alternative, when they would attack me in India. For this they give Europe the shade of muslim, thus the shade of support to oil. This was to force me to usa or uk where I would be assassinated.
- After decades of isolation Mr. Trump meets Mr. Un of North Korea in Singapore, with no results coming off such a meeting. This was to indicate to me that after me having been isolated, a dialogue outside legal forum such as court will result in nothing.
- Slumdog Millionaire oscar event collaboration between Hollywood and Indian cinema industry. This oscar event in 2009 was to build network and link into Indian film industry to use them against me, and to make movies to target me.
- Holding world media houses hostage so as not to introduce my invention patent US 8,910,998, macro reforms Project Earthling(c), and United Nations Global governance model 2020(c).
India events:
This is history repeating of sorts. This time it is usa playing the role of East India company, to come into India in the name of business and to make us slaves. With the news of me getting rich, which would result in wealth and many businesses within India, they again try to enter to steal our wealth and leave us poor.
- Bill gates and Warren buffett visit to India in 2010. This was to control and keep the IT industry in grip.
- Amazon India launch by Jeff Bezos.
- 26-11. Masterminded by an american citizen probably paid by usa government; was to build an emotional connect with India by drawing parallels between 9-11 and 26-11.
- Tata Motors acquisition of JLR. A deal that wipes out all the wealth, earnings, savings of a decade from Tata motors. A deal made in hell.
- Launch of Tata nano. A product well intended with moderate success. They launch after my invention.
- Toyota enters India by introducing Itios in the cab segment. Launches Innova and builds sizable market in the segment.
- Renault enters Indian market with Duster.
- MG forays into India.
- All top world automotive OEM’S at least introduce one or the other model, even if it means CKD exports into India.
- Chevy launched Beat and later closed their operations. Ford launches Ecosport.
- CNBC TV 18 entry into India to capture all details about India (political, military, etc.). The media house gave enough intel and details about India to the masterminding team sitting in usa. Their entry into India must be called as spying on India.
- Usa sent their trained order takers, the pseudo economists that are Nri-abcd to India to give WRONG advise, to intentionally destroy and derail India by bad advise. These people include Raghuram Rajan, Amartya Sen, Arvind Subramanyam, Jayant Sinha, and Kaushik Basu. These people came with tags of Harvard university, Columbia, Booth, etc. These people ran a propaganda program that India to be 5 Trillion economy in 5 years. It is nearing the end of 5 years, and Indian GDP has not changed from its 2.6 Trillion number. This point must be recorded clearly, since it corroborates that if you trust usa or uk, you will be derailed and destroyed. This attempt was a 5 Trillion carrot dangling to steal my invention wealth of at least 93 Trillion. India must be aware of wrong advise from foreigners.
- Maximum number of drug seizing events ever recorded in India. Infused by usa to derail Indian college students. Usa negative strategies on display to destroy India.
- Indian media, movie industries, television, advertising, and sports have been used by usa.
- New trend of Horse trading introduced into Indian politics as observed in multiple states. It was to disrupt democracy in India.
- Bangalore city fully controlled and manipulated. My life has been surrounded and manipulated 24 by 7 by 365.
- Indian film industry made several movies to target me, and my invention.
- Holding Indian media houses hostage so as not to introduce my invention patent US 8,910,998, macro reforms Project Earthling(c), and United Nations Global governance model 2020(c).
Regional events
- Chinese smartphones entry into India.
- Rohingya incursion into India.
- Singapore chosen for meeting of Mr. Trump and Mr. Un. The meeting co-ordination expenses were supposed to be highest ever to hold talks between two country leaders.
Manipulation of United Nations
- UNSC and UNGA controlled and held hostage by usa so as to block me from introducing the macro reforms Project Earthling(c), and United Nations Global governance model 2020(c) to 193 world countries.
- UN SMT was shuffled and manipulated so that they do not engage me in conversations.
- The current day United Nations is a puppet in the control of usa, since they are paid in usd-$.
- All UN organs, and organizations used to block my work, since they are controlled by usa. Even their offices outside usa were commanded and controlled to not engage me in a dialogue on my macro reforms.
POV 27:
Segment: Patent-Intellectual Property
My legal relationship with 193 world countries. My relationship with 62 countries off the 153 PCT contracting states.
In this POV I want to address the relationship that I have with the world countries. The relationship I have with 153 PCT contracting states, and within that 62 countries chosen by me for my invention patent US 8,910,998 IP rights protection.
An individual has a relationship with a country when he draws income in that country, and pays taxes to the country government. When we say relationship with a country, it is actually the relationship with its government. The government collects taxes, which constitutes a financial transaction and the relationship with the country.
Legal relationship with India.
I have legal relationship with India, my home country, the country of my citizenship. I have drawn income in the country and have paid taxes for several years. Further, I point you to my executed and legalized Living will, in which I have pledged 90% of all my wealth coming off my invention for India, half of which is paid for Indian government, and the state governments. So, I have a very strong legal relationship with my home country India.
Legal relationship with usa.
I have had a legal relationship with usa. I was employed by capgemini usa while working in usa between Oct 2000 and Jan 2010. During this period, I drew salary and paid taxes to usa government, and applicable taxes to their state government also. However this legal relationship has ended now, as I do not draw any income over there, nor pay taxes there. Further, I have abandoned all work permits / visa, or resident status given to me by usa government. Do not intend to ever travel there again.
Legal relationship with 153 country PTO’S because of PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619.
A replica application of my patent US 8,910,998 was filed as a PCT international application with application number PCT/US2014/046619 on 15-7-2014, under the provisions of Patent Cooperation Treaty. According to article 11 of PCT the treaty the application when filed has the same effect of filing applications in all designated states, which in this case are all 153 PCT contracting countries. This is my legal relationship with the 153 PCT country PTO’S. My relationship is with the 153 country Patent and Trademark Offices. This relationship is via me procuring ‘Legal services’ from IP lawyer ‘Hulsey PC, usa’.
It must be understood that the LEGAL relationship with PTO under the provisions of Patent Cooperation Treaty is different from having any legal relationship outside the PTO within that country, with their government.
Legal relationship with 61 non-usa country PTO’S because of entering national and regional stages using my PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619.
Off the 153 PCT countries, 61 non-usa countries were chosen by me depending on ‘automotive production volume / production value’. By filing fifteen national stage and two regional stage applications I got my invention IP rights protection across the 61 non-usa countries. These 61 country PTO’S (Patent and Trademark offices) have processed my national stage application, according to the provisions of Patent cooperation Treaty. This relationship is via me procuring ‘Legal services’ from IP lawyer ‘Chadha and Chadha, India’. These 61 country PTO’S have prosecuted the national stage applications for their territory.
Legal relationship with WIPO and 61 non-usa country Judiciary.
Because of breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty articles 18 and 19, committed by uspto in relation to my PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619, I now have the following legal relationships:
- Legal relationship with WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization, which administers PCT, the Treaty. They have 193 world countries as their members despite only 153 countries being contractually party to PCT the Treaty. The breach of PCT has been legally informed to WIPO. The legal remedy that will be issued by the court will also be communicated to WIPO according to law and this communication will have to reach all 153 PCT contracting states and might possibly reach all 193 member countries as official legal communication from court. This legal relationship is established by lawsuit filed in Indian court OS 2487 of 2021.
- Legal relationship with the COURTS of 61 non-usa countries. I have kept the 61 non-usa country judiciary informed about the breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty articles 18 and 19, and the legal remedy ordered by Indian court will also be communicated to these 61 non-usa country courts. This legal relationship is established by lawsuit filed in Indian court OS 2487 of 2021.
International airport transits do not constitute legal relationship.
My international airport transits do not constitute a legal relationship with that country government. While travelling between India and usa, I have had flight connections, transitions at Amsterdam (once), London (once), Dubai (once), and Paris (multiple times). These transits, despite overnight stays due to missed connecting flights, do not constitute legal relationship with Netherlands, uk, uae, and France.
I do not have legal relationship with 191 world countries / their governments.
Outside of India, and a past expired relationship with usa, I do not have a legal relationship with 191 other countries or their governments. This must be clearly recorded by everyone in the world, in relation with the execution of upcoming 62 largest sale agreements, one each with each of the 62 countries.
POV 28:
Segment: Old world order
Sub-segment: Old world order horror
The questions that must be asked by 191 world countries, their citizens to the rouge old world order, wherein the ‘rouge old world order’ comprises of usa, their corporations, their citizens, white house, uk, their corporations, and their citizens. The puppet un, its organs, and organizations all of which are paid for in usd-$ are controlled by usa-uk, the rouge old world order, thus rendering them useless, ineffective, incompetent, and demonstrating reckless irresponsible behavior towards 191 world countries.
- Why does the rouge old world order, want to control all 191 other world countries?
- Why does the rouge old world order, want to keep all non-usa and non-uk countries as slave countries?
- Why does the rouge old world order, want to be self-proclaimed leaders to the world?
- Why does the rouge old world order, within that usa want the monopoly of their currency usd-$ in the world?
- Why does the rouge old world order, want to steal wealth from all 191 world countries into usa-uk, rendering every country poor?
- Why does the rouge old world order, impose racism and slavery on the world countries and world citizens?
- Why does the rouge old world order, selectively deliver prosperity to few countries and destroy the prosperity prospects of vast majority of other world countries?
- Why does the rouge old world order, within that uspto of usa (which should technically be non-government organization) commit worldwide fraud, breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty – PCT, a legal agreement between 156 countries, and intentionally block inventions of citizens from 191 world countries (e.g., breach of PCT on my PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619), which will result in their country economic growth and progress?
- Why does the rouge old world order, finance and ensure each country is controlled by a vise that they have created, so that the target country is derailed and destroyed?
- Why did the rouge old world order, block progress & development opportunities of India and other 190 world countries? Why have the rouge old world order, continuously targeted religion of Hinduism and other world religions?
- Why did the rouge old world order, block the progress & development opportunities of at least 100 poor countries in the world that are looking for economic growth, and progress?
- Why have the rouge old world order, relentlessly targeted Hindus living in India?
- Why did the rouge old world order, control and render the united nations incompetent and useless, ran it like a puppet for its selfish, devious, diabolical, demented objectives?
- Why did the rouge old world order, have relentlessly attempted to block the introduction of my authored macro reforms ‘Project Earthling(c)’ and ‘United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)’ to 193 countries and bring the macro-reforms to their decisive voting?
- Why does the rouge old world order, capture and store information of 191 country world citizens, their professional and personal details in the name of social media platforms? What is the guarantee of data privacy? The rouge old world order, use this personal information of people all over the world for their benefit and gain, and for their own selfish needs?
- Why did the rouge old world order use ‘Divide and destroy’ strategy worldwide to divide the world countries and world citizens?
- Why did the rouge old world order use ‘Divide and destroy’ strategy within India? Why did they use a ‘gold reserve’ for carrot dangling to divide all states in India and made them fight for it? The 191 world countries conclude that this was an attempt to steal the wealth from my invention patent us 8,910,998 and PCT/US2014/046619. Your response?
- Why have the rouge old world order done ‘privacy invasion’ into regular people’s lives? How many other 191 world country ‘privacy Invasion’ attempts have been made, identified, recorded, known and/or unknown?
- Ask the rouge old world order to disclose the full details of the invisible to eye, nanotechnology built by them to snoop on people all over the world in the name of ‘eagle eye’ doing privacy invasion and breaking law, to all 191 world countries. So that every country is aware and becomes knowledgeable about the existence of such technology. Your response?
- Ask the rouge old world order to disclose full details of the highest level of pharmaceutical technologies achieved by some usa and uk pharmaceutical companies, and how they have attempted to control human beings like robots? The 191 world countries conclude that this is to chemically control trafficked humans into usa-uk like robots, by controlling their brains to the extent possible in the forced labor slavery, sex slavery work. Your response?
- Ask the rouge old world order to disclose full details of highest levels of pharmaceutical technologies used to control all functions of human physical body organs to the last cell? The 191 world countries conclude that this is to chemically control trafficked humans into usa-uk like robots, by controlling their physical body movement, physical body organs to the extent possible in the forced labor slavery, sex slavery work. Your response?
- Ask the rouge old world order to disclose full details of highest levels of pharmaceutical technologies used to control all functions of human brain in an attempt to control or alter target subjects concentration levels or thinking? The 191 world countries conclude that this is to control trafficked humans into usa-uk, by controlling and manipulating the regions of their brain to keep them at a low IQ level while being forced into labor slavery, sex slavery work. Your response?
- Ask the rouge old world order to disclose full details of highest levels of pharmaceutical technologies used to target different regions of human brain and target different human brain functions, which additionally could be timed with a TR, CR, DR, SR drug wrappers in combination with serum technology? Is this to apply ‘Internal cage’ on target subjects? Refer POV 2-46 for Internal cage definition.
- Ask the rouge old world order to disclose the full details of highest levels of pharmaceutical technologies evolved to target the blood vessels that supply blood to brain, by one-time poisoning, slow poisoning in near term, midterm, or long term, to damage the blood vessels to cause sudden death?
- Ask the rouge old world order to disclose the full details of highest levels of pharmaceutical technologies evolved in the space of SR (Sustained Release), TR (Timed Release), CR (Controlled Release), DR (Delayed Release), and the containment of such drugs in different forms, in different organs by which the coated drug is planned to be released after 24 hours, 48 hours or more? This means a resident drug put in food few days ago could kill a person after several hours, in between which he would have consumed other food for few days, losing full traceability. Your response?
- Ask the rouge old world order to disclose details of all bribes doled out (in India and other 190 world countries) by usa and uk in last 100 years in the form of suitcases filled with USD ($)?
- Ask the rouge old world order to disclose the negative plans of usa and uk about what vice was introduced to each country in the world, to distract them from ‘Progress and economic growth’, and thus derail them to keep them in ignorance and poverty?
- Ask the rouge old world order to disclose details of how they have attempted to control entire cities, e.g., Bangalore, in an attempt to steal my invention patent us 8,910,998 and PCT/US2014/046619 valued at 93 Trillion Earthlings/$ by conservative estimate? By controlling cities, e.g., Bangalore, by 10 kms * 10 kms block, or even 20 kms * 20 kms block, to build an ‘External cage’ wherein all activity in the defined block, movement of people, movement of vehicles is controlled to the resolution / tolerance of one millimeter, around the target subject? Refer POV 2-46 for definition of external cage. In the ROI model few billion thrown into the city to target one person valued so high, was a negative tactic used by usa-uk. Your response?
- Ask the rouge old world order to reflect on their own mental condition, state and report their mental psychotic disabilities situation to the world countries? 191 world countries want your mental condition evaluated since you live on the same planet, and in the interest of humanity especially in the old world order. Your response?
- Why would the rouge old world order not want the progress, and economic growth to reach all the 191 other world countries?
- Ask the rouge old world order to disclose the full list of diseases that could be induced to a human being by drugs usage, one-time, slow poisoning in near term, midterm, or long term?
- Ask the rouge old world order to give a full list of ‘fabricated nonsense garbage trash list of diseases’ they have created by paying kol team? The 191 world countries to conclude that you have created this list of diseases and fabricated illogical treatment which is intended to conduct more illegal brain experiments, illegal clinical trials to cater to usa-uk psycho objectives of ‘robotically controlling humans in labor slavery, sex slavery programs’, ‘to shunt the IQ levels of people across world’ program, ‘to destroy academics, careers, and lives of talented youngsters from across the world beginning in schools and colleges’ program, and ‘to harvest organs and heart for the illegal second life’ program. Your response?
- Ask the rouge old world order to disclose the list of ‘fabricated nonsense garbage theories pertaining to mental health of a human being’ which are intended at negatively framing the mental health of citizens from across the world, by paying kol team? The 191 world countries conclude that these nonsense, garbage psychological mental health theories have been fabricated to frame world citizens to steal their wealth, e.g., Intellectual property or similar. Your response?
- Why does the rouge old world order want to control human beings across the 191 world countries like robots by forcing brain control through adulterated food and using serum technology to work on the target subject for extended periods of time? Refer POV 2-45 for definition of serum technology.
- Why does the rouge old world order want to keep the IQ levels of citizens from 191 world countries low, so that they cannot contribute to their own country economic growth or progress?
- Why does the rouge old world order want to destroy the academic record, careers, and lives of young people from across the 191 world countries, so that these 191 world countries do not have any prospect of economic growth or progress?
- Why does the rouge old world order want to force human trafficking onto 191 world countries to forcefully drag ‘labor to be used like slaves until death in usa-uk’ program?
- Why does the rouge old world order want to force human trafficking onto 191 world countries to forcefully drag ‘women to be used like sex slaves in usa-uk’ program?
- Why does the rouge old world order want to murder 18 young citizens, for each usa-uk citizen, wherein the murders are spaced by approximate 50 years, spread across 191 world countries, to harvest their hearts and organs in their ‘all usa-uk citizens to live for 1000 years program’?
POV 29:
Segment: Patent – Intellectual Property
Sub-segment: Legal
I do not have any children. In future, if someone just turned major 18 year old comes to court claiming to be my son or daughter with a DNA match report, they have been born out of women who have used IVF technique by using my stolen semen.
After my invention of patent US 8,910,998, in Q1-2007, some of the usa corporations were quick in doing the inventions full sale price valuation and knew that it would be many Trillions. Given this, there have been efforts by some women of usa, uk, to steal my semen and use it for having my children by using IVF – In Vitro Fertilization technique. Given that patents are granted for 20 years, their thought process was to come after 18 years, with the just turned major kid and claim wealth legally through court by a matching DNA report, claiming inheritance. In such an event, despite a DNA matching report, the court must dismiss the claim for the following legal reasons. I never donated Sperm to any Sperm bank which is the legal way to warrant any interested women to have a child from my Semen. Since this LEGAL STEP is missing, and such fertilization is from my ‘stolen semen’, the women or the kid cannot inherit or claim any of my wealth.
usa-uk are primarily driven by psycho diabolical devious motives and greed, and are filled with psycho women that are called as ‘gold diggers’ or ‘women pulling power’. The valuation of my invention is the primary motive, while they might also hide behind the term ‘genetics’ or ‘exotic genetics’ to justify stealing my semen and having children by IVF technique. While some of this might be speculative, I suspect some women in nj, usa might have attempted this, and given the advances in IVF technology, this could be a bigger list of women from other states of usa, uk, and could potentially also include first daughters, and billionaire heiresses in usa-uk. Legally, my statement prevails. No one that have attempted such a tactic, IVF pregnancy out of my stolen semen, can ever inherit any of my wealth.
POV 30:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)
Sub-segment: COUNCILS
New world order COUNCILS to never indulge in any acts or even talk related to cross-country ‘escorting’ business. Pursuit of genetics dealt by way of ‘International Sperm Bank’.
In the old world order run by usa-uk for over the last 250 years, the international territories were rendered lawless. This was well planned, and intentionally set up that way, so that with the usd-$ monopoly, they could choose any one from any country for sexual pleasure, in some cases forced and sadistic, thus forcing ‘sex slavery’ onto the world countries. Similarly, they could choose anyone for ‘menial job, labor slavery human trafficking’. In many cases the force could be against the subject or the subjects family wish from the target countries. To force this human trafficking for sex or labor, usa-uk introduced and proliferated bribing culture across 191 world countries, methodically driving corruption into these countries. Further, they go on to build a ‘puppet united nations’, wherein all its organs and organizations paid in usd-$, were used as a platform for freely, and openly discussing and engaging in ‘human trafficking business’. This is more a reflection on the un organs, six of them, run with psycho devious diabolical selfish objectives, by the rouge psycho payor usa. This puppet un can only be described as rouge, irresponsible, unaccountable, and openly dealing in human trafficking for labor, for sex, imposing slavery or sex slavery on world countries and world citizens. It seems they have abused the word ‘genetics or exotic genetics’ and hiding behind it to justify human trafficking for sex. All of this will be ended in the new world order.
After my authored macro-reforms go live, in the new world order, the ‘COUNCILS’ that have been defined by me, have very clearly defined ‘foundational ideology’ and
- Will function with well defined ‘end goals, objectives’.
- Will work with high levels of responsibility and accountability.
- Their operations will be guided by ‘genuine intent defined by the goals and objectives towards the world countries and world citizens’.
- Will be highly ‘work oriented’ with responsibility towards 191 world countries and their citizens.
These new world order ‘COUNCILS’ work with highest levels of work ethics, and respect towards other countries and their citizens. Unlike the current day puppet un organs controlled by rouge usa-uk, they are founded on ideologies of an absolutely equal world, which must have no human trafficking, no slavery in any form, including ‘slavery of labor’, and ‘sex slavery’. With these ‘COUNCILS’ at the helm, working to ensure peace and prosperity reaches all 191 world countries and their citizens, they shall strictly operate on the following ‘established rules’ related to human trafficking or cross-country escorting.
- To refrain from engaging in any offering, trading, or supplying discussions or conversations at these ‘COUNCILS’ for cross-country human trafficking that could be for ‘escorting women’, ‘slavery by labor’, or ‘sex slavery’.
- To impose FULL BAN of any ‘human trafficking’ solicitation by any country delegates, from any other country delegates at the council.
Human trafficking is fully banned from the operations and conversations at the COUNCILS of new world order.
To provide for women pursuing genetics, the MEDICAL COUNCIL will endorse an ‘International Sperm Bank’, wherein sperm donors will be catalogued by a video, and a webpage listing the donors details. The Sperm Bank will provide the service to solicitor, against a set service fee payable in Earthlings, while the donors get paid in Earthlings. In summary, the ‘COUNCILS’ will be highly ‘work oriented’, and will not engage in cross country sex solicitation, offering, supplying, or trading. Indirectly, the COUNCILS endorse and encourage people, men and women to have sex with partners from within their countries, while they have addressed the subject of genetics by endorsing an ‘International Sperm Bank’. Given the upcoming decentralized world, there will be significant demand for Semen of Dark skin people given that they are the genetic reserve. Child bearing mothers from across the world countries may choose as per their liking with access to ‘International Sperm Bank’.
Content in webpage: Author Srinivas S. Devathi. Copyright reserved.

POV 2-1: (Read as sequence 2, POV 1).
Segment: Fire Scam
The multi-dimensional reasoning of why the fire scam was designed against me and my invention?
World GDP is less than my inventions worldwide intellectual property rights sale price.
While reliable accurate data about world GDP is unavailable, from what data is available, it has shown a low growth rate over the last few decades. It indicates that the countries in whatever way are attempting to drive their economies, within the limited or restricted opportunity provided to them in the old world order, wherein everything has been controlled by one country usa. The world GDP in 2017 was recorded at an approximated 81 Trillion $ according to one online source. It is expected to be at an estimated 90 Trillion $ in year 2022.
My patented invention US 8,910,998 and its worldwide (62 countries) intellectual property rights sale price is HIGHER than the world GDP.
The inventions sale price by conservative estimate is at 93 Trillion Earthlings / $. By realistic estimate it is between 93 Trillion and 150 Trillion Earthlings / $. By aggressive estimate it is between 150 Trillion and 250 Trillion Earthlings / $.
Further, I am an Indian citizen and would be bringing the wealth into India according to Patent Cooperation Treaty. While India is the fifth largest economy in the world, the GDP per capita puts India at around 142nd position in the world. Given this fact they realized that me, being a patriotic Indian citizen HAVE THE NEED for my country, to bring the full wealth, full value of my invention into the country. And no other world country could oppose this as India GDP per capita is low, and we are declared a poor and developing country. At 1980$ GDP per capita vast number of Indian population are living in the lower middle class segment, with the second largest segment coming into ‘below the poverty line’ segment. Thus, I intend to get the full wealth into India, the poor country to build our own treasury, and no world country can oppose or object this given the fact set and Patent cooperation Treaty. With the wealth that I bring in, Indian GDP will rise in the next 30 years, with the growth curve steeper during the latter part of the 30 year period.
These numbers caused panic among usa corporations, usa and uk. They had to choose something to attack me with, in the range of numbers my invention sale price is at. This is where the ‘Energy sector’ the sector that drives a significant portion of world GDP was chosen.
Crude oil, its usage for transportation sector and the several lines of businesses that emerge from its processing into various byproducts, constitutes say an estimated 60% of the world GDP.
For the discussion and analysis purposes let me use the world GDP number of 90 Trillion. While there is all the talk about Electric and renewable, the current day world wide automotive industry energy source sector graph will show that its market share is less than one percent. And well over 98% of the sector is even to this day driven by the energy source as crude oil. While this is the current day market share, if we were to work on the case study of ‘what if 100% of automotive sector is sourced from electric energy or other renewable’? The answer is an estimated 60% of the world GDP is expected to be wiped out / terminated. At 60% of 90 Trillion, we are talking a loss of 54 Trillion economic activity worldwide. Shrinking the world GDP from 90 Trillion to 36 Trillion. Factoring, the electric / other renewable vehicles contributing some GDP adjustment of say 10 Trillion, the world GDP will hover at around 46 Trillion. Between 90 Trillion and 46 Trillion you must consider what is the quantified loss of jobs to people across the world, and the number of companies shut down across the world causing rampant joblessness and poverty in some countries. At this much swing of economic numbers, world wealth, 193 country wealth, loss of jobs, closure of companies, and rise in poverty, the ‘Energy sector’ battle is the battle of the highest stakes in the world.
Given the high stakes involved with my invention, they try to choose the world battle with equal kind of high stakes to attack me, and my invention.
Build fear among the world countries.
As discussed in the above sections, by choosing ‘HIGH stakes’, HIGH impact battle that has the outcome of changing fortunes of many world countries negatively, usa-uk knew that they would automatically build fear among the world countries. While usa-uk have chosen this to target me, even they are gripped in fear, one must realize that they are two top countries consuming and processing crude oil. Their GDP would take a hit of a possible 70%. They lobbied Saudi-uae into supporting this ‘Fire scam’ usage to target me, I cite Obama visit to Saudi after he took office. While Saudi-uae played into this scam to target me, my invention, and India; even they would succumb to fear given the high stakes. In summary, the high stakes subject chosen to target me, is a subject that causes concern to all the world countries, and might cause some amount of fear given its economic impact. These are the side effects of linking 60% of world GDP to me, my invention and deliberately dragging me into a subject which would make the world bi-polar.
Usa-uk probably thought that, at these macro numbers, they would try to cut deals with countries on my invention subject.
While it is a negative tactic that usa-uk might attempt, the world countries most of which are all contractually joined to Patent Cooperation Treaty would have cited the Treaty, a legal agreement, a contract and refused any such deals with usa-uk which constitutes ‘illegal deals’. Thus, the world countries would have rejected and neutralized any attempts by usa-uk to cut deals at a country level; since all of them would want to follow the law, a legal binding by way of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and rightfully so.
Build fear in me with the fire scam. Given my clear response to post the subject for poll with all 193 world countries, their attempt has failed.
While there is a history of selecting and killing talented and genius youngsters by pitting them in the energy sector battle, they go ahead and choose me after my invention was done in Q1-2007. This was to target me, attempt to scare me, build fear in me, threaten me, in a multitude of ways. The threats were never ending in the last 15 years. From cars driving around me with stickers that are christian, stickers that are muslim, to autos with such stickers, buses and trucks that are green in color, versus white in color, with targeting stickers, both in usa and Indian cities.
While all the above was used to scare me, build fear in me, to derail me, derail Hindus living in India, derail India and derail all our progress prospects; I have given them my clear and apt response to handle this ‘High stakes’ energy sector battle.
The scam is clearly evident when you consider the following present day facts.
