This WP was filed with the Honorable High court of Karnataka on 30-8-2024.
The respondent 2 bought out 100% by a foreign company, and respondent 3, that provide services to me, must not impose ‘External cage’ which might work against, me, the interest of respondent 1 UNION OF INDIA, 1.2 billion HINDUS living in INDIA, and the religion of HINDUISM. The prayer is requesting the Honorable court to issue necessary orders to respondents 2 and 3, to deliver secure, unbiased, patriotic, services according to INDIA laws, until the conclusion of the execution of 62 sale agreements. The Honorable court and respondent 1, Legal and Treaties Division of Ministry of External Affairs, to ensure respondents 2 and 3 adhere to INDIA laws, do not take bait of their usa offices committing anti INDIA, anti HINDUISM activities, or Treason against Union of India, until the conclusion of the execution of 62 sale agreements.
The WP filed is attached here. This WP will be connected with WA 983 of 2024.
The Prayer in the WP will be segregated into Interim Prayer, and Prayer, and resequenced, for office objection compliance.
Activity on 12-9-2024
I complied with the office objections, and requested that the WP be scheduled for Party in person committe meeting. Here are the replaced Prayer page nos 21 – 26, which includes Interim Prayer, restitched in the WP.
Activity on 18-9-2024
I attended the scheduled Party in person committee meeting. It concluded by stating that I could present the WP to the Honorable court. Form C will be issued.
Activity on 24-9-2024
Moved a memo for posting in the Honorable court CH 1. Requested for 30 minutes of hearing time, to present the WP. The Honorable court posted the WP for hearing on 25-10-2024.
Activity on 25-10-2024
The WP was not listed on the cause list of CH 1. For IPR classification, I was directed to CH 6.
Activity on 28-10-2024
The WP is posted for hearing on 4-11-2024.
Activity on 4-11-2024
In an interactive discussion, the Honorable court got me to present the jist of the WP. The Honorable court issued orders for me to issue notice / summons for respondent 2 and respondent 3. I served copy of the WP to respondent 1 at ASG office on the date fo filing of the WP, which was acknowledged. The Honorable court indicated there is a two months notice time that the court grants, and issued orders to call the WP for hearing in January second week of 2025.
Activity on 6-11-2024
I filed the following Memo for production of additional documents with the Honorable court, including Annexures E1 and F1.
Activity on 7-11-2024
I issued notice and summons for respondents 2 and 3, through INDIA speed post, which included the Orders issued by Honorable court on 4-11-2024, copy of WP and copy of memo filed on 6-11-2024. The speed post receipts and online delivery confirmation of the notice and summons are attached here.
WP is posted for hearing in January second week of 2025.
Status remark on 17-1-2025. I checked the cause list everyday between 6-1-2025 until 17-1-2025. The WP was not listed, and I must speak with the Honorable court to get this WP Listed. The listing would have allowed respondent 1 to provide the ‘Status about ‘Consent Letter”, which was due by 14-12-2024 according to Honorable courts order.
Activity on 21-1-2025
I moved a memo for posting this WP. The Honorable court listed the WP for 11-2-2025.
Activity on 11-2-2025
I presented the facts regarding delivery of ‘notice and summons’ to respondents 2 and 3, to the Honorable court. Placed the India Post delivery confirmation print outs for the record of the Honorable court. Respondent 3 lawyer filed their legal representation. Respondent 2 were called out in the open court. The Honorable court listed the WP on 3-3-2025.