Add on freebie for USPTO-USA – Next Generation version of American Football

The sale price of the USPTO national patent application # 14/610,195 – A NEXT GENERATION VERSION OF PLAYING AMERICAN FOOTBALL SPORT is valued at 100 Billion $. This will be given as a Freebie upon the execution of Srinivas-Hirshfeld agreement, as explained in this page. An image of its publication is given here.

WIPO Patent scope search result page. You can access description, claims, drawings and documents.

I do not intend to have any operations in USA in future. Hence, I do not want to own any assets in USA. Given this, I am offering the following ‘Freebie’ and a purchasing option for USPTO, when they execute the Srinivas-Hirshfeld agreement.

Freebie for USPTO – USA

Patent application 14/610,195 for Next generation version of American Football Sport; AND
the Governing rights to Next Generation American Football within USA territory for the patent application tenure of years 2015 to 2035. A net 100 Billion value, will be given as a FREEBIE by executing a separate sale agreement A for agreement value of $100.

By year 2034, USA must establish a legal binding with the Next generation American Football governing authority established by me in India, which shall have member meeting assembly in Nepal the only other Hindu country in the world. The Legal binding options could be to join the 50-50 financial model described in the PCT application webpage; OR to procure the governing rights for the Next generation American Football sport for USA territory for a block of 100 years starting with year 2015, which is the filing priority year to my PCT application. The sale price for the same shall be provided up on their inquiry to procure.

Access to file wrapper. Full history of patent application # 14/610,195.

The Next generation version of American Football application can be searched & viewed by everyone at WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Patent scope, by searching on Publication ID 20160220878. Its USPTO patent application # is 14610195.

All activity, documents related to USPTO application # 14/610,195 could be viewed on USPTO Public Pair system (link given here) by searching on Application number 14610195.

This patent would have resulted in a grant. However, due to the worldwide fraud (and breach of Patent cooperation Treaty) by USPTO, I filed a response without filing an RCE (Request for Continued examination) and abandoned this application. The last set of clean claims (only system claims) as filed in the response can be accessed in the PDF file at the following link given below. Rest of the PTO’s in the World, WIPO can do their own evaluation and would realize that this patent would have been a grant by any PTO in the World. The full thread of communications between me and USPTO could be accessed at the Public Pair link given above.