There is no one identified leader holding the baton of ‘Renewable / electric’. There is no one leader who is leading this effort of ‘Renewable / electric’, who has declared a war on oil. The leader in this context could be a person, a country, or a group of countries.
I request 192 world countries to ask usa the question of who among Mr. Al Gore, Mr. Bill Schreiner, Mrs. Heidi Pote, Mr. Barack Obama, Mr. Bill Clinton, Mr. Ken Harvey, Mr. Roy Stansbury, Mr. Mike Comprelli, Mr. Randy McDaniels is the torch bearer of ‘Renewable / electric’?
Is Mr. Elon Musk of Tesla the torchbearer to ‘Renewable / electric’?
When you answer these questions, you will realize that the ‘fire scam’ was created by usa-uk-saudi-uae in an effort to steal wealth from my Invention patent US 8910998 and its world wide IP rights from me, India, and Hindus living in India.
I have exposed the ‘Fire scam’ designed by usa-uk-saudi-uae to target me, my invention, Hindus living in India, and India, to all world countries.
Thus my response and direction would be for the Group Influential – 50 council once the macro-governance reform United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c) is taken live, to make the executive decision and let the subject be put up for decisive voting of all 193 countries with a gap of 10 years between polls until a decisive majority YES is achieved. This is my direction and the way to go. Handling such a transformation, if approved and voted in by the 193 countries, must be manouvered in the way of a gradual transition.
Let us have faith on democratic choice of all 193 world countries.
POV 2-2:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
Since the american presidents and other executives do not seem to want to take in a non-white persons heart, out of racism, and hatred, a question raises about the treatment, trade restrictions, isolation, food trade partner of North Korea. Was North Korea marked as a white people country chosen and intentionally isolated since world war II, to use them for heart harvesting?
One must not be surprised at all given the history of Korea since world war II. Knowing american racism, hatred, and jealousy towards people that are non caucasean, this might be justified. North Korean population could be called as non-caucasean however white people country the food habits of which match that of usa.
During world war II, the North and South Korea were formed, and one would think after the war ended and say after the isolation of the North Korea for a decade or two, their country should have reached normalcy in choosing friends across the world, trade partners and do regular, normal business with other countries. However, the continuous sanctions, restrictions imposed on North Korea for many decades and intentionally kept isolated raises a lot of questions, especially since it is inhabited by white people.
The isolation and sanctions imposed, forced the country to have trade, business relations only with China, one of the five unsc permanent members. North Korea has had a severe shortage of food and have received most of the food grains and supplies from China for decades now.
What has the un been feeding the people of North Korea? Do the citizens of North Korea know that the imported food could be manipulating their life style, life habits, every organ, targeted organ for the liking of china, indirectly for the liking of usa and uk that controlled un in the old world order? A preplanned diet could have been forced on them to prepare them for the upcoming murders to take out their hearts, as they are white people hearts and thus are racially acceptable to recipients in usa and uk. This line must have been a huge relief for all the countries inhabited by colored people.
The theory seems to become factual, with a forced isolation spanning now well over 75 years. And there have been stories about no cat or dog is left in North Korea as every last one of them has been consumed. What would force people to go to such extents? A forced drugged or poisoned diet alone would make a country of people go to such extremes. The isolation, voiceless, and friendless country, out of no choice and no outlet has been attempting to build their own nuclear weapon and has been doing trials repeatedly with no success. It shows the desperation, suffering their country is going through.
Few years ago, a satellite image of North Korea their local time evening or night was published which showed the entire country in pitch darkness and only Pyongyang, their capital city lit up. This again raises multiple questions pertaining to their isolation, their spend distribution for needs within their country. They repeatedly go onto invest in military expenses and trying to build their own nuclear weapon. This indicates their fear of being invaded and killed is more. Thus their investments are in preparedness for fighting alone, than distributing wealth for other basic needs.
Just as an eye wash, probably for making fun of the isolated country, futile attempts which were going to fail from the outset have been made by usa just to show the world a false image that they are trying to talk to them. A basket ball player diplomacy and recent Trump-Un meeting in Singapore are all preset stage drama that have failed, since they have been designed to fail.
The story of North Korea very clearly corroborates the ugly nature of the old world order. usa and uk, the rouge nations have been using all the world countries any way they want to use them, with a puppet un designed and commanded by them. Will North Korea ever speak up? Will they share the true facts with the 192 world countries at a world summit? Will they reveal the full truth of what the old world order forced on them without an outlet? I think they should. The reformed governance model UNGGM 2020 will ensure they share their full story, and disclose the true stories to the world without any fear.
The 191 world countries must help alleviate their isolation, and allow them to interact, have dialogue with other countries, and have their choice of trade and business partners. The macro-governance reform will end the suffering of one more country and the truth will be shared with the entire world.
POV 2-3:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)
Dawn of a new era. Welcome to Group Influential 50. Review its exceptional human reach and range, with full representation on the governing council.
Racism, hatred, and jealousy of usa forcing itself onto unsc 5 defines the ugliness of old world order. The old world order could be defined as narrow vision, narrow minded, biased governance, crazy and mad selfish motives driving their thinking and at the core of their governance. usa, uk, France, Russia, and China represent only white people, and among that christians. usa ran the world in a way to render the entire world their slaves. The other four countries had to take orders from usa given the financial control lever exercised on them.
This point of view is about the narrow, biased, and psycho outlook of old world order as compared to the positive, inclusive, equal, and unbiased upcoming governance of GI-50, Group Influential 50 council.
In the old world order vast majority of countries were targeted because they were not caucasean by race. All non caucasean countries were targeted, not allowed to progress, develop, and have been intentionally destroyed or kept poor. There was targeting of people, countries, and their economies by religion, skin color, language, food habit, dressing, religious sub divisions, region, origin of their race, etc.
I bring Group Influential 50 in which 50 countries that span all religions, all skin color, all regions / continents, all race by origin, which cover all geographies of earth, that will come together to form the GI 50 governing council, to govern the world countries with clearly defined goals and objectives. This future governing model is a reformed macro governance structure, by which no country will be left behind, no country will be ignored, no country or regional problem will be allowed to persist, and there will be support for economic growth, progress and development for all countries looking for these goals / objectives. Further, the GI-50 countries span all economic bands including the ones defined by GDP per capita < 2000 Earthlings/$, < 5000 Earthlings/$ and < 10,000 Earthlings/$. These limits, subjected to many other variables, in a broad and general sense define economically backward countries, poor countries, and developing countries. Using GDP per capita as a measurement metric, there are an estimated 100 to 120 world countries that are looking for economic growth, and progress. All these countries will have the opportunity to emulate my work for ‘Goal year 2050 for India’, thus building their own wealth in years / decades to come.
This GI-50 council will take executive decisions on regional, world subjects, and where they want to get a poll result on a subject, it will be routed to a decisive voting of all 193 world countries, in G-193 council.
The GI – 50 council will look after the security of all the world countries, without any bias.
The GI – 50 council will look after the well being of all the world countries, without any bias.
The GI – 50 council will support and guide the economic growth of all the world countries that are looking for such support.
The GI – 50 council will deliver progress and development to all the world countries that want to pursue these goals / objectives.
I have chosen 50 countries of the world which must be permanent members of Group Influential 50 council. The spread by continents is 12 from Asia, 12 from Africa, 12 from Europe, 4 from middle east / gulf, 4 from South America, and 6 from North America and Oceania. I would allow two rotational slots for any of the other 143 countries to come and be sitting members on the GI-50 council. This is to ensure for those countries wanting to be on the council that governs and leads the world, they get an opportunity on rotational basis. While these two non-permanent slots are to sit and be part of the GI-50 council regular sessions and discussions, all of the other 143 countries will have opportunity and a voice that could never be suppressed to come and share their opinion or direction on any world subject, and they always will cast their country vote when asked for. In order to keep the old world order polluted thinking, psycho outlook towards the world, their craziness, and madness from influencing the thinking of GI-50, usa and uk are banned from world organizations for 20 years. After 20 years, they could be considered for re-entry.
The 50 countries of GI-50 have been chosen depending on spread across geography, GDP, Population, GDP-per-capita, and developing country with economic growth potential.
Countries not arranged in any particular order.
12 countries from Asia include India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Uzbekistan, North Korea, and Vietnam.
12 countries from Africa include Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt, Algeria, Angola, Uganda, Morocco, Ghana, Libya, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, and Senegal.
12 countries from Europe include Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Greece, Poland, and Ukraine.
4 countries from middle east / gulf include Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Iran.
4 countries from South America include Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, and Peru.
6 countries from North America and Oceania include Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, and Australia.
This POV is to enable the preparedness of 193 countries for the upcoming decisive voting on macro-governance reform ‘United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)’.
POV 2-4:
Segment: Hinduism, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
Dawn of a new era. usa-uk cannot force their religion or culture on people of other countries. Each country to have ‘Freedom to practise their own religion, and freedom to retain their own country culture’. Another priceless benefit of my authored macro-reforms Project Earthling(c), and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c).
Attempts of usa-uk for targeting and terminating Hinduism, and that in India and Nepal. Despite all their attempts, the religion stands strong unblemished, and is strongly practised by over 1.2 billion people.
What damage can people, groups of people that constitute country can do to a religion that spans 1000’S of years? I state that the resilience of the religion bolstered by its span across time has withstood the cheap tricks, antics, defamatory tactics, destruction tactics of the few. However, as anything over such a long span of time, there are ups and downs through the generations, defined by decades or centuries. By this, the religion by itself holding a strong ground, softening in stance, moving into the background, not taking the front seat all the time, are all possibilities over such a long span of time. Through the ups and downs, there have been strong decades / centuries, ignorable decades / centuries, and weak decades / centuries. Despite these variations, the religion continues to be followed and strongly practised by well over a Billion people on Earth.
Hinduism, recorded and recognized worldwide as the oldest and most mature religion has had its glory times, in which some of the most popular Hindu kings have supported the religion and its practices. It is fair to say that the religion was undisputed, with no opposition until the reign of Mauryan empire, that ruled Indian sub continent between 6th and 4th centuries BC. Buddhism and Jainism were just emerging at this time. With no competing religion, Hinduism had its supreme reign for thousands of years, with any identified competition surfacing only in the last 2000 years. In the last 2000 years the other religions of christianity, islam emerged, and started to compete for people to embrace, and practise their religion. While there has been war, bloodshed for stealing wealth, gaining a kingdom across religions spanning all 2000 years, it is only in the last 250 years that a spate of other negative tactics emerged into this competition. The negative tactics included usage of wealth against competition, sponsoring and financing proliferation against competition, weaken the competition economically, and defame them as backward with no scientific advances.
Hinduism with its avataras, characters in the epics, scriptures, and with the tag of the oldest and most mature religion, had enough for all the competition to seeth with intense rage, anger, hatred, and jealousy. The avataras as documented and as believed to have been played out, gives such exciting content, characters, and play of events, all of which have become the most read, studied, discussed, and overanalyzed portions of Hinduism. These avataras and the grandeur in them have been the subject of intense hatred and jealousy to other religions. While Hinduism had so much to read about, so much to teach, so much to preach, so much to learn from, all the other competing religions have been only a one person following or one book following religions which have nothing to offer in the same scale of what Hinduism had to. While the other competing religions have begun with one version of their sacred book, in order to appeal to the people against Hinduism, they have been altered and re-written thus diluting their own religion over a period of time, and becoming directionless.
When we break it down to elements, the preachings of Jesus, and Mohammad; could not have the kind of impact the Hindu dashavataras had on the vast population. The avataras while preaching them were also entertaining and keeping them engaged in the religion.
Thus, with minimal impact of their prophet / founder, their sacred book, emerge the most recent waves of negative tactics against Hinduism. These include usage of wealth, monopolized usd-$ which relentlessly financed christian missionaries, and a few rich muslim countries relentlessly financing islam in India. This explains the disproportionate number of churches, and mosques in relation to their population in India. The negative tactics were only to get worse and more dispecable in the most recent 100 years.
Almost all the Hindu kings while practising Hinduism, have run their kingdoms peacefully, and they have won many battles against enemies from other religions. History however seems to indicate that the advances in technology in western world were the ones that beat Hindu kings. For example, usage of guns, canons or similar. Further, the history also indicates the wealth, local currency, gold, diamonds, jewellery of Hindu kings that technically is the wealth of Hinduism (later to be India and Nepal), was estimated at very high value between 12th and 16th centuries. Additionally, the prosperity by way of fertile lands and raised produce in Indian subcontinent was also very high during this period, between 12th and 16th centuries. This brings the East India company of uk into India in the name of trade, again with their technology advances in building ships / vessels that took them across oceans. They come here, set up shop in the name of business, and slowly one after the other all Hindu kings and their kingdoms are attacked, and their wealth stolen, palaces occupied, which also marked the end of their family and their kingdoms. By around 19th century, Hindu kings and their kingdoms count came to near zero. This resulted in the countries of India and Nepal which were now ruled by britishers who came here to do business in the name of East India company. This resulted in two poor countries with no wealth, no kings of their own, no kingdoms of their own, and now ruled to be slaves by Britishers. The fate of the two countries could be extended to their religion Hinduism, however the connection is non existent. The people in the two countries while poor continued to follow their religion and practise their religion of Hinduism. And Hinduism by itself with the avataras and scriptures was unblemished with its popularity not reducing in any way. The religious gurus have come and gone, many of them through the history of 1000’S of years of Hinduism, different gurus with different levels of following and impact on the local people. While the countries were poor, the religion continued to be rich by way of what it had to offer to humanity.
With our wealth plundered, it has been the wealth of foreign countries, the monopolized usd-$, and the technological advances they made in their countries which were now to come with all their might to destroy India, Nepal further in an attempt to destroy the religion Hinduism. This brings us into the most recent 100 years of our history.
While India came out of the clutches of British rule in 1947, it can only be termed as pseudo-independence given the old world order, with usa having built monopoly of usd-$, with full intent not to allow any progress, or development to India and Nepal. The granduer in Hinduism was not supposed to be among the living Hindus. With all kings gone, all Indian wealth stolen, India and Nepal were two poor countries which were refused any ‘progress and development funds’. Was this targeting the countries, or the religion?
The number of countries on planet earth have evolved over a period of time. The resilient Hinduism did not make strides of going into other countries, preaching and proliferating the religion over there. The advances made by usa-uk allowed them to travel across the world, setup shop in over 100 countries and run christian missionaries by paying the people taking up the religion and by building churches. This has resulted in an approximate 120 countries in the world practising christianity. Islam got rich by exporting oil, making saudi-uae to finance islam in India. They have presence in about 57 world countries. Hinduism remained strong where it originated, however now majority in two countries. While the number of countries is one thing, by number of people practising the religion it is an approximate 1.2 billion across India and Nepal, which is a sizeable number in world population. Despite, all these statistics and analysis, the religion holds its ground purely on what in preaches and its popularity has never diminished. While camera was invented in 1890, the evolution of video camera, and movie making only was to result in Hinduism becoming even more popular by this medium, and thus causing even more jealousy, racism, and hatred among the other religions and other world countries. The film industry in India started work in around 1920, and the movies based on Hinduism religion made in the subsequent decades to follow contributed to its popularity and resulted in others hating the religion further.
This brought usa-uk to make it a mission to destroy, defame, target, and abuse the religion in every way possible. The poor independent India was to be divided into two by religion, so that Hindus could be separated into their own country. Later, the poor countries India and Nepal were to be denied any development package, to intentionally keep the countries in poverty. They further ensured they created enough divisions in the country, so that the vast population do not advance in science and technology fields.
usa-uk used the monopolized usd-$ currency to build alliances with minorities in India and financing them against majority Hinduism. This was one of the negative tactics used against the religion. christianity that was non existent in India, using the christian missionaries financed by usa-uk by their monopolized currency set-up shop here in India, and proliferated their religion by paying money for the people converting into it and built many churches along the way. The Indian government in 20th century was forced to be favoring the minorities while dividing the majority Hinduism. They use the monopolized currency to build christian schools which are all preset with ‘Nixon technology’ to invade the privacy of students.
While using money was one method, using advances in science and technology was another. Such as using ‘Nixon technology’ and invading the privacy of Hindu families, thus defaming them and depriving them of their dignity and privacy. Then the usage of chemicals and drugs at the disposal of usa-uk, to target Hindu citizens in India begins. They have induced vast number of diseases to Hindus in India and have also killed many of them by way of food poisoning or forcing wrong medication, and by medical malpractise. They have used a large number of Hindus living in India for conducting illegal clinical trials. The christian hospitals have been used for medical malpractise. The drugs to target human brain functions, to drive a person insane were used against Hindus in India and Nepal. An instance of Nepal king killing his family people in a state of insanity was induced by usa-uk by administering drugs, poison in food. They have targeted the religion via usage of chemicals, poisons, drugs to drive people insane, become suicidal, or commit murder.
Given the old world order, usa-uk have abused power and tried to enforce their way on Delhi and several states within India, wherein the states were intentionally divided by using ‘divide and destroy strategies’. The country count in this context working against us, in the old world order, forced a nuclear power India to take orders from usa-uk, and yield to their demands. Given the upcoming macro-reforms Project Earthling(c) and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), India will become fully and truly independent and will take leadership position at GI-50 council.
Now, I draw your attention to the fact that usa has been hurting the Hindu people and not the Hindu religion. usa-uk by all these attempts have rendered the Hindu people in India and Nepal poor, however not the Hindu religion. usa-uk have targeted Hindu people and induced diseases and killed them, however not the Hindu religion. The distinction must be understood. All their attempts to target the religion by targeting Hindu people have failed and in that miserably. The religion is unblemished, its scriptures and preachings far superior and cannot be undermined.
Thus, the financing goes into other directions of targeting the religion, its avataras, its characters, their names, Hindu religious songs, Hindu religious prayers and so on. This time, usa-uk directs their monopolized usd-$ in directly attacking the Hindu dashavataras and epics. In this there is usage of the charactes of Ravana, Duryodhana, and Dushasana to deliberately portray Indian Hindu men to be that way. The epic was intended to show these characters as people with negative traits and who you should not be like. However, the psycho that usa-uk were wanted to intentionally highlight these characters to target Hinduism. They attacked a lot more characters from the epics to target, tarnish, and damage the Hindu religion. Despite all their efforts, the religion remains unblemished since the avataras when understood properly, and when interpreted correctly, have a lot to preach and guide the humanity. So, again their attempts fail miserably in defaming and destroying the religion.
Since they understood that the Hinduism religion was clearly guiding people on how to lead their life, they wanted to attack the characters which represent the god, such as Krishna. To defame the popular Hindu god Krishna, negative stories include that Radha was a married women that was in love with Krishna and he reciprocated. Such negative mud slinging attempts on Hinduism have been made. There have been other negative portrayal attempts on several Hindu avatar characters / gods such as Narasimha, Draupadi, Jagannath portrayal with large eyes, Hanuman, Ganesha, and other. Once again, the problem they faced here is that no one is buying into these fabricated stories intended to misguide people and citizens all over the world. Most of the world countries and citizens know the true / real stories and further will have access to the singular version of truth in the near future, which will be provided by Hinduism epicenter established in India.
To continue their futile attempts, they also start to make mockery of Hindu names, Hindu devotional songs, Hindu prayer songs. While the original songs have clear meaning for the listeners in the Indian language it has been authored in, whether it is sanskrit or other Indian language, usa-uk have intentionally written the lines in english language, broken the lines, and words into pieces and have derived and promoted negative meaning, negative connotation, and intentionally defame the words / lines by attaching bad, derogatory, and rouge meanings to them. Again, all such attempts have failed, as none of these attempts have made even a dent on the religion that Hinduism is, given the breadth of what it has to preach to the world. A Hindu devotional song writer was murdered in Mumbai, and this was financed by usa-uk. It tells you how far they have gone to target, and terminate Hinduism religion. They had to defame and mock the Hindu symbol for OM. They had to derive negative, wrong meanings of it to defame and target Hinduism.
Movie makers and actors in usa-uk, hollywood can be called as psycho lunatics who must be permanently put in mental asylums. They are disconnected from humanity, real world, and are like dead people or walking zombies. It is said that each actor takes a bunch of pills to act in one movie sequence that has any form of emotion to be enacted. In many movies made by usa-uk movie makers / hollywood, time and time again they have defamed Hindu people, and Hindu religion. All of this was financed and directed by combined usa-uk that were determined to destroy the religion. Here are just a few citations which constitute only a subset of all the defamation attempted by and driven by california, la, hollywood. In Indiana Jones series they make a movie with title ‘Temple of doom’. Why was the movie ‘church of doom’, ‘mosque of doom’ never made by them? Further, in the movie they show a non-existant practise in Hinduism of taking the human heart out of a person, by a character shown as a Hindu guru in the temple of doom. They show people in Calcutta like beggars living in huts, as a generalization of Hindus living across India. This is direct abuse, targeting of Hinduism. Not one person filed a suit against the movie makers in the old world order. Judicial council would have provided the opportunity. More recent movie ‘Slumdog millionaire’ was made to defame Hindus and India. The plot is based in Mumbai and the slumdog is supposed to be a Hindu person in Mumbai. The movie depicts the city, India, and the people in such an ugly way, which was fully intended to target Hindu people and Hinduism. Did anyone file a defamation suit against the movie makers? No, on the contrary this Hinduism defamation film gets most oscar awards in year 2009. Another hollywood movie wherein a character eating Indian food / cuisine sweats so profusely that he is drenched in sweat in the hotel, which was intended to target Indian Hindu food / cuisine. Further hollywood and usa continue to finance many movies in India to softly target Hinduism.
In usa-uk they have sold shoes, socks, floor mats with images of Hindu gods which included Ganesha image, through select chain of stores where only catholic christians generally shop. Should India reciprocate with cross symbol on shoes, socks, floor mats, and toilet bowls? Or just sue them for what they have done to Hinduism and India? usa-uk, including all american citizens have lost any and all connection with humanity, human beings of other countries, and have no respect for anyone, any country, or any religion. I think they must build their own spacial planet and leave Earth.
In summary, usa-uk, hollywood financed by usa corporations and with the support of white house, have gone to extreme levels to introduce a non existant christianity into India, proliferate it, and further finance and try to get the support of other religions, to attack, and target Hinduism religion in an attempt to defame, and destroy the religion. Their grand plan was to fully eliminate the religion, use Hindu men and women in India and Nepal for organ harvesting, kill as many Hindus as possible for ‘Heart harvesting’, use many of them as sex slaves and other slaves for menial jobs. All their attempts have failed.
While targeting Hinduism is one thing, they have attacked me in a multitude of ways since I would be the richest man in the world, and that would make my religion of Hinduism the richest religion in the world. They have made relentless attempts to block this. Fraudulent attempts have been made to block the wealth from 61 world countries coming to me, thus into India and thus making Hinduism the richest religion in the world. All their attempts have failed since Patent Cooperation Treaty will prevail in the court of law, in a law abiding world.
My public enemies out of jealousy, racism, and hatred, could not tolerate me becoming the richest man in the world, and Hinduism becoming rich. This includes american citizens Heidi Pote, Chrys Anetz, Ken Harvey, Roy Stansbury, Bill Schreiner, Randy McDaniels, and Mike Comprelli. These people made it their goal, objective, only purpose, and mission of their lives to terminate and destroy the religion of Hinduism. And further, if possible attempt to kill all Hindus on planet earth, thus terminating the religion. For doling out bribes in India to do work against Hinduism, they use minorities in their country, the ‘homeless’, the so called nri-abcd, who take cuts or their shares in bribes and finance illegal work against Hinduism, to destroy this country India and target Hindus living in India. These people nri-abcd are also equally psycho and crazy, as their order giving bosses, or worse.
My macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c) will end the reign of usd-$ in the world. No more bribes doled out in usd-$ will work in any of the world countries, and now they cannot finance the illegal work, illegal activities, and financing efforts to defame and destroy Hinduism, or for that matter any other religon in the world. The macro reform delivers ‘REAL’ religious independence to the world, will deliver ‘TRUE’ cultural freedom to the world countries. usa-uk, or saudi-uae cannot force or finance any illegal work anywhere in the world.
The macro-governance reform United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c) will ensure the right governance to the world, by which the religious freedom, and cultural freedom of the world countries remains intact and will not allow any illegal financing work against religion or culture. Each world country can practise the religion they want and follow their own local culture with no other world country having any right to influence it, or target it, or defame it, or try to alter it.
Hinduism epicenter will be established in India in the near future, and will preach a single version of truth about Hinduism. Thus Hinduism going into the future will hold its ground, cannot be easily targeted, and infact will be the most liked, and possibly the most practised across the world in decades to come. All doors, all avenues to attack Hinduism have been closed for usa-uk-saudi-uae-my public enemies. Science and technological advances are the only edge they have to attack India, Nepal, and Hinduism; and that gap will be soon eliminated by my upcoming work for ‘Goal year 2050 for India’.
POV 2-5:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
Say if there are 1000 drugs to cure diseases, then there are 10,000 drugs to induce problems, induce symptoms, trouble human organs, and induce diseases. Contribution of usa and old world order to the world. A challenge for all the world countries which must be effectively managed.
In the old world order, in usa with many pharmaceutical companies starting up in mid 19th century, and with access to any number of dead bodies (that were buried which were stolen without the knowledge of family that finished the burial ceremony), designing new molecules and counter molecules was on the rise as compared to strides in medical field taken by any other world country.
This subject must be understood in the way of understanding human cell biology, a human cell composition, human organ cell / internal cell composition, its biological formula, translated to molecular biology, compared to molecules created on earth which are either similar or complementary, thus forming the molecules and counter molecules.
Breaking the work into elements, it is availability of unlimited dead bodies, with access to magnification equipment, past instruments include microscope, which now are nano and beyond, to document the human cell structure, by doing tests, document its chemical composition, and thus its molecular structure. usa has built ultra high magnification to get into the nano or probably a trillionth breakdown of every human cell, and in that every human organ.
This study of human body, and human organs and documentation is the foundation for what was to come. Based on such detail cell composition documentation, you create a similar molecule that you think might strengthen that cell and thus that organ, and build a counter molecule, a complementary opposite that will negate the human cell and cause problems to it, or kill that specific cell.
So the documentation and their molecule formulation and production was cranking up by beginning of 20th century. The production in this context meaning production of tablets, capsules, syrup, formula foods that are available in medical stores today. While their advances were gaining momentum to treat and manage all human organs, with possible test subjects available in usa itself, they were not getting traction across the vital organs testing and not finding test subjects. They design a puppet un post world war II for exactly this purpose. To create an ecosystem with no law in international territories by which they could conduct unethical, illegal chemical trials, with no one to question for the damaged organs or dead people across the world. The vital organs which were to be tested and tried to the last cell level were brain, heart, bones, reproduction organs, and lungs. They use the world countries, and in that the developing and poor countries as clinical trial play ground, by a delusional psycho objective of americans wanting to live for 1000 years.
This brings us to the bribing and doing illegal trials with no documentation across many world countries, since middle of 20th century, in particular illegal trials related to the mentioned vital organs.
In this process, they have designed multi-fold counter molecules to human cells, human organ cells. These counter molecules can induce problems to healthy person human organs, induce specific symptoms, induce temporary diseases which could be cured by counter (counter molecules), or damage and destroy the organ causing its failure and death. So, in reality what must be understood by all the world countries is that usa today has at their disposal tens of thousands of chemicals and drugs that could induce diseases at will, and that could target and kill human organs at will. And this to the nano human cell precision, by this you must understand that usa can induce severe pain and trauma in 15th join of spinal cord, similarly consider any other bone join across human skeletal structure, and such nano precision human organ cell targeting could be done for all other human organs without leaving any organ and any human cell across the full length and breadth of the human body.
