Writ Petition WP 4851/2023 to get 62 sale agreements executed for full liability claim.

Writ Petition to get 62 sale agreements executed for full liability claim from USPTO and take the macro-reforms Project Earthling(c) and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c) live.

FR no. 4843/2023, filed on 24-02-2023.

On 24-02-2023, I have filed a Writ Petition with the Honorable High Court of Karnataka, which was given an FR no. 4843/2023. WP number to be issued 28-02-2023.

Activity on 28-2-2023. Received Writ Petition number WP 4851/2023.

The High Court of Karnataka, scrutiny branch, compliance team discussed a dozen compliance items list with me. I addressed most of these compliance items and resolved them. The pending compliance items are to create two volumes of the petition given the page count, and to stitch all the schematic visual documents horizontally. I shall comply with this within a couple days.

WP 4851/2023, filed on 24-02-2023.

Activity on 2-3-2023.

The Writ petition filed was split into two volumes with second volume starting from page 275, with its own volume 2 index, of three pages. The two volumes were handed over to the compliance team. The compliance team is to revert with a scheduled meeting with PIP committee, following which the writ is to be scheduled for preliminary hearing.

Activity on 9-3-2023.

Meeting with the Party-In-Person committee concluded. Form C is issued. Subsequently, Board branch scheduled the Writ petition for hearing in CH-16 on 16-3-2023.

Activity on 16-3-2023, in court hall CH-16.

The Honorable court made observations that if I was challenging the orders of trial court in OS 40 of 2022 and OS 41 of 2022, I must consider an RFA instead of writ petition. I requested the honorable court that I needed under 30 minutes to ‘Introduce the writ petition’ and the cause of action. The petition is posted for hearing on 10-4-2023.

Activity on 10-4-2023, in court hall CH-16.

The petition is posted for hearing on 22-5-2023.

Activity on 11-4-2023. Filed the following memo for interim relief.

Activity on 22-5-2023, in court hall CH-14.

Given the classification of the writ petition, ‘IPR – Intellectual Property Rights’, it was listed in court hall CH-14. I introduced the first page of my invention patent us 8,910,998 B1, page 177 of the Writ petition to the Honorable court. The court requested that I give a copy of the memo for ‘Interim relief’ to the ASG advocate. I delivered a copy to the ASG office. The Honorable court advised the ASG advocate to provide a response to the memo of interim relief, and posted the petition for 31-5-2023. The Honorable Judge assured that I would get full time to introduce the writ petition and cause of action on the upcoming court hearing date.

Activity on 31-5-2023.

I introduced the ‘Writ petition’ to the Honorable court. I detailed the ‘breach of patent cooperation treaty articles 18(2) and 19(1) by uspto on 5-8-2015, in their capacity of ISA, by issuing a fabricated ISR to my PCT international application PCT/us2014/046619’. This breach of PCT resulted in loss of my invention patent us 8,910,998 B1 rights across 60 world countries, causing full liability to uspto. The legal resolution by the Honorable courts orders for the execution of 62 sale agreements, one each with each of the 62 countries was also presented. I also shared my communications with the respondent with the Honorable court. Memo filed under order XXVII rule 6 was presented to the Honorable court. Memo filed under order VI rule 17 was presented by discussing the interim relief prayer point 1.

The Honorable court posted the petition for hearing and orders on memo / IA for 6-6-2023.

Activity on 6-6-2023.

I presented annexure W, Trial court suit to be filed. I reviewed the Automotive industry numbers and the application of the invention to other sectors. And how the 17 national / regional stage applications that were filed were chosen. The Honorable court gave direction that, I must first challenge the orders given by the Respondent, and file a separate Writ Petition seeking orders for the ‘Issue of the Consent letter of Indian Government’. Subsequently, the other steps of ‘Filing Writ Petition for execution of 62 sale agreements must be considered’. Then in the orders, The Honorable court dismissed the entire Writ Petition, citing the ‘Memo I filed for the interim relief on 20230411’. This memo costed me the entire Writ Petition. Further, the Honorable court refused to recognize the PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619 in the orders, indicating I have not enclosed the filing receipt of this application in the annexures of the Writ Petition. I must enclose the filing receipts in subsequent steps.

