WA 983 of 2024, Writ Appeal for execution of 62 sale agreements.

The following Writ Appeal WA 983 of 2024, was filed with the Honorable High court of Karnataka on 1-7-2024.

The entire Writ Appeal, as filed is accessible here in these attached files.

This Appeal is requesting the Honorable court to issue the ‘Interim prayer’ orders immediately, and adjourn the WA for issuing orders for the execution of 62 sale agreements.

This Appeal is arising out of the orders issued by the Honorable court for WP 13823/2023, and WP 12356/2023, attached Annexures A and B. The WA prayer itself is for the prayer from WP 13823/2023, the entire Writ Petition accessible at the website weblink https://srinivasdevathi.com/writ-petition-for-execution-of-62-sale-agreements/. According to orders of the Honorable court dated 6-8-2024, I delivered a copy of the entire WP 13823/2024 to the respondent on 9-8-2024. The same was filed with the Honorable court with a memo on 9-7-2024.

Activity on 9-7-2024

According to the Writ Appeal scrutiny branch office compliance request, to include the full copy of the WP 13823/2023 with the WA, I filed the following memo, enclosing the entire WP 13823/2023, along with all the memos filed for the WP, including the objections filed by the respondent. The four page memo, along with the verifying affidavit, were stitched with volume 1 of the WP 13823/2023. The WP was filed in four volumes. The memo filed is attached here. This status detail posted on 4-1-2025.

Activity on 31-7-2024

Honorable court dispensed the office objections. This status detail posted on 4-1-2025.

Activity on 6-8-2024

The Honorable court directed me to deliver a copy of the entire WP 13823/2023, to the respondent. Listed the WA for 21-8-2024. This status detail posted on 4-1-2025.

Activity on 9-8-2024

I delivered a copy of entire WP 13823/2023 to the respondent, the memo filed with the Honorable court on date 9-7-2024. This status detail posted on 4-1-2025.

Activity on 21-8-2024

While the status in the cause list, indicated that the WA is posted for orders, I did explicitly request the Honorable court, Honorable Chief Justice, that they grant me the ‘Interim Prayer’ orders, and adjourn the WA for an October date, when I could present the status to the Honorable court, about the receipt of ‘Consent letter’, and the filing of the ‘Original Suit’. Upon this request for issuing the Interim relief orders, the Honorable court posted the WA for orders on 9-9-2024.

Activity on 9-9-2024

Since there was no sitting in CH 1, the WA was listed in the cause list 2 of CH 2, serial number 41, posted for orders. I have come to understand that, when the Honorable court posts any case for orders, they do not expect the presence of the parties. Given the cause list serial number, I was in the court for afternoon session, in case the serial number is called. The court office indicated that the WA is adjourned for 24-10-2024. Expecting that the ‘Daily orders’ for 9-9-2024 would indicate grant of interim prayer orders, given that the WA is adjourned to an October date. Daily orders will update within a day or two.

Activity on 18-9-2024

With reference to ‘adjournment by re-notify on 24-10-2024’, I was in CH 2, requesting the Honorable court to grant the ‘Interim prayer’ orders, and the Honorable court instructed that it must be taken up at CH 1.

Activity on 19-9-2024

I appeared in CH 1, and stated that I would file Memo under order VI rule 17 of CPC, Amendments of Pleadings, by correctly reflecting paragraph 27, while the prayer 27(A) through 27(DD), including Interim prayer, would remain exactly the same, so that the Honorable court could issue the Interim relief orders, immediately.

Activity on 23-9-2024

I filed the following ‘Memo under order VI, rule 17 of CPC, with the Honorable court.

Activity on 24-9-2024

I delivered a copy of the ‘Memo filed under order VI rule 17 of CPC’ to the respondent. Based on my statements about filing a memo, on 19-9-2024, the Honorable Chief Justice indicated the court would allow some time for me to speak on 24-9-2024, after filing the memo. While the WA was not listed in the cause list, the Honorable Chief Justice allowed me time to present the legal facts, and legal statements related to urgency of receiving ‘Interim prayer’ orders. I presented the following facts in few minutes.

