The defendants in OS 2613 of 2020 are USPTO and Hulsey PC. When we say USPTO, an independent patent and trademark prosecuting organization, its director Mr. Drew Hirshfeld is the person answerable to the court on its behalf.
Who is Mr. Drew Hirshfeld?

responsible to respond on behalf of
Defendant 1 to the plaint.
Mr. Drew Hirshfeld is the Director of USPTO. Since my invention of Vehicle Color Change Technology in Q1-2007, entire USA has united and made combined efforts to destroy or block my invention and its wealth from coming into India. USPTO took center stage in doing fraud in these efforts. Since the filing of PCT international patent application, It is USPTO that committed ‘Breach of PCT, the treaty that has been signed by 153 countries’ and committed fraud which is visible to the entire world.
It is USPTO in capacity of ISA (International Search Authority) for my PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619, that fabricated prior art of Cobb, Price, Saenger, and Hale; and issued a fabricated ISR with a fabricated date of 04-11-2014; which was delivered to me on 5-8-2015 by my IPR lawyer after repeated asking for the ISR. As a designated ISA, they are answerable and accountable to inventors from all 153 PCT contracting states. Mr. Hirshfeld must admit to their fraud and take the corrective action, delete the fabricated prior art and issue a true / correct ISR which is consistent with patent grant US 8,910,998. And then, pay for the full liability claim of 93 Trillion, by executing the Srinivas – Hirshfeld agreement for the full value of 22.5 Trillion $ and legally endorse the receipt of 70.5 Trillion in Earthlings from the other 61 tri-party sale agreements.
USPTO must respond to the questions asked by me (the Inventor) on behalf of myself, Hindus living in India, India, 60 other Non-USA countries, WIPO and all PCT countries in the World. Mr. Drew Hirshfeld on behalf of USPTO (and combined fraud of USA) must answer to all 9.5 Billion humans in the World.
Who is Mr. Bill Hulsey?

An American Intellectual Property lawyer based out of Austin, Texas. I can very clearly state that he is the person who can answer and can expose the fraud of USPTO by ‘telling the truth to the world’. This person is aware that USPTO fabricated prior art of Cobb, Price, Saenger, and Hale; and issued a fabricated ISR with a fabricated date of 04-11-2014; which his law firm (equipped with an IPR law firm docketing system) delivered to me on 5-8-2015. He received the ISR days before 5-8-2015. His true statement will bring USPTO to book, and expose their fraud. However, he has chosen to not provide an answer to me, India and 61 Non-USA countries, in the court by filing his response or written statement to the case that has been filed. He and his law office is yet to show up and file response in court.
Mr. Bill Hulsey, my IP lawyer at the time (in years 2014 and 2015), was my contact person for all interactions with USPTO. He is answerable for his actions and most importantly, his actions in relation to USPTO actions.
Mr. Bill Hulsey is an American lawyer in the center of this global fraud connecting 62 PCT countries.
Me, all of India, and 61 non-USA Countries are waiting for his response / answer to the combined fraud committed by USA. I presume he maybe in the grips or control of the USA Corporations / USPTO – White House and is waiting for their permission to accept the fraud and meet my prayer demands.
I am still hoping that Mr. Bill Hulsey will admit the fraud that is globally visible and documented beyond any reasonable doubt. It is only the wise thing to do, to admit and resolve the lawsuit at the earliest possible date.
Srinivas Devathi introduces his public enemies, three corporations other than USPTO and Hulsey PC law firm. Combined USA has been made his enemy by these three corporations.
The key people in the three USA Corporations (Defendants in OS 4961 of 2018) are listed from here:
The defendants in the OS 4961 of 2018 are public enemies of Srinivas Devathi. The Corporations include:
1. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., A Johnson & Johnson company, 1125, Trenton-Harbourton Road, Titusville, NJ – 08560, USA; Ph. No: 001-908-722-5393; Represented by its J&J CEO: Mr. Alex Gorsky, Mr. Joaquin Duato, Janssen CEO: Mr. Tom Heyman, Director Mr. Mike Comprelli, and Mr. Randy McDaniels. J&J Other subsidiary companies / offices where I worked are: Centocor Biotech Inc. which is now Janssen Biotech Inc., at Horsham, Pennsylvania. Ortho biotech products LP., located at 430 Hwy-22, Bridgewater, NJ – 08807.
2. HSBC Bank, USA, (Formerly Household), 452, Fifth Avenue, New York City, NY – 10018, USA; Ph. No: 001-212-525-5000; Represented by its USA CEO: Mr. Micheal Roberts, Mr. Ken Harvey, Director Ms. Heidi Pote, Ms. Chrys Anetz. HSBC Bank office, where I worked at is Somerset Corporate center, 200 Somerset corporate Blvd, Bridgewater, NJ – 08807.
3. Capgemini US LLC, (Formerly Kanbay), 79, Fifth Ave, Suite 300, New York, NY – 10003, USA; Ph. No: 001-212-314-8000; Represented by its CEO: Mr. Paul Hermelin, Mr. Thierry Delaporte, Mr. Aiman Ezzat, Mr. Roy stansbury and Mr. William (Bill) Schreiner.
People in Defendant 1 are Michael Comprelli, Randy McDaniels, Kevin Shea, Scott Wearley and Larry Jones. People in Defendant 2 are Ken Harvey, Heidi Pote, Chris Anetz and other team members. People in Defendant 3 are William (Bill) Schreiner, Joseph Moye, Roy Stansbury, Scott Sweet, Robert Haarsgaard, Jeffrey Deyerle, John Buly and Barry O’Brien.
