WP 12356 of 2023, Writ Petition for Consent letter of Indian Government

The following Writ Petition was filed with the Honorable High Court of Karnataka on 12/06/2023.
It was given an FR No. WP/12343/2023.

WP Number, WP 12356 of 2023 has been issued for the Writ Petition. Form c was issued by PIP committee.

Activity on 20-6-2023, at CH-13

Honorable court redirected the Writ Petition to CH-9, given its classification Gen-Res, depending on earlier orders.

Activity on 26-6-2023, at CH-9

Honorable court directed respondent to provide response to the Writ Petition. Posted the petition for 10-7-2023.

Activity on 4-7-2023

The following ‘Memorandum for production of additional documents’ with Annexure G was filed with the Honorable High Court of Karnataka.

Activity on 10-7-2023

I gave a copy of the ‘Memorandum for production of additional documents’ with Annexure G to respondent. Mentioned to the Honorable court that, according to Patent Cooperation Treaty, I am the Applicant, and hence no one can represent me or attempt to represent me, including the respondent. The petition is posted for further hearing on 3-8-2023.

Activity on 3-8-2023

Before the WP according to the cause list was called, the afternoon session of the court ended. The petition is posted for further hearing on 18-8-2023.

Activity on 18-8-2023

While I attempted to present the documented evidence, the Honorable court wanted to exhaust the time respondent must be given to file a response, if they have one, and posted the WP for 11-9-2023. I expect to be heard and / or receive orders on 11-9-2023.

Activity on 11-9-2023

The Honorable court states respondent must be given time to respond. Posted the WP for 25-9-2023.

Activity on 25-9-2023

Cause list number 46 was not going to be called. Respondent has not filed any objections. Upon sharing the reasons, urgency for receiving orders, the Hon’ble court posted the WP for hearing on 4-10-2023.

Activity on 4-10-2023

The Honorable court once again gave two weeks to the respondent to file objections if they have any. Posted the WP for 18-10-2023. I want to present the documented evidence and receive orders.

Activity on 18-10-2023

There was no sitting at the Honorable court. Further a roster change moved GM-RES, this petition to CH-21.

Activity on 25-10-2023

I presented a ‘memo for posting’ in CH-21. I shared the legal urgency to receive the orders. The Honorable court posted the WP for hearing on 2-11-2023.

Activity on 2-11-2023

WP not listed in the cause list. Petition asked to be brought to court for 2:30pm hearing. Petition file not brought to court in the afternoon, Honorable court posts WP for hearing on 6-11-2023.

Activity on 6-11-2023

The Honorable court gave me few minutes to present legal facts related to WP. Giving respondent two more weeks to respond, posts the WP for hearing on 22-11-2023.

Activity on 9-11-2023

I file the following ‘Memo for production of additional documents’ at the filing counter of the Honorable court. This includes legal documents related to abandoning the ‘usa permanent resident card’ on 20-3-2015, my bank remittances for renting virtual office address for correspondence, bank remittance for filing PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619, invoice given by the IP lawyers showing zero balance, that I paid for their services to file the PCT international application, and also includes schematic visuals illustrating the breach by uspto.

Activity on 22-11-2023

WP cause list number did not reach. Honorable court posts the WP for hearing on 23-11-2023.

Activity on 23-11-2023

Respondent filed objections. Honorable court posted the WP for hearing on 24-11-2023.

Activity on 24-11-2023

I presented the facts of WP, and the breach of PCT articles 18(2) and 19(1) committed by uspto to the Honorable court. Citing that the WP involves 61 world country patent rights including India, Honorable court stated that they would classify the WP to ‘IPR – Intellectual Property Rights’ classification, and must be moved to CH-25. Suggested I move a memo in CH-25.

Activity on 27-11-2023

I filed for ‘Certified true copies’ of the orders in WP 12356/2023 (pending status), which are required to present a ‘memo for posting’ in CH-25. The orders must include the orders given by the court on 24-11-2023. I am waiting to receive the ‘certified true copies’, receipt given no. 150662/2023, with CR No. 23929/2023. I will post the WP in CH-25 upon receipt of ‘true copies’.