Writ Petition disposed on 6-6-2023.

In accordance with law, and Patent Cooperation Treaty, I am confident that the Honorable High Court of Karnataka will facilitate the execution of 62 sale agreements listed in annexure K and described in annexure L, within this year and next. This will enable me to distribute the wealth to Union of India according to annexure F and annexure G, over the next 12 years. These steps will be taken in two separate steps / Writ Petitions, in accordance with the direction of the Honorable High Court of Karnataka.


Details of OS 41 of 2022 are given here.

FINAL Status of the Lawsuit – Dismissed on 13-10-2022.

Given that this is the ‘Independent valuation suit by Indian competent authorities’ to get a second opinion on the final sale price, the pre-requisite for this is that the proceeding of OS 2487 of 2021 initiates. Since that suit is dismissed citing CPC section 86 and the ‘Consent letter’ not submitted within the 18 month period, the court has dismissed this suit. The court orders uploaded to the Bangalore city civil court website are attached here. I am waiting for the certified true copies of the orders. Essentially, the Honorable court has suggested that I get the estimated sale price of defendant 1, if I must, after the proceeding against USPTO is initiated.

Suit Details.

A new suit which is intended get a second opinion from Indian competent authorities on the sale price to my invention and its worldwide intellectual property rights, was filed on 3-1-2022.

The suit was given the number OS 41 of 2022. The suit as filed is attached here:

Document 1 attached with the suit:

Document 2 attached with the suit:

Status of the suit: Summons stage. Summons to defendants delivered by 22-02-2022. Waiting for WS of D1, D2, and others.

Next hearing date: 13-10-2022.

FINAL Status of the Lawsuit – Dismissed on 13-10-2022.

Given that this is the ‘Independent valuation suit by Indian competent authorities’ to get a second opinion on the final sale price, the pre-requisite for this is that the proceeding of OS 2487 of 2021 initiates. Since that suit is dismissed citing CPC section 86 and the ‘Consent letter’ not submitted within the 18 month period, the court has dismissed this suit. The court orders uploaded to the Bangalore city civil court website are attached here. I am waiting for the certified true copies of the orders. Essentially, the Honorable court has suggested that I get the estimated sale price of defendant 1, if I must, after the proceeding against USPTO is initiated.

Activity on court date 17-1-2022.

IA-1, Memorandum under CPC section 80[2] submitted to the court.

Activity on court date 28-1-2022.

Memorandum for production of additional documents submitted to the court. Three additional documents 8, 9, and 10 were submitted to the court. Details on ‘Cause of action’ and applicable CPC section were shared with the Honorable court.

Activity on 31-01-2022. Honorable court issued orders to summon the defendants. Defendants to R/by 2-03-2022.

Activity on 9-2-2022. By advancing the court date, two memoranda with additional documents submitted along with memorandum of facts.

Activity on 11-2-2022. Honorable court provides some additional clarity to the orders to summon the defendants.

Activity on 15-2-2022. Court issued summons to the defendants.

Activity on 17-2-2022. Court dispatched the summons to the defendants through the India post, EMS speed post.

Activity on 18-2-2022, 19-2-2022, 21-2-2022, and 22-2-2022. Delivery of summons to defendant confirmation.

Activity on 9-6-2022. No court sitting since PO is in training. I was going to submit ‘Objections to IA filed by D2, SIAM’, and a Memo. I must submit these on the next court date 17-8-2022.

Activity on 17-08-2022. I filed the attached Memorandum under order V rule 3(1) of CPC to the court. I also filed objections to IA filed by D2, SIAM. D1 sought more time to file WS. D5 and D6 filed their WS by which they will not be providing their independent estimate to the court.

Activity on 30-8-2022. Documents 3A and 11 were submitted to the Honorable court. Shared the details of the lawsuit with the Honorable court. Arguments on IA with D6 and D2 concluded. My arguments against IA of D6, extend to D5 and D7 also.

Activity on 26-9-2022. Defendants 11 and 12 filed IA’S.