Specific mental diseases / mental disorders of Bill Schreiner, and american men. This is what has rendered them as incurable psychos.
Bill schreiner:
- White supremacist.
- Catholic christian with excessive superiority complex.
- Arrogance built from the 250 year history of usa.
- Unbelievable racist, brimming with jealousy and hatred towards citizens of other countries.
- Thinks he can do anything, anywhere in the world, and there is no one to question him.
- He is unaware of the meaning of law. He has never respected any law anywhere in the world.
- All the above causing him to become baldwin psycho, the one who peeps into others bedrooms, bathrooms and jacks off.
- Disconnected with human beings, and humanity.
- Cannot relate to people of other countries.
- Cannot communicate with people of other countries.
- Cannot have a meaningful conversation with people of other countries.
- He kicks black people like dogs. He is a KKK supporter.
- He has incurable addiction to watching live porn, from bedrooms, and bathrooms of any house he wants from across the world.
- He thinks he can order un like he gives orders to his dog in the backyard.
- He thinks of India as a beggar country that could be ordered and commanded at will.
- He thinks Indians and Hindus are vegetarians and thus weak.
- His brain is corrupted with diseases of no one to answer to, no one to be accountable to, no one to be answerable to.
- He thinks no rules apply to him.
- He thinks he can poison and kill anyone anywhere in the world, with access to power and money.
- His ideologies are eliminate all black people from earth, and terminate all muslims from the world.
- He wants to keep India a beggar country. He wants to terminate the religion of Hinduism.
- To retain usa in control, he wants to destroy any progress prospects of all 192 other countries, and keep them slaves.
- He is one of the masterminding people who gives ‘divide and destroy’ ideas against each of the world country, to keep them as slaves.
- By the time of his birth, all work in usa was finished. From birth, he has been peeping into bedrooms or bathrooms of other people, or watching movies. Instead of studying in school and college, he has watched movies like covering syllabus. Indian cinema and possibly world / other country cinema.
- He is delusional and thinks movies created for entertainment value is real life in those respective countries.
- He has disease called delusional confusion / brain disorder / mental disorder of not distinguishing real life from reel life.
- With the above mental disease he has tried to apply movie events, situations on to regular people in the world countries.
- With the above mental disease, he has tried to avenge movie events / movie characters, in real world with no connection.
- With the above mental disease, he has used the combination of nixon technology and all the drugs at his / their disposal to manipulate and target real peoples lives as shown in movies in those respective countries.
- With the above objective, he has come to a point of attempting to control target human life events by observing and drugging. He has achieved moderate success in these attempts and has controlled target human subjects lives like robots.
- He wants to terminate the religion of Hinduism. Target Hindus living in India and Nepal.
- He has attempted to divide India and Indians by skin color, religion, caste, state, region, food habit, language, to destroy the country and its economic growth prospects.
- He has used every divide and destroy tactic against india and Indians to keep this country in poverty.
- He had a delusional plan in mind, a cult plan, a secret society plan to kill / terminate all other non-christian religions, and only keep some middle skin tone people as slaves to do menial jobs as slaves.
- He wants to erase black people from earth, or cage them and use them for experimentation and possible organ harvesting.
- He is member to many questionable secret societies, cults, and psycho groups.
- He has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone smart from another country, or other religion. He immediately wants to destroy the smart person. He is filled with jealousy.
- He has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone intelligent / talented from another country, or other religion. He immediately wants to destroy the intelligent person. He is filled with jealousy.
- He has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone attractive from another country, or other religion. He immediately wants to destroy the attractive person. He is filled with jealousy.
- He has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone that has better hair style from another country, or other religion. He immediately wants to destroy this person. Brimming with jealousy, racism, and hatred. No one would think hair style of a person would make him to consider destroying and killing such a subject.
- His tolerance levels for people of other country and other religion is dead, zero; making him a inhuman psychopath with only destruction of everyone else on his mind.
- His human traits are long gone and devious mind has set in. He can only think of diabolical and sinister plans towards people of other country or religion. Destroying smart and intelligent people means destroying the progress prospects of that country.
- One of his missions is to defame, destroy, and end the religion of Hinduism. In this endeavor, to begin to defame and destroy Hindu society and culture in India, he has projected his diseases and that of american diseases onto Indian Hindus. In that they have attempted to frame Hindus as pedophiles, are incest, and even fabricate / frame stories like they are mother fuckers, just for fun and entertainment; while these diseases are non existent in India and among Hindus. americans are pedophiles, are incest, and are mother fuckers. These are prevalent in christianity.
- He has financed all kinds of rouge covert programs to target hindus and hinduism, and to portray them as some negative shaded characters from Hindu epics such as Ravana, or Duryodhana, or Dushasana; who have illtreated other married women. Hindus are nothing like these characters and he has attempted to force this on a normal society.
- He has defamed and distorted Hinduism in many ways.
- One of the psycho diseases he and americans have is taking their psycho diseases, mental illnesses and trying to force them or project them on to normal, regular people from the rest of the world / other countries. In that he has certainly chosen India and Hinduism.
- Out of no work since after world war II, he has watched some Indian movies dozens of times, and by hearted every line, every song in the movie. Further, they write Indian language in english and break up the words, lines in the movie, songs into pieces and impose derogatory, negative meaning to these words.
- He has attempted to use the abusive meaning or distorted meaning of the broken words in the chosen target foreign / Indian language, to defame and destroy India and Hinduism.
- He has attempted to force, and manipulate real peoples lives in india by these movie words and lines, which can only be termed as a severe mental disorder / disability. So many mental diseases stemming out of no work, baldwin psychosis, and watching movies like psychos way too many times.
All the above diseases mutatis mutandis for Roy Stansbury, and Ken Harvey. The american politicians Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Donald Trump are no different, and additionally they enjoy breaking up foreign languages into pieces thus abusing the language, and playing word games with foreign language, and further manipulating real peoples lives in the foreign country, using the abusive meaning or distorted meaning of the broken words in the chosen target foreign language. This they have done across the world countries that speak non-english languages. American corporate executives such as Bill gates, and Warren Buffett are no different. They are the same. UK prime ministers, royal family of uk, lords of uk are no different. They are the same. In general all american men are like Bill Schreiner.
All the above diseases mutatis mutandis for Mike Comprelli, and Randy McDaniels. Additionally, these people:
- Given the arrogance of 250 years history of usa, they have no respect for any law anywhere in the world. In that their arrogance has taken them into an uncontrolled medical malpractice across the world countries.
- They do not even recognize the words ‘ethical medical practices in international territories’.
- With unlimited printed usd at their disposal, they have conducted illegal trials in many world countries. The developing and poor countries have been the primary targets.
- There would be instances and citations where they have murdered people from developing and poor countries with full intent, just for fun and entertainment.
Another disease is that usa men, uk men, have continually tried to project their shortcomings, their mental diseases, their psycho problems on men of other countries, including India, while these men of other countries and India have no problems what-so-ever.
Specific mental diseases / mental disorders of Heidi Pote, and american women. This is what has rendered them as incurable psychos.
Heidi Pote:
- In all of her school / college days she has been harassed and abused by fellow students with the last name ‘potty’.
- She must have been suicidal from her school, college days given the harassment.
- No men dated her in the american culture, and she has been alone for decades now.
- Some men used and abused her.
- She has been devoid of sex for decades now, and that has cumulated hatred towards her life and men.
- She probably has been abused by male relatives when she was a child, such as her grand father, father, brother, or uncles.
- Some of the points above have rendered her as a person with deep seeded hatred towards men. She starts the women supremacy cult.
- She is probably a member of many secret societies, cults and black magic cult group among gothic christians.
- She is determined to destroy all men in the world and where possible torture, and kill them.
- She would murder men just for fun and entertainment. She might get sadistic pleasure.
- When american men have understood this about her and other american women, and stay away, they are not easy targets. So, she preys on foreign nationals as she thinks given the old world order she could target, harass, torture, even murder any man anywhere in the world.
- She has this psycho mindset that, if I cannot be happy, I will not let anyone else be happy, in particular people from other countries, other religions.
- White supremacist.
- Catholic christian with excessive superiority complex.
- Arrogance built from the 250 year history of usa.
- Unbelievable racist, brimming with jealousy and hatred towards citizens of other countries.
- Thinks she can do anything, anywhere in the world, and there is no one to question her.
- She is unaware of the meaning of law. She has never respected any law anywhere in the world.
- All the above causing her to become baldwin psycho, the one who peeps into others bedrooms, bathrooms for pleasure and to manipulate their lives.
- Disconnected with human beings, and humanity.
- Cannot relate to people of other countries.
- Cannot communicate with people of other countries.
- Cannot have a meaningful conversation with people of other countries.
- She kicks black people like dogs. She is a KKK supporter.
- She has incurable addiction to watching live porn, from bedrooms, and bathrooms of any house she wants from across the world.
- She thinks she can order un like she gives orders to her dog in the backyard.
- She thinks of India as a beggar country that could be ordered and commanded at will.
- She thinks Indians and Hindus are vegetarians and thus weak.
- Her brain is corrupted with diseases of no one to answer to, no one to be accountable to, no one to be answerable to.
- She thinks no rules apply to her.
- She thinks she can poison and kill anyone anywhere in the world, with access to power and money.
- Her ideologies are eliminate all black people from earth, and terminate all muslims from the world.
- She wants to keep India a beggar country. She wants to terminate the religion of Hinduism.
- To retain usa in control, she wants to destroy any progress prospects of all 192 other countries, and keep them slaves.
- She is one of the masterminding people who gives ‘divide and destroy’ ideas against each of the world country, to keep them as slaves.
- By the time of her birth, all work in usa was finished. From birth, she has been peeping into bedrooms or bathrooms of other people, or watching movies. Instead of studying in school and college, she has watched movies like covering syllabus. Indian cinema and possibly world / other country cinema.
- She is delusional and thinks movies created for entertainment value is real life in those respective countries.
- She has disease called delusional confusion / brain disorder / mental disorder of not distinguishing real life from reel life.
- With the above mental disease she has tried to apply movie events, situations on to regular people in the world countries.
- With the above mental disease, she has tried to avenge movie events / movie characters, in real world with no connection.
- With the above mental disease, she has used the combination of nixon technology and all the drugs at her / their disposal to manipulate and target real peoples lives as shown in movies in those respective countries.
- With the above objective, she has come to a point of attempting to control target human life events by observing and drugging. She has achieved moderate success in these attempts and has controlled target human subjects lives like robots.
- She wants to terminate the religion of Hinduism. Target Hindus living in India and Nepal.
- She has attempted to divide India and Indians by skin color, religion, caste, state, region, food habit, language, to destroy the country and its economic growth prospects.
- She has used every divide and destroy tactic against india and Indians to keep this country in poverty.
