Divorce of USA and UK after Brexit

With the decentralization of world by my authored reform of Project Earthling(c), each country is by itself. Each countries progress & development is in their own control. The recent exit of UK from EU / EC, was popularly covered by media houses as Brexit.

The relationship between USA and UK goes back to the time of ‘Magna Carta’. They are combined by many factors such as power on planet, control of all 191 countries, control of the world organizations (G7, G20, UN, all organs of UN), capitalism and financial control built on their currency monopoly achieved over centuries, caucasian race, catholic christian religion, english language, white supremacy, and much more that is out of scope of this webpage. I have always thought of UK as another state of USA.

Finally, this long persisting duo relationship has come to an end with the decentralized world taking form. The two separate sale agreements listed here in conjunction with the going live of Project Earthling(c) will finish the divorce of this couple, which will allow the spread of ‘peace and prosperity’ to all other 191 world countries.

USA two-party patent US 8,910,998 sale agreement for 22.5 Trillion. This is the only expected two-party deal executed in $ currency.

Name of the deal: Srinivas – Hirshfeld agreement.

Value of the deal: 22,500,000,000,000 $.

Sale deal is executed in: $ currency (USD).

Seller: Inventor Srinivas S. Devathi, Inventor to patent US 8,910,998 ‘Systems and methods for altering the color, appearance, or feel of a vehicle surface’.

Property being sold: Patent US 8,910,998 and continuation application 14/535,867; including all rights to 100-year downstream businesses that emerge from my invention, for USA territory.

Recipient of IP rights and buyer: USA, represented by Mr. Drew Hirshfeld, Director of USPTO, or represented by President of USA, Mr. Joe Biden or his designated signatory or their UN delegate. No third-party payor in this deal. It is a sale agreement between the seller and buyer.

Country: USA receives and controls economic activity and wealth of 202,500,000,000,000 Earthlings. 

By executing Srinivas – Hirshfeld agreement, the leadership / government of USA will receive full control of intellectual property and full ownership of downstream businesses for their country / territory, the value of which is at an estimated 202,500,000,000,000 Earthlings of economic activity expected to be created over a 100-year period by a conservative estimate. This economic activity received via this agreement will translate to wealth for usa, and contribute to building and growing their national treasury reserve wealth held in Earthlings currency. 

United Kingdom tri-party PCT/US2014/046619 IP rights sale agreement: UK sale agreement for 3,000,000,000,000 Earthlings.

Name of the deal: Srinivas – Boris agreement.

Value of the deal: 3,000,000,000,000 Earthlings.

Sale deal is executed in: Earthlings currency.

Seller: Inventor Srinivas S. Devathi, Inventor to patent US 8,910,998 ‘Systems and methods for altering the color, appearance, or feel of a vehicle surface’. Replica of the patent US 8,910,998 identified worldwide by PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619 filed on July 15, 2014.

Property being sold: EPO regional application (national stage) patent application number 14886695.7 (2014886695); either the restored application or patent grant IP rights applicable for United Kingdom; including all rights to 100-year downstream businesses that emerge from my invention, for United Kingdom territory.

Recipient of IP rights: United Kingdom, represented by Prime Minister of UK, Mr. Boris Johnson or his designated signatory or UN delegate.

Payor: Global Earthling Council (GEC) that is responsible for printing Earthlings.

Country: UK receives and controls economic activity and wealth of 27,000,000,000,000 Earthlings. 

By executing Srinivas – Boris agreement, the leadership / government of UK will receive full control of intellectual property and full ownership of downstream businesses for their country / territory, the value of which is at an estimated 27,000,000,000,000 Earthlings of economic activity expected to be created over a 100-year period by a conservative estimate. This economic activity received via this agreement will translate to wealth for uk, and contribute to building and growing their national treasury reserve wealth held in Earthlings currency. 

Access the details of all 62 sale agreements in this attached file: