PCT international application details.
I have an interesting PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) application & publication for 30 Next Generation global Sports. The PCT Application # is PCT/IB2016/050325.
The PCT international application PCT/IB2016/050325 was filed on 22-01-2016, its publication could be accessed at the following weblink:
The WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) publication ID is WO2016120766. You can also search and read about all 30 next generation global sports at the WIPO Patent scope by searching on the publication ID WO2016120766. An image of the search result page is given here. Scroll down the page to watch a video on this publication by me.

The 30 next generation sports discussed and disclosed in the PCT application are the ‘Next Generation Versions’ of current day mono-prop sports of American Football, Australian Football, Badminton, Bandy, Baseball, Basketball, Canadian Football, Cricket, Field Hockey, Gaelic Football, Handball, Hurling, Ice Hockey, Korfball, Lacrosse, Netball, Polo, Racquetball, Roller Hockey inline, Roller Hockey Quad, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Soccer, Softball, Squash, Table Tennis, Tennis, Throw ball, Volley ball and Water polo.
The Next generation version of ‘Golf’ could be extrapolated on similar lines however I did not include it in the PCT application at the time. A next generation version of Golf is sitting in my data drive and I have not had a chance to file it yet.

Want to be recognized worldwide as the inventor to Next generation sports. Develop and govern the sports from here in India, for all the multi-prop versions defined by me, wherein the current day mono-prop versions are played in two or more countries.
I am a ‘Global Economist’, Inventor & Author. I am embarking on a journey to bring 93 Trillion Earthlings wealth into India and build India’s national treasury. Further, I will be busy for next 30 years working towards ‘Goal Year 2050 for India’, which would include my work related to ‘Series of Earthling Foundations Initiatives’; my work related to ‘IEC – Indian Economic Council’ and my work related to ‘First Trillion’ and ‘Third Millennium’ groups of companies.
Given all of this, I do not have time to work on these 30 Next generation sports as outlined by me. Over the next couple years, I will be looking to build a team and fully outsource the work related to these 30 next generation sports to them. Their goal over the next decade or two would be to introduce, pilot, define the roll-out version of the sport, promote, market, launch and build these sports into local, national, regional & global sports tournaments. I am looking to fully outsource this work to free up my time for work pertaining to ‘Goal Year 2050 for India’.
Here are some legal statements pertaining to these 30 next generation sports versions as defined and disclosed by me, in PCT application # PCT/IB2016/050325.
- For the first time, privately funded & held organizations will promote, market, define & govern these next generation sports versions as defined by me. I am yet to have related discussions with Indian Government. I am sure, they will oblige with my win-win proposal.
- None of the current day mono-prop sports version governing bodies can legally attempt to introduce, pilot, promote, market or govern the next generation version sports (multi-prop) formats as defined by me in this PCT application. There must be some form of ‘Legal binding’ established before they can attempt to work with my disclosed versions.
- The current day mono-prop sport governing bodies include: NFL, AFL Commission, BWF, FIB (Federation of International Bandy), IBAF (International Baseball Federation), MLB (USA), FIBA (International Basketball Federation), NBA, CFL, ICC, FIH (International Hockey Federation), GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association), IHF (International Handball Federation), IIHF (International Ice Hockey Federation), NHL (USA and Canada), IKF (International Korfball Federation), FIL (Federation of International Lacrosse), US Lacrosse, INF (International Netball Federation), FIP (Federation of International Polo), IRF (International Racquetball Federation), FIRS (Federation International De Roller Sports), CIRH (International Rink Hockey Committee), RLIF (Rugby League International Federation), World Rugby, FIFA, WBSC (World Baseball and Softball Confederation), WSF (World Squash Federation), ITTF (International TT Federation), ITF (International Tennis Federation), WTF (World Throwball Federation), FIVB (Federation International De Volleyball), FINA (International Swimming Federation). These governing bodies cannot legally attempt to introduce, pilot, promote, market or govern the next generation version sports (multi-prop) formats as defined by me in this PCT application.
- Lausanne, Switzerland is the home for an approximate 20 of these mono-prop version current day sports governing bodies. If situation demands, I will discuss this publication with the Government of Switzerland, to have a clear understanding on the subject.
- As Indian citizen, I reserve all rights to pilot, promote, market and Govern the version of sport as defined and disclosed by me in the PCT application & publication.
- It must be understood that sports played by only one country may not be something which I will be interested to pilot, market, promote or Govern from here in India in the long term. I will look to give away the governing & control of such sports played by only one country or a select few.