- She had a delusional plan in mind, a cult plan, a secret society plan to kill / terminate all other non-christian religions, and only keep some middle skin tone people as slaves to do menial jobs as slaves.
- She wants to erase black people from earth, or cage them and use them for experimentation and possible organ harvesting.
- She is member to many questionable secret societies, cults, and psycho groups.
- She has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone smart from another country, or other religion. She immediately wants to destroy the smart person. She is filled with jealousy.
- She has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone intelligent / talented from another country, or other religion. She immediately wants to destroy the intelligent person. She is filled with jealousy.
- She has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone attractive from another country, or other religion. She immediately wants to destroy the attractive person. She is filled with jealousy.
- She has zero tolerance or acceptability about anyone that has better hair style from another country, or other religion. She immediately wants to destroy this person. Brimming with jealousy, racism, and hatred. No one would think hair style of a person would make her to consider destroying and killing such a subject.
- Her tolerance levels for people of other country and other religion is dead, zero; making her a inhuman psychopath with only destruction of everyone else on her mind.
- Her human traits are long gone and devious mind has set in. She can only think of diabolical and sinister plans towards people of other country or religion. Destroying smart and intelligent people means destroying the progress prospects of that country.
- One of her missions is to defame, destroy, and end the religion of Hinduism. In this endeavor, to begin to defame and destroy Hindu society and culture in India, she has projected her diseases and that of american diseases onto Indian Hindus. In that they have attempted to frame Hindus as pedophiles, are incest, and even fabricate / frame stories like they are mother fuckers, just for fun and entertainment; while these diseases are non existent in India and among Hindus. americans are pedophiles, are incest, and are mother fuckers. These are prevalent in christianity.
- She has financed all kinds of rouge covert programs to target hindus and hinduism, and to portray them as some negative shaded characters from Hindu epics such as Ravana, or Duryodhana, or Dushasana; who have illtreated other married women. Hindus are nothing like these characters and she has attempted to force this on a normal society.
- She has defamed and distorted Hinduism in many ways.
- One of the psycho diseases she and americans have is taking their psycho diseases, mental illnesses and trying to force them or project them on to normal, regular people from the rest of the world / other countries. In that he has certainly chosen India and Hinduism.
- Out of no work since after world war II, she has watched some Indian movies dozens of times, and by hearted every line, every song in the movie. Further, they write Indian language in english and break up the words, lines in the movie, songs into pieces and impose derogatory, negative meaning to these words.
- She has attempted to use the abusive meaning or distorted meaning of the broken words in the chosen target foreign / Indian language, to defame and destroy India and Hinduism.
- She has attempted to force, and manipulate real peoples lives in india by these movie words and lines, which can only be termed as a severe mental disorder / disability. So many mental diseases stemming out of no work, baldwin psychosis, and watching movies like psychos way too many times.
Mutatis Mutandis for Chris Anetz. Additionally, she has the following problems / diseases.
- In all of her school / college days she has been called ugly, horrible by fellow students and she was probably spit on by some of them.
- No man ever cared for her. She has not had a date or had sex for decades, causing intense hatred towards life and men.
- Most of her life, she has had no friends, no family, causing her to become suicidal and even murderous against men.
- She would murder men just for fun and entertainment. She might get sadistic pleasure.
Mutatis Mutandis for all american women, usa first ladies, usa first daughters, uk royal family, and additionally they enjoy breaking up foreign languages into pieces thus abusing the language, and playing word games with foreign language, and further manipulating real peoples lives in the foreign country, using the abusive meaning or distorted meaning of the broken words in the chosen target foreign languages. This they have done across the world countries that speak non-english language.
In general, all NJ women, and all american women, British women are like Heidi Pote and Chrys anetz.
Another disease is that usa women, uk women, have continually tried to project their shortcomings, their mental diseases, their psycho problems on women of other countries, including India, while these women of other countries and India have no problems what-so-ever.
The branch offices of these corporations in India, and their employees in India maybe used against me. They have also thrown bribes to many people in India (their allies). Here is a listing of all India offices of the three USA corporations.
General Contact Information: For Janssen India.
Johnson & Johnson Private Limited.
501 Arena Space
Behind Majas Bus Depot
Off Jogeshwari Vikhroli Link Road
Jogeshwari (E)
Mumbai 400 060
Contact no: 022 66646464
India offices of HSBC Bank USA. Mr. Surendra Rosha, CEO, HSBC Center, HSBC Centre, Dr Ambedkar Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai 400 050 Maharashtra
HSBC Bank India, 52 / 60 M G Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 Maharashtra.
Capgemini India offices: Their Mumbai office: Capgemini Technology Services India Limited – Plot No.14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, Hinjewadi, Phase-III, MIDC-SEZ Village Mandal, Taluka Mulshi, Pune, Maharashtra, India, 411057.
Capgemini Bangalore offices. A total of 10 listed here.
