18 October 2024

Press club of Bangalore, Media conference at 11am.

Title. ‘LEGAL FACTS AND LEGAL DOCUMENTS’ related to the transformative patented invention PCT/us2014/046619, and the other sector applications of the same invention ‘Systems and Methods’ PCT/IB2016/050993, PCT/IB2016/050994, and PCT/IB2016/050995.


Title. My authored copyright works, including ‘PROJECT EARTHLING©’, and the related follow through Macro Transformations.


4 October 2024

Press club of Bangalore, Media conference at 11am. Attached is the invitiation that was distributed by the Press club of Bangalore.

Given that my Invention and Macro Economic reform Project Earthling© are subjects connected Worldwide, and are International, the National media houses in INDIA, that publish in english, which are few participated in the press conference. There are a large number of regional language media houses, publishing and broadcasting, across INDIA, who will eventually engage with and present the subject with detailed translations, of court orders and Macro Economic reform. While Patenting of Inventions and Designs is existing in the World, earliest documents dating nearly 300 years ago, the ‘INVENTION, AND PATENT’ is a new subject for INDIA media houses. They indicate that while they have got to read the Honorable court orders, my Invention, PCT, all PCT applications of my inventions, ISR’S, 62 country patent rights, and Macro Economic reform Project Earthling© are complicated for them to understand. Given this fact, I would present the information, facts, documents, details of PCT, in relatively a steady pace over few media conferences. I presented certain pertinent facts in this media conference and will continue from there in the next scheduled media conference on 18-10-2024.

18 August 2024.

I issued the following Press release to all INDIA media houses, from Bangalore Press Club.

Title. Introduction of Macro Economic Reform Project Earthling©. Copyright registration L-149362/2024 for ‘Project Earthling World Independence Day©’ issued in my name, by INDIA copyright office, on 19/06/2024.

From. Author Srinivas S. Devathi

The Press release and the documents included in the press release, are attached here.

18 August 2024. Another press release issued on the same day.

I issued the following Press release to all INDIA media houses, from Bangalore Press Club.

Title. Honorable court orders ‘Allowing’ the cause of action in WP 12356 of 2023. And the details of its full ‘Legal Resolution’, execution of 62 sale agreements.

From. Petitioner Srinivas S. Devathi

The Press release and the documents included in the press release, are attached here.


Planned introduction of Project Earthling©, Macro Economic reform and a global banking reform, at Bangalore Press Club. The corona pandemic restrictions caused the cancellation of introductory event.

18 March 2021.

Press release to worldwide media houses on 18-3-2021 from Bangalore Press Club:

Press release on Project Earthling©, a Macro Economic reform. 

A macro-economic flaw that has made all importers in the world (importers from all 192 non-USA countries) pay more than what they should have due to a manipulated USD ($ – US Dollar that has been artificially kept strong against all other world currencies) has gone unnoticed for 240 years, and it must be fixed right now. THIS IS AN ONGOING FRAUD / FLAW DUE TO WHICH ALL IMPORTERS FROM ALL 192 NON-USA COUNTRIES ARE PAYING MORE ON THEIR IMPORTS THAT ARE PRICED IN USD ($). IT IS SAME AS THE 192 COUNTRIES PAYING MORE FOR THEIR IMPORTS. Realize that USD is the local / domestic currency of one country USA, which has been intentionally monopolized across the world as a global transaction / deal making / bribing / commodity pricing currency (several commodities). Hence, I introduce a new currency that is not a local / domestic currency of any one country, and is purely a international trade and business currency, foreign exchange currency, and national reserve currency. This new currency is named as ‘Earthlings’. Symbol of Earthling is given in the attached document A1. Earthlings currency will put an end to two varying frames of reference and all commodities will be priced in Earthlings which will in turn hold its value for a period of 10 years, at the end of which its value will be reset (either strengthened or weakened for the benefit of world economy) to a new value which shall remain for another period of 10-years. 

The following files were attached with the Press Release.  

The importance of the reform and my work to the entire world can be recognized in this file A7 which shows the cascading effects of my work to world countries.


95 slides of information presented to Indian media houses on 13 Jan 2020, at Mumbai Press Club.

The content covered my invention, its worldwide IP rights sale price valuation, the global transformations of Project Earthling© and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020©.

JULY 2017

The invention US 8,910,998 and technology details were presented to Indian media houses at my office in July 2017. Here are some newspaper publication images and photographs from media interactions.

By Deccan Herald, in their Wheels, Automotive Industry supplement, on July 19, 2017.
By Prajavani, in their Metro supplement, on July 19, 2017.