Before the appeals begin, definition of USPTO fraud.
United States Patent and Trademark Office – USPTO has committed the ‘Breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty’ (Articles 18 and 19 of PCT), and have been caught with documented evidence that proves their worldwide fraud ‘beyond any reasonable doubt’, by fabricating prior art of Cobb (fabricated number US 7,516,764) and Price (fabricated number US 5,636,669) (by using / stealing one of the five designs outlined in my invention patent US 8,910,998, shell design, illustrated in figure 4 of my patent), and issuing a fabricated ISR – International Search Report, with a fabricated past date to ensure the two-month window to file article 19 amendments with IB-WIPO is lost. This fraud of USPTO is to steal a total of at least 93 Trillion $ / Earthlings (refer my website webpage to read about Earthlings) by conservative estimate from me, India, and Hindus living in India. And further, to block the economic growth, progress, and development of country India and 60 other world countries where I have sought IP rights protection.
A visual illustration of USPTO fraud and breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty.

The expected resolution of USPTO fraud and conclusion of the distribution of IP rights to 62 countries by executing 62 sale agreements.

Visit the webpage for the full break down and details of the 62 sale agreements / 62 sale deals that will be the final resolution of USPTO fraud and breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty that has been signed by 153 countries. The webpage is in the dropdown list of CJI tab in the menu options at the top of the page.
My appeals to the world videos.
This webpage is a page of videos. In each video, Srinivas S. Devathi is reaching out, informing, seeking support, providing clarity to different countries, groups of countries, organizations, people, people in power and simply all 9.5 Billion people and 193 world countries to review the content on his invention, his authored content of Project Earthling(c) and United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c); rally their support to vote for the implementation and roll-out of the transformations when the time comes for their decisive voting.
Message to Hon’ble PM of India for Delhi’s support to introduce the transformations at UNGA and UN-EcoSoc.
Reaching out to Hon’ble Secretary General Mr. Yousef Bin Ahmad of OIC – Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its 57 member nations to support and vote for the transformations (authored by Srinivas) at UNGA and UN-EcoSoc.
Reaching out to the other 135 countries to support and vote for the transformations (authored by Srinivas) at UNGA and UN-EcoSoc. These 135 countries are non-USA, non-UK countries that include European union of countries, Asian countries, South American countries, African countries and Puertorican countries.
Foundational legal principle followed across the world, which is a hurdle to my public enemies.
USA-UK and their allies who have attempted to use negative tactics against me must understand one thing very clearly.
Most of the judicial organs, courts across the world allow ‘Party-in-person’ representation since the fundamental law / principle they adopt is ‘people are presumed mentally fit and normal (sane) unless proven otherwise in the court in the presence of the subject and the Honorable judges’. The onus to prove such a thing is on people who are attempting to do so against any person.
This is precisely the reason as to why USA-UK or any of their allies have not shown up or confronted me in any court till date. They know that their fraud will be exposed in front of the Honorable court and judges. Further, I also state that I have always been a person of sound mental health and in that a very high achiever, with success stories to script all across my life. My inventions and globally transformative authored subjects speak for themselves.
I presume the same legal principle would be applied at ICJ, if they were to allow lawsuit filing by individual parties / inventors. According to my communications with them, they take in lawsuits only from country governments (their MEA).
Series of videos on negative tactics employed and adopted by USA and UK. The first video is the ‘Negative Tactics’ summary video, followed by the series.
Negative Tactics Video 1
Negative Tactics Video 2
Negative Tactics Video 3
Negative Tactics Video 4
Negative Tactics Video 5
Negative Tactics Video 6
The potent combination of these two corporations of usa, can threaten the very existence of humanity.
The potent combination of these two corporations of USA, can threaten the very existence of humanity. Food, drugs, and their combinations in varying proportions, targeting / concentrating on various organs, can target every cell of any organ of a human being. While their ambitions are to harvest human organs to get second lives in usa, they also fancy the idea of controlling human beings in a way to restrict their intelligence (or keep them dumb), or wipe out / erase their memory by controlling various regions of the human brain. Janssen pharmaceuticals division of J&J concentrates on human brain and human control; and would want to keep the population of 192 countries at low IQ. Other subsidiaries of J&J work on all other human organs and they also include bio-pharmaceuticals. To stop usa from attempting to mix the two and deliver potent poison to people all over the world through their food chains / corporations, it is the immediate priority of all the 192 world countries to take the macro-governance reform United Nations global governance model 2020(c) live, immediately after taking the macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c) live. The governance reform will define and provide access to international law and justice through the Judicial council.
These two usa corporations J&J and mcDonalds wanted to do predictive analytics to know my upcoming work, inventions, transformational work, by negative tactics explained by me in negative tactics videos 7 and 8. Despite all their efforts they have only been able to anticipate my daily schedule, depending on pattern, where I eat food and what I generally eat, etc.; and never anticipated any of my recent work, a subset of which includes macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c), macro-governance reform United Nations Global Governance Model 2020(c), My executed living will for the current value of 93 Trillion Earthlings / $, Goal year 2050 for India with 30 years of upcoming work / transformative initiatives, and their cascading effects to at least 100 poor countries of the world. Further they never anticipated the approach by which I diffused the death trap they put me into with the ‘Fire scam’. Certainly they did not anticipate the organizations of GEC, Judicial council that I have defined with the macro-governance reform, giving a very preliminary look into the new organization which will be fully defined and detailed by me. These corporations, along with all the other usa corporations, and citizens can now do all the predictive analytics about how many of the 192 countries will file legal claims according to law against usa for ‘crimes against humanity’ which they have committed against their country, over the last 240 years. These claims will be made in Earthlings currency with the Judicial council with a neutral bench of judges presiding. They can do all the number crunching and calculations and will be occupied for years to come.