While the comprehensive write up on the counter molecules available with usa, against human body, human organs, and in that the human vital organs, is beyond the scope of this POV, I write the following summary outline about each vital organ listed.
usa has drugs at their disposal that could target the breathing of a person, by suppressing the lungs function. Out of racism, hatred, and jealousy they have used this against citizens of other countries and other religions, on anyone who they think is a good orator that must be targeted or silenced. There are drugs to improve lungs function for effective breathing.
usa has drugs at their disposal that could induce problems, trouble the human heart, such as inducing temporary palpitations, temporary arrythmia, induce acute pain in various regions of the heart, induce what constitute temporary mild / micro heart attacks, and the fatal symptom of tampering with the elasticity of heart by building hardness into the heart walls / valves thus impairing its beat / normal function and causing death. There are drugs to cure everything I have listed, however, restoring the elasticity of a hardened heart wall is unknown.
usa has drugs at their disposal that could induce pain, trauma, varying degrees, varying types to the full skeletal structure, targeting all 206 bones and all the joins that link these bones together. They have drugs to vary the bone density, increase it, decrease it thus weakening the bone strength of the person. They have drugs that could make the bones brittle which will render them weak, and porous thus causing easy fracture and breakdown of the skeletal structure. There are drugs to cure the pain across all bones and joins. However, the reversal of once bones rendered brittle is unknown.
usa has drugs at their disposal to manipulate the blood flow into penis, manipulate prostrate, manipulate testicles, and all in varying combinations and varying degrees of each function on a scale of one to ten. This allows them to manipulate heathy individuals reproductive system. There are drugs to cure any problems to these organs.
usa has drugs to manipulate (turn off, keep in hypo active state, keep in normal state, keep in hyper active state, keep in intense trauma), control, and alter the functions of various regions of the brain, to the degree of doing this to the last cell in the human brain, all in combinations of drugs administered in way of Sustained release (for sustained period of manipulation, control, and alter, which can span 48 to 120 hours), in way of controlled release (for manipulation, control, and alter), in way of timed release (such as if you know the schedule of the person, for manipulation, control, and alter), or delayed release (such as if you know the schedule of the person, for manipulation, control, and alter). The fact with brain related drugs is that they are active when they are in the system, and the most brain functions seem to come back to normalcy when the drugs are off the human system, however the mid term, and long term effects, side effects are unknown.
usa has torture drugs to induce intense trauma, torture a person by targeting specific regions of the brain, which could also be accompanied by intense noise, buzzing in the head / ears which makes it unbearable for the person. Like other brain drugs, they act when they are in the system. There are drugs to counter this induced torture, reduce the noise, buzzing in the head / ears. usa can use torture drugs in combination, targeting all the vital organs or all the organs in a human body when they want to target torture a person.
usa has drugs to target blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. Central vessel branching into four vessels going into brain. This could also be induced in a slow drugging way causing the weakening and eventual rupture of the blood vessel. Depending on which vessel is targeted and ruptured, the person may go into coma, or have stroke, or paralysis, or have instant death via brain heamorage. There are drugs that will strengthen these blood vessels also thus reversing the damage done. However, the elasticity or normal density related details unknown when restored. In general it seems blood vessels could be managed, strengthened through the life of a person for a full life time.
While all human body organs could be manipulated to the last cell, some of the other vital organs targeted include eyes. They could make ones eyes hypo active, normal, or hyper active by manipulating the cells inside the eye ball (rods and cones), in combination with dialating his pupils to the corresponding states of hypo, normal, or hyper. This was used by usa for targeting subjects in their rouge ‘See / C program’. They can control and manipulate the eye lids function to make them partially closed (making the person look droopy), as opposed to normal open eye lids for vision.
All of the above are derivatives, or negative by products of usa attempts to prepare for the restoration of the recipient of heart, and thus a second life, bring such a person to normalcy and manage all his organs including the vital organs.
Because of all the above, the challenges for the world countries are multifold.
- To restrict the usage of the counter molecules for negative purposes, to target common man, or innocent citizens.
- While counter molecules causing fatalities, identifying them and tracing them back to the source.
- Most difficult of them all, the slow damage that could be caused by usage of negligible traces of counter molecules over a prolonged period of time.
- Labs, test facilities to trace the counter molecules and doctors, hospitals to prescribe molecules to the counter molecules that constitutes cure.
The ‘Medical council’ in the new world order will support the world countries to manage and eliminate these challenges.
POV 2-6:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
My dad is my hero. A line meditated daily by Chelsea Clinton, Barbara Bush, Jenna Bush, and Ivanka Trump, for their respective usa President fathers. These first daughters want their fathers to live for 1000 years at any cost it seems. Should we call this incest love, craziness, or madness? They have attempted to target young men from across the world, to get their fathers a second life by getting them a new heart. Basically murder a young man from anywhere in the world and get them a second life.
usa and uk with the monopolized usd-$, have spent large amounts of wealth in usd-$, and used every organ, organization within un to use, abuse, human resources from across the world countries, to get new hearts for the rich and powerful old about to die american fathers. This madness has begun from what can only be termed as psycho incest love towards their president fathers, that of the first daughters. This first daughter craziness goes right back into the world war II time. The investments in this line, have gone on since the inception of puppet un.
The wealth spend on this rouge program, a psycho program has never diminished or gone down since the middle of last century. In this endeavor the first daughters, include first ladies in some cases, have gone invading countries, invading private spaces of people across countries, bending laws, changing rules, breaking every law they can across the 191 other countries. All power that could be exercised has been used and all wealth that could be spent on this has been spent, without leaving any stone unturned. This group of people are joined by prime ministers of uk, lords of uk probably, and the royal family in uk. The agenda and the objective is the same. The entire group has been abusing power, printing and spending usd-$, and using the lame, useless, puppet un and all its organizations only for human experimentation and organ harvesting. This raises the question of did WHO ever care about the health of 191 other world countries or their citizens? The answer is NO. They have only done what they have been asked to do by usa and uk, since their salary is paid by them. Thus, WHO has been used for doing illegitimate work across several world countries breaking all ethical medical practices / laws. While powerful people is one set of people, there seems to be support from usa corporate executives to see if such a second life program would work and they have softly supported this madness.
I request the 191 world countries to first vote for and take my authored macro reforms live, sequentially Project Earthling(c) and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c). Additionally, in order to ensure NO heart harvesting really happens in the world giving rouges in usa or uk a second life, the 191 world countries must track, surround, and follow the following people and their lives 24 by 7 by 365 until they die of natural causes thus confirming that they have not destroyed the humanity by doing the unthinkable.
- Surviving past american presidents nearing their 80’S. Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr, Donald Trump.
- usa corporate executives Bill Schreiner, Ken Harvey, Roy Stansbury, Randy McDaniels, Mike Comprelli, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett. Among women, Heidi Pote and Chrys Anetz.
Track their lives 24 by 7 by 365 until their natural death. The 191 countries must unite to end this madness, craziness, and incest love of american first daughters towards their fathers. There are families across the world where daughters love their fathers, however not in this psycho way.
POV 2-7:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
usa, their corporations, and all american citizens are disconnected from humanity, and the other world countries. They are suffering with severe mental disabilities. Here is a list of their diseases. Chosen Bill Schreiner as representative american male, and Heidi Pote as representative american female.
Specific mental diseases / mental disorders of Bill Schreiner, and american men. This is what has rendered them as incurable psychos.
Bill schreiner:
- White supremacist.
- Catholic christian with excessive superiority complex.
- Arrogance built from the 250 year history of usa.
- Unbelievable racist, brimming with jealousy and hatred towards citizens of other countries.
- Thinks he can do anything, anywhere in the world, and there is no one to question him.
- He is unaware of the meaning of law. He has never respected any law anywhere in the world.
- All the above causing him to become baldwin psycho, the one who peeps into others bedrooms, bathrooms and jacks off.
- Disconnected with human beings, and humanity.
- Cannot relate to people of other countries.
- Cannot communicate with people of other countries.
- Cannot have a meaningful conversation with people of other countries.
- He kicks black people like dogs. He is a KKK supporter.
- He has incurable addiction to watching live porn, from bedrooms, and bathrooms of any house he wants from across the world.
- He thinks he can order un like he gives orders to his dog in the backyard.
- He thinks of India as a beggar country that could be ordered and commanded at will.
- He thinks Indians and Hindus are vegetarians and thus weak.
- His brain is corrupted with diseases of no one to answer to, no one to be accountable to, no one to be answerable to.
- He thinks no rules apply to him.
- He thinks he can poison and kill anyone anywhere in the world, with access to power and money.
- His ideologies are eliminate all black people from earth, and terminate all muslims from the world.
- He wants to keep India a beggar country. He wants to terminate the religion of Hinduism.
- To retain usa in control, he wants to destroy any progress prospects of all 192 other countries, and keep them slaves.
- He is one of the masterminding people who gives ‘divide and destroy’ ideas against each of the world country, to keep them as slaves.
- By the time of his birth, all work in usa was finished. From birth, he has been peeping into bedrooms or bathrooms of other people, or watching movies. Instead of studying in school and college, he has watched movies like covering syllabus. Indian cinema and possibly world / other country cinema.
- He is delusional and thinks movies created for entertainment value is real life in those respective countries.
- He has disease called delusional confusion / brain disorder / mental disorder of not distinguishing real life from reel life.
- With the above mental disease he has tried to apply movie events, situations on to regular people in the world countries.
- With the above mental disease, he has tried to avenge movie events / movie characters, in real world with no connection.
- With the above mental disease, he has used the combination of nixon technology and all the drugs at his / their disposal to manipulate and target real peoples lives as shown in movies in those respective countries.
- With the above objective, he has come to a point of attempting to control target human life events by observing and drugging. He has achieved moderate success in these attempts and has controlled target human subjects lives like robots.
- He wants to terminate the religion of Hinduism. Target Hindus living in India and Nepal.
- He has attempted to divide India and Indians by skin color, religion, caste, state, region, food habit, language, to destroy the country and its economic growth prospects.
- He has used every divide and destroy tactic against india and Indians to keep this country in poverty.
- He had a delusional plan in mind, a cult plan, a secret society plan to kill / terminate all other non-christian religions, and only keep some middle skin tone people as slaves to do menial jobs as slaves.
- He wants to erase black people from earth, or cage them and use them for experimentation and possible organ harvesting.
- He is member to many questionable secret societies, cults, and psycho groups.
- He has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone smart from another country, or other religion. He immediately wants to destroy the smart person. He is filled with jealousy.
- He has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone intelligent / talented from another country, or other religion. He immediately wants to destroy the intelligent person. He is filled with jealousy.
- He has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone attractive from another country, or other religion. He immediately wants to destroy the attractive person. He is filled with jealousy.
- He has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone that has better hair style from another country, or other religion. He immediately wants to destroy this person. Brimming with jealousy, racism, and hatred. No one would think hair style of a person would make him to consider destroying and killing such a subject.
- His tolerance levels for people of other country and other religion is dead, zero; making him a inhuman psychopath with only destruction of everyone else on his mind.
- His human traits are long gone and devious mind has set in. He can only think of diabolical and sinister plans towards people of other country or religion. Destroying smart and intelligent people means destroying the progress prospects of that country.
- One of his missions is to defame, destroy, and end the religion of Hinduism. In this endeavor, to begin to defame and destroy Hindu society and culture in India, he has projected his diseases and that of american diseases onto Indian Hindus. In that they have attempted to frame Hindus as pedophiles, are incest, and even fabricate / frame stories like they are mother fuckers, just for fun and entertainment; while these diseases are non existent in India and among Hindus. americans are pedophiles, are incest, and are mother fuckers. These are prevalent in christianity.
- He has financed all kinds of rouge covert programs to target hindus and hinduism, and to portray them as some negative shaded characters from Hindu epics such as Ravana, or Duryodhana, or Dushasana; who have illtreated other married women. Hindus are nothing like these characters and he has attempted to force this on a normal society.
- He has defamed and distorted Hinduism in many ways.
- One of the psycho diseases he and americans have is taking their psycho diseases, mental illnesses and trying to force them or project them on to normal, regular people from the rest of the world / other countries. In that he has certainly chosen India and Hinduism.
- Out of no work since after world war II, he has watched some Indian movies dozens of times, and by hearted every line, every song in the movie. Further, they write Indian language in english and break up the words, lines in the movie, songs into pieces and impose derogatory, negative meaning to these words.
- He has attempted to use the abusive meaning or distorted meaning of the broken words in the chosen target foreign / Indian language, to defame and destroy India and Hinduism.
- He has attempted to force, and manipulate real peoples lives in india by these movie words and lines, which can only be termed as a severe mental disorder / disability. So many mental diseases stemming out of no work, baldwin psychosis, and watching movies like psychos way too many times.
All the above diseases mutatis mutandis for Roy Stansbury, and Ken Harvey. The american politicians Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Donald Trump are no different, and additionally they enjoy breaking up foreign languages into pieces thus abusing the language, and playing word games with foreign language, and further manipulating real peoples lives in the foreign country, using the abusive meaning or distorted meaning of the broken words in the chosen target foreign language. This they have done across the world countries that speak non-english languages. American corporate executives such as Bill gates, and Warren Buffett are no different. They are the same. UK prime ministers, royal family of uk, lords of uk are no different. They are the same. In general all american men are like Bill Schreiner.
All the above diseases mutatis mutandis for Mike Comprelli, and Randy McDaniels. Additionally, these people:
- Given the arrogance of 250 years history of usa, they have no respect for any law anywhere in the world. In that their arrogance has taken them into an uncontrolled medical malpractice across the world countries.
- They do not even recognize the words ‘ethical medical practices in international territories’.
- With unlimited printed usd at their disposal, they have conducted illegal trials in many world countries. The developing and poor countries have been the primary targets.
- There would be instances and citations where they have murdered people from developing and poor countries with full intent, just for fun and entertainment.
Another disease is that usa men, uk men, have continually tried to project their shortcomings, their mental diseases, their psycho problems on men of other countries, including India, while these men of other countries and India have no problems what-so-ever.
Specific mental diseases / mental disorders of Heidi Pote, and american women. This is what has rendered them as incurable psychos.
Heidi Pote:
- In all of her school / college days she has been harassed and abused by fellow students with the last name ‘potty’.
- She must have been suicidal from her school, college days given the harassment.
- No men dated her in the american culture, and she has been alone for decades now.
- Some men used and abused her.
- She has been devoid of sex for decades now, and that has cumulated hatred towards her life and men.
- She probably has been abused by male relatives when she was a child, such as her grand father, father, brother, or uncles.
- Some of the points above have rendered her as a person with deep seeded hatred towards men. She starts the women supremacy cult.
- She is probably a member of many secret societies, cults and black magic cult group among gothic christians.
- She is determined to destroy all men in the world and where possible torture, and kill them.
- She would murder men just for fun and entertainment. She might get sadistic pleasure.
- When american men have understood this about her and other american women, and stay away, they are not easy targets. So, she preys on foreign nationals as she thinks given the old world order she could target, harass, torture, even murder any man anywhere in the world.
- She has this psycho mindset that, if I cannot be happy, I will not let anyone else be happy, in particular people from other countries, other religions.
- White supremacist.
- Catholic christian with excessive superiority complex.
- Arrogance built from the 250 year history of usa.
- Unbelievable racist, brimming with jealousy and hatred towards citizens of other countries.
- Thinks she can do anything, anywhere in the world, and there is no one to question her.
- She is unaware of the meaning of law. She has never respected any law anywhere in the world.
- All the above causing her to become baldwin psycho, the one who peeps into others bedrooms, bathrooms for pleasure and to manipulate their lives.
- Disconnected with human beings, and humanity.
- Cannot relate to people of other countries.
- Cannot communicate with people of other countries.
- Cannot have a meaningful conversation with people of other countries.
- She kicks black people like dogs. She is a KKK supporter.
- She has incurable addiction to watching live porn, from bedrooms, and bathrooms of any house she wants from across the world.
- She thinks she can order un like she gives orders to her dog in the backyard.
- She thinks of India as a beggar country that could be ordered and commanded at will.
- She thinks Indians and Hindus are vegetarians and thus weak.
- Her brain is corrupted with diseases of no one to answer to, no one to be accountable to, no one to be answerable to.
- She thinks no rules apply to her.
- She thinks she can poison and kill anyone anywhere in the world, with access to power and money.
- Her ideologies are eliminate all black people from earth, and terminate all muslims from the world.
- She wants to keep India a beggar country. She wants to terminate the religion of Hinduism.
- To retain usa in control, she wants to destroy any progress prospects of all 192 other countries, and keep them slaves.
- She is one of the masterminding people who gives ‘divide and destroy’ ideas against each of the world country, to keep them as slaves.
- By the time of her birth, all work in usa was finished. From birth, she has been peeping into bedrooms or bathrooms of other people, or watching movies. Instead of studying in school and college, she has watched movies like covering syllabus. Indian cinema and possibly world / other country cinema.
- She is delusional and thinks movies created for entertainment value is real life in those respective countries.
- She has disease called delusional confusion / brain disorder / mental disorder of not distinguishing real life from reel life.
- With the above mental disease she has tried to apply movie events, situations on to regular people in the world countries.
- With the above mental disease, she has tried to avenge movie events / movie characters, in real world with no connection.
- With the above mental disease, she has used the combination of nixon technology and all the drugs at her / their disposal to manipulate and target real peoples lives as shown in movies in those respective countries.
- With the above objective, she has come to a point of attempting to control target human life events by observing and drugging. She has achieved moderate success in these attempts and has controlled target human subjects lives like robots.
- She wants to terminate the religion of Hinduism. Target Hindus living in India and Nepal.
- She has attempted to divide India and Indians by skin color, religion, caste, state, region, food habit, language, to destroy the country and its economic growth prospects.
- She has used every divide and destroy tactic against india and Indians to keep this country in poverty.
- She had a delusional plan in mind, a cult plan, a secret society plan to kill / terminate all other non-christian religions, and only keep some middle skin tone people as slaves to do menial jobs as slaves.
- She wants to erase black people from earth, or cage them and use them for experimentation and possible organ harvesting.
- She is member to many questionable secret societies, cults, and psycho groups.
- She has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone smart from another country, or other religion. She immediately wants to destroy the smart person. She is filled with jealousy.
- She has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone intelligent / talented from another country, or other religion. She immediately wants to destroy the intelligent person. She is filled with jealousy.
- She has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone attractive from another country, or other religion. She immediately wants to destroy the attractive person. She is filled with jealousy.
- She has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone that has better hair style from another country, or other religion. She immediately wants to destroy this person. Brimming with jealousy, racism, and hatred. No one would think hair style of a person would make her to consider destroying and killing such a subject.
- Her tolerance levels for people of other country and other religion is dead, zero; making her a inhuman psychopath with only destruction of everyone else on her mind.
- Her human traits are long gone and devious mind has set in. She can only think of diabolical and sinister plans towards people of other country or religion. Destroying smart and intelligent people means destroying the progress prospects of that country.
- One of her missions is to defame, destroy, and end the religion of Hinduism. In this endeavor, to begin to defame and destroy Hindu society and culture in India, she has projected her diseases and that of american diseases onto Indian Hindus. In that they have attempted to frame Hindus as pedophiles, are incest, and even fabricate / frame stories like they are mother fuckers, just for fun and entertainment; while these diseases are non existent in India and among Hindus. americans are pedophiles, are incest, and are mother fuckers. These are prevalent in christianity.
- She has financed all kinds of rouge covert programs to target hindus and hinduism, and to portray them as some negative shaded characters from Hindu epics such as Ravana, or Duryodhana, or Dushasana; who have illtreated other married women. Hindus are nothing like these characters and she has attempted to force this on a normal society.
- She has defamed and distorted Hinduism in many ways.
- One of the psycho diseases she and americans have is taking their psycho diseases, mental illnesses and trying to force them or project them on to normal, regular people from the rest of the world / other countries. In that he has certainly chosen India and Hinduism.
- Out of no work since after world war II, she has watched some Indian movies dozens of times, and by hearted every line, every song in the movie. Further, they write Indian language in english and break up the words, lines in the movie, songs into pieces and impose derogatory, negative meaning to these words.
- She has attempted to use the abusive meaning or distorted meaning of the broken words in the chosen target foreign / Indian language, to defame and destroy India and Hinduism.
- She has attempted to force, and manipulate real peoples lives in india by these movie words and lines, which can only be termed as a severe mental disorder / disability. So many mental diseases stemming out of no work, baldwin psychosis, and watching movies like psychos way too many times.
Mutatis Mutandis for Chris Anetz. Additionally, she has the following problems / diseases.
- In all of her school / college days she has been called ugly, horrible by fellow students and she was probably spit on by some of them.
- No man ever cared for her. She has not had a date or had sex for decades, causing intense hatred towards life and men.
- Most of her life, she has had no friends, no family, causing her to become suicidal and even murderous against men.
- She would murder men just for fun and entertainment. She might get sadistic pleasure.
Mutatis Mutandis for all american women, usa first ladies, usa first daughters, uk royal family, and additionally they enjoy breaking up foreign languages into pieces thus abusing the language, and playing word games with foreign language, and further manipulating real peoples lives in the foreign country, using the abusive meaning or distorted meaning of the broken words in the chosen target foreign languages. This they have done across the world countries that speak non-english language.
In general, all NJ women, and all american women, British women are like Heidi Pote and Chrys anetz.
Another disease is that usa women, uk women, have continually tried to project their shortcomings, their mental diseases, their psycho problems on women of other countries, including India, while these women of other countries and India have no problems what-so-ever.
POV 2-8:
Segment: Hinduism
My blood lineage is that of King Krishna Deva Raya. A theory outlined by usa-uk, given my last name Devathi, thus looking to make me a king with much lesser wealth as compared to at least 93 Trillion Earthlings.
King Krishna Deva Raya, one of the popular royal name of India, supposed to have ruled the southern region of India in 14th century. It is now about 650 years since his time. Given that my paternal grandfather comes from the region of current day Andhra Pradesh which was then part of the Krishna Deva Raya kingdom, there is a theory that has been outlined by usa-uk that I have the Krishna Deva Raya blood lineage, and this after my invention in Q1-2007. My last name is Devathi and it is an approximate estimated dozen generations from 14th century.
The theory is simply that after the last king of the Deva Raya dynasty left the kingdom and palace for unknown reasons, the royal children went into the villages at the time, lived in hiding, and pursued agriculture / farming which was the living means of those days. Thus living in villages, and the passing of say dozen generations, they think I carry the royal blood lineage. My great grandfather, and grandfather were farmers in village, and my father moved to the city in pursuit of a different life. Thus, I was born in Bangalore, my mothers city, with paternal Andhra heritage.
While the theory has circumstantial evidence or coincidence, I myself do not have any factual evidence to this effect. I do not think there are documents spanning these 650 years showing my ancestry. So, I state that I do not have factual evidence that I have Krishna Deva Raya blood lineage, and think that it is only a theory outlined by usa-uk-uk royal family who might be in pursuit of royal lineage genetics. Even Indian government will have records and data only after we got the said independence in 1947. The British might have some records from prior centuries which is inaccessible to me and India.
I have information only up to my great grandfather. He and my grandfather raised crop in village in Amarapuram, present day Amaravathi and its vicinity. My fathers elder brother would teach the local villagers regularly about Hinduism and spirituality. He would give the jist of sanskrit verses from Geeta. Other than this there are stories told to me that all the villagers and neighboring villagers would bow their heads in respect when they went past our house in the village where my grandfather lived. Was this respect royal lineage related? Or was it respect out of other reasons? The truth is unknown.
POV 2-9:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)
Each persons loyalty, patriotism, to fully allign with the citizenship and country of permanent residence. Anyone having divided interests will be severed to allign with one country and its interests. In the upcoming decentralized world misallignment is not an option for you or the country.
History and the authority of old world order has rendered many citizens of the 191 other countries to have divided interests, operate and in some cases take action which might constitute going against their own country and citizenship. The suitcases filled with usd-$ sponsored and promoted this, thus causing the slavery of 191 world countries to usa-uk. These financially sponsored activities were driven and intended by usa-uk to make slaves out of the 191 countries thus gaining control and applying a financial lever over the country and its functions.
I bring you into the new world order by my macro reforms Project Earthling(c), and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), both of which will be brought to their decisive voting with 193 countries casting their votes on the subjects. In the new world order with world neutral currency of Earthlings, each country will become independent and thus paves the way for each country’s citizens to allign to their country’s goals and objectives. The usd-$ bribes and the monopoly would end. Thus the citizens of each country must not have any divided interests or favorism to any foreign countries.
In quick time, each country will follow through with their law and order protocol to identify and eliminate any misallignments. This means, say you are an Indian citizen living in India, however due to old world order links demonstrate personality traits of supporting or favoring foreign countries such as usa-uk, saudi-uae, or any other foreign country, this indicates that you have loyalty towards other countries and do not have enough patriotism towards India. This will be seen as anti-India sentiment, and any work / activity in those lines constitutes treason which will result in severe action by law enforcement authorities.
POV 2-10:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
We can kill millions of people, we can trigger nuclear war, we can burn and destroy entire states in India, we can inflict diseases, or even trigger an entire world war. All these are acceptable, but we cannot see India, and Indian Hindu citizens, and Hinduism getting rich. The core mindset, psycological trait of nri-abcd living in usa-uk. Their bosses, white supremacists pay them and encourage them to live up to this ideology.
Trained dogs and bitches that receive treats for doing an antic / act by their commanding / ordering master. This is the best way to explain the slavery with no outlet, no option minorities in usa-uk. They are in cages controlled by their bosses in usa-uk.
Indian citizens, and all Indian governments, state and central must understand that when an nri-abcd WHO IS AM AMERICAN CITIZEN AND NOT AN INDIAN CITIZEN comes to this country and speaks, he / she is a puppet on strings doing what he / she has been asked to do by their bosses in usa-uk. Indian citizens, and all Indian governments, state and central have time and time again failed to recognize this and fall for the psycho tricks and garbage thrown at India by these homeless group of people.
Further, Indian government has allowed all sorts of benefits which must be considered as over the top to these caged psycho animals who come here after ABANDONING THE VERY INDIAN CITIZENSHIP. The horrors have been dual citizenship, multi decade visa for travel and such. And conducting special pravasi bharatiya divas etc., is nothing but weakening this country, its own stature and stance on the world stage. They are allowed to own property in India, knowing that they are now american citizens. All of this must change.
We must look at them as people who have abandoned the great country of India and have opted a foreign country citizenship. The moment they apply for citizenship in a foreign country, they must be considered as anti-India, and citizens who have left the country. And all comfortable benefits, perks, ease of travel programs, dual citizenship sort of facilities must be abolished in their entireity. They must not be allowed to own any property in any form in the territory of India. National wealth bill must be established to ensure they get nothing when they leave the country.
In the old world order, they have been used as a means to target India, Indian citizens, and in particular Hindu citizens living in India, and the religion of Hinduism. These people have happily taken the bribes, bonus, dog biscuits, treats given to them from their psycho bosses in usa-uk, and have built their lives and wealth by raping this country and its citizens. They sell this country, Hinduism religion to make money and status in the foreign country. It is only when they laugh at this country, Hinduism, make jokes about it, they get close to their bosses, the white supremacists.
Thus, the lives of these people is a disease to this country. They constantly attempt to derail, destroy any good from happening in this country. In fact when they take up the foreign citizenship, they take oath to pledge all their loyalty, patriotism to usa-uk, and will burn the country India when they are asked to do it. They take the oath, abandon Indian citizenship, take usa-uk citizenship, laugh at this country, make jokes about this country, its citizens, Hinduism, and yet we over here have not opened our eyes to see this clearly? Can we recognize the truth and put them in their place?