  • That I delivered a copy of the memo filed on 23-9-2024, to respondent.
  • That the Honorable court has already recognized the ’cause of action’, breach of PCT committed by US PTO on 5-8-2015, with full documented evidence, and beyond reasonable doubt. Hence, issuing the orders attached as Annexure B with this WA.
  • Walking through the Interim prayer, in four groups, urgency for Interim prayer 27(O) for filing the OS at the Honorable High court of Karnataka, at the earliest was indicated.
  • For Interim prayer 27(P) and 27(Q), grant orders for data security, and my personal security, given the wealth, caused liability payable to me, already known the Honorable court, the conservative estimate, my security is INDIA’S National and Economic Security. Hence these Interim orders should be issued immediately.
  • In the documents, I have already introduced Internal cage, dangerous Serum Technology, External cage, and hence the investigation Interim prayer point orders for 27(R) to 27(CC), to neutralize the negative tactics of my public enemies, must be issued so that the investigation is initiated immediately. Further, the Honorable court might grant the respondent few months for the investigation, and hence there is urgency to issue these orders immediately.
  • The time that would be granted by the Honorable court for ‘Independent valuation’ of respondent, INDIA Central Government could also be few months, and hence Interim prayer orders for 27(DD) should also be granted immediately.

Upon sharing the legal facts, and urgency to receive the ‘Interim prayer’ orders, the Honorable Chief Justice indicated that the adjourned date will stay, and the WA is posted for orders on that date. Also indicated to me that procedurally, to advance a court date in WA, an IA must be filed by me, and that the memo for posting was for fresh matters. WA posted for orders on 24-10-2024.

Activity on 24-10-2024

The Honorable court did not call the WA, cause list 81, since it was posted for orders. The Honorable court indicated that since this court CH 1 does not have the time to issue orders today, 24-10-2024, asked me if I want it transfered to another bench for grant of orders sooner, or immediately. I stated yes, and the Honorable court has posted it for orders with the Administrative Justice to issue orders. I expect the Interim relief orders would be granted within the next few days.

The WA is posted for issuing ‘Interim relief’ ORDERS with Honorable Justice K. S. Mudagal and Vijaykumar A. Patil, at CH 5. I expect the orders to be granted this week. Waiting for the daily orders to be updated, indicating the grant of Interim relief orders.

Activity on 7-11-2024

I read the daily orders issued on 4-11-2024, that posted on website. I was surprised to read that the orders gave time to comply with office objections. I went to the Honorable court, CH 5, and immediately presented the status to the Honorable Justice K. S. Mudagal, and Vijaykumar A. Patil, that I have already complied with the office objections, and I want to address the question of ‘urgency’ for grant of Interim prayer orders. The Honorable court recorded the same, and stated that I shall be given the necessary hearing time on 20-11-2024, and grant Interim relief orders.

Activity on 20-11-2024

The cause list serial number 8 was called, and the Honorable court stated I have not complied with objections. Upon showing the ‘stamped seal receipt’ of my copy of the memo attaching the entire WP 13823 of 2023, the Honorable court wanted to check this, since they have for some reason not received this full copy of the WP, that I filed on 9-7-2024. I also stated that a copy was handed over to the respondent. I returned to the Honorable court in the afternoon at 2:30pm to present the further details related to urgency in receiving the ‘interim relief’ orders. The court office called me and asked me for the phone number of the respondent advocate, and I provided the same. At 2:30pm, The Honorable court received the memo that I filed on 9-7-2024. The office for some reason did not deliver this memo until today. While I intended to present the details of annexures which clearly indicated the urgency in receiving the ‘interim relief orders’, the interaction turned more conversational, with several questions, remarks, statements, and answers between me, respondent, and the Honorable court.

After the interactive session, and switching between various memos and annexures in the WP 13823/2023, and WA 983/2024, Interim prayer in WP, Interim prayer in WA, orders issued by the court for WP 12356/2023, and orders issued by the court for WP 13823/2023, the following facts were arrived at.

  • The Honorable court, CH 5, Honorable Justice K.S.Mudagal and Honorable Justice Vijaykumar A. Patil, are in receipt of the entire WP 13823/2023 that was filed on 9-7-2024. A copy of the same was delivered to the respondent on 9-8-2024. They acknowledged.
  • The Honorable court confirmed that I have complied with office objection.
  • The Honorable court, after questioning, confirmed that the WA 983/2024 was the appeal filed to set aside the impugned orders issued for WP 13823/2023.
  • Finally, the Honorable court confirmed that this WA will now not be dismissed.

During the course of the conversation, I presented the following legal facts to the Honorable court, which were recorded.

For urgency of receiving ‘Interim relief orders’.