Capgemini Technology Services India Limited, 2nd and 3rd Floor, MFAR, Manyata Tech Park Green Heart, Phase IV, Rachenahalli Village, Nagawara, Bengaluru – 560 045, Karnataka, INDIA+91 80 4183 4000; +91 80 4183 4100 (Fax)
Capgemini Technology Services India Limited, Crescent 2, Prestige Shantiniketan, Sadaramanagala Village, Whitefield Main Road, Bangalore South Taluk, Bengaluru – 560 048, Karnataka, INDIA+91 80 6656 7000
Capgemini Technology Services India Limited, Brigade Metropolis, Summit Tower ‘A’,73/1, Garudacharpalya, Mahadevapura Post, Whitefield Main Road, Bengaluru – 560 048 Karnataka, INDIA+91 80 3997 2200
Capgemini Technology Services India Limited, Campus 6B, Limited. Pritech Park SEZ, Bldg. 6B, Bellandur Village, Vathur Hobli,Outer Ring Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka– 560037, INDIA+91 80 6656 7000
Capgemini Technology Services India Limited, Divyasree TechPark SEZ, Divyasree Techno Park, IT/ITES, EPIP ZONE, Doddanakundi Post, Kundalahalli, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka– 560037 INDIA+91 80 6656 7000, +91 80 3997 2200
Capgemini Technology Services India Limited, RMZ Ecoworld, Campus 5B, 6th Floor, RMZ Ecoworld SEZ, Sarjapur – Marathhalli Outer Ring road, Varthur Hobli, Bengaluru East Taluk, Bangalore – 560 103, Karnataka, INDIA+91 80 6656 7000
Capgemini Technology Services India Limited, No: 158-162P & 165-170P, EPIP Phase II, Whitefield, Bengaluru 560066, Karnataka, India+91 80 4104 0000, +91 80 4125 9090 (Fax)
Capgemini Technology Services India Limited, (Training Centre), Akshay Tech Park, Jayalashmi Exports & Imports, No 72 & 73, EPIP Industrial Area, Whitefield, Bengaluru 560066, Karnataka, India+91 080 4104 000, +91 80 4125 9090 (Fax)
Capgemini Technology Services India Limited, 155-156(P), EPIP Phase II, Whitefield, Bengaluru 560066, Karnataka, India+91 80 4104 0000, +91 80 4125 9090 (Fax)
Capgemini Technology Services India Limited, 164-165 (P), EPIP Phase II, Whitefield, Bengaluru 560066, Karnataka, India+91 80 4104 0000, +91 80 4125 9090 (Fax)
Who is Mr. Randy McDaniels? A person who is inspired by ‘Adolf Hitler’. He wants to be the ‘Adolf Hitler’ of 21st century.

He is an American citizen who is a Director / VP at Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals USA. He is based out of New Jersey, USA, where J&J is headquartered. He has worked within many subsidiary companies within Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals, including at Ortho Biotech USA, Janssen Pharmaceuticals USA and Centacor Pharmaceuticals USA.
He is an old timer with J&J USA and has very strong connections across pharmaceutical companies in NJ and USA. Additionally, he has network with many corporations in NJ, NY USA spanning across sectors. He has network and connections with executives at HSBC Bank USA and Capgemini USA (who are one of their vendors).
Being in one of the oldest pharmaceutical brands that has presence in most of the World countries, he has network and connections with USPTO (as they regularly file new pharmaceutical product patent applications), direct conversational relationship with Director – Head of USPTO and his connections are strong with White House, USA President and their staff. In a conversation, he had mentioned they practically own a good portion of New Jersey (with some 30 offices) and pretty much dictate terms to and run New Jersey Government. They truly even provide directions (orders) to White House and USA Government. Capitalism has run USA for over 100 years now.
He and Michael Comprelli of J&J USA, have worked very closely with USPTO to get the “Prior art” (of Cobb, Price, Saenger & Hale) created and inserted into USPTO production database; in a coordinated, well planned, well thought out global fraud to block my inventions global IP rights, from across 61 Non-USA countries.
His work is directly blocking and negatively effecting the ‘Global economy’ and in particular that of 61 Non-USA countries where I have sought IP rights protection to my invention.
J&J have filed a response in the Court, however, are yet to admit the globally visible fraud which is proven beyond any reasonable doubt. He (along with his company and peer pharmaceutical companies of USA – e.g., Pfizer Pharmaceuticals or Abbott Pharmaceuticals) have worked with all power and influence across the state of New Jersey to methodically drug me via food poisoning and shoot audios, videos, audio-visuals or movies, to frame me negatively. Further using their global brand name and image they may have “Negatively framed me” at United Nations. Such content automatically attracts privacy invasion charges and food poisoning charges. They have observed my lifestyle, food habits, grocery shopping patterns for years and drugged me based on my patterned food shopping. Their work of drugging me and framing me has gone on for years. I want United Nations and all the 191 other countries to make a note of this.
Who is Heidi Pote? A person who is inspired by ‘Adolf Hitler’. She wants to be the ‘Adolf Hitler’ of 21st century.

An American citizen who is a VP at HSBC Bank USA. She is supposed to be German American. Certainly, shares some traits with a past German dictator. She is based out of New Jersey, USA.
She is an ultra-racist, white supremacist American who has made it her mission to block my work, invention and thus block the economic growth of 61 Non-American countries. In particular, she is anti-India, she is anti-Hindu and wants to make sure India remains a poor country.
She cannot tolerate the success of copper skin toned, Hindu Indian citizen, at any cost. If she were to be a member of a secret society, it would be KKK.
HSBC Bank USA has attained and reached an unbelievable state of arrogance, that only largest Banks in America have and supported by the unlimited printing of USD currency. Heidi Pote and HSBC Bank USA think they can do anything to anyone, anywhere in the World and they have made it a mission to turn the planet into a lawless World. Their mission is to control and keep all World countries as slave nations.
Heidi Pote and HSBC Bank USA have been the financial muscle in this collaboration and heist plot. They have poured Billions of USD into India in the form of bribes to relentlessly target me and block my work for the past several years. Their blocking of my work started in USA and continued in India.