While having taken the citizenship, they are under constant suppression and targeting of the white supremacists who control them by putting them in a cage. This has rendered them homeless, lifeless, soulless, directionless, religionless, which has rendered them like psychos beyond any cure. Their anti-India actions, anti-India sentiment, plans to burn this country, mission to destroy this country, terminate the Hinduism religion is hidden behind every word, line they utter, and action they take. Losers keep coming back to India to execute anti-India terrorism work given to them by white supremacists.
Thus, the motto, mission, objective, goal, of these nri-abcd is:
We can kill millions of people, we can trigger nuclear war, we can burn and destroy entire states in India, we can inflict diseases, or even trigger an entire world war. All these are acceptable, but we cannot see India, and Indian Hindu citizens, and Hinduism getting rich. The core mindset, psycological trait of nri-abcd living in usa-uk. Their bosses, white supremacists pay them and encourage them to live up to this ideology.
POV 2-11:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
Making Indian economy dependent on immigrant remitances like that of Tajikistan economy is the vision of usa-uk and the so called nri-abcd living in usa-uk. With my work for ‘Goal year 2050 for India’, Tajikistan could also steer their economy away from immigrant remitances.
The economy of Tajikistan is overly dependant on the foreign remitances coming from their immigrant population, living in foreign countries. According to wikipedia information, Tajikistan has an estimated 47% of their annual income proceeds come from foreign remittances coming into their country. After my invention of patent US 8,910,998 in Q1-2007, immediately after in Q2 of 2007 usa corporations, usa-uk-my public enemies had the full estimation / valuation work for my invention completed. Their numbers were in the range of 300 Trillion Earthlings / $. Off the many negative strategies, negative tactics outlined by usa-uk-my public enemies to target me, to attack me, to attack my invention, and block its related wealth from coming into India, one of the ideas they come up with is to use the trained dogs in their country called nri-abcd to find ways of destroying India and become a barrier / roadblock from India becoming rich and wealthy by having its own treasury holdings. They wanted to make India like a Tajikistan in the old world order which runs on usd-$ monopoly.
What does this negative strategy involve? Simply to use negative tactics and negative methods to pay only a fraction of the estimated 300 Trillion usd-$, to India, and hold most of the wealth in their country, by citing that the currency is usd-$, and we will pay you (for our wealth that we should have access to any time, and our wealth which must be in our control), as and when you have requirement. So, for us to build our country and achieve ‘Goal year 2050 for India’ we must go with a begging request and go through their formality and raping protocol to release a fraction of the funds for our work.
In this negative strategy approach they had planned to use nri-abcd from usa-uk. What would these so called middle men do to India?
- Build a money payment network from usa into India against all kinds of rouge services, a list of which will be given to them by their order giving bosses in usa-uk.
- This list of requests for giving partial, fraction payments, remittances to India from usa-uk would involve supplying young women for their bosses pleasure. In which the middle men will put their hands to use the women, steal some pleasure.
- This list would involve sending young men chosen for genetics and / or sexual pleasure by their bosses in usa-uk.
- This list will also involve unlimited targets identified for illegal clinical trials from India, who will all be induced diseases and in the name of trial treatment will be very likely killed. We are expendables that could be used and killed.
These are some of the examples of psycho requests that will be coming from usa-uk to India through the psycho middle men called nri-abcd who will be making money for handling this psycho work and identifying targets in India, and while doing so, damage the great country of India in the following ways:
- They will render India to become an incompetent country, and will not allow India to stand on its own feet independently.
- They will build corruption at all levels within India to get these psycho services to their bosses in usa-uk. Even businesses in India will become corrupt and will be dealing in illegal transactions.
- They will ensure no one in India, including Prime Minister, central government cabinet of ministers, all state chief ministers and their cabinet of ministers will ever concentrate on building India, or pursuing the goal / objective of ‘Goal year 2050 for India’.
- They will become blood sucking vampires by invading into every house, every office of this country and select, force the target subject to be used for their psycho pleasures and trials. They will use nixon technology for the privacy invasion, to find their targets.
- They will kill anyone who even shows a sign of patriotism, and want to work for our country India. Just for fun and entertainment, they will also kill anyone that might not oblige to their psycho demands and sadistic pleasure activities or trial activities.
- The corruption would spread into every sector, every field in India, rendering us into a full fledged slave country with a broken / fragmented society which will have no other means of making money, other than selling themselves, and reporting like slaves to rouges that are usa-uk.
- Their vision is to keep India a slave country, make all Indian citizens slaves, and terminate the religion of Hinduism. In quick time, all temples in India would be plundered and they would try to promote the psychotic christianity in India. India would die and will neither be a country nor a functioning society.
All of this for giving fraction payments by keeping our wealth in their country and in their control, the wealth which must truly be in our country and in our control. We as a country will stop to function, our society destroyed by usa-uk and the nri-abcd middle men who only want to burn and destroy India.
By taking my macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c) live, we will be able to hold all our wealth in our own country, in a world neutral currency (which is not a local domestic currency of any one country) Earthlings, and this wealth will be in our control, to pursue ‘Goal year 2050 for India’. And while pursuing our programs and projects in India, for India, we do not have to go with begging requests to any other country. Other countries of the world including Tajikistan will be able to steer their economies to become more independent and less dependant on foreign immigrant remitances, by emulating my work.
You can read about my public enemies at my webpage weblink:
POV 2-12:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
Penis sizes nightmare inflicted on planet earth by usa-uk men. Thus inciting men from across the world by hurting their ego and manhood. This coupled by targeting their women along the way.
Understand this simple medical fact and enlighten yourself with knowledge and truth. usa-uk men designed the world is short program. Given the pharmaceutical company advances they had drugs to make the penis hold blood giving it a certain size. This was available to them by world war II timeframe. They design puppet un. You must now know that un has worked all of the last 75 years only for their order giving master usa and uk, since they are paid in usd-$. They had no interest towards the world countries or world citizens.
Within few years, the drug that gives the penis a certain dimension (by increasing blood flow and holding it there for a preset time) is integrated into their daily consumption food, which was now processed food / meat / beef / bacon etc. This is simply a sub-size erection holding for certain time through the day or when they want it. They did this to show off and started doing it around the world, indicating that this is their penis in un-erect position by consuming regular food and nothing else, when the drug was hidden in the processed food they intake daily.
Further, using the same sub-size erection inducing drug, now given through food to men in India or other world countries, they indicate that, look this is his erect penis size, as we have given him erection drug. Both dimensions are same (factoring and keeping the height of the persons comparable), however they are cheating the world by showing this dimension on themselves in an undrugged unerect condition, and that for the target person as a induced drug erection resulting in the short penis. This scam they have continued for decades now. Men, women all across the world have been cheated by this.
You remove the drug molecules from the processed food, and usa-uk white men penises will come down to one centimeter or one inch given the removal of prolonged drug usage. I very clearly indicate to entire world. Male physiology is one and the same across the world. The height to erect penis lengths across world countries, including all religions, all regions, men of all color is 4 feet – 4 inches, 5 feet – 5 inches, 6 feet – 6 inches, 7 feet – 7 inches, and so on. This is a fact. A scientific fact. Do not believe or fall for the cheating tactics of usa-uk men. They are now psycho beyond redemption.
I cannot believe that I am writing about women physiology. After child birth there is targeting of women across the world by usa-uk men, that the women vaginal hole is now like the opening of a vessel and the respective country male penises are dangling in these vessel openings. Again what is scientific and real is that women all over the world conceive and go back to having sex, conceive again. If this vessel hole is an issue, it is a universal issue similar across the world. No one is different. usa-uk women also have bigger vessel holes in which their men penises are dangling.
In summary, for medical practitioners / doctors across the world, I request that you enlighten and give proper information and knowledge to the citizens of your countries and share these true facts. All male physiology and female physiology across the world countries are similar. This fact will be documented clearly by the Medical council, in a separate section of ‘Myths, misconceptions, misunderstandings VS True facts’. This will be accessible to medical councils of all 193 countries and the world citizens.
POV 2-13:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
I have no legal relationship with film industry in India or that of any other country.
This POV is about me NOT having any LEGAL relationship with anyone from the so called movie industry, whether it is Indian or american. While the preceding statement is a LEGAL statement that will be submitted in the court if I must, the truth is I have never from my birth until to this date have interacted with, have had any conversation, with anyone from the film industry. There are supposed to be an estimated 10 lakh workers in the film industry in India. My statement holds good for the entire industry, including all these people working in it.
My statement is 100% legally accurate, with the following two exceptions that must be mentioned in the context of legality of the statement. These two exceptional events are like any regular citizens normal interactions with film industry people, wherein my interaction lasted for under a minute with them.
- I was 9 years old, and we went on a studio tour to Annapurna studios which includes a visit to the house of the owner ANR – akkineni nageshwar rao. After the studio visit, at his house garden, ANR showed up and spoke to the group for say 5 minutes. I asked him for taking a photograph, to which he refused. People asked routine questions and made routine remarks and the group dispersed. This does not constitute a LEGAL interaction.
- Devaraj. During my college days, we went on a local drive when we happened to see shooting sets off the highway. We took a break and walked up and were told it was shooting of a Kannada movie, and actor Devaraj was sitting in his van. Two of us, went into the van and asked for his autograph, to which he obliged. Our conversation about his movies lasted for under 5 minutes and we left. This does not constitute a LEGAL interaction.
After my invention in Q1-2007, usa-uk-my public enemies made alliances, paid hollywood, and had them make dedicated network into Indian film industry which includes bollywood, and other Indian film industries by language / state such as Telugu film industry, Kannada film industry, and Tamil film industry, to target me and attack me in any way possible. It is not a coincidence that ‘Slumdog millionaire’ movie was made in years 2007, and 2008 (after my invention in Q1-2007) and positioned for oscar sweep in year 2009. Given the negative tactics used by my public enemies, I have made these LEGAL statements for clarity to people all over the world.
Additionally, I want to state that Indian film industry:
- Has no contribution to Indian GDP.
- They are among the leading tax evaders.
- The entire industry operates outside the legal framework, and very few of their transactions happen through banks.
- The entire industry operates in cash and the activity is unaccounted for.
I would not waste my time with an industry that has no economic relevance to India. My future work for ‘Goal Year 2050 for India’ will have nothing to do with film industry.
In OS 2486 of 2021, I have requested the Honorable court to refrain the defendants from offering exorbitant bribes in the order of 500 billion, 1 Trillion, 2 Trillion, 3 Trillion, 5 Trillion, or 10 Trillion to anyone in India, including the film industry in India.
POV 2-14:
Segment: Patent-Intellectual Property, Sub-segment: Legal
Legal rights when you turn 18, Major, in India and most countries across the world.
You cannot be used as a term or clause in some unknown parties agreements including that of your parents or guardians.
POV 2-15:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
Are these false, deliberate, non existent, illogical links / connections made by usa-uk-saudi-uae to target me, India, and Hinduism?
Q – Fabricated connection between gold reserve with Venkateshwara at Tirupathi?
A – YES. It is an illogical connection.
Q – Fabricated connection between gold reserve with creating fire, renewable in fire scam?
A – YES. It is an illogical connection.
Q – Fabricated connection between creating fire, renewable with Venkateshwara at Tirupathi?
A – YES. It is an illogical connection.
Q – Fabricated connection between gold reserve with Hinduism?
A – For stealing wealth from Hinduism, it is. Hindu gods are depicted wearing golden ornaments. So, Hindus setting up gold reserve is NOT out of order, when they have enough wealth.
Q – Fabricated connection between creating fire, renewable with Hinduism?
A – YES. It is a false connection created to target Hinduism and Hindu country, India. Creating fire, renewable is a world subject to be voted by 193 countries.
Q – Fabricated connection between gold reserve with me and India?
A – For me and India holding wealth in the form of Gold is only an investment option and diversification of wealth portfolio. If we have wealth, we choose whether we build a gold reserve out of it. It is an internal India decision.
Q – Fabricated connection between creating fire, renewable with me and India?
A – YES. This is purely to steal wealth from me and India, designed specifically to steal wealth off the invention patent US 8,910,998. Their false attempts have failed. It will be referred to the voting of 193 countries.
All the above were primarily designed by usa-uk-saudi-uae as a carrot dangling technique to steal wealth from me, India, and Hinduism.
POV 2-16:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)
Each country’s independent and autonomous thinking cannot be influenced, targeted, manipulated, or bribed to alter in the new world order. They are free to vote by their own independent valuation and perspective on any world subject without having to fear for anyone else’s opinion or perspective.
Unlike in the old world order, when the macro-governance reform United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c) goes live, the GI-50 council and G-193 council will be the core governing units with other councils operating as branches however autonomously to conduct their operations. In this new world order, each country will be free to do their own independent valuation, arrive at their own independent view and decision pertaining to any world subject without having to fear for anyone else’s opinion or perspective.
The above includes the opinion of the GI-50 council member your country is tagged to, in the case you are among the 143 world countries with presence in G-193 council and not in GI-50 council. The local ally and leader who would represent you on GI-50 council can have healthy discussions, present the perspectives to your country on world subjects. Your country could agree, support, counter, or oppose their views, in a non-obligatory and non-binding way when it comes to the voting on world subjects at G-193 council. You can cast your vote purely on your independent thinking even if it is conflicting with your GI-50 ally / leader.
The abusive, negative, bullying, and threatening tactics of the old world order will not survive, and will be fully eliminated in the new world order. usa-uk in the old world order have used all available negative tactics to manipulate the votes cast by 191 world countries. In this they have used the bribing in monopolized usd-$, use of political lever, use of financial lever, use of bullying, intimidating, and threatening tactics by demonstrating their military might or forcefully impose sanctions, incite neighbors, stereotype your country and target, and other negative tactics to force their opinion on vote cast by your country.
All of the above will fully be terminated and eliminated in the new world order, and from the operations of G-193 council. With Earthlings currency having gone live, it will eliminate negative tactics of bribing, usage of political lever or financial lever. Further, no country can use any form of threatening, or bullying tactics against your country to impose fear or pressure to vote a certain way on any world subject brought for its decisive voting to G-193 council. All GI-50 council members will fully support this free thinking, independent valuation approach given to G-193 council decisive voting procedure.
POV 2-17:
Segment: Hinduism, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
usa-uk have used divide and destroy strategy across the world to impose slavery on world countries. In India, however difficult for one to imagine, a divide and destroy strategy involving ‘ancient kingdoms’ has been used as a negative tactic. This POV is connected with POV 2-8.
Many kings ruled India, and regions across India over the past several centuries. It is fair to say that most of the kingdoms have been regional within India with the Mauryan empire lead by Chandragupta Maurya, alone spanning all of India.
Before 1947 when India got its pseudo independence, India and regional governance could be explained as varying phases of kingdoms ruled by kings controlling and governing the region of their kingdom. Documented history of these kings goes back to centuries. For this discussion we can stay with the span of 4th century BC to 21st century AD. Mauryan empire, Devarayas, Cholas, Pallavas, Rajputs, Chatrapathis, Hoysalas, Wodeyers, Chalukyas form the prominent recognized kings / kingdoms, with many others ruling portions of India for a certain time in history.
Other than the above mentioned Hindu kings, there are ignorable mughals, nizam, and sultans who ruled portions of India in their time and went against Hinduism. Enter the psycho christian kingdom, the british united kingdom in 17th century. The rich history of Indian Hindu kings was a threat to their plans to make India beggar like poor country, steal all its wealth, and run off to their country leaving the country fully divided and destroyed. Poverty and fight among yourselves to die is how they left us. They joined forces with available and accessible muslim kings in this endeavor.
British have been playing word games since the inception of english language. The uk royal family is no exception. Given the documentation of events, activities, dynasties, maps of regions / cities controlled in India, they have full records, data and information about everything in India, every prominent person in each city, every kingdom, and every city in India since they entered in 17th century. At the same time they also by using carbon dating, traveling across India, gathering information details from locals, have documented the history of all Indian kings from 4th century BC.
After my invention in Q1-2007, hsbc bank headquartered in uk dug up all of this history documented by britishers which only they have access to, possibly the royal family in uk (citation controlled temperature, humidity controlled libraries storing all forms of papers and books mentioned in many authored books), and attempted to use this against me. They begin with my last name Devathi and link to Devaraya kings blood lineage. I am unaware if they have affirmative records for this, or only have partial thread of information, while they logically connected the remaining dots? Only they can answer.
Since my invention in Q1-2007, a range of ‘divide and destroy’ tactics have been used against me. Like all of that was not enough, they incite the ancient kingdom angle to incite people of those regions ruled by those kings of the kingdoms, and initiate a non-existing war between these said ancient kingdoms. The fact to record is non-exitent rivalry, as these kings and kingdoms span different timelines in the history without overlap or recognized rivalry or competition. For example periods when Devarayas ruled, Chatrapathis ruled, Pallavas ruled portions of India are mutually exclusive. So where is the questions of rivalry?
Despite no overlap, no hatred among kingdoms, by branding me as Devaraya, region of Tamil Nadu have been aligned with Cholas, regions of Telangana and AP aligned with Pallavas, region of Rajasthan aligned with Rajputs, region of Maharashtra aligned with Chatrapathis, region of Karnataka aligned with Hoysalas, Wodeyers, and Chalukyas; all of who have been intentionally turned against me or take a posture against me and my work, fully financed and incited by usa-uk. usa-uk further bring saudi-uae and muslim in India by aligning region of Delhi to mughals, region of Telangana and AP to nizam, and Karnataka to sultans.
Thus by aligning this way, they get saudi-uae and indian muslims to align against me, by branding me Devaraya, in a combined effort to block my work, my IP rights, and wealth from across the world countries from coming into India. They commit the fraud and use all these frivolous useless angles of divide and destroy to target and attack me and my work. I request Delhi to align strongly with Mauryan empire, a 100% original Hindu kingdom, a great among greats, thus aligning with me while branded Devaraya, such that together we bring the full wealth into India. Delhi must terminate the mughal alignment and british alignment.
These are kingdoms I discuss, this excluding the royal families, Kingdoms that are part of Hindu Dashavatara epics that include Pandavas, Kauravas, Ayodhya kingdom, Ujjain Dushyantha, Lanka and other wherein they all have links to current day cities and events documented and recorded across the country. Inspired by some of the negative shaded characters in these epics, my public enemies, usa-uk-saudi-uae attempted to use rouge programs white house has used across the world such as ass program, c-hinese program, c-rack program, and world is short program against me and have failed.
Using word games in conjunction with these kingdom alignment divide and destroy tactic such as c-hola-s, p-alla-v-as, chat-ra-pathi, chatta-pathi, M-au-arya, Ho-y-sala-s, W-od-y-ers, c-h-al-uk-y-as, mug-h-al, s-ul-tan, ni-z-am is another approach taken by these rouge usa-uk to target me, India, and Hinduism.
Finally, in summary, all these negative tactics have failed and have been terminated by me. I request everyone to read my current day executed Living Will and the wealth distribution across India. This is aligned with 21st century India, the country, its states, and UT’S. I am living in the present and have devised my Will which is in the present and it is NOT aligned according to Krishna Devaraya kingdom. Through the court proceeding, uspto breach of PCT will be eliminated and 63 agreements including 62 sale agreements will be executed one each with each of the 62 countries, thus handing over the 90% value to each of the 62 countries.
Further, I deliver real freedom and independence to world countries with Macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c) and Macro-governance reform United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c). Thus, all the negative strategies, tactics of usa-uk-saudi-uae including this king-dom alignment have been terminated and ended.
Key word here is ‘united kingdom’. They wanted to be the only kingdom remaining in the world in the end. Or if there are others, they must bow down to them and be slaves? Given my reforms NO ONE IN THE WORLD will bow to them. Will Saudi bow to uk? Brunei bow to uk? Other monarchy countries bow to uk? The answer is No.
POV 2-18:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), Sub-segment: Old world order horror
Understand the difference between african american e.g., obama, will smith, etc., and the real African country citizens living in Africa. The same analogy mutatis mutandis for other country emigrants into usa and their confused children compared to the citizens of these corresponding other countries.
usa-uk and all their citizens are psycho and mental. This includes every usa-uk citizen without parity in race, religion, origin, or region within usa. All are psycho and none of them can relate to human beings, the regular normal humans across the world living in 191 world countries. In the old world order these emigrants from the respective countries have been used as a means to bribe, a channel of communication to build a boss – slave relationship between usa and the respective target country. The emigrants take oath to sell the country they left and destroy it when they take usa-uk citizenship.
These middle men who claim commonality in origin, race, religion, or language are only loyal to usa and in the name of these commonalities come to the target country and build corruption thus consuming the entire system and all organizations of these target countries. In this way, usa-uk have manouvered and converted all the 191 world countries into slave countries, in the old world order. The chain built through these middle men is basically a money trail network which in itself is illegal, and will sponsor all illegal work in the target country thus ensuring they remain poor, illiterate, with no economic growth or progress.
These middle men psycho network go in many directions in the target country according to the psycho diabolical devious goals / objectives of their order giving psycho white bosses in usa-uk. This could range from human trafficking, sex slavery, target subjects for illegal clinical trials, to own property in target country, control businesses in target country, control the government / regime, and so on. This network of people through their bosses in usa-uk have attempted to own properties and own companies in these target countries, rendering them as fully contained and controlled economic slaves. Thus the old world order had 191 slave countries reporting to and fully controlled by usa-uk. In relation to country India, the loser nri-abcd build this illegal bribe payment network and have attempted to make India a slave country and keep it poor and beggar like. Similarly, obama, will smith or similar do this equivalent loser nri-abcd work in relation to real African countries. The same must be extrapolated to 191 world countries.
Since I am an Indian citizen, and I have known with data and factual evidence that nri-abcd network of usa-uk have only derailed, destroyed, raped, and sabotaged my country India, with 100% clarity I can state the same intentions and objectives are exuded by african americans living in usa-uk towards the real African countries. No good will ever come to your country from usa-uk. They will only look to destroy your country by using these middle men with some common traits. By nature, culture, ideology, objectives, life goals, life ambitions, these people are psychotic in nature and are nothing like the local people in target countries.
usa-uk and their middle men only have diabolical, devious, destructive and raping agendas towards the target countries, all 191 world countries. They have a lot of hidden motives and hidden agendas in their psychotic minds and throw out fake acting when they come to interact with these target country governments or citizens. The normal healthy life, normal healthy culture in your country, referring to the free 191 world countries, with sensible, and balanced life objectives are diametrically opposite to the psychotic usa-uk culture and objectives. Do not fall for the trap, do not remain slaves, and vote for Project Earthling(c) when it is presented for its decisive voting.
In summary, digest and absorb this fact very clearly. Human beings, their nature, their behavior, their value system, their thinking to the most part evolves and settles down depending on the environment, society, family, network of people they interact with, cultural, and socio-economic conditions they grow up in, and this settles down by the time they are 20 to 25 years old, however not limiting to what they land up becoming. Thus the world is comprised of 193 distinct cultures, societies, with many countries having subtle cultural and societal variations as compared to similar countries.
Now, kids born and raised in usa-uk with psycho environment, fragmented and broken society, grow up to be and are psycho with devious, diabolical, destructive, and raping ideologies towards other world countries irrespective of their religion, skin color, origin, race etc. So, while you might look similar in skin color, same religion, same language spoken, the culture, nature, thinking, objectives of these in usa-uk will be in no way similar to or even remotely close to what your culture, nature, thinking, and objectives for your country are. Hence all usa-uk citizens cannot be and must not be trusted by the other 191 world country citizens. Be independent, live free, live by preserving your local culture, your local healthy balanced society, by embracing the macro reforms Project Earthling(c) and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c). Vote for them and live in a free world by breaking all cultural and societal slavery shackles imposed by usa-uk.
The same analogy applies to gulf muslim countries, Asian countries, European countries, South American, African, or Peurto-rican countries and their respective emmigrant families in usa-uk.
POV 2-19:
Segment: Project Earthling(c), Sub-segment: Old world order horror
There has been a recent spike in IMF loans booked. This is after I published my authored macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c).
For the poor and developing countries – Do NOT take IMF loans given in usd-$, and become a slave country. This statement could be extrapolated to World bank also. Do not take loans from World bank either.
IMF loans given to you in usd-$ will make you slaves to usa. Your country will give up way too many rights, and your country’s freedom, by handing over full control financial lever, and full control political lever when you take a loan from IMF in usd-$ in old world order. Do not become a slave country.
With Project Earthling(c) going live there will be development packages given by GEC for countries looking for economic growth and progress. You vote for the macro-economic reform Project earthling(c) when it is presented for its decisive voting. IMF has been retired and will become defunct when Project Earthling(c) goes live.
Fudging books or fudging financial records is a preset way to redeem some wealth in Earthlings in new world order. usa-uk could make such attempts.
There has been a sudden variation in IMF loans on book, in last few years after I published my macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c). These loans were negligible in value at under 2 or 5 billion. They are now suddenly at 78 billion. This is money attempted to be preplaced in old world order to exchange in new world order. These loans on book, the source to which is unlimited printed usd-$ cannot be recognized wealth of the lending countries, to be exchanged to Earthlings. GEC will ignore these loans, will not recognize the wealth, and offer development packages for countries with full proposed work details and plan.
GEC will have a strong auditory protocol at the time of recording the opening national treasury balances. GEC will also have a very clearly defined procedure and approach for issuing development packages to countries looking for them. Nothing fraudulent must be allowed by 191 countries while the world is transitioning into new world order.
POV 2-20:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
Racism, hatred, jealousy has no bounds it seems. usa-uk women, and nri-abcd women were dripping with jealousy and burning with hatred when they saw any Indian women that is attractive and is in Indian ethnic dress, or traditional Indian attire.
This no bounds jealousy has cumulated over many decades and they want to force their culture, their outfits, and their attire on Indian women primarily to make them look less attractive, along with secondary commercial interests in selling their garment brands.
Like I have cited in other POV’S, usa-uk-nri-abcd tolerance levels for anyone who looks nice, dresses nice, looks attractive, and seems to have a nice life, is ZERO. Further, given the old world order, if we were to have held any amount of wealth in usd-$, they would have chosen the women nicely dressed in Indian attire, made her a target to stay semi-dead in bed for their pleasure, use her and throw her, and if she would resist or refuse, they would induce diseases to her and even kill her. The same applies to all Indian women for dressing nice in Indian attires and looking attractive.
Once again, I have saved the lives of Indian women from being trafficked into usa-uk to become pleasure toys by being drugged and semi-dead. I have also saved you from their invasion into this country, inducing diseases into you or even killing you since you dress Indian and look nice.
With Project Earthling(c) and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c) going live, women in India would become free to dress in their local attire without any fear of being targeted. Freedom of dressing in your local traditional attire, one more of the many benefits from my macro-reforms. Freedom of choosing attire / dress / outfit must be with Indian women and women of all countries.
The same applies to women all over the world. Many countries have their own local attire and some of them have evolved to suit local climatic conditions. I declare with my macro-reforms that each country women and their men have freedom to dress according to their culture and tradition. No one else can force their outfits / dresses on you. All countries must also understand that while targeting local attire is one objective, usa-uk always have commercial interests in selling their brands, thus hurting or not even giving your local manufacturers any business growth opportunity. This would end in the new world order upon economic decentralization.