Activity on 4-12-2023

Appeared in front of the Honorable Chief Justice of Karnataka. Presented the facts related to court hearing on 24-11-2023. Honorable Chief Justice indicated that if the Judge / Court has issued orders, the WP will be routed to the other court conducting the IPR WP proceeding. The registry will do the needful. And that I could move the memo for posting.

Activity on 7-12-2023

WP 12356 / 2023 was connected with WP 13823 / 2023, and listed on cause list as 27 and 27.1. The Honorable court ordered that I must file a response in writing, to objections filed by respondent, and address remarks related to CPC section 86. I will be filing the response at the earliest and will also present a memo for posting to be heard and receive orders.

Activity on 11-12-2023

I filed the following Memo for production of additional documents, Annexure A1 that include the WIPO publications print-outs for PCT international applications PCT/US2014/046619, PCT/IB2016/050993, PCT/IB2016/050994, and PCT/IB2016/050995. The memo also includes my response to the objections filed by Respondent, also addressing remarks on CPC section 86. In CH-25, I presented a ‘Memo for posting’ to be heard again today, requested hearing time of 60 minutes to receive the orders. Shared the urgency that USPTO breached PCT articles on 5-8-2015, with the loss of 60 world country patent rights, the worldwide liability to USPTO was caused on 1-4-2019, and that there is urgency in ‘Introducing the macro-economic reform Project Earthling(c)’ to 193 world country delegates at WIPO assembly, so that we build our national treasury and states / union territories treasury in world neutral currency of Earthlings. The Honorable court states it cannot be taken up this week, there will be a roster change and that I must move a memo on January 2nd 2024.

Activity on 2-1-2024

I submitted a Memo for posting in CH-31. The Honorable court posted the Writ Petition for hearing on 3-1-2024.

Activity on 3-1-2024

The Honorable court allowed me to speak for over 90 minutes, and present the ‘CAUSE OF ACTION’ for the Writ Petition ‘Breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty articles 18(2) and 19(1) committed by United States Patent and Trademark Office, on 5-8-2015, in their capacity of International Searching Authority, by issuing a fabricated International Search Report, with a fabricated date 9 months in the past, for my invention PCT international application PCT/US2014/046619, taking priority, and a replica of my invention patent us 8,910,998 B1’, present the full facts of the Writ Petition, documented evidence, and also walk through the Patent Cooperation Treaty relevant articles and preamble. I did indicate to the Honorable court that India national stage patent application was also negatively effected by the fabricated ISR, same as the other 59 world country patent rights, that were negatively effected. The requested ‘Consent letter’ would allow me to sue USPTO, and claim liability for loss of worldwide patent rights, including India. According to PCT, the outcome of what happens to other 59 world countries, national stage, regional stage applications, is the same outcome for India national stage application. The Prayer in the Writ Petition, is maintainable according to facts, documented evidence, and a legal agreement that binds 156 world countries, the Patent Cooperation Treaty. I was expecting to receive orders, while the Honorable court questioned and asked the respondent to provide their reasoning, and explanation for not issuing the ‘Consent letter yet’. Posted it for hearing and orders for 11-01-2024.

Activity on 11-1-2024

The respondent sought few days time to file a communication. I handed over the ‘respondent copy’ of Memo filed on 9-1-2024, for WP 13823/2023. The Honorable court adjourned the WP for ‘Hearing and orders’ to 18-1-2024.

Activity on 18-1-2024

I received a two page write up from respondent. My response to ‘objections filed by respondent’ in the memo filed on 11-12-2023, address this write up. My prayer in WP 12356/2023 is maintainable on facts, documented evidence, and a legal agreement, Patent Cooperation Treaty. According to Honorable courts orders dated 5-12-2023, both the Writ petitions are connected.

