Indian Economic Council (IEC)

This will be an organization which will be found by me and headed by me. The inauguration and its launch event will happen soon.

IEC will have its own website to showcase its operations and relevant information to Indian citizens. The Council will have 12 Indian economists, all of whom will be Indian citizens, holding Indian passport and living in India only. I shall hire the team.

IEC will work on ‘Economic Policy Making’ to make India a developed country by year 2050. I shall be the de-facto leader to IEC for the full tenure of 30 years, to realize Goal Year 2050. Through the 30 years, the work will involve working with, advising and providing guidance to Indian government, all state governments, RBI and other government agencies.

IEC Protocol and Guidance

IEC would give clear guidance to Indian central government and all state governments on the public side project execution. The project execution protocol as related to Central government projects executed in states V/S State government projects executed in the states, has been considered to determine the ‘Progress & development’ funds allocation between Prime Ministers development fund (10%) and Chief Ministers development fund (15%), as defined in my executed and legalized Living Will; considering 20% income tax goes to Central government. Over the years to come, adjustments to the project execution protocol and/or ‘Progress & development’ funds allocation will be considered by IEC to achieve Goal Year 2050.

I will be providing a very clean, systematic and structured project execution protocol via the procedural guidance, advice and recommendation provided by IEC.

Many IEC policies will be disclosed in public domain so that at least 100 other countries (falling into the categories of poor countries, economically backward countries, emerging economies, and developing countries) could follow the policies, do their own independent evaluation of the policy and adopt it in their country if they choose to.

Initiatives / projects launched by Srinivas S. Devathi to achieve the visionary ‘Goal year 2050’ for India will have its cascading effects to 100 or more countries. A schematic visual showing how the cascading effect will work is shown here:

Cascading effect of work done in India for ‘Goal year 2050’ across 100 or more countries.

45% wealth allocation for Indian central and state governments. IEC will provide guidance on economic policies and reforms to the government. Here is a visual showing the wealth allocations by Srinivas S. Devathi for Goal Year 2050 according to his Living will in force.

IEC shall provide economic policy and guidance to Indian central and state governments.

While worldwide economics study and financial analysis of the 93 Trillion Earthlings deal is expected to happen, IEC will provide economic guidance to all the world countries for their own progress & development. Portions of this economic guidance will come through ‘Earthling Foundations’ initiatives.

Study of this deal will be taken up by all World countries.

Formation of GEC will become the timeline marker for Project Earthling© going live. Project Earthling© will be invaluable to the world and humanity.

Difficult to put a price for true freedom and independence for centuries and millennia to come.

Even before the formation of IEC – Indian Economic Council, I have provided strategy and guidance to India, which is visible in the attached four page ‘Strategy document’. The same could be found in the webpage

Over the next 30 years, by being the de-facto leader for IEC, I would provide economic guidance, strategy and direction to Indian government, all state governments and collectively India to achieve ‘Goal year 2050 for India’.

Role for next 30 years.