POV 2-21:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
Photograph based imaginary story building, or fabricating events is a complete lie and full of deceit.
usa-uk have attempted to target me and frame me negatively after I invented patent US 8,910,998 in Q1 of 2007. In this effort they have attempted to interact with every person I have ever known in my life or interacted with, from my birth until Q1 2007, bribe them where required, and got access to all the photographs of mine and my family that include photographs from my childhood. And then they have chosen a select few photographs and fabricated imaginary stories from these select few pictures. I tell the world that imagining events and creating false stories by looking at photographs is a complete lie, is full of fraudulently planned deciet that must be rubbished and trashed. It is illegal. And no court in the world would entertain such rubbish.
POV 2-22: These are LEGAL FACTS more than POV.
Segment: Patent-Intellectual Property
Property being sold in 62 sale agreements is patent US 8,910,998, and its local respective country intellectual property rights recognized by PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619, along with the respective country downstream businesses emerging out of the invention for 100-years. This sale includes the inventions applications for other sectors. The legalities involved in this are explained here.
You are aware of the fact that I am the inventor to patent US 8,910,998 which is titled ‘Systems and methods for altering the color, appearance, or feel of a vehicle surface’, which has a grant date of 16-12-2014. Taking Priority of this usa national patent application, I filed Patent cooperation Treaty PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619 with uspto as receiving office and International Search Authority – ISA. Using this PCT international application, I filed 15 national stage applications and 2 regional stage applications, that give intellectual property rights protection for my invention across 61 non-usa countries, which are automotive manufacturing hubs.
I request you to read the Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT International application processing procedure accessible at WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization website link: The image of PCT International application process flow is attached along with this POV. WIPO is also referred as International Bureau – IB in most of the forms, receipts, notifications, or communications issued by them. I would like to communicate that ‘Intellectual property’ rights are defined territorially, and in this context by each country. The Patent grants for inventions are issued by PTO’S (Patent and Trademark Offices) that are set up in each country that is party to Patent Cooperation Treaty.
With the above Intellectual Property filings, I have full protection of my invention patent US 8,910,998 across 62 world countries that manufacture more than 99% of all cars that are produced annually. Like I have stated above, since Intellectual property rights are granted at the level of a country, it is these Intellectual property rights for my invention patent US 8,910,998 along with the control of downstream businesses that emerge out of my invention for 100-years, which are sold to each of the 62 countries, by way of 62 independent sale agreements, one each with the 62 countries.
In order to get the ‘Legal verification and validation’ that when one takes my invention and applies it to other sector applications, it must be considered as the same invention patent US 8,910,998; I filed three more Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT International applications applicable to other sectors, this time by choosing the receiving office for all three PCT International applications as WIPO-IB, and choosing Intellectual Property India – IPI, India PTO as the chosen International Search Authority – ISA. These applications were filed on 24-02-2016.
These were filed with an expectation that the ISA would reject these applications by citing my earlier patent grant US 8,910,998 in their International Search reports – ISR’S. This was indeed the final outcome issued by the ISA. These ISR’S established form the legal documents which ‘Legally verify and validate’ that all the applied for other sector applications are one and the same invention, my invention patent grant US 8,910,998. Here are the details of the PCT international applications for other sectors. These applications and their ISR’S legally confirm to all the world countries that when I sell rights of patent US 8,910,998, it includes the sale of this inventions all other sectors applications discussed in these PCT international applications.
- PCT International application PCT/IB2016/050993, titled ‘Systems and methods for altering the color, appearance, or feel of Electronic or Electrical device’. Filed on 24-02-2016 with ISR issued by ISA accessible at WIPO publication ID WO2017144948.
- PCT International application PCT/IB2016/050994, titled ‘Systems and methods for altering the color, appearance, or feel of Furniture, Decorative article, or wall’. The claims in this application also include the exemplary Thermal insulation application of the invention patent US 8,910,998. Filed on 24-02-2016 with ISR issued by ISA accessible at WIPO publication ID WO2017144949.
- PCT International application PCT/IB2016/050995, titled ‘Systems and methods for altering the color, appearance, or feel of Fashion accessory’. Filed on 24-02-2016 with ISR issued by ISA accessible at WIPO publication ID WO2017144950.
Given all these Legal documents published by WIPO-IB accessible to people all over the world, the sale of invention IP rights of invention patent US 8,910,998 will automatically include all the other sector applications covered by the claims listed in these other sector PCT international applications for that country. The sale also includes the 100-year worth downstream businesses and their control for the priority invention and these other sector applications, for their country. The WIPO publication ID for my patent invention US 8,910,998, PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619 is WO2015147900.
WIPO-IB, the organization that administers Patent Cooperation Treaty to which 156 countries are contracting states has an outstanding website with links to several data sources and resources. It also includes access to Patentscope database which allows prior art searches in a powerful combination key search to pin point the prior art. Using the PCT international application numbers or the WIPO publication ID’S you can search and look up all documents related to that application. These are legal documents directly accessible on their website search and can be produced in court of law. All patent publications happen at the 18th month point from the priority filing date. At the time of publication these are ‘LEGAL DOCUMENTS’ made accessible to entire world.
Refer to my website webpage which has details of the 62 sale agreements:
WIPO website resources that are good to read, to understand worldwide Intellectual Property rights protection include, PCT System page:, and
The Patent Cooperation Treaty that is currently in force is accessible at:
The current list of PCT contracting states is accessible at:
Patentscope publications and prior art search page.

POV 2-23:
Segment: Project Earthling(c), Sub-segment: Old world order horror
Racism prevalent worldwide will be curbed and eliminated when Project Earthling(c) goes live. RACIAL EQUALITY AMONG WORLD COUNTRIES WILL BE A REALITY.
Planet Earth has been inhabited by people for hundreds of thousands of years. If evolution of human history is to be believed, we all evolved from apes / monkeys, to neandrathal men, and resulting in the current day human species ‘Homo Sapiens’. If we are to believe this scientific version of evolution of human beings on earth, then we are all the same. we have the same origin. We all evolved from the same class of animals into humans, and are all one and the same. At least from the stand point of science, evolution, biology, and human physiology.
However, the history of last few millenia, from whatever has been recorded, and documented, our world has been scarred and has bled for racial differences among human beings. While according to science, evolution, biology, and human physiology we were all supposed to be one and the same, how did these racial differences arise? The only explanation is it is all human created. While, I have understood that when people travel across the world, to other countries they interact with other cultures, other religions, other nationals, people speaking other languages, there is a certain sense of difference and there might even be some early interaction apprehension or discomfort. This sense of difference could be acknowledged given the size of our planet.
usa-uk imposed racism on the world countries and world citizens:
While the explained differences among people interacting across borders could be understood, the intolerance, intensity, impact, and violence, related to racism has magnified to unbelievable proportions in the last 600 years, and even more in the last 300 years. What is the source to this? The source to the current day heightened state of racism on Earth, in the old world order, is the centralized leadership of usa-uk in the world, and their planned and methodical promotion of usd-$ as a world transaction currency and achieving its monopoly. This political and financial lever of english only speaking catholic christian white supremacists who were dictating terms to all the world countries in old world order, is the source to all recent racism on Earth.
The racism imposed by these political and financial levers of usa-uk are in many forms. They have targeted people by their religion, by their nationality, by their mother tongue or language spoken, by their food habits, by their ethnic origin, and by their skin color. While these differences have resulted in battles across the world for centuries, it is the centralized leadership of usa-uk who refused to deliver any progress, economic growth to the rest of the world countries in the name of all these differences, that is the core reason for heightened state of racial divide on planet Earth as of today.
The consequences emanating from the actions of usa-uk and in some cases inaction has resulted in current day poor countries and developing countries all of which fall into the targeted group of countries by the racial division reasons mentioned above. For example India was refused development package decades ago since we were country of Hindu religon and considered black people. African countries were refused development package because of racism by skin color. North Korea has been isolated because of racism due to ethnic origin. Russia and European countries have been racially targeted because of different languages spoken. Due to their religion and food habits, islamic countries have been racially targeted. The flaw has been that all these countries in the old world order reported to usa-uk, not realizing that they would never go past these racial differences and would never support the world countries economically or work towards their progress.
usa-uk have ensured selective delivery of economic growth, wealth prospects, progress, and development, only to the countries they like and ignored the rest of the world countries because of nothing other than the racial differences out of religion, nationality, language, food habit, ethnic origin, and skin color.
The racism was forced by usa-uk into other countries. In countries where it was non-existent, by using bribes of monopolized usd-$ in old world order, and financing the white among the colored people in the world countries, they, the rouge usa-uk, financed, promoted, proliferated, and racially divided the target countries, for their benefit, and psycho objectives. These citations of ‘Divide and Destroy’ by using racism by skin color will be found from most of the 191 other world countries. I request these countries to allow free press, fearless authoring rights to share the true stories with all the world countries.
Off all the forms of racism, racism by skin color has been the most divisive, most violent, most seggregating, and most hatred creating in usa-uk. While all forms of racism are prevalent in usa-uk, racism by skin color supersedes them all. While caucasean people call black people negros, they retaliate with words ‘white trash’. The people that are not caucasean white are all refered as ‘colored people’. In some christian cults of usa-uk, gothic christians consider only caucasean white people as pure and all the others as impure and could be used as expendables for all reasons or no reason at all.
Racism within usa-uk. Heightened racism and racial intolerance:
The blood that has shed in the skin color racial battles within usa-uk over the last six centuries, since slave trade began, is next to no other country of the world. usa leads this, with racial battles spanning most of last six centuries, with the most documented KKK – Ku Klux Klan group which was a white supremacist christian cult that called black people as animals that must be eliminated and thus killed tens of thousands of black people in usa in the beginning of last century. The suffering of minorities in usa-uk has only maximized towards the recent centuries with no outlet or a method to deal with the racial abuse inflicted on them.
usa-uk are fully seggregated into divided communities. From black residential areas, churches, schools, shopping markets / stores, community centers, to some daring to attempt to form mixed communities. While there are some areas that seem to have racial mix of people, most of the minorities in usa seem to feel safe being in the isolated separate community of their own. They seem to be less threatened and more guarded. The same is the case with the no where to mix nri-abcd who are an isolated group of people, who have taken up the eternal slave role to white people out of no choice or option.
The economic prospects within usa-uk for the minorities are a reflection of usa-uk racial divide and their domination tactics to keep the minorities under their shoe, in their grip, fully suppressed, and in fear. The number of billionaires in usa from minorities was near zero. My invention patent US 8,910,998 in Q1-2007 has resulted in them including a few billionaires from minorities, some from african american community, some colored people, and some muslim also. This was done in an attempt to make me comfortable in a measly billionaire role, when my invention is valued at atleast 93 Trillion and that I would be the richest man in the world.
Obama presidency and these few newly inducted minority billionaires were to invite me to be a minority billionaire, remain a slave in their country, and to eventually kill me. This is one of the reasons for them to commit breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty, after a priority patent grant, to draw me into their country and murder me, and steal the wealth from the world countries. I having seen and experienced usa racism while in usa, in its full ugliness, and in its highest forms of intensity, force, and racial attacks that went on 24 by 7 in years of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, and 2014; knew that I would live in India where I always belonged and would bring the full wealth into India for the prosperity of my country, my people, and my religion.
usa-uk racism has been experienced by every country of the world. Most of the 191 world countries:
Given the rouge nature, and behavior of usa-uk over the last 300 years, and they intentionally keeping the world countries poor, targeting them, dividing them and destroying them, most of the other 191 world countries have very clearly experienced the racial targeting, and abuse inflicted on them by usa-uk in the old world order. I invite all the world countries to document, author all the racial abuse inflicted on them by usa-uk in the old world order, and present this to the world, in forms of authored true stories, fearlessly in the new world order.
usa-uk using minorities for medical torture and clinical trial abuse:
In the last century usa-uk maximized the racial abuse on minorities, and hurt them, their ego to the point by which they have methodically drawn them into chemical experiments to change skin color. To my shock and the horror of the world countries, some people obliged to such experiments. The most widely documented case is that of Michael jackson who was a black man that was turned white by some intense torture drugs that resulted in his horrific medical experimental death. It was documented that his face was induced with plastic material and he had to be put on anasthesia to be put to sleep in the night. They have attempted to chemically alter the dermis, epidermis, and pigment cells in these illegal clinical trials.
usa-uk have drawn subjects from across the world into medical experiments related to skin color and have tortured, and killed many subjects. They are also behind the creation, and promotion of the entire cosmetic line of business, and forcing it on the world countries, and within that forcing their company products. While grooming for an event or activity is one thing, I would never be able to understand the falsely created racial force on colored people to change their color. If any, the albino caucasean people need to get some color to look better and blend with the rest of the world.
The commerical motives hidden behind this racism imposed by usa-uk on the world countries must be clearly understood and the world countries must take steps to drive usa-uk cosmetic companies out off their country, illegal clinical trial companies, and go on to drive all usa-uk companies out of their country for reasons of their own country’s economic progress, and fully come out of the racial trap they have forced you and your country into. They need products to become colored people and not the other way around. I call the colored and black people of the world as the beauty and the genetic reserve of our world.
In the macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c), I introduce a world neutral currency called Earthlings, thus ending the monopoly of usd-$, domestic currency of one rouge country usa. This macro-reform will terminate the financial lever, and political lever that usa-uk have exercised on your country, and citizens and thus, usa-uk cannot racially attack your country, or your citizens. An organization with all 193 country member delegate representation, Global Earthling Council – GEC will control the printing, tracking, monitoring, and controlling of Earthlings usage. Thus usa-uk will be like any other countries, and it will mark the end of their rouge leadership.
With usa-uk taken out of their rouge leadership positions, the world will become ‘RACISM FREE’. The decentralization of the world will result in an environment wherein all countries will respect other countries, the citizens of other countries, irrespective of their religion, ethnic origin, language, food habit, or skin color. In the decentralized world, the business interactions, and government trade interactions between countries will be formal in nature and thus take out any and all discomfort forced upon countries in old world order.
In order to realize this new world order which results in true independence, real freedom to all world countries, and in which there is business equality, trade equality, economic equality, and RACIAL EQUALITY among all the world countries, you must cast your vote when the macro-economic reform will be presented for its decisive voting for its implementation at an upcoming WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization assembly. All forms of slavery are put to an end in the new world order. Thus, we are finally upon a racism free world.
POV 2-24:
Segment: Project Earthling(c), Sub-segment: Legal
International wire transactions / remittances in Earthlings would be traceable, and their information accessible to law enforcement agencies.
When the macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c) goes live, Global Earthling Council – GEC will be formed which will be responsible for printing, tracking, monitoring, and controlling Earthlings usage across the world. GEC will have all 193 world country member representation.
In order to streamline all international money transfers, wire transactions in Earthlings currency, particularly the ‘high value transactions’ between B2B – Business to Business, in this context international business, that constitutes import-export transactions, and G2G – Government to Government international trade transactions, each country would establish ITB Bank – International Trade and Business Bank. The acronym could be standardized across the world countries. And the country name tagged to to it can be used as reference. For example, ITB Bank – India, ITB Bank – Japan, ITB Bank – Nigeria, ITB Bank – Cambodia, and so on.
ITB Bank in each country deals only with their country business and trade international transactions, and all activity and transfers in Earthlings currency only. Given that these are B2B, or G2G transactions, you must expect that they would of moderate value to high value transactions. ITB Bank within a country could have multiple branches across their major cities, where they would expect most of their import-export businesses would have an office set-up. For example in India ITB Bank could have branches in the proposed hundred smart cities. And branch count per city could be under a dozen, and according to the city B2B and G2G requirements.
ITB Banks will have strong KYC – Know Your Customer protocol, to understand the nature of business and the B2B transactions conducted by the local import-export business. They would know the legal entity legal ownership breakdown and record the details of business being conducted. Needless to say they will have relationship and understanding with the local Government and know the details of any G2G activity conducted. These transactions done thorugh ITB Bank, will capture the details of the outgoing transfer and even an incoming transfer (as a deferred activity), say in the form of one page text explanation given by the import-export business or the government.
It will also become an established standard that ITB Bank will have international wire Earthlings transaction with only other ITB Banks across the world countries. The one page document with details will be captured at transaction origin and destination. ITB Bank does not handle local domestic transactions in local currency. This will be established as a ground rule of ITB Bank or will be made the ground rule in the early few iterations of banking policy changes or amendments.
While I have referred to only B2B and G2G transactions in the above sections, G2B – Government to Business transactions will exist between the world countries wherein the Government is procuring services or products from a business setup in a different country. The information details capture protocol shall remain the same.
This information and details captured about the international wire transaction at both the source and destination accounts will be accessible to law enforcement agencies of both the countries, in case of a legal or law enforcement requirement.
The limitation in old world order wherein local police / investigation authorities probe into a certain international funds remittance, leads to a dead end, with source bank citing non-disclosure policies; is fully eliminated in new world order.
GEC will also enforce the following other ground rules for transactions between countries. (a) No donations / No charity to be given by any country to any other country, in Earthlings currency. (b) No gifts to be given by any country to any other country, in Earthlings currency.
POV 2-25:
Segment: Project Earthling(c), Sub-segment: Legal
Indian Rupees – INR to Earthlings conversions in both directions can only be legitimate bank transactions in India.
Similar rule will be mandated by Global Earthling Council – GEC for all the 193 world countries, for conversion transactions related to their local domestic currency to Earthlings in both directions.
GEC would be able to track the last Earthling in the world economic system. Thus any transaction related to purchasing Earthlings or sale of Earthlings will be mandated to be digital, or electronic, or via bank transfer, or by check / demand draft. This rule will be mandated for Foreign exchange counters at airports also.
POV 2-26:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)
Nomination of members to councils of United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), from 191 countries. Opt to reach out to your GI-50 ally for nominations on behalf of your country, if you feel the need.
Mandatory representation of nominee and delegates from your own country: For Global Earthling Council – GEC, Group Influential 50 – GI-50 council, and Group 193 – G-193 council. At these three councils you MUST have your own country representation. Nominations to 191 members councils such as Judicial council, Medical council: You could request your Group Influential 50 – GI-50 ally to nominate on behalf of your country, if you choose to.
The full set of organizations / councils are yet to be detailed by me. I will be detailing the full organizational structure in the upcoming months. It will all be presented, published on an independent website for United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c).
- usa and uk will be banned from all councils for a period of 20 years from when Project Earthling(c) goes live. They shall represent themselves on GEC.
POV 2-27:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), Sub-segment: Judicial Council
Judicial council lawsuits will always be presided by neutral country bench of judge(s), that are not citizens of the country, country of registered legal entity, citizenship of individual who might constitute plaintiff(s) and defendant(s).
This will ensure delivery of justice, and elimination of all biased opinions or lobbying interests prevalent in old world order. Judicial council to function and operate on world law which will be built with the founding principles and ideas of recognizing the decentralized world and ensuring the rights of all the countries, their businesses and their citizens are fully protected. The world law would span several law practise areas and within that what constitutes multi-country subjects, and any interaction international, between countries, their businesses, their citizens.
The World law will be drafted and legislated by the Judicial council over a period of say one year. I intend to give the guiding principles, preamble, define the law practise areas, and subjects / issues the council handles, which shall be elaborated with details over the one year. One of the founding ideas must be to look at 193 countries as 193 equal parties, wherein the world law protects all these 193 countries, the registered legal entities within the 193 countries, and their citizens rights.
The individual lawsuits will be allowed only upon specific criterion being met, which must be proven in a documented way that the subject the individual is seeking justice for is international and involves foreign country, or a foreign legal entity; and it must have a defined liability claim in Earthlings. An individual lawsuit filing must also clearly define that a local national court is unable to take up the lawsuit within the sections they have and / or the fully defined reason necessitating the suit to be filed at judicial council only.
In the New world order, Global Earthling Council – GEC will pay for all the expenses of all councils, and all organizations / divisions, in Earthlings currency in an annual reimbursement model. So, the 191 world countries will be able to staff enough resources at Judicial council, to work on ‘Authoring and elaborating the World law’ project, to get a thorough bullet proof version of the World law ready to be enforced within the planned one year. The court shall be named as ‘World Court at Judicial Council’. All the expenses of the World Court at Judicial council, salaries of judges, staff, operational expenses will be bourne by GEC in a similar reimbursement model.
- usa and uk will be banned from Judicial council for a period of 20 years from when Project Earthling(c) goes live.
POV 2-28:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), Sub-segment: Medical Council
Medical council to define world medical law, International medical practise law, wherein the defined law will be fully enforceable in the World Court at Judicial Council. The Council shall also build the single version of truth ‘MEDICAL JOURNALS AND MEDICAL LITERATURE’.
Medical Council will work on documenting the ‘World medical law’. I intend to give the guiding principles, preamble, define the medical law, define and introduce International medical practise or transaction rules, and the Medical council shall elaborate with all the details within few months to define a bullet proof version of ‘World medical law’. The defined World medical law will be absorbed by the Judicial Council into their medical law practise area, which will be enforceable in the World Court at Judicial Council.
Further, the ‘World Medical law’ will define medical practise rules relating to any international medical transaction. This exercise will include the seggregation of all available drugs, molecules, counter molecules in categories of what could be administered, or banned drugs. It will also define rules related to advanced technologies such as Serum technology, or Nano particle / molecule treatment methods. One of the founding ideas in defining ‘World Medical law’ must be to look at 193 countries as 193 equal parties, wherein the defined World medical law protects all these 193 countries and their citizens rights when they solicit ethical medical treatment internationally.
Medical council will baseline the single version of truth ‘MEDICAL JOURNALS AND MEDICAL LITERATURE’ which will include all the treatment and medical procedures to manage all the human organs for the full expected life of 90-100 years of human life. This must cover all the human organs from head to toe, and in a structured manner define their management techniques and any related surgical procedures in the conventional allopathy treatment. The Journals might also capture local country, or regional alternate medication techniques, only the ones that have been proven over time with 100% accurate results.
In 100 books of an estimated 500 pages each, the single version of truth for all the human organs management, treatment methods, procedures, surgeries, could be captured, documented, and digitized by the medical council for access of all 193 world countries. This constitutes the ‘MEDICAL JOURNALS AND MEDICAL LITERATURE’. The effort might need an estimated two years. The content prepared will include animation videos, live surgery videos of generally advised surgeries or procedures. Individual organ management and their treatment methods will be dealt with in great detail, to make the correct legitimate medical practices accessible to all world countries. Any improvisations, and new emerging methods or procedures will be inducted into the journals by periodic versioning.
In the New world order, Global Earthling Council – GEC will pay for all the expenses of all councils, and all organizations / divisions, in Earthlings currency in an annual reimbursement model. So, the 191 world countries will be able to staff enough resources at Medical council, to work on ‘Authoring the MEDICAL JOURNALS AND MEDICAL LITERATURE’ project, to get a thorough bullet proof version of the same, ready to be refered, used, and made accessible to all 193 world countries within the planned two years timeline.
- usa and uk will be banned from Medical council for a period of 20 years from when Project Earthling(c) goes live.
POV 2-29:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
Motives of usa-uk, their corporations, white house, their citizens, and in particular their pharmaceutical companies must become very clear to India and the 190 world countries. In the name of jobs and higher studies, they invite youngsters from your country, to be selectively chosen as targets for heart or other organ harvesting.
usa-uk and their pharmaceutical companies had broken down the steps of a ‘heart transplant’ in 1940’S and 1950’S. In the second half of the last century they developed business relationships with select countries (for example, food franchise expansion, or software business), to source people in the name of jobs, and further they create more colleges within their country, and offer higher studies options to youngsters from across the world, and also lower the admission criterion to these colleges. There is a hidden motive behind their actions which the world countries must recognize and wake up to. Do the 191 world countries know the hidden objective of usa-uk in choosing select subjects for organ or heart harvesting? When you read these simple steps you know that it is in the real.
- You cut open the left side skin along with its underlying flesh in a box ‘C’ section.
- Using medical surgical saw, cut off the left side front half of the rib cage.
- Collapse the lungs, by putting the subject on ventilator. Fold the left deflated lung out of the way, now to have clear access to the heart.
- Cut the four blood vessels connected to the heart. Remove the old mans heart.
- Place the younger mans harvested heart in place, and connect the four blood vessels.
- Using a pacemaker or electric jolt via handheld padles, start the newly attached younger heart.
- Inflate the lungs to normal capacity. Attach the same rib cage or a pre-fabricated metallic one. Stich up the box ‘C’ section.
These are simple steps listed without the details which need planning and preparation. Given the simplicity of these steps, heart transplants are in the present and are an immediate threat. A ‘DECENTRALIZED WORLD’, an outcome of my authored macro-reforms PROJECT EARTHLING(C) AND UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL GOVERNANCE MODEL 2020(C), WITH WORLD LAW WILL PUT THIS THREAT TO HUMANITY TO REST. The ‘World Medical Law’ introduced in POV 2-28, will have sections which will detail punishable international medical malpractise that attracts death penalty, one such illegal medical attempt or practise including ‘Heart harvesting’ or any other organ harvesting. Locally within a country such attempts will attract local criminal and ‘attempt to murder’ sections of law.
The World Medical law will bring in the necessary international law enforceable at the World Court at Judicial Council, thus delivering protection to all the young men from across the world countries, from diabolical, devious, illegitimate, and psycho attempts such as ‘heart harvesting’. This World Medical law will be a huge sign of relief to all the island countries and citizens living in rural portions of the most world countries. To get this law built and implemented, you must rally support to my authored macro-reforms in such a way that your country vote is cast supporting the reforms implementation.
While the above mentioned steps clearly indicate the simplicity in the ‘heart transplant’, there are only a few residual medical hurdles that is holding back the full fledged pursuit of ‘Second life program’ by heart harvesting by usa-uk citizens. The challenges some of which are yet to be resolved seem to be with the human skeleton weakening after the old subject is aged above 90 years, with some other challenges related to brain function degeneration, followed by recuperation of all other organs in the second life, and evaluating the quality of life and the worthiness of this second life. India and the world countries must block and terminate any attempts or thoughts of usa-uk to unleash illegal clinical trials on your country youngsters by targeting their brain and bones.
The core diabolical, devious, murder to live, psychotic ideas, and motives of usa-uk, their corporations, white house, their citizens, and their pharmaceutical companies must become very clear to all Indian citizens, Indian government, and also to all the world countries. We are in 21st century and usa corporations like j&j usa, janssen usa, have conducted illegal clinical trials in India and many other world countries in pursuit of this second life objectives. We must immediately decentralize the world, and bring in International law to curb and ban such illegal work and attempts.
POV 2-30:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
Beware of usa-uk, their pharmaceutical corporations, white house targeting your country, your country citizens in the old world order by conducting illegal clinical trials related to bones and brain.
Given that ‘heart harvesting’ is in the present and is real with technology available in usa-uk, there is really only one roadblock or hurdle from taking this second life program into a full fledged program and kill millions across the world. The major limitation, roadblock or hurdle seems to be with the old skeleton bones not supporting life into second life. A second problem, roadblock, or hurdle seems to be with the old persons brain degenerating and not supporting meaningful activity in the second life. They seem to have a plan to deal with brain degeneration, and have proven plans to manage the rest of the human organs in the second life.
Given these facts, the residual work, for which they might look to target world citizens is primarily related to bones and the secondary work related to brain. They have targeted world citizens in the old world order by way of illegal clinical trials in the past, and might look to unleash more illegal work in these two areas, bones / brain to reduce the gap for their second life objective. All countries must vote for the macro reforms Project Earthling(c) and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), and realize the International laws that come with them to protect your country and your citizens.