  • The breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty is recognized by the Honorable court with full documented evidence.
  • The WP 13823/2023 was to take the recognized ’cause of action’ to its LEGAL RESOLUTION, by issuing orders for executing the 62 sale agreements. Since the ’cause of action’ was recognized by the Honorable court, I expected ‘Interim prayer orders’ would be granted for WP 13823/2023, and the WP adjourned for the execution of 62 sale agreements. However, the impugned orders were issued for WP 13823/2023.
  • The WP 13823/2023 was posted for orders on 25-1-2024.
  • For WP 13823/2023, I filed a ‘memo for production of additional documents’ on 7-3-2024, with annexures O1, U1, W2, and EE1. The reasoning for URGENCY in granting ‘interim relief orders’ is clearly described in detail in annexures U1, and EE1. This is for the immediate consideration for the Honorable court for this WA 983/2024.
  • For WP 13823/2023, I filed a ‘memo for production of additional documents’ on 27-5-2024, with annexures M2, Q1, EE2, and FF. The reasoning for URGENCY in granting ‘interim relief orders’ is clearly described in detail in annexure EE2, where I describe ‘Serum technology dangers in the form of 43 case studies’. This is for the immediate consideration for the Honorable court for this WA 983/2024. Annexure FF is a copy of the ‘Original Suit’ I intend to file with Honorable court, since the court is in possession of full documented evidence. This is for the prayer point 27(O).
  • These annexures that I referred to in the copy of WP 13823/2023 which is in possession of the Honorable court, clearly indicate the urgency in the ‘Interim relief orders’ claimed 27(O), 27(P), Investigation prayer points 27(R) to 27(BB).
  • I indicated that the worstation requested at the High court premises was for data back up, for additional security, given the details of external cage. This is for prayer point 27(Q).
  • I indicated that such highest investment, latest of negative technology tactics were used at me, due to the sale price valuation of my invention ‘Systems and Methods’. And that I have chosen conservative 93 Trillion Earthlings as the sale price spread across the 62 sale agreements.
  • I indicated that prayer 27(DD) was sought wherein I have requested the respondent to give ‘Their independent valuation’ for the sale price of my invention ‘Systems and Methods’. Further stated that I have furnished the details of energy data for usa, for calculations related to ‘Thermal Insulation application energy savings’. And the respondent, being a Division of Ministry of External Affairs will have access to the other 61 World countries, and their country energy data, allowing them to come up with their independent, accurate estimate. The respondent in the conversation mentioned the number of 150 Trillion Earthlings to me and the Honorable court. Seemingly indicating that I have chosen conservative estimate sale price. We must wait for their written response statement upon the Honorable court orders for the ‘Interim relief’.

Other Legal facts brought to the notice of the Honorable court.

  • The Honorable court gave six months time to respondent to issue the sought ‘Consent letter’. The six months timeline set at 14-12-2024.
  • The Patent Cooperation Treaty that is breached is signed by 157 World countries, and this is in front of all the 157 World countries.
  • Since all these above facts were mentioned, indicated, I suggested the WA be adjourned posted for orders, and not dismissed, since the full documented evidence is included in WP 13823/2023.
  • The Honorable court confirmed that the WA will not be dismissed and posted for orders on an upcoming date. No specific date was indicated to me.

Activity on 25-11-2024

After reading the daily orders for hearing date 20-11-2024, that posted on website on 23-11-2024, I write the following legal summary.

Taking the recognized cause of action to LEGAL RESOLUTION, on the basis of ‘the combination of’ orders issued for WP 12356/2023 and Patent Cooperation Treaty, the agreement that is breached.

WA 983/2024 is filed arising from the orders issued by the Honorable court dated 14-6-2024, for WP 12356/2023, recognizing the breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty committed by ‘united states patent and trademark office’, on 5-8-2015. The WA 983/2024, all its prayer points including the Interim prayer were sought on the basis of the legal agreement, Patent Cooperation Treaty which is signed by 157 World countries, which is breached by US PTO recognized according to orders for WP 12356/2023, and the provisions of the Treaty, PCT Preamble directly, specifically the phrase ‘contribution to the progress of science and technology’. With the combination of orders issued for WP 12356/2023 and Patent Cooperation Treaty, the agreement that is breached, the prayer sought including the Interim prayer is for the LEGAL RESOLUTION of this recognized ’cause of action’.