Activity on 25-1-2024

The afternoon session of the court started at 3:50pm. I got the hearing time to present annexure J, annexure K, and most of annexure D2. I presented the technical details regarding manufacturing the two layer integrated fluid tight space design, shell design, figure 4 in patent us 8,910,998 B1, using extrusion machines, and why uspto went after that design to fabricate prior art cobb and price. The technology is ready to be embraced by automotive production plants across 62 countries, in the PRESENT. The technical details related to the PCT international application PCT/IB2016/050994, the TI factors related to the exemplary ‘Thermal insulation’ application were presented, and that the technology is in the PRESENT to realize energy savings right now, and that the savings are perpetual. I introduced the two graphs attached in annexure D2, and how the estimation of the sale price for patent us 8,910,998 B1 across 62 world countries was evaluated by me and how I chose the conservative sale price number of 93 Trillion Earthlings as the cumulated liability to be paid to me, into my bank account in INDIA. Introduced RBI regulations, in me receiving the liability payout, and hence the introduction of the Macro Economic reform Project Earthling(c) to 193 world country delegates at WIPO in a 24 hour event was of high priority, and indicated that it is extremely important reform for the world countries that should have gone live 250 or 300 years ago. With all the documented evidence presented, I requested orders for prayer in WP 12356/2023, and prayer point F, and Interim prayer points R, S, T of WP 13823/2023. While I wanted to get some more hearing time for presenting other annexures after receiving these immediate orders today, the Honorable court moved in the direction of issuing ‘Judgement’ for the Writ petitions. And stated the Judgement would be issued in few days, within next week. The Honorable court indicated all the prayer points would be reviewed and addressed in Judgement. I look forward to reading the Judgement in detail, and continuing the next steps, to get the 62 sale agreements executed, and initiate the ‘original suit’ against uspto. Towards the end, I had to mention to the Honorable court that in WP 4851/2023, the usa sale agreement was prayed to be executed in usd, as an interim pay to be exchanged to Earthlings later, and that is modified in WP 13823/2023, in which the prayer is for executing all 62 sale agreements including usa agreement in EARTHLINGS currency.

Activity on 14-6-2024

The Honorable High court of Karnataka pronounced the orders and issued the following orders, for WP 12356/2023. The orders issued by the Honorable court are attached here. The Honorable court ‘ALLOWED’ the ’cause of action’, breach of Patent Cooperation Treaty articles 18(2) and 19(1) committed by US PTO on 5-8-2015, in their capacity of International Searching Authority, ISA, for my invention ‘Systems and methods for altering the color, appearance, or feel of a vehicle surface’, PCT international application PCT/us2014/046619 filed on 15-7-2014, taking priority of my invention priority application 14/227,859 filed on priority filing date 27-3-2014, which is a patent grant ‘us 8,910,998 B1′ with a patent date of 16-12-2014. Allowing the ’cause of action’, the Honorable court has directed, instructed the respondent to take the necessary action, given that I have presented the full documented evidence, which is also published by WIPO, International Bureau, and issue the ‘Consent letter’ to address the CPC section 86(1), to sue US PTO and summon WIPO, International Bureau to assist the Honorable court with discovery and fact finding. They have directed the respondent to take necessary action and issue the ‘Consent letter’ within six months time. These orders according to LAW and Patent Cooperation Treaty, for the full legal resolution of the ’cause of action’ will move into the execution of 62 sale agreements, one each with each of the 62 world countries, upon the LEGAL conclusion of the ‘Original Suit’ and the organization of ‘Global Earthling Council, GEC’.

These are historic orders, delivering victory to LAW, JUSTICE, EQUALITY, and PATENT COOPERATION TREATY. The LEGAL conclusion of this ’cause of action’ will result in the world realizing the ‘WORLD INDEPENDENCE DAY’, decentralizing the world countries, delivering true freedom, and REAL INDEPENDENCE, to all 191 world countries, while terminating the ‘rouge old world order’, and directing the world into the NEW WORLD ORDER, an EQUAL and UNBIASED World, the New World Order Councils paid for in world neutral currency EARTHLINGS. The significance of the orders cannot be understated.