In this endeavor, they may try to simulate some experiments or characters shown in the following hollywood movie citations. They want to build or get full metallic bone structure to take them into second life. An orthopedist or even a mechanical engineer will tell you that few bones replaced by metal in human skeleton and joined to the weakened about to break bones of the old 90 year old recipient will not work. Thus a wild imagination metal infusion into bone marrow might be attempted or considered like it is shown in movie x-men wolverine. Inducing memory loss to create characters shown in movie notebook, to cure, might also be attempted. Beware of such illegal trials and vote for the macro-reforms.
POV 2-31:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), Sub-segment: Medical Council
SERUM composition drugs acting in human body targeting multiple organs for extended periods of time is a THREAT TO HUMANITY AND THREAT TO BALANCED SOCIETIES AND CULTURES. This technology must be banned entirely from being used on any world citizen.
In the last few decades of last century, my experience, same as the experiences of most World citizens, you go to a doctor and explain your health issue, he prescribes pills or syrup and the course is for generally three days or a week, asked to be consumed twice or thrice a day. The health issue is gone. This was a comfortable world, since the pill its content, chemical composition is known, and the same is the case with syrup. The molecular structure could be verified under a microscope. The drugs / medicines here are acting for say few hours after consumption, they dissolve and are absorbed by your body.
Serum technology is an advanced method of using a multitude of nano particles / molecules which are extensively wrapped in hundreds or even thousands of layers of wrapper molecules with pre-built controlled dissolving plan using Timed Release – TR, Sustained Release – SR, Delayed Release – DR, or Controlled Release – CR wrappers to have different chemicals, drugs, molecules, counter-molcules, medicine, or even poison to work on various organs of the human body including brain, and this for extended periods of time spanning one day, two days, or even more. The timing precision for dissolution of TR, SR, DR, CR wrappers is accurate with variance of only say few seconds from the planned release time. Given this the serum composition could be designed, produced, administered to a subject, to execute to the designed plan, with events, actions, reactions, controlling or altering the state of every human organ, and every human cell of the target subject, and all of this to the precision of last second.
- Why should drugs, chemicals, banned substances, poisons, in the form of molecules and counter molecules, be acting in any persons system for extended hours of time? Such as for several hours, one day, two days, or more?
- Why would one need serum packaged drugs which act for extended periods within the human body, targeting all human organs and in that with multiple, very high number of wrapper molecules and similarly high numbers of molecules and counter-molecules to act in a human body?
- The only applications of serum technology seem to be the psycho diabolical devious sexual pleasure usage of people, or prepare the subject for the murder / kill at the right time to take out all his / her organs, including heart? These seem illegal, and must attract punishment, isnt it?
- Is there a real life application, requirement for serum composition drugs designed to work in human body for more than few hours or a day? The real answer is that there is no application for such serum composition. Its use has been, as intended by usa-uk, only for the diabolical ideas, torture ideas, organ harvesting, and their second life program.
The serum packaged composition, or poison HAS NO REAL LIFE APPLICATIONS, and it has been designed with only negative objectives and ideas. The intent of serum methodology, serum packaged drugs, working in human body for extended hours, and its usage must be questioned by the entire world. Given the molecular wrapping and its work within a human body for more than a day or two, the rouge applications are the only applications visible here. These include torturing the person internally with induced pain, suffering, hyperactivating some organs, hypoactivating some organs, all in combination with delivering horrible experience to the target subject by targeting various regions of the brain, hyperactivating some regions of the brain, hypoactivating some regions of the brain, masking some regions of the brain, blurring some regions of the brain, numbing some regions of the brain, and doing all of these in the various permutations and combinations, to target torture the target subject. There are two psychotic applications alone that are the end goals of this technology:
- psycho sadistic sexual pleasure applications, by torture, inducing suffering, pain, in the end subject which might include varying all variables within all organs, varying all emotion levels, all feelings, when the sadistic pleasure takers could be one or many who pay for the psychotic torture pleasure.
- illegal clinical trials, experiments to observe and capture data on all organs being targeted for a prolonged period of time. This objective is nothing else other than killing the test/target subject, at the right time when the organs, including heart are held in the right state to make the kill, harvest and export all organs, including heart.
There is only one possible legal application for Serum technology, which is also a very rare scenario, given that World leaders and corporate executives can schedule, re-schedule, defer, or space out their travel by few days to avoid extensive travel schedules. The only possible application – World leaders, corporate executives with extensive travel itinerary spanning different time zones, to plan, manage their diet, sleep, urinary, and bowel movement, for the entire extensive travel plan.
For example, in India there are local CRPC sections that already cover this and brand it illegal. If we feel the need we will add new cpc or crpc sections to ban this technology.
POV 2-32:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
End of humanity in the lawless world V/S Decentralized world with international and local laws resulting in a functioning society. The world countries will have a lot to thank the Medical council, and Judicial council, legal framework delivered by the macro-reforms PROJECT EARTHLING(C) AND UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL GOVERNANCE MODEL 2020(C).
The devious, diabolical, psycho objectives, and psycho intent of usa-uk, built out of their mental instability, psycological diseases, in the old world order were taking all the 193 world countries on the planet into a LAWLESS PLANET, WITH usa-uk NOT RESPECTING OR FOLLOWING ANY COUNTRY LOCAL LAW, AND WITH NO INTERNATIONAL LAW IN PLACE. Given the unlimited printing of usd-$ for centuries, they have financed illegitimate work for their hunt for second life program, which has brought ‘heart harvesting’ into a reality. This would bring gangs of young men to go on a killing spree of all elderly men. The world in old world order was heading into a never ending battle for survival, with the driving force being ‘To survive, you must kill’.
No young man will sit quiet if someone is coming to kill him and take his heart, and this is a fact across the world. Gangs of young men will go on a killing rampage if this illegal activity of usa-uk, heart harvesting is pushed on any of the 191 world countries. This will lead the world into a full fledged civil war locally and internationally. So, here we are now talking about gangs of 20-30 year olds killing anyone who is potentially even considering getting a second life, 70-90 year old men. Law enforcement agencies will not be able to contain such a local gang war going into a timeless civil war.
Through my Macro-reforms PROJECT EARTHLING(C) AND UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL GOVERNANCE MODEL 2020(C), I have decentralized the world. Thus, the devious, diabolical, psycho objectives, and psycho intent of usa-uk, cannot be pushed on the other world countries, and would be shrunk into their own country local problem. The world will be governed by International law and each country would enforce the right local laws. This will result in a fully free and independent 191 world countries that can take care of their country, their citizens in a structured world with international and local laws, thus resulting in fully functional, safe, happy, and prosperous societies. The choice is a no brainer.
POV 2-33:
Segment: Hinduism
Hinduism epicenter to be established soon in India. More of a fact than a POV.
Hinduism religion has been rendered into scattered, disparate practices within India by intentional work of usa-uk. There are 1.2 Billion Hindus in India that practise Hinduism in slightly different forms and praying different gods within Hinduism across India, making it more local, statewise, or regional following or practices. It is intentional work of usa-uk-saudi-uae and their financing of illegitimate work in India by unlimited printing of usd-$, to keep Hinduism divided in this way, and depriving it of unity. The Hinduism epicenter which will be built by me, will hold the single version of truth for Hinduism religion, will accommodate all the followed gods, will streamline and endorse the practices for the religion.
POV 2-34:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
A drivers license issued to me in oregan, usa in year 2013, automatically registered me as an ‘anatomical donor’. I never gave the consent or permission for it, while I filled the application form for the license. I attach the image of the drivers license where it says ‘Anatomical Donor’ along with this POV.
This tells you and all citizens of 191 world countries that when you go to usa, you are considered minority and are automatically enrolled as ‘anatomical donor’. Is this decision by skin color, Indian citizenship, Asian country citizenship, or generally for anyone from 191 world countries travelling to usa?
Only years later I happened to observe this and searched the meaning of it and was shocked to know its meaning, while I never checked such a selection in the application form. It means you have donated your entire body, all its organs, to the last cell in your body to be used for science or experiments upon death.

POV 2-35:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), Sub-segment: Old world order horror
In a psychotic planet created by usa-uk, in which they have built technology to get a second life by harvesting heart of a young man to give a dying psycho racist old man, a second life; are the island countries, and countries with low population the most vulnerable?
There is an old Indian Telugu movie titled Mahamantri Timmarasu, in which an alliance of kings surround Krishna Devaraya Kingdom, and by the advise and idea of the adviser Timmarasu, they escape the threat and go on to eliminate the alliance of kings. The Krishna Devaraya Kingdom, which was called Vijayanagara Kingdom was covering most of the South India including the current day states of Karnataka, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh. While the King, Kingdom are all real, the story played out in this movie was an intentionally planted fictional fabricated story, to make it seem like a true story, so that it could be used to target the region in future.
Was South India, representing Krishna Devaraya Kingdom chosen to be chopped up for organ export and in that heart export? Inspired by this fabricated movie story, did a random group alliance of 16 psycho groups, secret societies, racist societies, anti-Hindu groups from usa-uk, marked this region for murder, organ harvesting, heart harvesting, organ / heart trade? I have given my response by way of authored macro-reforms PROJECT EARTHLING(C) AND UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL GOVERNANCE MODEL 2020(C) on behalf of this region representing Krishna Devaraya Kingdom, in South India. Delhi must answer and give a befitting reply on behalf of united India and united Hinduism to shut any such psycho groups of usa-uk from operating in India. Thus, fully uniting India and Hinduism, so that I go onto bring the full wealth into India, and achieve Goal Year 2050 for India.
While South India was marked and surrounded for illegal clinical trials and organ harvesting, it is only a simple extrapolation for so many island countries of the world and countries with low population. In the old world order usa-uk with their military and weapons could easily surround your island / country and force you into submission and do the unthinkable, kill in groups of thousands at a time and use your organs including heart. So much of the world population and so many countries are at such high risk of being terminated from the world. You must promote the macro-reforms PROJECT EARTHLING(C) AND UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL GOVERNANCE MODEL 2020(C), share them with all world countries and vote for their implementation when the time for decisive voting comes.
POV 2-36:
Segment: Fire Scam, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
usa, uk, saudi, uae, opec nations are constantly on the look out to kill students that are smart and brilliant, by intentionally drawing them into a Fire scam – work on a renewable project and kill them, to eliminate the threat to their projected pipeline of wealth at the earliest stage possible.
At my website webpage link:, I have a write up about how opec nations, usa, uk, saudi, uae have drawn talented youngsters, into a bait, an intentionally created ‘Fire scam – work on a renewable project’, and have eliminated them, killed them. How early do you think this so called oil mafia, one way people have explained saudi-uae-usa-uk, have started to hunt for smart, brilliant, talented, and who would be called genius students for the kill? The answer is in primary school.
usa-uk are doing the work on behalf of usa-uk-saudi-uae to identify students, smart ones in primary school and kill them at the earliest available opportunity. The money they have is being spent to hunt down the potential future threats to their wealth and market share as soon as possible. It is this money that is now getting into gripping human brains of students from across the world and render them dumb idiots by using the knowledge they have built about brain regions and their respective functions/job, and keeping them numb non-functional by constant supply of serum packaged poison drugs in say their daily dietary supplements.
Knowledge about brain regions and their functions:
usa-uk have since 1950 invested time and cut up millions of brains and have done the mapping of every point on a three dimensional coordinate axes. They have a thorough understanding of all the regions of the brain, all the functions of these regions, and further details upto the nano coordinate precision.
This knowledge of usa-uk on brain regions and its cell composition has given them the knowledge differential which they will without the knowledge of the other countries, use on them as they do not know what is being done to their brain, nor will get there any time soon. Time and time again usa-uk have used their technological edge as compared to the rest of the world, and cheated all 191 world countries. And they continue to do the same. Protecting the natural skill, natural talent, natural abilities, natural capabilities of our students in India is our work. We will ensure they are protected, by building the necessary legal framework or laws, necessary food testing labs, necessary technology, and know-how to ensure no serum poison drugs enter their regular diet or packaged supplements.
After Q1-2007, given that I was dragged into the ‘Fire Scam’ to be eliminated, I repeat my response again in this POV. I will bring wealth from 62 countries into India by sale of my invention patent US 8,910,998, and will be fully busy with work on Goal year 30 FE for India. And I would be handing over the ‘Fire Scam’ subject for decisive voting of all 193 world countries, the G-193 council, in my authored macro-governance reform United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c). So, I do not have time for this until year 2050 and will look for the most recent decisive voting outcome at the time if even I must consider working in this line. Thus, I do not have any conflict with OPEC nations.
In India, I protect all people, students in schools and colleges from being targeted by such scams or being targeted for the kill. I am right in front of my country and my religion. Given that the 193 world countries are going to be part of the decentralized world, no foreigner can exercise any authority on my country, or my country citizens.
- usa and uk will be banned from G-193 council for a period of 20 years from when Project Earthling(c) goes live.
POV 2-37:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
Brain drugs / poisons developed by usa-uk-their pharmaceutical companies, a threat of gigantic proportions to humanity. Hundreds of drugs to make the brain functions and operations below par to the persons capability in undrugged state, and in that available in the form of serum packaged molecules making it extremely difficult to trace and eliminate, is a challenge for all of humanity. The abuse of this is going to be particularly detrimental for students in schools and colleges who could be targeted during their exams. Competence level targeted is country economic prospects targeted.
These drugs for targeting brain to force sub-par performance of the students, when coupled with memory targeting / memory wiping drugs again for planned period of time by way of SR – Sustained Release, CR – Controlled Release, DR – Delayed Release, or TR – Timed Release wrappers, to target during the time of the exam or in the preparatory phase, could destroy the students life, negatively impact the country, and the world.
Specifically what is this threat, and what constitutes delivering sub par performance to students or even working adults who have important meetings or deadlines to meet? The drugs I refer to are what cause distortion of mind, interupting its concentration levels compared to its performance in undrugged condition. The distortion of mind can again be set at varying levels, such as bluriness or shaking when reading, studying, having an important meeting, or working. This could be at varying intensities from mild drowsiness, lack of concentration to low, medium, moderate, high, and bury your head in hands as your mind has become non functional compared to its performance levels in undrugged state. This bluriness or shaking induced is different from other drugs that induce adhd – attention deficit disorder. You must also know that adhd in its varying levels is also drug induced. The difference here is that your mind is just not able to concentrate on the work at the time, without the bluriness or shaking feeling.Combined with this or used in isolation the memory wiping or induced memory loss caused by targeting the region where all you have read and studied is stored, during the time of the exam or before the exam or in the preparatory phase will deliver horrible results to a really hard working and top student.
Without the mind distortion, this lack of concentration – adhd could be coupled with semi drowsy state, drowsy state or partially awake state, or awake state, by which the target subject is just unable to read, study, lead the meeting, or work, the way he would in the undrugged state. This could be used to target during crucial life deciding phases / crucial exams thus altering the persons life towards the negative or bad result / outcome. These drugs if not contained and eliminated from usage, will result in what is called the blurring of true competence, abilities, skill, and performance. For the sake of ratings of their school, college, higher education examples business school, medical school, such poisonous drugs could be used on students of other schools or colleges.
These poisonous drugs would result in incorrect exam results, other test results. The top student could become a victim to this and get poor results in a particular semester or year. The only thing the person can rely on, is his / her abilities proven and standing the test of time, for multiple years. The performance of a person would stay consistent or consistently superior for prolonged periods of times / years, despite a one off blip indicating such targeting. The World Medical law along with applicable local laws will protect students and citizens of India, and the other 190 world countries. The world and local medical laws will segment such poisonous drugs and ban the entire segment of such drugs. Your country must vote for the macro-reforms PROJECT EARTHLING(C) AND UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL GOVERNANCE MODEL 2020(C), when they are presented for decisive voting of 193 world countries.
POV 2-38:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
My advise to all 191 world countries is, DO NOT BUY OR IMPORT ANY FOOD SEGMENT PRODUCTS, HUMAN CONSUMABLES FROM usa or uk. Your competence level will be targeted or you might even be killed. Your country could be rendered as a country with less talent and skill. Your country will be marked for organ harvesting and second life program.
Given the rouge nature of usa-uk in the old world order, it could be termed as a suicidal move, if you buy food from usa-uk in all its form, any of its form, that you eventually eat. Well over 180 world countries do not have nano technology, food content testing labs, molecular study science, and related biological study science to know anything about the content, chemicals, packaged ingredients, or hidden ingredients of food that you are getting from usa-uk, or what they are exporting to you. The lack of technology, facilities is a weakness on which they will ride, cheat you, take your money, target your competence, damage your organs, take your organs and hearts. Have no doubt. Make no mistake. They will attempt to control and manipulate the competence levels, target or even kill all citizens in your country and destroy your country in ways you cannot imagine. Think about students in school, college being controlled and gripped by their brain, thus rendering them incompetent and useless for your society and country. It suits well for usa-uk needs that the brains are rendered incompetent by having counter molecules in the food exported to you, that target specific regions of your brain thus shunting, or limiting your brain capacity and performance, and this they could control and force for not days, but for months and years; thus keeping your country slave with no competence and only set-up to be targeted or even killed. India, the second most populous country in the world, itself does not have the necessary technology and capability to trace micro/nano food particle molecules for analysis of imported food.
So, the 180 world countries are no exception. They will struggle and could be targeted by food exported to them. The fact that you must also remember and understand is that you cannot trust anything usa-uk or their citizens state, or tell you. Do not believe a word, a sentence, forget trusting advise, suggestions, guidance, or recommendations. All of it is only intended and directed to derail, and destroy your country, for their benefits alone. Everything, all their actions will be directed towards their greed, their country dominance, their authority, and to get second lives at the expense of killing people from across the world countries.
You believe anything told to you by usa-uk-their citizens, you are getting into their grip and trap for your citizens and the doom of your country. Do not trust, believe anything they say or tell you. Infact I go onto say that do not interact with them and isolate them. usa-uk deserve a 20-year ban from all world organizations and councils, so that they could introspect and try to correct themselves. My authored macro-reforms PROJECT EARTHLING(C) AND UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL GOVERNANCE MODEL 2020(C) will deliver the necessary international law such that your country or your citizens cannot be targeted in other ways. Given that food import is the choice of each country, you must, in your own country’s interests, in your citizens interest, not import any food products from usa-uk.
POV 2-39:
Segment: Project Earthling(c), Sub-segment: Economics
Comparison given in the form an image. For reading clarity, you can zoom into the image.

POV 2-40:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), Sub-segment: Old world order horror
usa built a puppet organization, current day un, post second world war to stamp their authority on the world countries, and use this puppet organization for their selfish needs, devious and diabolical objectives, for show-off, and to conduct illegal work across the world to pursue the second life objective.
With most of the work within their country finished, and by way of second world war instilling fear among world countries, given the atom bomb drop, and nearing the objective of disintegrated USSR, a follow through outcome of the war, they make a move to ‘CONTROL, MANIPULATE, USE AND ABUSE, IMPOSE SLAVERY’ on all the 191 world countries. To achieve this they design the current day puppet un, with the key design element being ‘the entire organization to be built, un, to be paid in their monopolized local domestic currency usd-$’. By this, they knew they would keep the organization and thus the world countries in their grip and control.
The current day un, has six organs and few other ‘fake, only for show-off’ funds, programs, and organizations, all of which are commanded, controlled by usa, since all these fake organs, organizations, their employees, their operational expenses are paid for in usd-$. If you take time to review some of the details of un, its fake organs, and show-off organizations by reviewing their websites, you can clearly make out that they are all designed for only ‘eye-wash and show-off’ by way of taking photos and using digital photo shop to polish the images, and update their websites. The activities on the ground are zero, and no measurable progress or development work ever reached the real people of the world countries.
Here are some examples to state how directionless since they are paid in usd, and useless the current day un organs and organizations are:
un has six organs, five of which are headquartered in usa, of which Trusteeship council is defunct. After the world countries had an opportunity to read the macro-economic reform ‘Project Earthling(c)’ and its benefits, the organ un economic and social council and its existence, its worthiness has been questioned by all the world countries, and its membership has been reducing and this organ will fold in near future. The question unanswered which has frustrated the world countries is what economics work have you done in poor countries? The answer is nothing, we visit poor countries to take photos and upload them to our websites.
unga as an assembly for 193 countries are ordered only to discuss the subjects approved by usa. And no subject related to the well being of world countries has ever been allowed to be discussed or acted upon. un secretariat is nothing but a staffed usa internal division or organization paid in usd-$ and working only for usa, catering to the needs and demands of white house and usa corporations. The organization said to be central to un is unsc which in the name of five permanent countries supposed to be working towards the security of world countries, work only for their personal security, their own well being, improving their country economic indicators, and doing activities which satisfy their own greed. All of this under the control and command of rouge usa-uk.
There has been no work done or any measurable results to show to the world. And as if this sitting idle, and doing nothing is not enough, every now and then they receive a nobel prize, fully pre-planned and awarded. And in the past the same nobel prize has been given for defining problems and not solving them. The one organ outside usa, icj – international court of justice, in Netherlands operates according to the agreement with unsc and they have limited capability to intake cases or deliver justice. No world country trusts or recognizes icj as a court that can deliver justice, as they are paid in usd, and take orders from usa-uk.
Coming to un organizations, citing some examples, among funds and programs, when did undp ever deliver any meaningful development and progress to any of the world countries? Did unicef ever really invest in contributing to childrens education among all the poor countries? The answer is NO, making all such fake, run only for show-off ‘funds and programs’ absolutely useless for the world. Among organizations, unaids probably did more illegal clinical trials on poor countries rather than helping the diseased. un-women was probably used to build a supply chain network to source women for sex from across the world countries. Among related organizations, ctbto has been a more conflict creating and problem creating organization than helping the situation. And wto has been used as a platform to promote usa-uk companies, their products across the world countries, since its operational expenses are paid in usd. Where is the real trade benefit to world countries, and among those, the poor countries?
wto is an organization which has been used as a platform to cater to the greed of usa-uk and the countries that they like, according to the racial bias or discrimination by way of country, religion, ethnic origin, skin color, language spoken, or food habit. Since the organization, its very assembly, get together, its operations are paid for in usd, it is in control of usa. So, they allow discussion subjects that facilitate increase in their wealth, promote, lobby, threaten, and force ‘Trade agreements’ to be executed among countries, which will only consume more of their products and services, thus making usa-uk more rich. wto is an example of an organization fully lobbied in the interests of usa-uk.
All the un organs and organizations are rendered useless at the first step, the subject that is being presented for discussion at the organ or in that organization. usa-uk have never allowed any meaningful subject that benefits the poor countries to even be brought in as a subject for discussion. The logic and reasoning here is that usa-uk question, when I am paying money for you to operate, and function, what am I getting in return? When such a question is at the foundation of running this puppet organization, how will it ever take up any subject that really makes a difference to all the world countries, including the poor countries? They only allow subjects that benefit them, cater to their selfish, devious, diabolical, and sexual objectives; or subjects that help in their second life program objective.
It is very clear and evident that usa ran this fake un, like a puppet, ran it like a trained pet to take orders and dance to their tunes, and do nothing else, which even remotely constitutes as meaningful work for the poor and developing countries. In some circles the usage of sentences like ‘un is a wine and dine club’, ‘gathering to make jokes, fun of most countries in the world’, ‘movies discussion club, discussing cinema from all the countries’, and where available through the paid usd bribe taking network of people linking to all 191 countries, see what the usa corporate executive club or the usa old senator club want, who do they want to use as sex slaves, into which country home bedrooms or bathrooms do they want to peep.
This rouge model will not serve the needs of the current day world countries, wherein the centralized leadership of usa-uk and the puppet un have used the world countries like slaves and used them only for exploitation. They have conducted no records illegal clinical trials in pursuit of second life program, with no responsibility, accountability, interest shown towards the well being of any of the world countries. This must end, and a NEW WORLD ORDER MUST BE REALIZED. I INTRODUCE YOU TO MACRO-GOVERNANCE REFORM UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL GOVERNANCE MODEL 2020(C), WHEREIN ALL ITS COUNCILS AND ORGANIZATIONS WILL BE PAID IN WORLD NEUTRAL CURRENCY EARTHLINGS.
This macro-governance reform will be presented at WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization, introducing the subject to all 193 world countries immediately after taking Project Earthling(c) live. This new world order governance with the Group Influential 50 – GI-50 Council, and Group-193 – G-193 Councils at the center of the organization paid for by GEC – Global Earthling Council in Earthlings currency will make 50 countries, and indirectly all 193 countries responsible, accountable, to govern the world countries to deliver economic growth, progress, balanced life, and prosperity to all the world countries. This is the right future for planet Earth and its countries.
Read about new world order at my website webpage:
Read about the current day un and its status at my website webpage:
POV 2-41:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
Did the pseudo independence in 1947 result in India being used for real life entertainment with nixon technology entering every household, every office, and creating innumerable Trumann Shows broadcasted to usa-uk-saudi-uae? How many other countries are used for live televised entertainment in the form of Trumann Show? This was rolled out during the time of harry trumann, and winston churchill, who were leading usa-uk in 1947.
Nehru was rendered a puppet and used by usa-uk to convert this country into real life stage drama entertainment. The scam of 20th century India is Nehrus calling themselves Gandhi. After the planned assassination of Mahatma, they propose this to Nehru, to take his position and name his kids Gandhi. Nehru obliged and since then we are slaves to usa-uk, in what I call is a technological (nixon) intrusive cage built for real life entertainment and live broadcast. This nixon technology got into peoples lives, their living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms. The right to privacy and preserving the privacy of Indian citizens was ignored and run over. Indian constitution mentions the word ‘Dignity’ in the preamble, and Nehru allowed usa-uk to steal this Dignity from Indian citizens, by allowing this illegal intrusion into India, and the lives of Indian citizens.
The key factor to understand is the difference between the countries in year 1947. usa-uk finished all their work within their countries by around this time and their leaders only wanted to peep into bedrooms and bathrooms; when India was rendered beggar like by the very britishers, all wealth stolen and taken away, all kings, kingdoms destroyed and terminated, declared a third world country, poor country with very low per capita at the time. If usa-uk did not have work, it could not have been extended to India.
Nehru acted the way usa-uk leaders acted. No work, nothing to do, sit idle, do not do any work, and now introduced to nixon technology, peep into peoples bedrooms and bathrooms. Exactly what he should not have done. Exactly what he should have opposed. Mahatma would have said no to all this and would have started work to build real India. However, Nehru played into the ploy of usa-uk, not doing any work for the people, and just wasting time, years, and terms. This set the wrong precedence to this country. It is only in the recent times the course correction for India has begun.
The most important thing for present day India is that Mr. Modi should not be in the grip and control of usa-uk-loser nri-abcd. If he is in their control, he must get out of it at the earliest. Last thing we need is our leader controlled by foreigners. We need to get our citizens into the habit of working and having a balanced life. Not sitting idle and wasting time. What happens after I achieve Goal year 2050 and it will have cascading effects to at least 100 countries, and everyone in the world are HAVES, is entirely different. All are wealthy and provided for, I would set the direction by guidance to GI-50 and G-193 councils.
The key point to understand here is in year 1947, the work in usa-uk was fully completed. They had no more work to do and were only peeping into bedrooms and bathrooms. India in 1947 had not even begun our work. We were to start work, and instead of starting the work and building the country, they choose to sit idle like usa-uk did, and replicate what their leaders were doing at the time. Nehru sat and watched into bedrooms and bathrooms as guided by trumann while India was poor and beggar like country and had decades of work in front of them. We have work, let us begin the work. Join me in achieving Goal year 2050 / Goal year 30 FE for India. I will take us to our visionary goal.