Heidi Pote and HSBC Bank USA have financed Billions of USD by an ROI calculation model. You could calculate yourself as to how much printed currency could be throw, how many dirty angles you could create to target one person, how many people, how many organizations could you buy out overall, to steal and complete the heist of Trillions, 93 Trillion to be precise.
Heidi Pote has made it her mission to destroy the future of all Indian citizens and further block the economic growth of 61 Non-USA countries.
HSBC Bank USA is yet to show up in the court and file their response. Hopefully either them or Hulsey lawyers would file papers admitting their fraud and meeting my prayer demands at the earliest possible date. They will save themselves the complete exposure of their heist plot to all countries and world citizens at global forums like United Nations. I hope they are wise and meet my prayer demands in the court case.
Who is Bill Schreiner?
An American citizen who is a VP at Capgemini USA. He is based out of Chicago, USA.
As most of the IT services companies, in view of their pipeline revenue projections and pure business and commercial interests, they are complete slaves to their clients.
In this context Bill Schreiner and Capgemini USA were complete slaves and were at the beck and command of their two client corporations HSBC Bank USA and Johnson & Johnson USA. Upon the instructions and collaboration of their client corporations, Bill Schreiner and Capgemini USA made it their mission to use all their employees to impose severe racial discrimination, harassment and abuse me to a point so that I quit the organization.
Further, they fully collaborated with their client corporations and worked in every way possible to frame me negatively at work (professionally) and even in personal life.
Bill Schreiner made it the mission of his life to destroy my life and block my invention. Thus, his mission could be explained as a mission to destroy India, the future of its citizens and block the economic progress of 61 Non-USA countries.
Capgemini USA have shown up in the Court, however, are yet to admit their fraud, which is visible to the entire World and proven beyond any reasonable doubt. Hopefully, they would admit their fraud and meet my prayer demands at the earliest possible date. They will save themselves the complete exposure of their heist plot to all countries and world citizens at global forums like United Nations. I hope they are wise and meet my prayer demands in the court case.
Few others
The others in the four USA defendant organizations include Mr. Ken Harvey (of HSBC Bank USA – Photo unavailable), Ms. Chris Anetz (of HSBC Bank USA), Mr. Michael Comprelli (of Johnson & Johnson USA) and Mr. Roy Stansbury (of Capgemini USA). They joined hands with their colleagues mentioned above and fully collaborated in this plot of global wealth heist; to ensure the rest of the world remain as slave nations and that no progress & development reaches the 61 Non-USA countries the IP rights of which have been blocked, in a deliberate fraud.

Who is Roy Stansbury? A person who is inspired by ‘Adolf Hitler’. He wants to be the ‘Adolf Hitler’ of 21st century.

The PETS used by USA and UK
Due to unlimited USD printing in USA and HSBC Bank USA access to such printed currency, they bribed a lot of people in India. They have also fueled ‘religious divide’ and financed it. They attempted to turn the minority 20% (four religions) against the majority Hindus at 80% in India. Despite their attempts I must say that all of India and the other 191 countries in the World will unite in their support of ‘Project Earthling©’ and ‘United Nations Global Governance Model 2020©’. Four of these corporations employees from four minority Indian religions, named here were used to respectively lobby their religious community to fuel divide (by financing it) and destroy India.
Who is Aftab Ullah?
A VP at Capgemini USA, who was transferred to India for few years to roll-out and implement their work in India. Being a muslim, he was used to lobby some of his religious network in India to target me and block my work.
He must realize that he is committing treason against India and inciting his religious minorities against India’s interests. Of course, this is assuming that he has taken Indian citizenship. If he is a USA citizen, he is nothing but another minority slave in USA. India does not have to worry about such people and must safely ignore them.
I request him to identify himself, his interests and those of his religious people in India; on their patriotism and loyalty as to where it resides. I request him to watch the ‘Negative Tactic Video 10’ in the ‘Appeals to the World’ webpage.
If he is indeed an Indian citizen, then I suggest that he has his employer (Capgemini USA) admit their fraud in court and thus remove the roadblock they have created for my global IP rights and its related wealth.
Who is Cyprian D’Souza?
People Officer at Capgemini India, who was used to roll-out and implement their work in India. Being a converted christian, he was used to lobby some of his religious network in India to target me and block my work. Indian Christians are known to directly report to USA, UK and Vatican with no sense of patriotism or loyalty towards India.
He must realize that he is committing treason against India and inciting his religious minorities against India’s interests. Of course, this is assuming that he has taken Indian citizenship. If he is a USA citizen, he is nothing but another minority (by color) slave in USA. India does not have to worry about such people and must safely ignore them.
I request him to identify himself, his interests and those of his religious people in India; on their patriotism and loyalty as to where it resides. I request him to watch the ‘Negative Tactic Video 10’ in the ‘Appeals to the World’ webpage.
If he is indeed an Indian citizen, then I suggest that he has his employer (Capgemini USA) admit their fraud in court and thus remove the roadblock they have created for my global IP rights and its related wealth.
Through this Christian and D’Souza network, they got a grip on Indian largest media network ‘Times Group’. A Faye D’Souza of Mirror Now is a key link between USA and Times network in India to block my work. What I am saying is Times group has been bought out by USA Corporations and they have controlled them in the last decade.
Who is Vivek Jain?
An employee at Capgemini USA, who was used to roll-out and implement their work in India. Being a jain, he was used to lobby some of his religious network in India to target me and block my work.