- One must understand a ‘Governing body’ once established Governs the sport not just for 50, 100 or 500 years; but forever. This must be thought over, in the context of these 30 next generation sports versions as defined & disclosed by me.
Srinivas Devathi, Inventor to Next Generation Sports
Legal statements by Srinivas DS on the Next generation sports publication. He speaks of sports that he does not wish to govern and his priority towards business and economics as opposed to promoting these sports. He may outsource the entire work by setting up a team in India.
Two Abandoned Applications
My priority has always been to secure the global IP rights to my main patented invention of US 8,910,998 – ‘Vehicle Color Change Technology’. I invested all my wealth into that invention IP rights. Due to this and given USA Corporations / USPTO’s global fraud, I abandoned two applications related to Next generation Sports. Priority USA application and a national stage Japan application. While I have abandoned the ‘System claims’ – gaming IP rights, I leave everyone with the following statement.
As Indian citizen, I reserve all rights to pilot, promote, market and Govern the version of sport(s) as defined and disclosed by me in the PCT application & publication. People or organizations looking to govern this sport in their territory must have a legal binding with me in order to do so.
Thought crystallization resulting in the invention of ‘Next Generation Sports’.
As I have mentioned in my websites homepage ‘How my Inventions happened. A write up on source to creativity and inventiveness’ section; here is the detail on how this invention happened.
Prior Knowledge:
The prior knowledge, related comments and events; that did not result in the invention by themselves, however contributed to the point of thought crystallization:
- I have followed sports all my life, mostly Cricket and Soccer (mainly World cup tournaments as it relates to Soccer). Badminton and Table Tennis as part of Olympics or Asian games.
- I have played sports all my life (though not professionally). Includes Cricket, Soccer, Badminton, and Table Tennis.
- When I saw ‘American Football’ on television for the first time, I saw 8 or 10 guys pile up in a heap to get hold of the ball in the sport. I had an instant retort ‘Give them a second ball’ and went into the room. I do not think anyone around me at the time heard my statement.
- I was an avid reader of news and sports magazines. Would catch up on news and current affairs almost daily online. I have read about head injuries in American Football, concussions and about the debates on should the sport even be played given the injuries?
- The players insurance legal battles and court claims were also in news.
Understand, no invention until now. Only knowledge and ‘Knowledge is said to be power in some form’. I realize the meaning of this line better than anyone else.
Thought crystallization:
In mid-June 2014, after lunch on a Sunday I stopped by a local ground to see what sports / activities were going on. I stayed there for a few minutes and saw some locals play American Football with frisbee, and then left. While driving back to my motel, the thought crystallization happened, and I outlined the ‘Next generation American Football’. When I reached the motel, after some analysis, I defined that using three balls is best suited while balancing entertainment and complexity. This invention could be termed as ‘accidental invention’, as I was not ‘solving a problem’.
All the prior knowledge and reading helped me know the problem and the sudden ‘Flash of genius’ resulted in ‘Improving a sport that has been played in one way for the last 150 years, thus defining the next generation American Football’.
On August 1st 2014, I met an IP lawyer, and discussed this version of sport in detail, and his legal advise was that I file for the patent, as there was commercial potential to make a lot of wealth, given the gaming industry while referring to the new version of sport for USA. So, I filed a priority patent application on 30/1/2015 with application number 14/610,195 with USPTO. Then I filed a PCT global application, extrapolating the ‘Multi-prop’ approach to 29 other global sports. Multi-prop includes multi-ball, multi-puck or multi-shuttle cock. The PCT international application was filed on 22/1/2016 with PCT patent application number PCT/IB2016/050325. The potential of this PCT application is in the ‘Worldwide Governing of these next generation sports’ and this opportunity makes the gaming revenue potential negligible. I intend to govern all the new sports defined by me in the PCT application right from here in India. Shall take the Indian government into confidence when the time is right for the same.
Legal Summary:
The above ‘Thought crystallization’ is the reason for my invention. This invention could be termed as ‘accidental invention’, as I was not ‘solving a problem’. I am the inventor to ‘Next generation sports’ and any organization looking to ‘Pilot, market, promote and govern’ a next generation version of sport as described by me, must have a ‘Legal binding’ with me (permission by a legal agreement to do so).