  • In INDIA, the scientific and technological capability for identifying, tracing, defining the molecular structure / chemical formula, and tagging as evidence for the Honorable court, usage of Internal cage used against all human organs by using advanced serum technology, is non existent in the current year.
  • In INDIA, the scientific and technological capability for identifying, tracing, defining the molecular structure / chemical formula, and tagging as evidence for the Honorable court, usage of Brain cage used against all regions of human brain by using advanced serum technology, is non existent.
  • In INDIA, the scientific and technological capability for identifying, tracing, dismantling, and tagging as evidence for the Honorable court, usage of External cage used against target subjects, by electronically surrounding their rooms, houses, offices, and car/vehicle, is non existent.
  • In INDIA, the scientific and technological capability for recognizing, dismantling, reporting, and tagging as evidence for the Honorable court, usage of the Life cage, combination of Internal, Brain, and External cages used against target subjects, is non existent.

These are introduced and described by me in Annexures U1, EE1, and EE2 of WP 13823/2023. This status of scientific and technological capability, is mutatis mutandis same, for the vast majority of the 191 World countries.

My Prayer in the WA, includes the fact that I would build the necessary Scientific and Technological capability, according to the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty by ‘contribution to the progress of science and technology’, from the liability claim wealth from the breached agreement, by establishing STUN, Special Technology Unit, to deal with these rouge threats used against me, and INDIA, with its separate divisions for Internal cage, Brain cage, External cage, and combination usage Life cage, while taking the cause of action to LEGAL RESOLUTION. INDIA should have established ‘Molecular Science and Technology Research Facility’, about 100 years ago, further dwelling into advances by way of using micro, and nano technologies usage in combination.

With 1.2 Billion HINDUS lives at risk, and the existence of religion of HINDUISM threatened, STUN must be established immediately, or certainly at the earliest. My liability claim is inline with orders issued for WP 12356/2023, and the investment of the receipt wealth is in line with PCT provisions. My investments towards ‘progress of science and technology’ in INDIA will allow me to achieve ‘Goal year 30 FE for INDIA’. My work for achieving ‘Goal year 2050 for INDIA’, same as ‘Goal year 30 FE for INDIA’ will have the cascading and replicating benefits for 187 other World countries.

Establishing inherent right, according to constitution of INDIA.

The Honorable Justice cites paragraph 9 of the impugned court orders for WP 13823/2023, referring to the following phrase ‘establish an inherent right in himself’.

Applicable ‘inherent rights’ of me, National of INDIA, citizen of INDIA, include, Article 21 of the constitution of INDIA, ‘Right of privacy is a Fundamental Right’, and Article 51A of the constitution of INDIA, ‘Fundamental Duties’.

I performed my ‘Fundamental Duty’ by pledging 90% of wealth for INDIA, with my contribution according to Annexure E of WA 983/2024, for achieving ‘Goal year 30 FE for INDIA’, which will have cascading effects, and replicating effects to 187 other World countries. Relevant clause within Article 51A include,

  • (d) to defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so;
  • (g) to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures;
  • (h) to develop the scientific temper, humanism, and the spirit of inquiry and reform;
  • (j) to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement.

US PTO denying my Fundamental Right, and blocking me from performing my Fundamental Duties.

US PTO my public enemy, in alliance with rouge usa corporations, introduced in annexure F of WA 983/2024, alone possess the advanced technologies used against me, for Internal caging, Brain caging, External caging, and Life caging.

US PTO with advanced technologies usage is denying me my Fundamental Right to privacy, assured according to Article 21 of constitution of INDIA, and blocking me from performing my Fundamental Duties for my country, INDIA, according to Article 51A of constitution of INDIA. The Interim prayer sought, 27(P) through 27(BB) are to neutralize these negative tactics of US PTO used against me, against my liability pay receipts into my bank account in INDIA, against Union of INDIA, and against the religion of HINDUISM.

Key words in Article 51A, ‘render National service when called upon to do so’, ‘protect and improve natural environment’, ‘Scientific Temper,…. REFORM’ (Reforming and advancing the law enforcement capability in INDIA), and ‘excellence in all spheres of Individual and collective activity’.

My contribution towards progress of science and technology strike several sectors, and technology areas which are listed in the Writ appeal WA 983/2024, that also have relevance for some of the other clause in Article 51A, and deliver necessary impetus for INDIA’S ECONOMIC RISE.

Activity on 26-11-2024

I spoke to WA Pending branch at the Honorable court and they stated they would send the Writ Appeal WA 983/2024 and get it listed for discussion with the Party in person committee.