He must realize that he is committing treason against India and inciting his religious minorities against India’s interests. Of course, this is assuming that he has taken Indian citizenship. If he is a USA citizen, he is nothing but another minority slave in USA. India does not have to worry about such people and must safely ignore them.
I request him to identify himself, his interests and those of his religious people in India; on their patriotism and loyalty as to where it resides. I request him to watch the ‘Negative Tactic Video 10’ in the ‘Appeals to the World’ webpage.
If he is indeed an Indian citizen, then I suggest that he has his employer (Capgemini USA) admit their fraud in court and thus remove the roadblock they have created for my global IP rights and its related wealth.
Who is Manoj Panwar?
A manager at HSBC Bank USA, who was used to roll-out and implement their work in India. Being a sikh, he was used to lobby some of his religious network in India to target me and block my work.
He is a USA citizen, and is another minority slave in USA. India does not have to worry about such people and must safely ignore them. Treason against India does not apply to him, as such anti-India actions would come naturally to him due to pet biscuits (bribes) thrown at him.
I request him to identify himself, his interests and those of his religious people in India; on their patriotism and loyalty as to where it resides. I request him to watch the ‘Negative Tactic Video 10’ in the ‘Appeals to the World’ webpage.
If he still calls himself an NRI (thinking of some imaginary link to birthland with no sense of connection to it), then I suggest that he has his employer (HSBC Bank USA) admit their fraud in court and thus remove the roadblock they have created for my global IP rights and its related wealth. It is same as a pet trying to convince its owner to change their psyche.
Why are these people ‘Public Enemies’ of all 191 world countries?
Most of these people are not just the ‘Public enemies of me’, but also the ‘public enemies’ or 191 world countries. The factual and documented reasons are the following:
- Breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty, a legal agreement and legal understanding signed by 153 countries, for the ‘economic growth, progress & development’ of their own countries by way of inventions and discoveries of their own citizens. These people do not respect law; and behave like rouges to block any good from happening to the other 191 world countries.
- They have selectively delivered economic success, progress & development, to countries who want to remain their slaves and by other commonalities. The uncommon countries (to their traits and likings) are left to die with no prospects; and further are abused in any which way they want. It is time the 191 world countries returned their favor in the upcoming decades.
People like Heidi Pote, Randy McDaniels, Roy Stansbury take inspiration from ‘Adolf Hitler’ and idolize him. They believe in torturing humanity by drugs and poison, and they enjoy, take sadistic pleasure in medical torture of people and even conducting ‘concentration camps’ like group torture as was done by Adolf Hitler. The psycho state of USA, UK, and their citizens is now near incurable and almost every citizen of these two countries are like Adolf Hitler of 20th century; and competing to be the ‘Adolf Hitler’ of 21st century. Germany would be relieved, as the Adolf Hitler of 21st century can only come from USA or UK.
Public enemies listed above have bribed a lot of people to destroy my work, destroy India’s future, block Economic growth of India, and block the prosperity of Hindus living in India. This includes:
Some NRI-ABCD population living in USA and maybe in UK, who suffer with many mental diseases, and could be termed as psychos tortured by American psychos. Their names are listed in the ‘Neutralize negative tactics lawsuit’ that could be accessed at the website link:, in the ‘Introduction of defendants section’ under defendants D1, D2, D3, D4, and D7. These citizens of US, who because of lack of fitment, live like alienated losers in those countries, have taken a lot of bribes from the public enemies listed above (suitcases filled with USD-$ as bribes) and have come to India by attaching the word Indian to themselves and are intentionally destroying the future of this country.
The bribe takers may also include:
Some Indian citizens, holding Indian passport, and living in India that have succumbed to greed, taken bribes (suitcases filled with USD-$ as bribes) from the public enemies listed above and attempted to state lies, target me, thus indirectly destroying my work, destroying India’s future, blocking Economic growth of India, and blocking the prosperity of Hindus living in India. These could be people who were once up on a time related to me, or once up on a time friends to me. No such person has confronted me in the court yet. Any Indian citizen, holding Indian passport, and living in India; who would look to target my work, will undoubtedly be linked to some bribes or benefits (cash bribe, job promotion, vacation packages, business deals, contracts, franchisees, or other similar) received by them or their families. I shall prove this in the court. Additionally, such people will be hit with several CPC sections which establish them as people conducting anti-India activities, people involved in anti-India terrorism, people committing Treason against India, and people intentionally blocking the progress, development, economic growth of India, and people intentionally blocking the prosperity of Hindus living in India.
Nasscom and Indian employees of public enemy companies listed above are a whole another problem. They have to live like slaves and take orders of their bosses in head offices. I will finally give these slaves independence and freedom by taking Project Earthling(c) live and decentralizing the 193 countries.
Visual representation of the ‘Diabolical plot’ of my public enemies.
Here are some visuals of how USA, UK and their citizens lead by Heidi Pote, Chrys Anetz, Ken Harvey, Randy McDaniels, Mike Comprelli, Roy Stansbury, Bill Schreiner and their pets (some home grown animals who they give treats-bribes) have attempted to use ‘Five prong’ supremacy plan, to control all 191 world countries; thus creating 191 slave countries. The ‘Five prong’ approach includes using any tactic to control the world countries like slaves; the five chosen supremacy areas to control being Political, Financial, Pharmaceutical, (poison) Ivy league, and filmy.

End of their ‘Diabolical plot’. I have delivered real freedom and independence to all 191 world countries.
