Projected timeline for 93 Trillion worth agreements to be tracked by the entire world

Projection two-year plan to conclude the execution of 62 sale agreements for the full value of 93 Trillion Earthlings. I am working towards achieving this timeline. However, I am bound by the procedures of Indian judiciary, introduction of Project Earthling© at WIPO, coordinating the schedules of 62 country leaders and designated signatories, media publications, broadcast, and discussion of the subjects. I plan on coordinating and working with all these stakeholders to achieve the following timeline. I am optimistic that the world (all 193 countries) will go along with me in this objective of delivering ‘Real independence and freedom to all countries’, and for the combined good and brighter future of all of humanity.

The 61 tri-party sale agreements will be executed in a way to bring approximately 20% of the value in first year of the sale agreement (year 2022), with the balance (approximate 80% of the value) distributed to come in as payments payable to me over the balance IP tenure years. The last payment would come in year 2033, and I shall distribute the wealth final checks according to my Living will allocations by Q1-2034.

Planned two-year timeline for the execution of 62 sale agreements.

Details of 62 sale agreements for liability claim of 93 Trillion are in the file attached here:

Access the full details at 62 sale agreement details own webpage:

Tentatively planned launch of the first Earthling Foundation (public) trust initiative, which will be broadcasted and followed worldwide: June or July of year 2023.

Srinivas S. Devathi speaks about the magnitude, enormity and the reach of his invention. His invention would impact the lives of every human being in the world by way of personalization and has positive economic impact to all 193 countries in the world.

His invention patent number US 8,910,998 would be called as the invention of the century. Many people think it will be recognized as the invention of the millennium.

Patent number US 8,910,998 will be called as the invention of the century. Many people think it will be recognized as the invention of the millennium.