Some of the immediate tasks / activities we must take up is digital technological sweeping of India, to identify, locate, dismantle, and destroy any and all installations of nixon technology in India. In this effort, we must generate a list of where nixon technology has been installed within India, by speaking with all people knowledgeable in this line of work in India. We must TERMINATE any and all trumann show type live broadcasts from India into any foreign country. We must not lose our dignity and privacy for some one elses entertainment by live broadcast. All the other 191 countries must also do the same, and take up the activity of digital technological sweeping of their country, to identify, locate, dismantle, and destroy all installations of nixon technology. Right to Privacy and preserving their citizens Dignity, must be upheld across all the world countries.
- usa and uk will be banned from G-193 council for a period of 20 years from when Project Earthling(c) goes live.
POV 2-42:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order horror
Full perspective on Pentacage. How it has been ended?
usa-uk out of racism, hatred, jealousy, and superiority complex have used their monopolized currency usd as a weapon against all the 191 world countries in the form an applied ‘Financial lever’. With that at the core of their world domination agenda, they design a five prong approach, PENTACAGE, to target, attack, control, and monitor the activities of all 191 world countries and keep them in slavery. The unlimited printing of usd is used as a source to drive this pentacage approach on all the world countries, their government actions, their national activity, and their citizens.
The pentacage five strings that are attached to the ‘Financial CONTROL lever’ to control the world countries like puppets, in the order of their significance and exercised authority are given here:
- Political authority or force exercised by washington dc on the other countries, their governments / leaders.
- Corporate command or authority exercised by new york and its corporations on the other country corporations / businesses. Depending on the balance of corporations compared with political authority of the target country – capitalism balance, this string could become the first thread of attack.
- Pharmaceutical control or authority exercised by new jersey and its pharma companies on the other country leaders, citizens, and pharmaceutical corporations. This is a lethal string they have used by way of which the full range of drugs and poisons they have at their disposal have been used against the country, their leaders, and their citizens, and if required on the target country billionaires, military, or their corporation executive teams. The advances usa-uk pharma companies have can control the human being by drugs from inside while they can exercise authority of pharma companies of other countries directly.
- usa-uk boast about their prestigious higher education institutions, particularly business, economics, and technology schools and call them as ivy league schools. These are nothing but branded, tagged as prestigious institutions whose motives are to ensure all the world countries are intentionally derailed, destroyed, sabotaged, and given negative advise, all of which will ensure the target country will remain uneducated, illiterate, poor and will take into the direction of corruption. These are poison ivy league schools that intend on spreading venom and poison across the world countries to keep them slaves.
- los angeles, california boasts of its hollywood which is a group of psycho, diabolical, devious mindset baldwin psychos. This string has been used to take nixon technology and invade into all 191 other world countries, invade into their private lives and professional lives to target and control their citizens and corporations. The same has also been used to invade into government offices, leaders, rulers, military if required. This string of baldwin psychos peep into bedrooms, bathrooms, create live porn content for other strings, and alternately use the video feed to manipulate peoples lives and thus control target country and its citizens.
The above is the rouge regime in old world order forcing themselves on the 191 world countries using the unlimited printing of usd to drive the pentacage and its strings to ensure all 191 world countries will have no progress, no economic growth, no development of businesses, and thus remain poor slaves.
Visual representation of the ‘Diabolical plot’ of USA, and some US citizens I had to work with at offices in USA.
Here are some visuals of how USA, UK and their citizens lead by Heidi Pote, Chrys Anetz, Ken Harvey, Randy McDaniels, Mike Comprelli, Roy Stansbury, Bill Schreiner and their pets (some home grown animals who they give treats-bribes) have attempted to use ‘Five prong’ supremacy plan, to control all 191 world countries; thus creating 191 slave countries. The ‘Five prong’ approach includes using any tactic to control the world countries like slaves; the five chosen supremacy areas to control being Political, Financial, Pharmaceutical, (poison) Ivy league, and filmy.

I invite the 191 world countries along with the rouges usa-uk to vote for the macroreforms Project Earthling(c) and United Nation Global Governance Model 2020(c) at a decisive voting meet at WIPO. The macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c) will put an end to the usd monopoly built by usa-uk over the last 245 years, by introducing a world neutral currency Earthlings which is not a local domestic currency of any one country, and thus perfectly suited as the currency for international trade, international business, foreign exchange and as a national reserve currency.
With the ‘Financial CONTROL lever’ taken out of the equation, the five strings of pentacage become useless and will die along with the usd monopoly. Subsequently, when United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c) is taken live, the world countries will breath fresh air of freedom and independence where all countries are equal, and all forms of slavery has ended on earth. The unbiased governance with access to judicial council, and medical council, in the Group Influential 50 – GI-50 council, and Group 193 – G-193 councils will result in 193 countries all of which become ‘HAVE’S’ in future.
You can read about macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c) at my website webpage:
You can read about macro-governance reform United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c) at my website webpage:
POV 2-43:
Segment: Old world order, Sub-segment: Old world order psycho
Indian young men drawn into what is called a ‘threesome’ by some couples in usa-uk, in the name of the dissatisfied wife, to provide her action, is a trap. It is invitation to death. Beware of such traps, and stay away from such rouge invitations.
This is to portray that Indian young men have taken inspiration from the epic characters Duryodhana, Dushyasana, or Ravana, and have gone into the idea of doing a married women or join the couple. This is the perfect ‘illegitimate relationship / adultery’ they would show has been committed by the young man, who would be killed. The family in India would be told that he committed adultery for which he got punishment. They will sob and forget. The dead young man harvested organs including heart will be used by a dying old white caucasean trash of a person. The money in the old world order, is given by the racist white people of usa-uk, to their country citizen couple who drew him into this adultery intentionally, thus keeping the money within their country. Indian young man would die, and we would not get any money either. Beware of such traps, and stay away from such rouge invitations.
POV 2-44:
Segment: Project Earthling(c)
Sub-segment: Global Earthling Council
With ITB – International Trade and Business Banks becoming standard international transaction banks, do we need banks like hsbc bank, or citibank to have branches in cities of India, and cities of 191 other world countries?
Absolutely NO. In the old world order, mostly depending on the trade and/or business between the countries, there has been local banking regulatory policies by which countries have allowed foreign country banks to set-up few branches. This was done to allow the foreign country bank to record KYC – Know Your Customer details that are doing international transactions with their country. This has resulted in the complex world banking system, having a lot of cross-country bank branch presence. For example, hsbc bank or citibank having branches in India, State Bank Of India having branch in new york, and similar. This is old world order complex, convoluted, intertwined banking, fully unorganized, doing multiple currencies to multiple other currency conversions, while capturing and recording the KYC details of foreign businesses or trade partners.
After Project Earthling(c) goes live, GEC organization will be established by setting up its founding documents, artifacts, and by rolling out the first wave of policies related to ITB’S and Earthling printing, tracking, monitoring and controlling. GEC – Global Earthling Council policy regarding the ownership composition of ITB Banks will be standardized across the world, with my recommended ownership break-up of, local country private ownership of 90%, local country government ownership of 5%, and GEC owning 5% which will fully simplify the GEC periodic audit process. My recommendation would be that ITB Banks are run with highest quality customer service and support, with very strong banking regulatory protocols followed, along with multi-mode account access for customers, with very strong digital platform support which is failsafe enabled. ITB Banks will have high security infrastructure and facilities for storing the documents related to assets held at the bank by the customers.
In the new world order, after Project Earthling(c) would go live, ITB Banks will become the standard for all transactions international, between any two countries. And these transactions will happen only in Earthlings currency. With the standardized protocol of capturing transaction details on both sides, with a well defined KYC procedure, the world banking is fully streamlined, simplified, organized, and very efficient. Further, within each country, the local banks of the country will handle and support all the financial transaction volume.
This takes us into the organized banking world because of which hsbc bank or citibank will have no reason to have branches in India, and State Bank of India need not have a branch in new york. The same anology must be extrapolated mutatis mutandis to all the 193 world countries. All 193 countries, their central banks will make regulatory policy amendments to transition into this organized banking world in new world order. This will begin the ‘unwinding of the convoluted banking system’ and ‘wealth to be in the countries where it belongs’ clean up, which is a ‘correction to the incorrect world, that has been long overdue, well over 250 years or 300 years’. This includes two distinct steps: 1) Internal Banking System correction in 191 world ocuntries. 2) World Banking System correction.
When ITB Banks go live across the world countries, the follow through work within each country will begin. Beginning with the recommended policy changes by GEC for the countries to enforce, there will be work that will ensure the account holders from any foreign bank branches in each country will have to close their accounts to be consolidated into the respective country local banks, for local operation accounts, and into the ITB Bank of the country, for international transactions in Earthlings; THUS resulting in shutting down of these foreign bank branches in all 193 world countries. This constitutes the 191 country ‘Internal banking system correction’.
In the old world order, rich people, billionaires, companies, in 191 world countries along with 191 world countries themselves, where applicable have held portions of their wealth in usa and/or uk. Within few months after ITB Banks are operational in 191 other world countries, the long overdue financial and economic correction for the world countries will come real, and there shall be financial vaccum felt in nyc and london, with 191 country rich people, billionaires, companies, and the 191 world countries themselves taking their wealth and assets back into their respective countries.
POV 2-45:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)
Sub-segment: Medical Council
Drafting the ‘WORLD MEDICAL LAW’, and ‘MEDICAL JOURNALS AND MEDICAL LITERATURE’ at Medical council. This should provide the single version of truth of all human organs treatment and management, methods and procedures, to take humans into their nineties with good health and good quality of life.
This is the DIRECTION SETTING document, LEGAL PREAMBLE document, GUIDING document, HIGH-LEVEL directive document, which will be taken in as input and elaborated by the ‘Medical Council’, to detail the ‘World Medical law’ and ‘MEDICAL JOURNALS AND MEDICAL LITERATURE’.
Foundational IDEOLOGY on which the ‘Medical Council’ will be established is EQUALITY of all citizens across the 191 world countries. Citizens of all the 191 world countries are ‘human beings’ to be dealt with equally. And that all the citizens of 191 world countries have the ‘Right to well being’. Medical council will establish the Medical Law, and document the single version of truth medical treatment methods and procedures forming the ‘MEDICAL JOURNALS AND MEDICAL LITERATURE’, to ensure access of information and knowledge to ‘Medical councils’ of all 191 world countries, such that they can all take their country citizens into age of nineties with good health and good quality of life.
The Medical council will have to create the following lists, for the information of 191 world countries, and to enforce the MEDICAL LAW, where applicable via World Court at Judicial council. Medical nomenclature to tag and define these lists to be owned by the Medical council.
- List of banned drugs. Must include all torture drugs.
- List of banned chemicals. Must include all torture chemicals.
- List of banned poisons. Must include all torture poisons.
- List of banned narcotics. Must include all torture narcotics.
- List of counter-molecules accidentally designed by usa-uk to hurt all the human organs, listed by each human organ.
- List of counter-molecules accidentally designed by usa-uk to induce diseases by slow administration, to all the human organs, listed by each human organ.
- List of counter-molecules accidentally designed by usa-uk to instantly damage all the human organs, listed by each human organ.
- List of molecules and counter-molecules accidentally designed by usa-uk to work on all regions or brain, to control, manipulate or alter human brain functions.
- List of counter-molecules accidentally designed by usa-uk to kill a human being, listed by each vital human organ, e.g., heart, or brain.
Medical council to define a finite list of diseases that humans acquire through their life until nineties. The requirement of KOL – Key opinion leader is eliminated. Medical council will define the term ‘disease’ as a condition that is effecting the human life span to be lesser than at least ninety years of age, other than the incidental health conditions or variations that need temporary treatment when required.
The Medical council will work towards managing and curing skin related diseases or skin related incidental health conditions e.g., accidents, wounds, cuts, burns; given the foundational ideology objective of delivering good health and good quality of life to world citizens, while leaving the decision on permission to allow the cosmetic line of business in each individual country, for the internal decision of the respective countries, and their medical councils.
To meet the foundational ideology objective of delivering good health and good quality of life to world citizens, medical council to provide weight management related advise in the section related to Digestive system, for human organ stomach.
Medical council to communicate and work with Judicial council to achieve the following:
- Have a defined section for ‘WORLD MEDICAL LAW’ in the final release of ‘INTERNATIONAL LAW AT WORLD COURT’.
- Have a defined section and articles in the ‘LEGAL PROCEDURE AT WORLD COURT’ for filing lawsuits related to World Medical Law and any international action of medical malpratise, at the World court.
- No country to indulge in usage of ‘Serum technology’ to target any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to use any of the banned substances, from the lists listed above, against any other world country or its citizens.
- No country, its corporations, pharmaceutical and/or clinical trial, to indulge in illegal medical practices, or illegal clinical trials targeting any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to indulge in ‘Human rights violation’ at any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to conceptualize, plan, organize, orchestrate, act, or commit actions that constitute ‘crimes against humanity’ at any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to indulge in illegal medical practices, or organ harvesting, targeting any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to indulge in illegal medical practices that constitutes murder, or heart harvesting, targeting any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to indulge in illegal medical practices, or illegal clinical trials targeting any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to plan, supply, use, or proliferate poisonous drugs or chemicals that are banned by ‘Medical Council’, against any other country, or its citizens.
- No country to plot, or force another world country to build their economy out of supply chain of poisonous drugs or chemicals that are banned by ‘Medical Council’.
- All world countries to stay away from cultivating, manufacturing, importing, or exporting all the poisonous drugs or chemicals that are banned by ‘Medical Council’.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to intrude into the private lives of citizens of any other world country, and further using their network of paid / hired groups or gangs of people, to manipulate the citizens and their families lives by altering their life events and outcomes. No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to impose a ‘LIFE CAGE’ OR ‘Manipulate the lives by imposing an external and internal cage’ on citizens of any other world country.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to ‘Manipulate the lives of citizens’ of any other world country, by forcing external and internal cages on them and further use food poisoning and drugging to manipulate their personal and professional lives, and alter the outcomes of their life events.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to plan, organize, orchestrate, or take actions with malicious intent towards citizens of any other world country.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to attack or target citizens of any other world country, causing damages or liability to them.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to inflict death to citizens of any other world country.
- Right to well being.
- Right to independent choices, e.g., Option of choosing Euthanasia for incurable medical conditions and/or incurable diseases involving any torture type of treatment.
The Medical council while providing the single version of truth ‘Medical Journals and Medical literature’ to all 191 world countries, making them digitally accessible to all the world citizens, will advise the 191 world country medical council delegates to consider the following for their citizens:
- All citizens to be directed to have regular diet, to eat as much as they feel enough until they are 50 or 60 years of age. Each country to decide their own age cut off of 50 or 60 years for this guideline, with no significant restrictions on diet, no medication advised, unless otherwise it is a ‘Reactive medical action or treatment’. Incidental health conditions to be given incidental treatment and cure until the age of 50 or 60 years.
- Depending on the country’s choice, by the age of 50 or 60 years, the country Medical council, to advise the citizens to make ‘healthier food choices’ to start to take better care of themselves. At this point, the following considerations are made:
- Depending on the list of human organs, a supplement to entirely eliminate the occurance of a disease to the organ.
- If the above option is not considered for certain organs, and a disease is acquired by the country citizen, you look for full cure options / procedures.
- The full cure approach must take care of the disease, lack of such an option taking the medical advise into organ management.
- While taking the above approaches, the Medical council of each country to take its citizens into nineties with good health, and good quality of life.
- In the above step, proactive protection to avoid and eliminate the occurance of disease in human organs, must be recommended in the form of a supplement to be consumed regularly. To this effect, medical council would list all human organs and document each organs natural ability to take care of itself, its resilience against disease, needs minimal management, or definitive management in later years. Depending on these details, and what is generally expected or pattern observed among your country population, male, and female, each country medical council to advise supplements for regular consumption, for their citizens.
- Supplement providing the care, in combination with reactive organ management when required for unsupplemented organs, would take vast majority of their country citizens into their nineties with good heath and good quality of life.
- The recommendation to world country medical councils is that they prescribe and advise only supplements that have been proven with confirmed and affirmative results, in relation to the organ(s) that are being supplemented.
- Cancer in most world countries has been induced by usa-uk for trials. It must be dealt in the following way. Depending on the organ that has acquired cancer, presuming uninduced, must be evaluated for ‘100% cure’ by way of treatment or procedure / surgery. Curable cancer must be cured. Incurable cancer case, the pain / suffering / torture / trauma involved with it must be informed to the patient and the patient must be given the choice to ‘reject the attempt’, opt-out, and choose death, e.g., Euthanasia.
- Any treatment which involves torture of any human organ, inducing pain, inducing suffering, wherein the subject is shouting out of unbearable pain, induced torture, is NOT treatment aligned correctly to deal with the disease. It is an illegal clinical trial. Such treatment under no situation, scenario, circumstance, disease, constitutes treatment or cure.
- My recommendation to world country medical councils is that you do not tamper with human brain, and let it function the way it does with the natural brain function, natural performance of all regions of the brain, resulting in natural human responses from citizens of future generations, defining the person, their nature, their mental ability, their behavior. Tampering with human brain, its regions, by drugs and chemicals, altering or manipulating human brain functions, will take humanity in the direction of making human beings robotic, degenerated, challenges of defining ‘normal’ with various human nature, behavior patterns, and might result in incompetent generations of humans. usa-uk tampered with the brain functions since they wanted to manage it in their second life program, by repetition going into 1000 years life program. Untampered brain will function well into the target age of nineties set by Medical council. People that cannot function in the society, due to non-functional brain must be considered for Euthanasia program, after trying to cure them for one or two years.
Medical council to author and elaborate the single version of truth ‘MEDICAL JOURNALS AND MEDICAL LITERATURE’. By each human organ, running through the entire list of human organs, the information is to be seggregated into two broad sections defined by Medical Literature, and Medical Journal, in which:
- Medical Literature to be the detailed textual and diagramatic description of the human organ, defining each organs natural ability to take care of itself, its resilience against disease, needs minimal management, or definitive management in later years, its expected degeneration by age, expected set of medical problems or diseases, their treatment methods / procedures for permanent cure, and if it needs long term management, the corresponding management methods / techniques going into age of nineties.
- Medical journal to be the section, with documentation, by each human organ, correlating with the ‘Medical Literature’, giving citations, along with case studies on treatments and procedures for cure, case studies in managing the organ, accompanied by videos of procedures / surgeries related to it. These videos could be animation videos or live procedure / surgery recordings. The medical literature and medical journals will not make references to any other book, since they are the ‘Master source of data and information’, and the TRUSTED single version of truth for all 191 world countries.
Upon the voting-in of the ‘Macro-governance reform’, the Medical council will be formed with all 191 world country representation. A ‘Committee’ will be appointed by the Council who will own the drafting work. The committee will be staffed by hiring enough resources to author ‘Medical journals and medical literature’, elaborate the medical treatment and medical procedures in great lengths of detail, supplemented with case studies, procedure / surgery animation videos or recording of live surgery videos. To this effect, the ‘Committee’ will have teams seggregated by each human organ, who will work parallely for the full span of planned two years to build out and release the 100 books of 500 pages each that constitute the Medical Journals and Medical Literature. First draft release after one year, with monthly release of final versions in second half of year two.
World court will mostly have lawsuits with defined ‘Liability claim in Earthlings’, and will issue all orders as legally appropriate to enforce the World Medical law. Breaking of World Medical Law is very likely to invite criminal punishment.
The ‘WORLD MEDICAL LAW’, ‘MEDICAL JOURNALS AND MEDICAL LITERATURE’, will be hosted by the Medical council on a digital platform, with the entire content accessible to all the 191 world countries and their citizens, digitally. The entire content will also be put out in the form of 100 bound books, 191 sets of which will be distributed to 191 country medical councils, for the councils to host them in their country library.
The Medical council in the scheduled gatherings will give an opportunity to any of the 191 world country medical councils, if they want to introduce, present any of their local alternate treatment methods, or cures, with 100% confidence, supported by 100% accurate results that their method, drug, cure, medicine works exceedingly well for the specific target disease, and that they have full data to support their method and cure. Subject to data review and fact checking, the council may allow this information to be included in ‘Medical journals and medical literature’, subject to decisive voting if required. Updates to ‘Medical journals and medical literature’, amendments to ‘World medical law’, any new cures for diseases, new treatment methods or procedures, will be brought up for discussion periodically, at the council gatherings, at frequency of one or two years, and necessary actions will be taken, e.g., updated new release of one or more among the 100 books; where applicable, subject to decisive voting of 191 countries at Medical council, with executive approval, signing off from GI-50 council.
DEFINITIONS SECTION to be exhaustive, and elaborated by Medical council, according to the documentation requirements. I define few terms used in this POV, here:
LIFE CAGE – Any target citizen or any target family of any of the world countries could be put in a ‘Life cage’ by usa-uk by using a combination of all technologies at their disposal, such as nixon technology, nano technology, or eagle eye. After they surround the target subject and target families lives digitally and electronically, by using bribes in printed usd-$ in old world order, paid to people in the target subject and target families neighborhood; they control, manipulate, alter, and even kill at will if they choose to, just for fun, entertainment, or greed, thus putting the target subject or the target family in a ‘LIFE CAGE’ by which usa-uk fully control every second of every day of the lives, life events, their life interactions, life event outcomes of the target subject or the target family. Life cage is like a prison built and controlled by usa-uk, without the target subject or target family being physically in a prison.
EXTERNAL CAGE – Life cage as defined above is an outcome of imposing ‘External cage’ and ‘Internal cage’, on the target subject or target family. External cage is the cage built around the target subject or the target family to control their lives every second of every day, without intervening into the human organ, human cell controlling and manipulation of the target subject or target family. Example, Life of the subject shown in movie Trumann Show. This caging of people across the world was started by harry trumann and winston churchill in 1940’S.
INTERNAL CAGE – Life cage is at its extreme severity and death like grip when the internal cage is brought in and synchronized with the external cage. In this internal cage, nano particulate drugs and chemicals that act for extended periods in a human body, controlling and manipulating all human organs, including the human brain, its regions, its functions, are brought into the diet of target subject or the target family, controlling them internally from inside the body at a human cell level, synchronizing it with external cage, and thus fully controlling every second of every day of the lives, life events, their life interactions or responses, and life event outcomes.
SERUM TECHNOLOGY – Serum technology is an advanced method of using a multitude of nano particles / molecules which are extensively wrapped in hundreds or even thousands of layers of wrapper molecules with pre-built controlled dissolving plan using Timed Release – TR, Sustained Release – SR, Delayed Release – DR, or Controlled Release – CR wrappers to have different chemicals, drugs, molecules, counter-molecules, medicine, or even poison to work on various organs of the human body including brain, and this for extended periods of time spanning one day, two days, or even more. The timing precision for dissolution of TR, SR, DR, CR wrappers is accurate with variance of only say few seconds from the planned release time. Given this the serum composition could be designed, produced, administered to a subject, to execute to the designed plan, with events, actions, reactions, controlling or altering the state of every human organ, and every human cell of the target subject, and all of this to the precision of last second.
GEC to pay for all the expenses of Medical council in Earthlings in a reimbursement model. GEC will continue to pay for all operational expenses of Medical council.
POV 2-46:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)
Sub-segment: Judicial Council
Drafting the ‘LEGAL PROCEDURE AT WORLD COURT’, and ‘INTERNATIONAL LAW AT WORLD COURT’. Justice and Legal remedies available, at World court at Judicial council, for all the 191 world countries.
This is the DIRECTION SETTING document, LEGAL PREAMBLE document, GUIDING document, HIGH-LEVEL directive document, which will be taken in as input and elaborated by the ‘Judicial Council’, to detail the ‘International law’ and ‘Legal procedure’ to define sections and articles, for filing the lawsuits at the World court.
Foundational IDEOLOGY for taking in lawsuits, by World court. The World court at Judicial council will take in a lawsuit, with documented evidence indicating an ‘International transaction’ or ‘International event’ which connects two or more parties, that would become parties of the lawsuit. Inter-country or Inter-national ‘activity’, ‘event’, ‘Transaction’, and/or ‘a related Liability claim’ are central to the lawsuits that would be taken in by the World court to deliver justice.
Types of lawsuits. In a broad way to seggregate or categorize, the suits filed at World court will be very likely one of the following.
- G VS G. Government VS Government, could also be referred to as Country VS Country. The World court will consider State governments of countries as an acceptable party to lawsuit as long as the foundational ideology criterion is met.
- B VS B. Business VS Business, could also be referred to as Corporation VS Corporation. Here we are generally talking about businesses set-up in two different countries, wherein their interaction constitutes the subject of lawsuit meeting the foundational ideology criterion.
- B VS G. Business VS Government. In this context Government could either be State or Central governments. World court would even allow a suit from another level drill down from State, such as District. Each country local rules could be restrictive in the drill-down to go to World court. For example, State government must represent the District at World court.
- Individual VS G or B. These are lawsuits wherein an Individual is party to international transaction or event. Examples of this could be a lawsuit filed by an individual that owns intellectual property spanning multiple country jurisdictions, or an event related to death in international territory causing liability.
Other than the above types of lawsuits, lawsuits related to upholding the international law, and providing legal remedy for any breach of International law will be taken up by the World court.
All the 191 world countries to ‘Respect’ each other, uphold economic equality, business equality, and trade equality between countries. All the 191 world countries to not intrude into other country affairs, or sow seeds, thoughts, manipulate, or attempt to interfere with other country internal affairs.
- No country to indulge in ‘Human rights violation’ at any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to conceptualize, plan, organize, orchestrate, act, or commit actions that constitute ‘crimes against humanity’ at any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to racially discriminate or racially attack any other world country or their citizens. Racial discrimination includes and is not limited to discrimination by nationality / country of citizenship, religion, food habit, skin color, ethnic origin, or language.
- No country to harass any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to treat any other country or its citizens like slaves. All world countries must demonstrate ‘Respect’ towards other countries and their citizens.
- No country to conceptualize, plan, organize, orchestrate, act, or commit actions that constitute ‘actions or intentions to destroy economic growth, progress, and development’ of any other world country.
- No country to conceptualize, plan, organize, orchestrate, intentionally take actions with malicious intent towards any other world country.
- No country to conceptualize, plan, organize, orchestrate, plot, coordinate, or engage in fraudulent activity against any other world country.
- No country to conceptualize, plan, organize, orchestrate, plot, coordinate, or engage in activity to steal the wealth, commit heist of wealth that belongs to any other world country.
- No country to indulge in illegal medical practices, or organ harvesting, targeting any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to indulge in illegal medical practices that constitutes murder, or heart harvesting, targeting any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to indulge in illegal medical practices, or illegal clinical trials targeting any other world country or its citizens.
- No country to invade the privacy of any other world country or its citizens. No country to use ‘nixon technology’ or other technology named as ‘Eagle eye of usa-uk’ against any other country or its citizens.
- No country to plot, or attempt to impose economic slavery on any other country, its corporations, or its citizens.
- No country to plot, or attempt to impose political slavery on any other country.
- No country to plot, or attempt to impose sex slavery on any other country, or its citizens.
- No country to plan, supply, use, or proliferate poisonous drugs or chemicals that are banned by ‘Medical Council’, against any other country, or its citizens.
- No country to plot, or force another world country to build their economy out of supply chain of poisonous drugs or chemicals that are banned by ‘Medical Council’.
- All world countries to stay away from cultivating, manufacturing, importing, or exporting all the poisonous drugs or chemicals that are banned by ‘Medical Council’.
- No country to provide unsolicited, general, economic, or business advise to any other world country, which could have alternative hidden motives to damage or destroy the economics of the other world country. All world countries looking for guidance, general, business, or economic support, must consult GEC – Global Earthling Council directly.