Activity on 27-11-2024

Party in person committee called me and confirmed that WA 983/2024 is posted for discussion with the committee on 28-11-2024, at 3pm.

Activity on 28-11-2024

The discussion with the committee went on for about an hour, in which the committee dwelled into several legal factors connected with the WA 983/2024. I spoke to them about the following.

  • Patent cooperation Treaty. PCT Preamble provisions ‘contribution to the progress of science and technology’.
  • That I have filed 15 national stage and 2 regional stage applications for protection of my invention patent rights across 61 World countries.
  • Showed them the orders for WP 12356/2023. Six months time given to the respondent ends 14-12-2024, and that I would receive the ‘consent letter’ before that date.
  • With reference to paragraph 9 of impugned orders for WP 13823/2023, the sentence ‘unless he establish an inherent right in himself to claim such reliefs’ was discussed.
  • I explained Article 21 of constitution of INDIA, my Fundamental Right to privacy was denied by uspto.
  • I explained Article 51A of constitution of INDIA, my Fundamental Duties for my country, were blocked by uspto.
  • Under Article 51A, for clause (d), that I am rendering national service by contributing 90% of the wealth for Economic progress of INDIA.
  • Under Article 51A, for clause (h), I referred to the words scientific temper, and reform, and discussed the word ‘reform’ in detail since I would be transforming, reforming, advancing, supported by advanced technologies, the law enforcement capability within INDIA, to deal with all forms of cages.
  • Memo filed by me on 23-9-2024, ‘Memo under order VI, rule 17 of CPC’, was discussed.

By the end of the discussion, the committee shared some general guidance about,

  • Listening when Honorable Justice, or Respondent are speaking.
  • Honorable Justices presiding on Writ Appeal, look for accurate legal points, and that judicial time is precious.
  • Then they declared that I have the full ‘legal competence’ to represent myself as Party in person and hence Form C is reinstated.
  • The committee dictated the report, order which would be attached to the file right in my presence. The report indicated that I represented and argued my case and the Honorable court issued orders in my favor in WP 12356/2023, indicating my legal competence. The report also stated that the Honorable court orders dated 20-11-2024 for WA 983/2024 also ends with the line ‘List after compliance’ suggesting that I have the necessary legal competence. With this report I will be appearing as ‘appellant party in person’ on the upcoming hearing date, WA posted for orders.

Upon the ORDERS of the Honorable court, I am READY to ‘Introduce the Macro Economic reform PROJECT EARTHLING© at World Intellectual Property Organization assembly’, and ‘Execute the 62 sale agreements with the LEADERS of the 62 World countries’.

Activity on 2-12-2024

The WA Pending branch stated that the WA would be sent to WA Scrutiny branch, where I could comply with the office objections.

Activity on 16-12-2024

At the WA Scrutiny branch, I complied with the office objections indicated by the Honorable court in the orders dated 20-11-2024.

Activity on 17-12-2024

I visited the Honorable court, and presented the following status.

  • That in accordance with the orders issued by the court dated 20-11-2024, I met the Party in person committee and after a detailed one hour discussion, they reinstated the Form c, and declared I can represent myself in front of the Honorable court.
  • That I complied with the office objections mentioned in the orders dated 20-11-2024, on 16-12-2024.

I requested the Honorable court to post the WA for orders the same day, today, 17-12-2024, and grant the ‘Interim relief’ orders prayed. The Honorable court indicated that this WA could be listed only after the vacation, and listed it for 6-1-2025.

Activity on 6-1-2025

The WA was not listed in the cause list. I went to CH 5, and Honorable court stated it is not listed as the WA scrutiny has indicated some pending compliance items. They asked me to comply, and they would list the WA. I spoke to WA scrutiny branch, to my shock, they state that Party in person committee has withdrawn Form C. And showed me a report. I stated, in our discussion on 28-11-2024, they, party in parson committee dictated the orders right in my presence, re-instating Form C. I mentioned, I will get this clarified by speaking to the Honorable Justice. I went to CH 5 again at 4pm, and Honorable Justice cites this new report. I mentioned I would speak about this with Honorable Chief Justice. This must be investigated by the Honorable Chief Justice, and if required by getting the last 20 minutes discussion of the Party in person committee meeting dated 28-11-2024, from the PIP committee meeting recording.