End of their diabolical plot. The world will vote for ‘Project Earthling©’ and take it live. Thus destroying, tearing apart and shattering this psycho ‘Adolph Hitler’ inspired diabolical plot (of Heidi Pote, Chrys Anetz, Ken Harvey, Randy McDaniels, Mike Comprelli, Roy Stansbury, Bill Schreiner, and their pets) to keep 191 countries as slaves. The 191 countries will make the two countries of USA and UK as their pets for many decades to come. The difference being, in this case the pets will not be getting any treats or bribes. They will have to work hard to earn their Earthlings.
Combined USA effort; however no cause of action on people who were aware of the fraud and knowingly allowed it to happen. Remember that USA has moved to capitalism (from democracy) long ago and political leaders (white house) report to USA corporations.
USPTO however independent, have committed the fraud with the full knowledge and awareness of USA corporate world and USA political world. The USA and UK leaders were involved because of 930 Trillion value from my invention of US 8,910,998 (Vehicle Color Change technology) by conservative estimate is sitting in the center of the World. The USA leaders in this coalition of my enemies who are relevant since year 2007 are George Bush Jr., Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Donald Trump. The UK leaders in this coalition would be Mr. Tony Blair and Mr. Boris Johnson. I have put their photographs in this page. All these photographs are from online search results. Despite a combined USA effort,
Neither the USA politicians nor the USA corporations have a direct ‘Cause of action’ on them and hence (despite their involvement and support to the fraud), will not have to answer me, India, Hindus living in India; in the court.
Leaders of USA and UK that were brought into this coalition by the three USA Corporations, to target me at different times, after my invention of Vehicle Color Change Technology was done in Quarter one of 2007. From USA, George Bush Jr, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton. From UK, Tony Blair, and Teresa May.

At the core, these ‘Public enemies’ want to target Hindus living in India, Nepal, and their hidden agenda is to terminate Hinduism religion by murdering all Hindus in India and Nepal, and attempt to use their harvested organs.
The public enemies listed above hate the religion of Hinduism, hate all Hindus, and consider them as inferior citizens, out of pure jealousy, racism, and hatred. Their hatred might have magnified with the fact that there are only two Hindu majority countries in the world, India, and Nepal, and this might have lead them to other ulterior questionable motives. Defamation and later termination of Hinduism has been in the agenda of usa-uk since the beginning of 20th century, and they lobbied the other populous religion islam into this agenda by around middle of 20th century. Call this the united front of usa-uk-saudi-uae.
Given the ‘Nothing to do, idle minds with wealth in these countries’, they started to make fun of Hindu religious gods such as Ganesha, the one with elephants face, Hanuman, the one they call money god, the depiction of ardhanareeshwara, a united shiva-parvathi image, and other. Further the Hindu god Brahma with four heads, and some characters from Hindu epics such as Ravana with 10 heads are all made fun off, to defame Hinduism. The idle minds did not stop there. They wanted to see if they could medically see if such fusions are possible, by using advanced medical sciences.
This brings me to define the current day advances in medical sciences that are available with usa, and I ask for the readers to add the nano technology and its advances to this write up to understand what is really possible today. usa doctors, pharmaceutical companies, few listed in this page, might want to find a human subject to see if they could fix a baby elephants head to this selected subject. They want to try if they could stitch two humans cut in vertical halves to become one person which could be brought alive. Add other wild imaginations of taking a young adult human heart and fixing into another person to give the recipient a second life. Such imagination might have stemmed from what is shown in a movie such as ‘Indiana Jones and the temple of doom’. Identify that the movie title is the temple of doom, and not the church of doom, or mosque of doom. Are Hindus chosen for such real life medical experiments? Write to me if you know about such attempts by any usa corporation or usa medical practitioner or generally by any american citizen.
Here is more about ‘Heart transplant’. Advances in medical sciences have come to a point of managing all human vital organs, say a dozen of them for well beyond 100 years, say 200 years. The limit on human life is set by ‘Human heart’ that is supposed to stop functioning around 90 years of human age. Brain could also possibly be managed to function beyond 100 years, however its abilities beyond 100 years could be significantly degenerated. Assuming brain along with other organs could be managed, a 25 year old young male adults heart which is expectedly going to live on for at least 65 more years, when harvested, and transplanted into an about to die 85 year old subject; will give this old subject a second life by adding 65 more years to him. Many old about to die americans might be looking for younger heart to COMMIT MURDER and get a second life. This leaves citizens of other 192 countries vulnerable with usd ($) monopoly. Assuming brain and other organs are managed, the old american might live well into the second life. The murdered and recipient could be male or female. Once again, write to me and more importantly your local government and leader, if you know about such attempts by any usa corporation or usa medical practitioner or generally by any american citizen. My reforms will stop such anti-human activities or murders from happening.
We are in an era of available technology that is in the present to do a ‘Heart transplant’ for the recipient to get a second life. They might even be close to ‘Brain transplant’. Will usa end what is defined by the word humanity in this decade? Will the 192 other countries allow it? Embracing my macroeconomic and macro-governance reforms will arrest such attempts and allow all 192 others countries to protect their own citizens from such american attempts. Read the website webpages of Project Earthling(c) and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c) and take them live at the earliest.
Visit the website webpage, review the macroeconomic reform and bring it to 193 country decisive voting. This will begin to save the humanity, and protect the world citizens.
Visit the website webpage, review the macro-governance reform and bring it to 193 country decisive voting. This will deliver the correct governance so that the citizens of all countries could first live their own lives.