The World must clearly understand that the current day ‘Mono-prop’ (one ball, one puck and one shuttle cock) sports governing bodies have documentation, charters, playing rules, tournament rules, governing rules, governing methods and all paperwork (of last 150 to 200 years depending on the sport) pointing to the current day mono-prop versions. Hence, they cannot pilot, market, promote or govern the multi-prop versions disclosed by me in my WIPO publication, without a legal agreement established with me.
Legal binding on Next generation sports and their related comments:
Given that I would bring in 93 Trillion Earthlings / $ into India via the sale of my invention patent # US 8,910,998 issued on 16-12-2014, recognized worldwide by PCT application PCT/US2014/046619 filed on 15-7-2014 to 62 countries by executing 62 sale agreements with relevant stakeholders; my intentions in enforcing a legal binding for governance of next generation sports defined in this page are purely
- Primarily non-monetary, and member countries join the governing authority in a 50-50 financial model explained in sections below, and
- For the worldwide (all 193 countries) recognition of me as the inventor to 30 next generation sports, and the invention name and fame that comes with it. I refer people all over the world to my PCT application PCT/IB2016/050325 filed on 22-1-2016, with WIPO publication ID of WO2016120766.
Other legal comments:
Mono-prop sports played in one country:
Governing rights of multi-prop version of sport as defined in my publication, the mono-prop version of which is currently played only in one country, for that country will be given as part of that respective country ‘sale agreement for my invention IP rights US 8,910,998’. Four citations are given here. This includes American football, Canadian football, Gaelic football, and Australian football for their respective countries, for the block of 20-years starting from 2015 to 2035. By the year 2034, they must have a legal binding (50-50 wealth sharing model as described in paragraphs below) with the next generation sport governing authority I shall establish in India. The legal binding could also be procurement of governing rights to the sport for their territory for a block of 100-years ((year 2015 to 2115) OR 2015 AD to 93 FE (refer Project Earthling(c) webpage for FE)), IF THEY CHOOSE TO.
Governing rights for multi-prop (next generation) version of American Football as defined in my publication, for the territory of USA (and not for any other country/territory) will be given along with and within the sale price of Srinivas-Hirshfeld Deal (like freebie, for the block of 20-years starting from 2015 to 2035) when the deal is executed for the value of 22.5 Trillion $ / Earthlings. The same has been mentioned in the webpage: https://srinivasdevathi.com/add-on-sale-deal-for-usa-next-generation-version-of-american-football/
Governing rights for multi-prop (next generation) version of Canadian Football as defined in my publication, for the territory of Canada (and not for any other country/territory) will be given along with and within the sale price of Srinivas-Justin Deal (like freebie, for the block of 20-years starting from 2015 to 2035) when the deal is executed for the value of 3 Trillion Earthlings.
Governing rights for multi-prop (next generation) version of Australian Football as defined in my publication, for the territory of Australia (and not for any other country/territory) will be given along with and within the sale price of Srinivas-Scott Deal (like freebie, for the block of 20-years starting from 2015 to 2035) when the deal is executed for the value of 2 Trillion Earthlings.
Governing rights for multi-prop (next generation) version of Gaelic Football as defined in my publication, for the territory of Ireland (and not for any other country/territory) will be given along with and within the sale price of Srinivas-Micheal Deal (like freebie, for the block of 20-years starting from 2015 to 2035) when the deal is executed for the value of 342,499,523,081 Earthlings.
For all other multi-prop sports as defined in my publication, the mono-prop versions of which are played in two or more countries:
For all other multi-prop sports as defined in my publication, the mono-prop versions of which are played in two or more countries, the worldwide governing body will be established in India, financed by me privately. The governing body will have a resident representative from each country where that ‘next generation sport’ is played. Each country where that sport is embraced, will have a legal binding with the worldwide governing body set-up by me.
The legal binding is non-monetary and is for recognition of my work and invention across the world.
I would like to identify two Indian states or Union territories where the worldwide governing bodies will be established (for each of the ‘next generation sport’ which will be piloted into a prominent playable version which will be embraced worldwide). Both these states or Union territories will have international airport access for member country representatives to come for assemblies and meetings. Each ‘next generation sport’ worldwide governing body will have one seat for each participating member country, which is playing the version of sport defined.
I shall finance these sports, as I will have wealth to finance this. And the expense – earnings breakup between the worldwide governing body and each member country (in the long term) will settle for 50-50. In the next few decades, I may adjust this profit-sharing ratio slightly depending on the economic band of the member country. With Project Earthling(c) going live, some of the countries in poorer economic bands will benefit economically by organizing and developing sports in their countries. Full T&C’S will be outlined when the worldwide governing body is formed. Simply put, the rights for each defined sport will be given to all countries at NO COST, with an agreement of 50-50 with each member country (both expenses and income).