FACT recognized by the Honorable court and the World countries. I am the Applicant according to PATENT COOPERATION TREATY ARTICLE 9(1), NATIONAL OF INDIA, and can be the ONLY SELLER to execute the 62 sale agreements, and sell my invention patent rights, and receive the liability sale proceeds into my individual ITB bank account, International Trade and Business Bank account in INDIA. Hence I will never be able to have any one else, including lawyers represent me in this WA 983/2024. I have represented myself in all the earlier cases successfully, and never ever had an issue with the court proceedings. The Honorable Chief Justice knows this. This WA is DIRECTLY, LEGALLY connected with 157 World countries, by way of PATENT COOPERATION TREATY and to their PTO’S. International Bureau, World Intellectual Property Organization, Their Legal Officer, Director General, 61 World country PTO’S all of them know about this WA, and are aware that I alone can sign for the ‘SELLER’ in the 62 sale agreements. I would present all the real, and reasonable LEGAL facts to the Honorable Chief Justice, about this mishap, error by the Party in person committee, so that the Form C is reinstated, and the WA is listed.

Activity on 9-1-2025

I visited the Honorable court, CH 1, and communicated the problem of erroneously issued / changed report by party in person committee, withdrawing the Form C, while they dictated the report in my presence after the party in person committee meeting on 28-11-2024, reinstating Form C. I requested the Honorable Chief Justice to investigate the report, and reinstate the Form C for WA 983/2024, so that the WA could be listed and the respondent can provide the status of ‘Consent Letter’ since I am yet to receive it, according to orders of the Honorable court. This ‘Consent Letter’ was due by 14-12-2024.

I indicated that the Interim relief orders will allow me to organize one of the Banks in INDIA, ‘Science and Technology Financing Bank’, STF Bank, since the legal agreement breached, PATENT COOPERATION TREATY, PREAMBLE has provisions for ‘contribution to the progress of science and technology’. STF Bank will enable me to build the necessary scientific and technological capability, for INDIA, for identifying, tagging as evidence for Honorable Judiciary, and reporting the attacks using Internal and External cages.

Status remarks only, not mentioned to Honorable court. I will have to give a ‘written statement’ to WA Pending branch about this erroneously issued / changed report by party in person committee, and get the WA listed. STF Bank will be merged / integrated into one of the group banks that would be organized in INDIA upon the completion of execution of 62 sale agreements. STUN will be derived from STF Bank financing, and will also support the New World Order councils.

Activity on 24-1-2025

I visited the WA Pending branch to file my Written Statements, for Erroneously issued / changed Party in person committee report, and for Office objections that were already dispensed. They stated that they cannot accept Written Statements and documents at their branch, and directed me to Registrar Judicial, who would provide the procedural next steps. Registrar Judicial, upon hearing the facts and details of the statements I wanted to file, requested that the procedural step would be given to me on 27-1-2025.

Activity on 27-1-2025

Registrar Judicial mentioned that, the documents with the Written Statements that should directly reach the Honorable Chief Justice must be filed through the Tappal Branch of High Court of Karnataka. The documents along with Written Statement will reach the Honorable Chief Justice, and he would investigate, and issue the orders you have sought. I filed the following Written Statements with the Tappal Branch, addressed for the Honorable Chief Justice to investigate and issue the necessary orders.

The Written Statement filed for Erroneously issued / changed Party in person committee report. Includes 14 Documents. 322 pages in all.

The High court of Karnataka Tappal Branch seal acknowledgement, on my copy.

The Written Statement filed for office objections that were already dispensed. 4 pages in all.

The High court of Karnataka Tappal Branch seal acknowledgement, on my copy.

Activity on 4-2-2025

I spoke to the Honorable Chief Justice, and stated the facts about my ‘written statements’ filed on 27-1-2025, with the ‘Tappal branch’, for his kind attention, requesting to reinstate the Form C, and list the Writ Appeal, so that I could receive the Interim relief orders. I also stated that the details regarding the ‘URGENCY’ to receive the ‘Interim relief orders’ were described in the ‘written statement’. The Honorable Chief Justice, stated that I should meet the office and they would list the WA in the appropriate court.

According to the ‘oral orders’ of the Honorable Chief Justice, I met the Registrar Judicial, and mentioned that the WA 983/2024 be listed, after reinstating Form C, WA posted for orders, ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ classification, so that I could receive the ‘interim relief orders’ at the earliest. Registrar Judicial directed her office to bring the Writ Appeal, and stated that it would be listed. And that I would receive a message on my mobile phone, and e-mail about the listing. I mentioned the phone number and e-mail were in the appellant details of the WA.