- No country to plan, and methodically execute or force any divisive tactics on any other world country, in an illegitimate attempt to destroy the other world country, and the prospects of their citizens. Not limiting to the following list, such divisive tactics could be to target the citizens of the target country, to be divided by religion, caste, profession, language, skin color, region, ethnic origin, food habits, or simply divide them into gangs to fight and destroy themselves.
- No country to intentionally supply weapons, arms, amunition, or other military gear, for free, or at discount or rebate prices, when unsolicited, to intentionally make divided groups of people in target country to fight with each other and die, causing genocide, and death of large number of citizens in target country.
- No country to intentionally plot, execute to plan, trigger, or incite war / inflict war on any one target country, between any neighboring countries, or between multiple countries in a region of the world.
- No country to intentionally plot, execute to plan, trigger, or incite internal conflicts within a country, thus triggering a civil war within the target country, or causing civil unrest among their citizens.
Subject to local country laws to empower men to earn decent wages by doing regular work / job such that he could ensure care for his family, and where applicable empowering women to earn decent wages by doing regular work / job, thus ensuring the family not having to earn by selling the nude images, or nude videos of women via online or other means thus losing their dignity; further subjected to local country ‘Internet laws’, domain and extension restrictions, and ban of pornographic or nude content; World court enforces the following International laws protecting the citizens of world countries.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to intrude into the the private lives of citizens of any other world country, by invasive technologies such as nano technology renditions of nixon technology, to listen, watch, record, or broadcast from citizens personal lives, what constitutes private space such as their home, home-office, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, or their work place, office, or cubicle.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to intrude into the private lives of citizens of any other world country, and further using their network of paid / hired groups or gangs of people, to manipulate the citizens and their families lives by altering their life events and outcomes. No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to impose a ‘LIFE CAGE’ OR ‘Manipulate the lives by imposing an external and internal cage’ on citizens of any other world country.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to ‘Manipulate the lives of citizens’ of any other world country, by forcing external and internal cages on them and further use food poisoning and drugging to manipulate their personal and professional lives, and alter the outcomes of their life events.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to plan, organize, orchestrate, or take actions with malicious intent towards citizens of any other world country.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to plan, organize, orchestrate, plot, coordinate, or engage in fraudulent activity against citizens of any other world country.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to plan, organize, orchestrate, plot, coordinate, or engage in activity to steal the wealth, commit heist of wealth that belongs to citizens of any other world country.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to attack or target citizens of any other world country, causing damages or liability to them.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to inflict death to citizens of any other world country.
- No country, or its corporations, or its citizens to intentionally plot, execute to plan, trigger, or use divisive and destroy tactics, to force isolation strategy on citizens of any other world country; or divide the citizens, their families, their friends, among people of any other world country.
- Right to economic growth, progress, and development.
- Right to equality.
- Right to autonomous thinking and independent choices.
- Right to privacy.
- Right to well being.
Judicial council to author and establish ‘Legal Procedure at the World Court’. This could be a running list of articles seggregated into different sections, a high level view of which is presented here.
Each country local court operations and cases taken in, could be amended to become more complementary to the function and operations of the World court. These could be the respective country Chief Justices, or their Justice departments amendments.
The level of legal documentation required VS historically accepted facts and data, will be subjects for World courts decision to take in a particular lawsuit. The 191 world countries have faced and have been put through grave injustices for the last 250 years or more. They are entitled for the legal remedy, liability claim, and hence World court will allow lawsuits retrospectively from year 1777.
A special section will be defined to handle lawsuits from all 191 world countries against usa, for ‘Liability claim due to manipulation of usd-$ and hence manipulation of commodity prices since 1777, causing unreal, exorbitant, higher import bills, thus cheating importers from across the 191 world countries’. World court will advise the countries to consolidate this lawsuit at a country level by bringing in all importers of their country together. The advise is to attempt to go into G VS G lawsuit as opposed to tens of thousands of B VS G lawsuits. This consolidation of lawsuits is to get fewer lawsuits by number, however, cumulated in value for higher liability claim.
Discussion about Judicial council preference to take in higher number of lawsuits one by importer against usa, in the form of B VS G lawsuits. Legal accuracy with the final affected party – importer being party to suit will probably be preferred by the World Court. Consolidation by country could be recommended as long as the G VS G lawsuit from a country has the detailed break-down of importers list, tabulated with their legal address, CEO details, along with each of their liability claim, sum of which cumulates to the liability claim made by the country. It also indicates the distribution of liability wealth to the list of importers tabulated, as a subsequent step of wealth distribution by the country, thus legally tying all ends in the liability claim.
Upon the voting-in of the ‘Macro-governance reform’, the Judicial council will be formed with all 191 world country representation. A ‘Committee’ will be appointed by the Council who will own the drafting work. They will release a periodic draft version, with inputs and interactions from 191 world countries being factored in between releases.
Digital preferred, paper lawsuit filing allowed. This is to ensure access to justice is available to all world countries, even if they do not have the digitization required to file digital lawsuit. An amendment to go 100% digital will be reviewed by the council in a few years timeframe. They will review the digital platform accessibility of all 191 world countries before they make a decision on amendment.
World court will not accept an IP filed by usa or uk, against their liability to 191 world countries, since they have fixed assets to pledge against liability, which they can reclaim after the payout of the liability.
World court will mostly have lawsuits with defined ‘Liability claim in Earthlings’, and will issue all court orders, court punishments, judgements, verdicts, as legally appropriate to enforce the International law. Depending on the nature of the case, the orders could invite criminal punishment.
World court functions and operates independently with ‘no reporting’ relationship expected from any of the Supreme Courts or other local courts within the 191 world countries. Each of the 191 countries are permanent sitting members with delegation teams nominated and appointed at Judicial Council. In this effort, the local governments of 191 world countries, their respective country Chief Justices, Judicial division or Justice department will nominate and appoint their delegation teams for the smooth functioning and operations of World court at Judicial council.
Amendments, technological advances to support investigation, technological advances to support delivery of justice, and updates to International law, will be brought up for discussion periodically, at frequency of one or two years, and necessary actions will be taken, and amendments will be made; where applicable, subject to decisive voting of 191 countries at Judicial council, with executive approval, signing off from GI-50 council.
The Judicial council will ‘PUBLISH’ the FINALIZED ‘LEGAL PROCEDURE AT WORLD COURT’, and ‘INTERNATIONAL LAW AT WORLD COURT’ after initiating the drafting effort in say about one year. Upon its publication and distribution to 191 world countries and their Judiciary, the operations of World court will begin and they will start to take in lawsuits according to the published documents. The ‘Administrative work’ to set up the World court facility, hire the staff, appoint the 191 Judges, would be a parallel stream of activities to finish within the estimated one year time frame.
Judicial Council to decide if World court would have multitude of instances, e.g., by region, or function by way of one Court facility to handle all lawsuits given the usage of digital platform. The Council must expect higher volume of lawsuits for the first twenty year period after they begin operations. The volume of lawsuits in the long term will reduce and taper off.
The ‘LEGAL PROCEDURE AT WORLD COURT’, to culminate into a digitized resource, bound book, with all elements that are generally observed in a thoroughly authored book. It shall have drafted citations and examples to describe certain scenarios and types of cases. Similarly, INTERNATIONAL LAW AT WORLD COURT also to culminate into a digitized resource, communicating with and empowering all the world countries and their citizens.
Distortion of History, historic events by editing online resources, e.g., wikipedia, must be curbed by Judicial council and World court. usa-uk have a history of manipulating, and engineering / editing the documented history to their benefit. This includes distortion or in some cases fabrication of information available online, say at wikipedia. Despite their attempts, the history and details of last 100 to 150 years is fairly well recorded and documented by all 191 world countries. I request you to read the POV 2-47.
After the World court goes live, in the subsequent years to come, several advances in technologies would begin to support the functioning of World Court, related to certain types of lawsuits listed here.
- Nano technology related lawsuits, related to privacy invasion.
- Nano-particulate food drugging and poisoning lawsuits.
- Serum technology usage, containment, dispensation, and ban; related lawsuits.
- Internet technology evolution and systems for activty tracking, related to lawsuits to uphold ‘INTERNATIONAL LAWS’. I request you to read the POV 2-48.
GEC – GLOBAL EARTHLING COUNCIL, PAYOR for all expenses and functioning of Judicial council, and the World court.
GEC to pay for all the expenses of Judicial council in Earthlings in a reimbursement model. GEC will continue to pay for all operational expenses of Judicial council and the World court.
Judicial Council will have a definitions section in LEGAL PROCEDURE AT WORLD COURT, defining all terms relevant to the procedure. I define few terms used in this POV, here.
Nixon Technology – An american intrusive technology of hidden cameras, voice recording devices, now advanced into thermal imaging brain activity capturing devices, and all human organ activity capturing devices, all of which seamlessly integrate into the interiors of homes, and offices, such that they are invisible to the human eyes, communicating and transmitting the captured footage, data to local receivers, which inturn via satellite communication or internet protocol communications is received at a receiving station in usa or uk; this technology working without the knowledge and awareness of the people residing and working at the homes and offices. usa and uk have used this extensively across the world, for privacy invasion, unsolicited personal life intrusion, to manipulate, control, alter, or destroy other country world citizens lives, while getting cheap psychotic sexual pleasure from watching into private home bedrooms, and bathrooms.
Nano Technology – An american miniaturization technology, a product of decades of VLSI – Very Large Scale Integration work related to electronic systems and circuits, taking them into building not only electronic devices, electronic systems, but also molecular compositions, or biotechnology compositions; into nano-meter or smaller sized particulate formations. This technology has allowed usa-uk to build systems and molecules that are not just invisible to human eyes, but need extra large magnification equipment to see such systems or molecules, while having high impact digital and electronic performance, or high potency in biological action within human body on human organs. Embedded nano electronic systems hidden for secret transmission, among regular electronic circuitry in electronic devises is a challenge to humanity. Nano particulate dispensation of drugs and chemicals to humans, is one of the serious challenges faced by humanity.
Eagle eye – An american electronic or digital eye that can evesdrop, see, listen, and target you, or identified group of people, in any of the world countries. This has been a death grip technology used by usa-uk, white house, their rouge organizations cia, fbi, military, or similar, when they lock in on any person, group of people, any where in the world. Eagle eye is a combination of several technologies used by usa-uk-white house to surround any target subject, which could even be world country leaders, billionaires, HNI, or any target subject of their choice. This is extremely high intrusive, 24 by 365 round the clock, no let-up, energy draining death like grip on the target subjects life, till they kill the subject or achieve an objective related to the target subject. This Eagle eye technology has broken all laws that have ever been made in 191 world countries, and abused to the maximum in the last century with no international law in place.
Life cage – Any target citizen or any target family of any of the world countries could be put in a ‘Life cage’ by usa-uk by using a combination of all technologies at their disposal, such as nixon technology, nano technology, or eagle eye. After they surround the target subject and target families lives digitally and electronically, by using bribes in printed usd-$ in old world order, paid to people in the target subject and target families neighborhood; they control, manipulate, alter, and even kill at will if they choose to, just for fun, entertainment, or greed, thus putting the target subject or the target family in a ‘LIFE CAGE’ by which usa-uk fully control every second of every day of the lives, life events, their life interactions, life event outcomes of the target subject or the target family. Life cage is like a prison built and controlled by usa-uk, without the target subject or target family being physically in a prison.
External cage – Life cage as defined above is an outcome of imposing ‘External cage’ and ‘Internal cage’, on the target subject or target family. External cage is the cage built around the target subject or the target family to control their lives every second of every day, without intervening into the human organ, human cell controlling and manipulation of the target subject or target family. Example, Life of the subject shown in movie Trumann Show. This caging of people across the world was started by harry trumann and winston churchill in 1940’S.
Internal cage – Life cage is at its extreme severity and death like grip when the internal cage is brought in and synchronized with the external cage. In this internal cage, nano particulate drugs and chemicals that act for extended periods in a human body, controlling and manipulating all human organs, including the human brain, its regions, its functions, are brought into the diet of target subject or the target family, controlling them internally from inside the body at a human cell level, synchronizing it with external cage, and thus fully controlling every second of every day of the lives, life events, their life interactions or responses, and life event outcomes.
Answers to questions raised in the questionaire, related to Judicial Council, for United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c) in POV 22.
Does my country feel confident about filing human rights violation suit, crimes against humanity suit, racism suits, harassment suits, treated like slaves suit, intentionally destroyed economic growth progress and development suit, malicious intent suit, fraud suit, stole our wealth suit, import bill fraud suit by manipulating usd-$ for a prolonged period of 245 years suit, organ harvesting suit, illegal clinical trials suit, privacy invasion by nixon tech suit, economic slavery suit, political slavery suit, drugs-chemical targeting and proliferation suit, sex slavery suit, incorrect guidance suit, divide and destroy suit, supply arms / weapons to fight and die suit, intentionally inflicted war suit, and/or created civil unrest suit AGAINST usa at the Judicial council in the new world order?
YES, would be answer of 191 world countries.
Do my country citizens feel confident about filing abuse of nano-technology suit – privacy invasion suit, abuse of nixon technology – peeping into private space, home, office, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen suit, abuse of nixon technology – life manipulation suit, abuse of nixon technology – coupled with food poisoning / drugging – personal / professional life manipulation suit, malicious intent suit, fraud suit, stole our wealth suit, caused damages / liability suit, inflicted death suit, and/or divide and destroy suit AGAINST usa at the Judicial council in the new world order?
YES, would be answer of 191 world countries and their citizens.
POV 2-47:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)
Sub-segment: Records Council
Any attempts of usa-uk, related to altering the historic events or distortion of History will be curbed by Judicial council and World court, by the support and operations of an independent council called ‘RECORDS COUNCIL’.
- I introduce ‘World History and Records Keeping Council’. Referred to as ‘Records Council’. All 191 world country delegates will be members at the council. This council will own all data about all the world countries, their history, current day information not limiting to economic indicators, economic data, financial data, economics break-down, imports, exports, natural resources, stage in technological evolution by various technologies, manufacturing capability, all other statistics related to the country, e.g., population, area, demographic information, ecological information, cultural information, and more. Each of the 191 world countries will become responsible to provide the history related to their country, the single version of truth which they want to present to the world.
- The Council will also own the single version of truth of all the world history, wherein World history constitutes historic events spanning several countries, which is not part of each country historic data. The records will be stored predominantly in the digitized format, with digital resources accessible to all 191 world countries. This could include all online data sources they choose to present, including owning all historic data online websites, for example Wikipedia, if they choose it.
- The Council will own all the ‘Google satellites’, and own the World maps function, satellite imaging function, and will become the source that will drive all the map related applications and software. Single source for all 191 world country map and travel requirements. For the safety of the world countries, their citizens, homes, and offices the latitude and longitude location details used for military purposes will be made unavailable.
- World history and world country information. Single record of truth, that is accepted, and trusted by all 191 world countries. The council will hold scheduled gatherings / assembly to keep all the records / data up to date. This will become the undisputed history of planet Earth and all the world countries. The council will have its own technical and system support teams that will own and control all the data sources. They will own all the systems to own the records and keep them up to date. The relevant economic and financial data sources / views will be made accessible to GEC – Global Earthling Council.
Once, the ‘RECORDS COUNCIL’ is established and they consolidate the world history, and all the world country history, set-up required technical systems and data centers, it puts an end to any and all attempts of usa-uk to distort or alter the facts and history.
POV 2-48:
Segment: United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c)
Sub-segment: Judicial Council
Technological advances to support the Judicial council, and the World court, in specific types of cases in years to come. After the World court goes live, in the subsequent years to come, several advances in technologies would begin to support the World Court to deliver justice, related to certain types of lawsuits listed here.
In the following types of lawsuits, the world countries, their citizens, need ‘Technological teams support’ to build the lawsuit to be filed, to present technical evidence to the court. How we go about providing the necessary technical support is detailed here.
Nano technology related lawsuits, related to privacy invasion.
To file the lawsuits, any party from any country needs to establish preferably at the time of filing the suit or at the time of producing evidence to the court that there has been usage of nano technology renditions of nixon technology used for privacy invasion, by the usage of hidden cameras, voice recording devices, now advanced into thermal imaging brain activity capturing devices, and all human organ activity capturing devices, used against the party; which has caused damages, and liability to the intruder usa-uk. The country or its citizen, which is the party in this lawsuit, must have the ‘Technology teams / units’ to come to the said location, digitally, electronically sweep the entire home, or office, surrounding area, buildings and must build a log / list of all devises secretly installed to intrude into the privacy of the party. This requires listing of the devises and the tagged devises / equipment to be presented to the court preferably at the time of filing or evidence by the technology unit which must also be made party to the lawsuit.
The prosecution of the lawsuit and the delivery of justice needs the following additional considerations.
- The Judicial council must have a ‘Technology team / unit’ of its own to be able to review the list of nano devices, verify the tagged nano devices to legally validate and confirm on behalf of the Judicial council and the World court. Upon the GI-50 executive approval, a technology team / unit will be built at the Judicial council, which will have the necessary capability. The presence of the ‘Technology team’ of the World court in the required world countries will be in their ‘Technology team expansion plan’.
- The ‘Technology support’ for 191 world countries to be able to file such lawsuits with proof and evidence, will come from the few countries that have this capability. They must first look towards their GI-50 ally to verify if they could support their lawsuit filing technologically with evidence. In the event the GI-50 ally does not have the required technological capability, they must look towards procuring the technical support from any of the countries that have the technical ability. India within few years would have our own technical teams supporting India and its citizens with this work. At the time other countries could choose India or any other country with the required capability.
- By the executive decision of GI-50 council and the decision of Judicial Council, a ‘Train the world countries’ program would be initiated to train teams of people from the 191 world countries who request the training. This training would be offered at reasonable pricing / cost per seat.
- With the ‘Technological team’ also made party to the lawsuit, they will be able to speak on behalf of the party and present the technical details to the World court. With the ‘Technology team / unit’ supporting the Judicial council and the World court, the Honorable Judges will be able to prosecute the lawsuit, its details and deliver justice prayed by the party.
Nano-particulate food drugging and poisoning lawsuits.
In this type of lawsuit, there are two scenarios. One the conventional death upon consuming food at a certain place. Subject to the legal situation of the dead person and his/her family, if autopsy is recommended, the procedure to identify and tag the nano-particulate chemicals, poisons in the food content will be taken up by the ‘Medical technical teams’ who could support this type of work. The tagged content and report will be presented to the court at the time of filing the lawsuit to claim damages, liability, and punish the criminal, in this case a food vendor. The ‘Medical technical team’ must be made party to this lawsuit. The second scenario of sustained targeted nano-particulate food poisoning and drugging without the target subject dying, indicating targeting the subject by way of slow and continuous food poisoning and drugging. In this scenario, the ‘Medical technical teams’ will work along side of the targeted subject for say a few months to gather evidence, record the evidence, tag the evidence by date, listing induced symptoms to the target subject.
The prosecution of the lawsuit and the delivery of justice needs the following additional considerations.
- The Judicial council must have a ‘Medical technical team / unit’ of its own to be able to review the tagged content / evidence, and the report or list of symptoms recorded, and presented by the party filing the suit along with the ‘Medical technical team’ who are also a designated party to the lawsuit. In case of the conventional death, the case proceeding would be initiated given the subject is already dead. In the second scenario, the world court issues a ‘Provisional lawsuit number’ for reasons related to shelf life and preservation of tagged evidence, and will on a daily basis or weekly basis review, verify and validate the tagged content / evidence and the list of symptoms reported by the ‘Medical technical teams’ representing the party / target subject. So, by giving a ‘Provisional lawsuit number’ the World court will record the evidence for a pre-defined time according to the ‘LEGAL PROCEDURE’, and will indicate to the ‘Medical technical team’ representing the party, to go ahead get a ‘FINAL LAWSUIT case number’ and initiate the lawsuit against the food vendors and the people who have targeted the party / target subject.
- The ‘Medical technology support’ for 191 world countries to be able to file such nano-particulate food poisons and drugging lawsuits with proof and evidence, will come from the few countries that have this capability. They must first look towards their GI-50 ally to verify if they could support their lawsuit filing technologically with evidence. In the event the GI-50 ally does not have the required technological capability, they must look towards procuring the technical support from any of the countries that have the technical ability. India within few years would have our own ‘Medical technical teams’ supporting India and its citizens with this work. At the time other countries could choose India or any other country with the required capability.
- By the executive decision of GI-50 council and the approval of Judicial council, a ‘Train the world countries’ program would be initiated to train teams of people / Medical technical staff, from the 191 world countries who request the training be done. This training would be offered at reasonable pricing / cost per seat.
- With the ‘Medical technical team’ also made party to the lawsuit, they will be able to speak on behalf of the party and present the technical details to the World court. With the ‘Medical technical team / unit’ supporting the Judicial council and the World court, the Honorable Judges will be able to prosecute the lawsuit, its details and deliver justice prayed by the party. The presence of the ‘Medical technical team’ of the World court in the required world countries will be in their ‘Medical technical team expansion plan’.
Serum technology usage, containment, dispensation, and ban; related lawsuits.
Serum technology, its definition, its threat to humanity, balanced societies, and cultures has been detailed in POV 2-31. Lawsuits related to the usage of Serum technology to target any citizen of any world country, will be dealt with similarly as explained in the above section, second scenario of ‘Nano-particulate food drugging and poisoning lawsuits’. Given the technology is used for inducing drug, chemical, poison, banned substance activity in the target subject for extended periods of time, e.g., few days, the tagged evidence, and the reports will be very detailed spanning several days, and these will be submitted by the ‘Medical technical teams’ representing the party / target subject and will be recorded by the World court by giving a ‘Provisional lawsuit number’, for later affirmative action against the food vendors and the people who have targeted the party / target subject.
Internet technology evolution and systems for activity tracking, related to lawsuits to uphold ‘INTERNATIONAL LAWS’.
usa-uk over the decades has used the ‘Internet protocol’ technology along with the satellite technology for combination technical performance and output linked to the usage of nixon technology, its nano technology renditions, and the eagle eye technology. In this, they have invaded privacy of thousands of households from across the world countries and used the ‘Internet protocol’ for volume distribution of weblinks, camera output weblinks to many people illegally across the world countries. This is abusing the ‘Internet Protocol’ for psychotic targeting work, of world citizens and depriving them of their privacy and dignity. They have destroyed the personal lives of millions of people across the world. Technical teams will evolve Internet protocol into next generation, and built a multitude of tools, software, and applications to support the Judicial council and the world court to uphold and enforce the ‘International Laws’.
POV 2-49:
Segment: Old world order
Sub-segment: Old world order horror
In the old world order, usa-uk forced world countries to call themselves either ‘white or black’. This racial way of seggregating countries was for using the seggregated countries at will for illegal clinical trials for their second life program, and commercial interests related with selling skin color altering chemicals, drugs which are poisons that harm the target segment more, induce diseases and all in the name of a non-existant issue. The new world order is that off ‘COLORED PEOPLE’ which is not divisively seggregated white or black.
While usa-uk have divided people across the world in many ways such as religion, ethnic origin, language, food habit, or nationality, the divisive tactics used by them related to skin color, by racial discrimination have been the most seggregating and targeting. These divisive tactics were extrapolated to countries, forcing them to choose between ‘white or black’, to brand them or stereotype them racially. usa-uk have always been bi-polar in the way they saw the world, dividing and seggregating the world racially was to force 191 world countries to choose between ‘white or black’. These are countries with populations of millions, or tens of millions of people. How can such vast number of people be exactly one color, white or black, for the country to choose one option? It is an illogical, forced racial divide out of commercial interests, and to use the stereotyped black countries, for inhuman illegal trials, and for their second life program. My macro-reforms end the stereotyping and no country can be targeted with illegal clinical trials anymore.
While human skin color cannot be changed, and a human being stays with the skin color he/she is born with, until his/her death, usa-uk have intended to make money on skin color changing drugs or chemicals which are poisons in the name of pharmaceutical products. There are commercial interests behind racially dividing the world countries into white or black. The truth is majority of the world people are in the middle colors that are neither white nor black when compared to the benchmark white or black, that must be chosen by usa-uk, to explain themselves. So, I declare that the world must seggregate caucasean white of usa-uk who used this divisive tactic in the old world order, and call itself ‘COLORED PEOPLE’ and ‘COLORED WORLD’. Commercial interests at the expense of human beings, sale of chemicals and drugs that are poisons, sale of torture products, all aligned with their illegal trials for second life program, was the agenda of usa-uk in old world order to divide world citizens, and world countries into ‘white or black’. Example, torture death of michael jackson. By declaring the non usa-uk 191 world countries as ‘COLORED PEOPLE’, and handing over the decision of having ‘cosmetic line of business products within their country’ to each of the country governments, I welcome you into a COLORED DECENTRALIZED WORLD, empowered to make independent choices at the individual country level.
Sadistic, psycho objectives, hidden motives behind a forceful divide of world citizens and world countries into ‘white or black’.
- To do ‘brain experiments’ to control the citizens in the forcefully seggregated black countries like ‘robots’, and make them servants, slaves for life. usa-uk plan in the old world order was, by controlling regions of the brain, they could exercise significant amount of control on the person and his/her daily activities, or routine. This leading them into ‘control humans like robots to use them as slaves’ program.
- To limit the ‘brain functions and its capability’ to a lower level by intentionally forcing poisoned food into their diet, that would keep the certain regions of brain inactive or in a hypo-functioning state to ‘set a ceiling’ to their IQ levels and thus their ability to become intelligent and contribute to their own country progress and economic growth.
- The above technique of ‘shunting the IQ levels’, or induced distortion in brain regions thus impairing its function for extended periods of time, or few days, during the exam time or its preparatory phase to destroy the school, college going students prospects in these forcefully seggregated black countries. Thus setting them up to be used for slave type of jobs in usa-uk, citing low IQ which is induced and does not reflect the normal IQ.
- Use the seggregated countries for ‘organ harvesting’ and ‘heart harvesting’ so as to use them for their second life program, which is banned and illegal according to the upcoming ‘International law’. In other words set up citizens of these forcefully seggregated black countries, for chop-up, murder, death, and that in high numbers, to source organs and hearts for second life program in usa-uk.
usa-uk plan was to murder 18 young men, wherein the murders are spaced by approximate 50 years, spread across the seggregated black countries, which by natural progression was going to be all the 191 world countries whose citizens were to be killed, to harvest their hearts and organs in their ‘all usa-uk citizens to live for 1000 years program’. To achieve these sadistic, psycho objectives, one of their action plan was to use the usa and uk pharmaceutical companies, e.g., johnson and johnson pharmaceuticals, janssen pharmaceuticals, establish a kol – key opinion leader team, who have defined random, illogical, make no sense, fabricated list of diseases, and mental diseases, and further fabricate inexplicable, illogical, nonsense, moronic treatments to the illogical list of diseases, these treatments forced to be long term with no end dates, treatment including ‘serum packaged control’ of target subject, all his/her organs including brain, intended to keep the organs, including heart primed for the harvesting at any given point in time. The 191 world countries at the Medical Council and Judicial Council must get usa-uk, their kol team to introduce their list of fabricated illogical diseases, mental diseases, their related treatments, all of which will clearly indicate the hidden motives defined above. Subsequent to which the entire kol team must be dismantled and the rouges behind this plan to be brought to World Court for final verdict and orders, to deliver justice and uphold INTERNATIONAL LAWS and WORLD MEDICAL LAW. I request you to refer POV 2-45, for my clear definition of disease, which is in line and in the interest of humanity, including citizens of all 191 world countries.