Srinivas S. Devathi, 12-01-2021.
Design of device Snapper.
While the PCT application is fully related to next generation sports, the design of a device ‘Snapper’ that I describe in both the priority application and the PCT international application has been appreciated by some who I discussed this publication with, specially the usability of it on the playing field by allowing it to collapse on the ground by which players could run right over it without any obstruction to their play. This is as opposed to some fabricated apparatus sitting in the center of the field and obstructing the play. You can see all the drawings related to Snapper, and other drawings in the PCT application, at the WIPO publication drawings link: https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2016120766&tab=DRAWINGS&_cid=P22-KRXR29-35795-1
How my Inventions happened. A write up on source to creativity and inventiveness – Srinivas Devathi
To all media houses; to all law firms; everyone:
I had sent a document dated April 28, 2018; and some e-mail communications around that date about ‘How the inventions happened’. In that document, I speak off a two stage / two phase approach to my inventions; in an Inception and then Conception phase. However, I must say after much introspection, the Inception phase is a non-existent phase. It is just the Conception point, which is the Eureka moment when the invention happens; solving a particular problem. You must note, an invention always solves a problem and only when it does, will it have any market potential, business potential or revenue and income viability. I make this statement because typically for an invention to happen (solve a problem), there is a lot of earlier information, data, knowledge a person needs to have which kind of elaborates to multiple inception points / multiple data points of knowledge. Without all this prior information, knowledge and data, one will never be able to solve a problem or have a Eureka moment. Hence, this document about ‘How the inventions have happened’ overrides the earlier communications (of mine) about ‘How inventions happened’. I shall disclose the same to media houses when I formally talk about this and certainly there will be books written about this subject in detail as well.
In my case, most of my inventions have happened when I was trying to solve a problem that I was facing resulting in the invention. Among other inventions which could be called as accidental inventions by some (which happened when I was not consciously trying to solve a problem), by a process called “Thought crystallization or thought culmination, resulting in the Eureka moment”.
A simple way of explaining this is; a farmer is very unlikely to solve a mechanical engineering problem or come up with new Electronic system invention. Similarly, a computer science student is unlikely to come up with new economics theories / practices. You get the message / theme.
Essentially, there must be foundational knowledge pertaining to the field you invent in or have a Eureka moment in. The foundational knowledge comes by learning, studying the subject or at least capturing relevant information in the field / subject by your reading practices.
At some point all the information you have, all knowledge you have, all data you have, all thoughts from the data and knowledge, content you have (which could be everything you have studied in your school, College, read in papers, magazines, captured as information via news or other medium, etc.); might culminate in you solving a problem or having the Eureka moment (when you are not trying to solve a problem). Without the content, it is unlikely that you will ever solve a problem, invent anything, or have a Eureka moment.
My study in field of Mechanical engineering was prerequisite for my Vehicle Color Change Technology invention in Q1 (Quarter one) of 2007.
Lot of reading about businesses / corporate world / economics through papers, magazines and following them regularly was the prerequisite for authoring Project Earthling© and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020©; so that the 93 Trillion deal is enabled and completed. I authored this content when I was trying to solve the problem or answer the question ‘How do I enable the largest deal in the world covering many country IP rights to my invention of ‘Vehicle Color Change Technology’?’.
I endorse ‘Thought crystallization’ / ‘Thought culmination’ resulting in the Eureka moment; with the required knowledge to achieve the same; as the final core reason for inventiveness and creativity. However, it must be clearly understood that the following two scenarios are fairly normal in the World. A scholar with a lot of knowledge and information in one field may not be creative enough to deliver an invention or solve a problem. And at the same time, a naturally creative person may not have knowledge, required information in any field to come up with an invention or solve a problem.
Srinivas S. Devathi, Serial Inventor, Oct 27th ,2019; Bangalore, India.
Negative tactics used by my ‘Public enemies’ out of jealousy, racism, and hatred. Do not believe them.
As explained in the section above this is an accidental invention. Unrelated events from my birth until mid-June 2014, do not have any connection to this accidental invention. All my knowledge about sports, my following of sports for decades, helped me detail the next generation sports in this PCT international application.
Do not believe any negative tactics used by my public enemies who have attempted to link several events, absolutely unrelated from my earlier life as a reason to my invention. These are nothing but fraudulent fabricated attempts that have stemmed from jealousy, hatred, and racism.